12/23 Spam: A thousand times worse than you imagine:
\_ Sigh. The guy's a fool. Put quotas on mailspools, and make
\- barry shien has a pretty long history of not being a fool.
from you comments, i'm inclined to continue to give him
he benefit of the doubt here. --psb
your end users learn to filter their own. Then you won't be
up to 3am putting in dumbass filters that block your user's
mom's email. And for GOD'S SAKE, don't use EXCHANGE!
\_ And when the customers' mailspools fill with spam, do they all
have the time and expertise to use a filter or do they drop
your service for someone who will do it for them?
\_ I don't know, I'm living in my parents basement still
I'll get a job someday.
\_ something I don't understand about spam. It must originate from
somewhere, so why don't the ISPs just pull the plug on people who
spam? Some ISPs MUST be making a lot of money carrying spam,
otherwise the spammers would be shutting down one by one.
\_ Decent companies _will_ shutdown spammers, and do it quickly.
There are, unfortunately, many unscrupulous ISPs out there
that pocket the money and ride right along.
\_ still doesn't make sense. there are not that many tier 0
or 1 ISPs. Smallers ones that cater to spam still buy from
Qwest, ATT, etc. So I think this is a problem that the
big ISPs don't want to solve because it affects their
cash flow. The article should be about why ATT or Qwest
sells to smallers companies that produce spam.
\_ Its not that easy. Theres lots of places that spam can originate
from. In many cases its very well distributed, so that it does
not appear to be coming from a concentrated site. Or it is
coming from poorly secured sites, like open wireless points, or
even some starbucks' net.
\_ Troll harder. Spam has been a problem long before starbucks'
net and open wireless points.
\_ Quick get this guy a soda account, he's uttered the magic phrase:
"it is a total tragedy of the commons"
\_ go back to russia, imposter faking as a jew.
\_ go back to russia, imposter slav mobster faking as a jew.
\_ you must be a republican, since you like to sieze an idea and
deride it without regard for its meaning. like "liberal" or
"military-industrial complex".
\_ you must be a democrat since you can't understand
simple concepts like jokes. (I have no interest in
arguing about the "tragedy of the commons" with
you or anyone else since it has been repeatedly
demonstrated that this concept rests on several
invalid assumptions about human nature and human
\_ demonstrated by who?
\_ Just look through the motd archives.
\_ Search for "my brother-in-law with an AA
in economics" on FreeRepublic.
\_ You know the guy who invented the concept won
a nobel prize in economics for his work, right?
\_ Yeah, and Yasser Arafat won the *peace* prize.
\_ So what? Just because someone wins the nobel
prize doesn't make the concept correct. It
may be a good approx. of general human behavior
in certain circumstances but it doesn't work
in all cases. As far as the span thing is
concerned, the internet isn't a "commons". |