2003/1/20 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:27155 Activity:nil |
1/19 I prefer to align my politics with people *really* in the know on these sorts of things: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/gossip/story/52957p-49641c.html |
2003/1/20-21 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27156 Activity:insanely high |
1/19 CHEW ON THIS by Christopher Hitchens http://www.thestranger.com/current/feature2.html \_ [formatd was all over this thread] \_ I have a lot of respect for Mr. Hitchens, and his arguments changed my mind about the war against the Taliban. He makes good points, and I will chew on them for a while. \_ I have a lot of respect for Mr. Hitchens, and his arguments changed my mind about the war against the Taliban. He makes good points, and I will chew on them for a while. \_ Don't you mean war against Islam? \_ Let's be honest: what's wrong with a war against Islam? Or my favorite, "this is a war about oil!". Ok, so what? I can agree to that. I also have no problem with that. Go live in a cave for a year and tell me it isn't worth it. You won't even have a bicycle without oil, much less kuro5hin or slashdot or any of the rest of the leftist too-young-to-get-it net denizens. Same thing for the Euros who want the yankees go home. Let em defend themselves with their own budgets. Go read any press in the world. Read the Arab's own media and they make it clear they consider themselves at war already. \_ It's wrong to kill people to save $0.50 on each gallon of gasoline that you buy. What is your point about "living in a cave" if we don't get cheap oil? Americans waste gas. If America wants that, then we should be responsible enough to pay the price and not get it dishonestly from other countries. Also, why should young men die to save you a bit of money? Would you do the same for them? If this is about nuclear weapons, then the situation is different. But then again, Bush doesn't have enough credibility to avoid appearing disingenuous. \_ Even if this was just about oil (which it is not), the price of oil doesn't just show up at the pump. Any increase in the price of oil also shows up in every store due to the increased cost of shipping (ground and air). It also shows up in the increased cost of petrochemical products (plastics, etc.). Energy efficiency might offset some of the cost increase, but not all of it. Ultimately the people who end up being affect by higher oil prices are ordinary ave americans (the same ones whose kids are dying for lower oil prices). What it means to these people is colder winters, less presents under the christmas tree, fewer shoter vacations, less \_ "simple decent lifestyle" ha. Americans are buying SUV's in droves. They make up like 25% of all new cars. They are expensive and wasteful. Go over to East Palo Alto. If you don't see an SUV in the driveway, it will probably be a Camaro or something. Also, should American soldiers die for all of this? I thought they were out to defend freedom Why don't people fucking LIVE closer to work instead of expecting American soldiers and Iraqis to die to maintain their lifestyles? time with their families because of longer hours or multiple jobs. Basically, a complete destruction of of their simple decent lifestyle. \_ "simple decent lifestyle" ha. Americans are buying SUV's in droves. They make up like 25% of all new cars. They are expensive and wasteful. Go over to East Palo Alto. If you don't see an SUV in the driveway, it will probably be a Camaro or something. Also, should American soldiers die for all of this? I thought they were out to defend freedom Why don't people fucking LIVE closer to work instead of expecting American soldiers and Iraqis to die to maintain their lifestyles? \_ the US is the largest producer of oil in the world. Also the largest importer. \_ It's politically easier to get oil from Iraq than from drilling off the California coast or some god forsaken patch in Alaska. \_ doofus, those are the wells which are already drilled and producing oil. \_ Because a war about reducing the bottom line for the wealthiest corporations in the world doesn't sound anywhere near as noble as protecting the citizens of this country. Our leaders like to sound very noble. Especially when they send young, dumb kids into combat situations which their own family was wise or connected enough to keep them out of. \_ Bottom line? Yawn. Keep reading the little red book. It's not about corporations. They don't have a bottom line. They pass all costs along. It's about your life style in the short to mid term and your freedom in the long term. \_ Actually he means the coming war on Iraq, or should anyway \_ No, I mean what I say. He had a big split with The Nation over the war in Afghanistan. \_ Wow, I thought C.H. was a big Euro Liberal. What happened? \_ He grew up? \_ Hitchens is still a big Euro liberal, but he believes that the defining elements of liberalism are a belief in self- determination, democracy, freedom of speech, equal rights and tolerance for others. He is right on the mark here. He also believes that defending these values is more imporant than pacifism, or the liberal tendency to try to come to non-violent solutions to problems. He states that Islamic societies are opposed to everything that liberals hold dear, and that a violent aggressive self-defence is neccessary to protect ourselves and our values. But there is quite a bit of difference between attacking someone who is harboring Osama Bin Laden and attacking someone who has done nothing to you. \_ I guess we should just let them get a nuke and wait for them to use it on New York or Washington or SF before we do something about it. \_ Iraq is not the Cuban Missile Crisis. They don't have ICBMs. They don't have nuclear warheads in striking distance of the capitol. It's yet to be shown that they have nuclear capability at all. The inspectors are back in. Let them do their job. \_ so you're saying it's too early to attack when he's just trying to get nukes, and we should wait until he tries for icbm's? \_ If he wouldn't launch chemical warheads on SCUDs at Israel, he's not going to send nukes our way either. He knows the outcome. |
2003/1/20-21 [Finance/Shopping, Finance/Investment] UID:27157 Activity:high |
