2003/1/7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:27006 Activity:high |
1/06 Does the redhat package Manager (rpm) only know about libraries that it has installed? I have put a library in /usr/lib and put /usr/lib in ld.so.conf and rpm is still complaining that it can't find the library. \_ Have you ran ldconfig afterwards? And is rpm complaining that about lack of the library or lack of an rpm package that contains the library? \_ Yes, it only knows about what it has installed. Dependencies are based on the installation of packages. You can force it to install anyway if you want it to. --dim \_ is LD_LIBRARY_PATH set? If so it might override ld.so.conf. \_ yet another reason for linux suckage. at least some of the other distributions use semi-rational ports/package mangers. or use a real unix. |
2003/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:27007 Activity:high |
1/6 When did 3.5" floppies officially "die"? \_ I think it's still miserably living. \_ 6 May 1998 \_ I'm not dead yet! \_ I'm feeling better! \_ When bootable, rewritable CD's became affordable, and you could install Linux without a floppy disk. |
2003/1/7 [Computer/SW/Apps, Health/Men] UID:27008 Activity:moderate |
1/6 I got a Gillete mach3 turbo shaver in the mail. Why is Gillete giving it away for free? Are they stupid? \_ Anyone tried using a straight razor? They do it in the movies and it looks so easy. \_ It looks so easy when they jump 10 feet up too. \_ They want you to love their product and spend the rest of your life buying replacement blades. \_ Did you try it? Is it any better than Gillete Sensor? \_ The regular Sensor razor is little better than a disposable Bic. With Excel you get little rubber flaps that reduce cuts. \_ Sensor Excel is a smoother shave than the mach3, but it is more likely to cut you. it's not good for heads or legs or sensitive faces. the mach3 turbo doesnt seem to be any different than the mach3, but it is 50% more expensive. i got gyp'd... \_ I second everything you said, except I never tried it on my head or legs. - op \_ no way. Mach3 is a much closer shave for me than the Sensor Excel, and I have some serious facial hair. -aspo \_ Oh I forgot. The one thing I don't like about the Mach3 vs. the Sensor Excel is that if I don't shave for a few days the Mach3 hurts more when I shave (but still is less likely to cut up my face.) The Mach3 Turbo doesn't seems to be a bit better in this respect. \_ does or doesnt? \_ yeah, I learned the hard way too that Sensor Excel is bad for my sensitive face .. \_ I have a suspicion that Gillette purposely lowered the quality for sensor excel blades so people would move to mach3. It's a damn blade, how many years do they need to perfect it? \_ Mach3 sucked ass last time i used it. i have no troubles with the excel... \_ I think they sent me mach3 when I turned 18. Yeah, it's basically to get you to buy their blades, but a lot of people, including myself like mach3. Oh, and I've known quite a few girls that liked it for their legs. \_ Damn! No wonder my ex-girlfriend refuses to return me my mach3, relegating me to my crappy old sensor excel. \_ brilliant! you've figured out how to get STD's from your ex without sex. \_ This is getting very boring. Can someone start a thread discussing the relative merits of different brands of female hygienic products? \_ Finally a man's-man instead of csua-man discussion on them motd |
2003/1/7 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:27009 Activity:nil 61%like:27011 |
01/06 Important legal ruling for all you males: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/01/06/state1919EST0124.DTL Um, just give me a few more minutes to finish up... \_"the high court's majority did not indicate how much time a man has to withdraw once a woman says stop." \_ there should be a yellow-light first. Then you're allowed in the intersection. When it's yellow, you have a chance to speed up. Once it turns red, you get a ticket. \_ Brings new meaning to the term "California Stop". |
2003/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:27010 Activity:high |
1/6 When a girl says you don't have any ambition ande breaks up with you does that mean "you don't make enuff money" in Womanese? \_ Two words: "penile enlargement" \_ probably means "you're a loser" \_ I think it means she might marry you but you're not that type. \_ It means you play too many video games and you don't buy her enough cocaine because she's bored out of her skull most of the time watching you master Tekkin XP. |
2003/1/7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:27011 Activity:high 61%like:27009 |
