12/29 I got a gift certificate for xmas. What is everyone's favorite book?
\_ Profiles in Courage, something the shrub should read (if possible).
\_ APUE, by WRS
\_ http://csua.org/u/746
\_ the necronomicon
\_ As I Lay Dying
\_ Mein Kampf
\_ "Thank You For Smoking" - danh
\_ a danh xmas: link:csua.org/u/747
\_ O'Reilly's advanced perl book.
\_ fucking nerd.
\_ *laugh*
\_ Perl sucks!
\_ yeah dude i use .bat files for everything! rewlz!
\_ The Holy Bible, KJ version.
\_ Ten Things You Can't Say in America
\_ Ian Banks' Culture books. Anything by Terry Pratchett. Anything
by Tolkien. If you want 'serious lit,' try Master and Margarita
by Bulgakov (recommended by every russian alive!).
\_ "Envy" by Olesha -brain
\- hello. how do you recommend somthing for someone too dumb
to specify a genre or otherwise narrow the question a little.
danhimal: is the C. BUCKLEY books a cheap thrill or is it
actually good? i dont like PJOROURKE-typestuff. Can you read
"The War on|against cliche" and report back if it holds up?
is just awful in english [likw r. tagore is awful in
'DYING is certainly a fine book, but I suspect OP will throw
an E_TOOSHORT on it. To RUSSIAN PARTY, if I had to read one
PUSHKIN, which work would you recommend. Ok tnx.
\_ I read every genre except "russian literature" and
estrogen-specific books (romance novels, new age tripe,
etc. none of which i would expect to be recommended -
in earnest - on the motd) and if some soda geek told me
that some romance novel REALLY was their "favorite" book
(and I believed them) I might very well go buy/read it.
As a general rule I will read any book which any male
says is their "favorite" regardless of genre. This
scheme rarely misfires and has led to my reading many
good books that i might otherwise have missed. (The
few times it has misfired were cases of books i was
going to have to read anyway like _Fountainhead_, or
recommendations by not overly bright females, which
lead to the modification of the rule incorporated above.
\_ would you rather read something recommended by a stupid
male or a smart female?
\_ Stupid troll. Russian lit isn't a genre.
\_ Thank You For Smoking is good. Maybe you read
his not so funny book on washington politics.
its nothing like that. - danh
\_ Reading Pushkin in English is kind of like reading Shakespeare
in russian -- doesn't work too well. Onegin is his famous
\- well i feel i got something out of reading dante/homer/
goethe/vergil in english ... although in some cases i
could tell you were missign a lot. however i wasnt that
blown away by moliere in english. are you saying it
is just awful in english [like r. tagore is awful in
english] or just non-optimal? i thought karamazov
was stunning in english. but that may be more idea-
heavy than language heavy. i didnt think much of the
E. Onegin opera however. ok tnx.
\_ For Moliere in English, there are very few decent
translations. Every once in a while you get lucky.
\- "get lucky"? this seems a dumb comment.
Try Mamet and Stoppard for russian translations (I
know they both did some Checkov. I don't know about
\_ Ugh. Reading Dostoyevsky is like eating bricks.
In any language. Ugh. Heavy, heavy guy. Shakespeare
doesn't flow right in russian. Russian is a 'suffix'
\- your post doesnt "flow right" [sic]
in english :-)
language, English is a 'root' language, so stuff
really doesn't translate right. But shrug, give
Onegin a try.
\_ with dostoyevsky it all depends on the trans-
lation. Stay away from Constance Garnett in
my opinion, and it will be a lot better. One
of the best books I read this year was If On
a Winters Night a Traveller by Calvino. -sax
\_ you might want to try just skipping over all
the spiritual and philosophical discussions.
sure you will miss out a lot, but reading the
soap opera bits of brothers karamazov wasnt
sooo heavy. entertaining, even.
\- uh so you are saying "just see the
\_ His density has nothing to do with subject
matter, imho. He is just gray and depressing
like a lead isotope.
\_ russian jews -> soap and lampshades is a better idea
\_ Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon.
\_ nice troll. subtle. succict. Most troll/char ratio.
\- well strictly speaking much of it turned into
a reasonable discussion not senseless bickering.
LEMON -> LEMONADE and all that. --psb |