1/10 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/01/08/60II/main535732.shtml
Bush economy hits home
\_ Wow. You frickin' win! Congratulation for the most effective troll
I've seen in months. I want to say there was some luck involved but
that would deny your skill in saying so little. Again, bravo!
\_ Especially with the real link above which actually talks about
the economy for real but isn't full of the typical invented "I
had a deadline" pseudo-journalism sob story fluff pieces. But I
guess reading about the real economy is hard.
\_ One wonders why someone with a hourly income of $7.50 needs
four kids. Most of the other sob stories chronicled in this
article are equally lame. What these people need is a lesson
in simple financial planning rather than a handout.
\_ You are a moron. The kids came before the layoffs and
the rotten economy. Savings last only so long. This is
a bind that you could find yourself in.... Or have you
got enough money to keep you fed, clothed, and housed
for the rest of your life? Even if your stocks go fubar?
If you do, then you're rich compared to the rest of us
poor shmucks, and you should shut the fuck up, life's always
easy for the rich.
\_ I assume you're not rich so how the hell would you know?
\_ So these people never though about how they are going
care for four kids if they lose their jobs? They just
assumed that they will be working for life? That is
just plain stupid.
As far as I'm concerned, I've planned for the case in
which I am no longer employeed. For this reason, not
all of my assets are tied up in stockes. I also lead
a very limited life such that I can survive for years
without income.
\_ Unless you lose your job and and someone you loves
gets sick and you can't pay.
\_ And if that happens to me you'll take care of me?
That's *really* nice of you! Thanks!
\_ Yes I would.
\_ Then come up with some way to fund this kind of education.
Not everyone had parents who would pay for college.
\_ My parents paid nothing but their income and home counted so
I got zero financial aid of *any* sort but I still made it
through Cal and I'm now one of those evil top 2%'ers. I have
no sympathy for the intentionally stupid slackers.
\_ what's the requirement to be a top 2%er?
\_ $350k+/year.
\_ A basic hs edu. should cover this. If it doesn't then my
money is being misspent. My parents didn't pay for my
college edu. They couldn't afford it. I paid my own
way by working summer internships and getting scholarships.
\_ What is all this bullshit? I see lots of college grads
going bankrupt, lots of companies run by MBAs going bankrupt,
people of all levels of education taking on too much debt,
etc. Government bailing out rich people by bailing
out corporations.
\_ One wonders why we send money to israel too. At least
those min wage earners earn money in our economy.
- Altho i'm in favour of manditory norplant for welfare
\_ dude, really, you're just over smashing the hot buttons.
if you teased it out a bit more and were a bit more subtle
you'd get the fevered response you're looking for.
\_ You know we spend more money protecting South Korea but I
don't see any of you Jew haters ever mentioning that fact.
\_ In SK we are protecting a vital national interest (h07
4zn ch1x!) from the commies.
\_ And they can't be hot if they come from a commie
country? I've met plenty of hotties from Red China.
\_ Have you meet NK ch1x? They have bad teeth.
Same with most of the Mainland ch1x. SK, HK
and Japanese ch1x don't suffer from this.
\_ NK ch1x are too skinny also. Deathly thin.
\_ Yeah no shit. Because it's a socialist
country. Just find and feed one.
\_ I hate this shit, someone deleted my message cuz
he doesn't agree with me. Fuck you, whoever
did that
\_ Did you use motdedit?
\_ yup, I did, that is why I was pissed.
\_ Why don't you stupid Ruskies, Chinks, Yankees and
Japs just leave us alone. We could care less about
your stupid fights for world domination. Just go
home. We don't want any of you.
\_ The Jewish lobby.
\_ troll, go away.
\_ What does this have to do with Israel? If you are implying
that we should take the money spent on Israel and give it
to the poor, you are extremely naive. This money would not
solve the poor problem (as demonstrated the new deal and
the war on poverty). In fact it would probably make things
even worse for the poor people since the fall of Israel
into Arab hands would have huge economic repercussions.
\_ disagree. Israel is defiant to its stands mainly
because we dump 3 billions per year to them. If
we stop funding them, then, they would for the
first time realize the true cost of sucide bombing.
By realize the actual cost of the war, there is a
much better chance for Israels to withdraw from the
west-bank and other occupied territory.
\_ Idiot. You can't negotiate with people who want you
dead. There isn't always a diplomatic solution. The
Arab version of peace doesn't include an Israel. How
incredibly naive but nicely utopian your universe is.
\_ There was a time when Arab nations were democratic
and reasonable, but we all (Americans and
Europeans) betrayed them and choose the Zionist
whose tatic were not much different from what
PLO today. Remember, THEY are the one who lived
there for the past 2000 years, not Jews. and
talking about visions, The land which God
promise the Jews were a lot bigger than what
Israel is today. Jewish's version of peace
is essentially whipe Jordan and Syria, and
good part of Egypt off the map. Is that sound
any more reasonable?
\_ Come back when you stop rewriting history. There
have been Jews there for more than 2000 years.
And no, blowing up some British military HQ and
similar structures is not at all the same as
sending your own children into pizza parlors and
malls to blow themselves and numerous civilians
to bits. Not at all the same. You are
completely wrong about the Israeli idea of peace.