01/06 Important legal ruling for all you males: http://csua.org/u/779 -from http://sfgate.com -urld Um, just give me a few more minutes to finish up... \_ What about when she says: "Don't...Stop...Don't...Stop..."? \_"the high court's majority did not indicate how much time a man has to withdraw once a woman says stop." \_ there should be a yellow-light first. Then you're allowed in the intersection. When it's yellow, you have a chance to speed up. Once it turns red, you get a ticket. \_ Brings new meaning to the term "California Stop". \_ And this is relevant to most sodans how? You have to talk to girls before you get to this point. \_ c'mon, most of us here are around 30 now. we've talked to girls, it's just not that interesting. \_ perhaps you've been talking to the wrong girls. |
2003/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:27012 Activity:high |
1/6 http://www.findericroberts.com Some people have too much time on their hands. \_ Especially Fernando. -John |
2003/1/7-8 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:27013 Activity:high |
1/7 Has anybody had any luck reselling an unopened, unused, forced-down-your-throat copy of WinXP? It came with a Dell that is now happily running FreeBSD, and never, even once, booted into WinXP. I tried to sell it on Ebay/Half.com, but it was removed by the admins after MS complained. \_ try craigslist? \_ http://page.auctions.shopping.yahoo.com/auction/71508803?aucview=0x23 Yahoo doesn't mind. \_ Get your money back from M$ http://www.linuxmall.com/refund \_ That sucks. Why the f*** should MS care? \_ microsoft got 40 billion in the bank by being the meanest nastiest dudes on the block, they're not going to stop now \_ Right, so fight back, and demand a refund per the End User License Agreement (EULA) Call Dell, dude. \_ has anyone seen the new dell "dude"? he's dull as hell. \_ as opposed to the old dell 'dude'? *boggle* |
2003/1/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:27014 Activity:high |
1/7 Has anybody tried anonymous proxies (e.g. http://www.anonymizer.com What are your opinions? Is it worth the money? Would it make it safer to surf url-shortened sites? \_ safer how? \_ So that your traffic isn't snooped, so that your actual destinations aren't logged. |
2003/1/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:27015 Activity:moderate |
1/7 Could the Great Gods of Soda Root install the perl RSS module? >perl -MXML::RSS -MLWP::Simple -e '' Can't locate XML/RSS.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .). BEGIN failed--compilation aborted. thanks. - a fan \_ Mailing root is more effective. --scotsman \_ done. Installed. Thanks, scotsman and root. |
2003/1/7-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:27016 Activity:moderate |
1/7 SQL/DB Question: Is there any way to do a query and only return a certain set of results? Like the results between 20-30. Kinda like what Google does when you choose what subset of results you want to see. It seems like they don't do one query and cache it, they do it dynamically based on the parameters. And I can't use something like Scrollable ResultSets because my program has to be stateless and the query can be done at any time. Did that make sense? \_ Yes. \_ Create an incremental column and use BETWEEN. \_ It's not the rows in the DB table I want, it's going to be the rows that are returned by the SQL Query. But thanks. -op \_ I meant create a computed incrementing column in the select clause. \_ use 'limit' and 'offset'. Not all db support it and this is not a standard sql. |
2003/1/7 [Transportation/Car] UID:27017 Activity:very high |
1/7 http://www.freep.com/news/locway/knife7_20030107.htm And no that's not the free republic. It's the Detroit Free Press. \_ That's either one fucking sharp knife, or he put her hand down on the fucking pavement and chopped it off. people suck. \_ I don't go to Free Republic since they cut off my posting priviledges for being a "troll." So much for freedom of speech. \_ There is no freedom of speech in a private enterprise you twit. The 1st Amendment applies to government coercion. I'm glad they revoked your priviliges as it eliminates the possibility of reading any garbage you might type. \_ Interesting. Neither of you can spell "privileges". \_ Too bad you can't handle posts by anyone who might upset you in the slightest. Conservatives love to talk about freedom of speech, but when they get the chance, they muzzle anyone who disagrees with them. \_ Hence the diversity of thought in academia today eh? \_ It's because they can't deal with facts and truth. \_ Then you can read the link since it *isn't* the Free Republic. At Lucianne they'd call you a site pest and mostly just mock you and egg you on. Try posting there. |
2003/1/7-8 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:27018 Activity:high |