1/20 I've seen on a PBS program (forgot which) which talks about the netherlands being a "post-consumerism" society. Are there other examples of such countries? New Zealand? Thanks. \_ i don't think whole nations are "post-consumer" but there are sub-groups in some of them. http://uk.geocities.com/balihar_sanghera/Globaltersoc.html \_ What exactly does "post consumerism" mean? They don't eat or have any needs any more? Have they invented the star trek food maker thingy and didn't tell the rest of us? What? \_ It means living to satisfy our needs, and not our wants. You don't NEED a SUV, DVD player, Sony playstation, or a new computer every 18 months. So why do you buy it? Deriving satisfaction in life based how much crap you can buy with money is meaningless and not sustainable. In one word: Simplicity. \_ So you mean to tell us that people in the netherlands are at one with the land and don't own stuff? Okey dokey. Whatever. As someone who owns almost no consumer junk myself, I think you're a wack. There's nothing wrong with all those things if you can afford it. Let's just shut down the whole fucking economy and eat only after a creature or plant has died a simple natural death. While we're at it let's have 80% unemployment when there's nothing for most to do and no incentive for the other 20%. This sounds just great! Where's Walden Pond when you need it? \_ You need a cactus up your ass. \_ Sounds like a communist society. \_ actually, sounds more like poor. but that's not so different from communism, i guess. |
2003/1/20-21 [Reference/Celebration, Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Consumer/Audio] UID:27158 Activity:kinda low |
1/19 Anyone know where I can get an mpeg (or other format) of that Saturday Night Live christmas skit where Chris Kattan, Jimmy Fallon, Horatio Sanz and someone else are dressed up as holiday figurines and they sing a funny little lame song. Sanz plays a ukelele-like instrument, Jimmy Fallon plays a keyboard that Kattan is holding, and the other guy just stands and wiggles around. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. \_ yeah that rocked. someone find this. sanz is singing "i wish christmas was todaaaay" \_ Looks like Kazaa has the mp3 but no video. \_ what did you search for for the mp3? \_ actually i saw the video. search "snl christmas" \_ look at http://snltranscripts.jt.org/01/01isnowglobe.phtml |
2003/1/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27159 Activity:very high |
1/20 ok so settle this bet for me, who has the constitutional authority to declare war, the president or Congress? \_ Google: "constitution, declare war" \_ we haven't been in a war since WWII \_ Well, I belive congress passed a resolution declaring war on Iraq, so that's technically not true. \_ Are you stupid or just stupid? \_ neither, actually. have a cookie, troll. \_ A useful reference: "War declaration replaced by '73 law" http://www.msnbc.com/news/641394.asp \_ This issue involves a subtle distinction: Congress has the sole authority to *declare* war, but the President, as Commander in Chief, has the sole authority to to order US troops into combat. Obviously this can lead to some confusion due to the overlapping roles. The US has engaged in armed conflict at the President's behest on many occasions in the last half century, but War has not officially been declared since 1941 after Japan attacked the US Fleet in Hawaii. Even the authorization to use military force in the wake of the September 11th attacks was not a declaration of war. --bcm \_ Followup question: under what conditions may martial law be declared? -geordan \_ Martial law is easy to declare. \_ The war powers act allows the president to order military action for 60 days without congressional anything. Tom Campbell (in the House at the time, but ran to replace Feinstein) filed a lawsuit against Clinton when he had troops in Kosovo longer than 60 days with no congressional support. \_ thank you for saving me from posting this \_ "Police actions" are okay for the president to act upon. |
2003/1/20-21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27160 Activity:high |
1/20 Why do people keep using the hypothetical American military's casualty as an argument against war? First, some soldiers are supposed to die in battle, otherwise you wouldn't need soldiers or wars. Second, serving in the U.S. army is one of the safest profession in the world, even in large scale battles. I would not be surprised if statistically it is safer than being a Cal student. If you really care about U.S. soldiers' lives, you should support the deployment of bigger, better, and more decisive weapons, say nuke everywhere that has a concentration of Iraqi troops. We can do it and it would eliminate all U.S. casualty except those due to accidents, which happens anyway. \_ hello wack job! \_ this is damned silly logic. -mice \_ 696,628 U.S. troops served in the Gulf War 1990/1991. 263,000 sought medical care at VA facilities for Gulf War Syndrome. At least 64% of all U.S. troops who served during the Persian Gulf War were (and still are) at high risk of developing the symptoms and disabilities of Gulf War Syndrome. http://projects.is.asu.edu/pipermail/hpn/2000-August/001119.html \_ We actually deployed 696,628 people to Iraq? "Serving in the Gulf War" doesn't necessarily imply going to Iraq or even leaving this country. this country. Did all of the 263,000 people serve in Iraq? \_ I know a guy who served in the gulf war. He's an arabic language translator. He never left his base in Texas. \_ good thing he wasn't gay |
2003/1/20-21 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:27161 Activity:high |
1/20 I have a pdf file that contains type 3 font. Since it is bitmapped I can understand why it does not scale nicely, but why does it look jagged even at 100% on acrobat reader while the print out looks fine? How can I convert it to type 1 font? The program dvistripp.exe that google points me to no longer seems to exist. Ok tnx. \_ does this file have anything to do with ps2pdf? -chialea \_ Yes typically I have the ps file and convert it to pdf using ps2pdf or distiller. I don't have access to the original tex or dvi files, however. --op ps2pdf or distiller. It seems to be the problem of the ps file, since many other ps files converts just fine. I don't have access to the original tex or dvi files, btw. --op \_ ps2psd does not do the right thing. |