If they really wanted to wipe out Jordan, Syria
and Egypt, they could have and would have before
now. In fact, (sorry I know facts bother you
and get in your way but here another) the only
reason Jordan still *exists* is because Israel
told Syria that Israel would invade Syria if
Syria carried out their plans to invade Jordan.
You're either a liar or an idiot or both. I don't
care which but I won't let your ignorance and
racist spread unchecked.
\_ Israel's GDP is around $100bln/year. I am sure they
would tinghten their belts and make it even if the US
stopped the economic and military aid, IMHO.
\_ are you sure? Israel's economy seems pretty fucked
right now, and the fact that the entire Palestinian
economy is crippled beyond belief and they have no
hope isn't making them very happy.
\_ Without Israel what little stability there is in
the middle east would disappear. Most of these
arabs hate each other almost as much as they hate
Israel. One conflict is easier to deal with than
the dozen or so that would be present without
Israel. These little conflicts would cause extensive
damage to the entire petrochemical industry (if
you think that gas is expensive now, think about
when gas is 10x the cost it is today and the cost
of plastics skyrockets.)
\_ One wonders why anyone with more money NEEDS four kids either.
To help them spend it?
\_ I'm not sure why anyone needs four kids, but if someone
wants that many they should be prepared to take care of
them without resorting to gov. help (why should I be
financially responsibly for someone else's kids?)
\_ Like the Monty Python boys said, "every sperm is sacred!"
And I agree with MP these people should just sell them
off to science. Seriously, if they can't afford to take
care of their own kids, the local child welfare social
worker types will put them in foster care and that'll be
that. "I have too many kids to feed!" is not a good
reason to give the parent handouts.
\_ I bet you who complain about taxes being high too.
Do you see any sort of cause-effect here? Who pays
the extra money to the foster family and for the
paperwork to track the child? D'oh!
\_ Of course my taxes are too high. I have no problem
with government run orphanages or foster care and
the paperwork involved. I have a problem with the
government creating multi generational dependency
and breaking the family structure. And it's twice
as fucked up that they use my money to do it.
\_ And separating kids from parents is family
\_ You know what I hate? Whiny rich people who complain about their
taxes and corporations who don't pay their share. Because they show
no compassion, the government has to step in and do the right thing
(which may or may not be the correct thing). That's why small
government never works. The smallest you can get is a monarchy and
an army/police force to control the masses.
\_ The government doesn't tax to "do the right thing". You're being
ridiculous and conspiratorial. Grow up and stop reading Catcher
in the Rye.
\_ Democracies do. Whether or not you agree that it's the "right
thing" does depend.
\_ There's nothing magical about a Democracy that makes it
morally better than any other form of government. It's
nothing but mob rule. And this nor any other country on
the planet is a democracy anyway.
\_ Yes, we've all had HS Gov. It's a repulbic. Don't you
feel much better now?
\_ I like the idea of competition. I like the results of healthy
market competition. That having been said, why can we not agree
to guarantee basic food, shelter, and (mostly preventitive)
medicine to all Americans and then require said Americans to
work hard if they want more?
\_ So you want to destroy the food, housing, and medical segments
of the economy? How about the "tech gap"? Shouldn't we provide
a basic palm-like device and a home computer and at least 256k
DSL to everyone, too? How about transport? Don't you know the
poorest of the poor can't even afford the city bus? Let's make
sure everyone has at least a low end basic car. Where does it
\_ Because it would cost money. Which means taxes. Which means more
whiny rich people and corporations pleading poverty and how life
is "soooooo unfair?" See the above reply? Typical crap from
someone who thinks not being hungry will lead to society collaspe.
\_ Thanks for mis-stating everything I said and ignoring every
single thing I had to say and simply repeating your agenda
driven mantra about "whiny rich people". You've really added
a whole lot to this thread with all the cut n paste replies.
\_ So having families stand in line for food is really the
American dream? Wow. Who'd have thunk? My problem is that
you've jumped from the idea of feeding and providing basic
healthcare to the poor to slacker heaven. Sheesh. Whiner.
\_ Wow! I can have the necesseties of life without working! You
guys can foot the bill, losers! I'm kicking back.
\_ Hmm, actually this sounds really good when you put it that way
and all these years I've been voting I never considered I
could just vote myself a life free of all real concerns. I'm
going to start voting Democrat. It works like that, right?
\_ Oops you guys missed the word "work" there.
\_ Nope. It only says if I want more. Since so few people
will be working I won't have to work very hard if I want
more. You do realise that most people work very hard and
only get basic food, shelter, and medical care? So making
those free (from other people's money) means the vast
majority of Americans could live the exact same life they
have now (under this 'plan') and not work at all. In fact,
since it is now a magical guarantee, their lives would
actually be much better. Oh! To live in Utopia!
\_ Actually it's called France, Sweden, Norway, Germany,
Denmark, Canada...
\_ *laugh* Maybe you missed the links the other day
(for Germany) or several of these others in the past
on how their economies are so fucked they make ours
look 1999 vibrant?
\_ Are they starving their working poor too? Ah.
Doesn't this count as one of those human rights
violations the US keeps harping about? |