1/7 Does saving PS1 game data on PS2 require a PS1 memory card? \_ yes. --jwang@playstation I STFWed and found many conflicting answers. Anyone has first-hand experience on this? \_ Ask Sony. \_ Yes. Because PS1 memory cards use blocks and PS2's don't, I think. -geordan \_ I'll try it tonight and post or email the results. --peterl |
2003/1/7-8 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:27019 Activity:high |
1/6 Has anyone here ever played with end-to-end (integrated) QoS? I'm trying to find out whether I can use it to force a client to throttle down its bandwidth (reserving a minimum as opposed to a maximum amount of throughput.) If so, can I do this based on source/destination IP, as opposed to application-specific? I.e. have the sum total bandwidth to a certain host not exceed x kbps. No, the routing equipment doesn't do differential QoS. -John \_ QoS has two parts, first is classification of traffic and second is what you want to do with the different classifications. If you're using a cisco box, you can first setup ACLs to classify the traffic. And then shape that traffic to a specific bandwidth. I don't understand your comments on routing equipment doesn't do differential QoS. This has to be performed on a router. \_ You're asking for conflicting information. You want to set a min or a max for this client? \_ Sorry, thought it was clear. I want to set a max, and I don't care if it's on the client or server. -John \_ RSVP can ignore components that don't support it. I was trying to figure out whether integrated ("end-to-end") QoS would let me restrict bandwidth available to client X when trying to access server Y. Unfortunately, I think it only lets you specify how much bandwidth a client is allowed to reserve, and allocates for guaranteed delivery within that amount of bandwidth, but does 'best-effort' for all traffic above and beyond that, instead of just restricting the total bandwidth the client is allowed to use. -John |
2003/1/7 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:27020 Activity:nil |
1/6 looking for a motorcycle safety class in s cal, any recs? \_ call 1.800.ccrider, or visit <DEAD>www.cmsp.org<DEAD> |
2003/1/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:27021 Activity:high |
1/07 Coming to a State Near You: California's Illegal Immigration Economic Nigthmare http://www.FreeRepublic.com/perl/banner/image/2 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/817592/posts \_ Thar she blows! Round up the harpoons! We're after a freeper carcass! \_ Don't waste your time with that trash site. They just censor anything they disagree with. |
2003/1/7 [Recreation/Dating] UID:27022 Activity:high |
01/07 ah' love mah' mama, but she gots'ta gained 20lbs since we gots married. ah' am beginnin' t'find ha' sexually unattractive. ah' told ha' about dis already. And she gots'ta tried t'lose weight. But obviously it ain't wo'kin'. God knows whut she's eatin' when I's not around. To make matters wo'se, dere's dis mama at wo'k dat's flirtin' wid me. She looks likes Winona Ryder; slenda' and pretty. And comes by mah' cubicle some lot t'chat. One time durin' de middle uh a conversashun, we paused and looked into each oders eyes fo' whut seems likes an eternity. It wuz some awkward moment. ah' became embarrassed and looked waaay down. She plum laughed and joked about sump'n else. I's contemplatin' havin' some affair. How kin one stay faidful unda' dese circumstances? \_ 4. To angle fo' wid some trollin' line, o' wid some scribblin' drawn along de surface uh de booze; hence, t'allure. What it is, Mama! \_ ah' say go fo' it, until ya' fuck it out uh each oder. \_ No, this idiotic transliteration is not funny. \_ Same here. My wife's cup size went down and her waist size went up since we married. Except that the two hot women I know at work with hot bodies aren't flirting with me, yet. Now masturbating while looking at nude pics seems more attactrive than having sex with my wife. \_ I am enjoying having sex with your wife. She says you have gained three pants sizes since you married. Is that true? |
2003/1/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:27023 Activity:nil |
1/7 Has anyone heard of a monitor brand "Magic"? There's a web site selling a reconditioned Magic 21-inch monitor for $229. Is it a good deal? Thanks. |
2003/1/7-8 [Computer/SW] UID:27024 Activity:high |
1/7 Any one liner to extract foo#1234 (foo is unique) out of a file filled with lines like: bar#123456:foo#1234:baz#20 ? Foo can be anywhere in the file (not always second field). --dim \_ I think this works: perl -ne '($_)=/(foo#\d+)/;print "$_\n" if $_' filename -geordan \_ Seems to work! Awesome. Thanks a lot! --dim \_ thx for the perl cantrip. |
2003/1/7-8 [Transportation/Car] UID:27025 Activity:nil |
1/7 Mercury News full-page Fry's ads now online: http://csua.org/u/790 \_ hallelujah! |
3/15 |