2002/12/5 [Recreation/Dating, Health] UID:26709 Activity:very high |
12/4 My cheatin' heart: http://entertainment.yahoo.com/entnews/wwn/20021129/103858200006.html \_ "Any time you are out of your own area code, it doesn't count as cheating". That's very easy for those who live in SF. \_ For every article, a rebuttal: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/2540089.stm \_ And this, my friend, is the difference between the Italians and the English. \_ Don't forget that most of the people keeling over from heart attacks while playing hide the salami are probably old farts, who're more likely to be banging their secretary than their wife. Statistics... -John \_ keep in mind it's from the Weekly World News. \_ I don't need this. I learned everything I need to know about sex and relationships from Cosmo. -John \_ I learned it from you, dad. I learned it by watching YOU! |
2002/12/5 [Computer/HW/IO, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:26710 Activity:nil |
12/4 I have an old serial trackball I'd like to use on my laptop--I've seen serial->usb converters, but none of them say they work with mice. Can I use a converter like this on win XP? \_ shell out the 2 bucks and try it. \_ It's 10 bucks plus shipping and I'm thinking of doing that. I thought I'd check here first. |
2002/12/5 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:26711 Activity:nil |
12/4 M$ Excel qn: I have a column of 10000 numbers. Is there any easy way to create another column of 1000 numbers where each number is the sum (or average) of the corresponding 10 numbers in the first column? Thx. \_ should be do-able with the Fill-Down menuu item. \_ what exactly do you mean by corresponding 10 numbers? \_ he means you have column A which has "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", and he wants column B to have just one number (55) which is the sum of the 10 in column A. There is probably an automated way to do that, but I can't think of it off the top of my head. One thing you can do is to use an IF statement in column B; it should be easy to have the entry in column B be blank except for each 10th row. Having the column B rows contiguous probably takes some scripting. -tom \_ can't you have column B have the SUM(A1:A10) then just fill down? You'll have more info than you need, but you can work with that. \_ combining with tom's idea: (IF((some rule to check if this is the 10th), SUM(A1:A10), "") then fill down \_ Yes, I can use the Subtotals function if I can let it be blank except for each 10th row, but I need the numbers to be next to one another. \_ then I think you probably have to write a little macro to put a formula in each cell. There might be a different way but I've never figured out how to get "fill down" to be more intelligent about how to increment the cell references. -tom \_ "On the Accuracy of Statistical Procedures in Microsoft EXCEL 97" B. D. McCullough, and Berry Wilson Abstract: The reliability of statistical procedures in Excel are assessed in three areas: estimation (both linear and nonlinear); random number generation; and statistical distributions (e.g., for calculating p-values). Excel's performance in all three areas is found to be inadequate. Persons desiring to conduct statistical analyses of data are advised not to use Excel. (McCullough, BD, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis v31 (1999) 27-37.) [ reformatted - formatd ] \_ gee that matters when you're trying to add. \_ It's not that I like using Excel. I'm just required to use it for this particular task. Otherwise I'd just write a C program from scratch to calculate the stats and it'll still be much faster than looking through the Excel Help. |
2002/12/5 [Uncategorized] UID:26712 Activity:nil |
12/4 Hacker causes massive sewage spill: http://cooltech.iafrica.com/technews/837110.htm |
2002/12/5 [Uncategorized] UID:26713 Activity:kinda low |
12/4 Anyone here have their own 800 number? How much does it cost? Any problems? I see a few adds for 3.9cents per minute 800 numbers but they seem a bit shadey. \_ Ask yermom. \_ No, she has her own 900 number. |
2002/12/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:26714 Activity:nil |
12/4 Anybody recommend upgrading to windows XP? I heard it has a lot of security features and so liberating software is harder. I content-liberate nearly all my apps like office/adobe/etc. I'd like to continue doing so. So is Xp the right OS for that? Thanks. \_ http://www.hevanet.com/peace/microsoft.htm An interesting, seemingly well researched article about XP. \_ my xp box seems happy with content-liberated sw. of course, the copy of xp is also content-liberated, so maybe it's especially tolerant. \_ windows XP's default media player will not pay divx's properly, even tried using playa after installing the divx codec. The file will play for about 30 secs and then wmp or playa just dies. 2k has it working just fine. \_ Stick to 2k. The only thing that XP has over 2k is the poorly executed candy coated ui. If you really want a candy coated ui, just buy a mac. \_ What xp has over 2k is that multiple windows sessions can be running simultaneously, so you don't have to shut down all your apps to change to a diff user. -win2k user (also, mac's gui is far inferior to windows) \_ nice throwaway troll. biyotch. \_ So how often have you used the switch user feature of xp? BTW, it doesn't quite work as well as M$ makes it seem (ex1. don't switch users while burning a cd unless you want a coaster. ex2. sometimes network transfers will abort when you switch) And as far as the Mac UI is concerned, I never said that it was better than windows, I just said that if you wanted a better candy coated ui get a mac. \_ ob RUN L1NUX! RIDE BIKE! \- have you tcpdumped an XP machine? it seems to do a lot of phonehome/"bigbrother" stuff. --psb \_ And this is a surprise to you? \_ no, but it makes installing XP less palatable -!psb \_ Have you considered XP with something like ZoneAlarm installed to block outbound traffic? -ausman \_ XP = nicer gui features and cleartype font display. but you have to be careful with updating online and shit. -anotherwin2kuser |
2002/12/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:26715 Activity:kinda low |
12/4 Fact: almost 13% of all soda accounts are sorried. \_ I'm sorry about that. \_ What a sorry situation! \_ That certainly is a sorry fact. \_ Sorry = turned off due to inactivity, or for bad behavior? \_ A whole bunch of accounts with lame passwords got sorried when root ran crack. |
2002/12/5 [Uncategorized] UID:26716 Activity:nil |
12/4 Wow, at this point the motd censorship isn't even politically motivated, its just arbitrary. \_ all censorship is arbitrary. |
2002/12/5 [Recreation/Humor, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26717 Activity:nil |
12/4 All banned topics removed. -MCP \_ Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Get the humanoid. The humanoid must not escape. \_ it's funny how reiffin has gone from trying to make the motd useless by endless trolling, to trying to make it useless by random deletion of live topics. -tom \_ you'd know all about censorship. and it's never funny. \_ I've been in favor of a mandatory non-anonymous motd for a long time. That way hypocrites like yourself wouldn't be able to falsely slam me and we'd get to see how much you're really adding or deleting without being able to hide yourself. I'd like to know how you figure it was me when there were about 6 of us editing the motd in rapid succession. I've written several scripts to track usage but I can't track that kind of activity. Since you're (once again) wrong, I know you can't either.-reiffin \_ soda-~-20:41-117>finger reiffin finger: reiffin: no such user ??? |
2002/12/5 [Transportation/Airplane, Academia/GradSchool/MBA] UID:26718 Activity:kinda low |
12/4 Get your ticket to heaven: http://www.ticket2heaven.com \_ I see all the failed dot-commers are starting to graduate from business school? -John |
2002/12/5 [Recreation/Dating] UID:26719 Activity:very high |
12/4 I'm a new grad student at another school (not UCB). What's the best way to meet women? Thanks. -new grad student \_ Join a triathlon club. Lots of pretty, athletic women. \_ Get rich and famous. Hire pretty hookers. \_ Become a priest. http://csua.org/u/653 Merely reading that article makes me horny. \_ Son, that is the $65,000 question. \_ Are you teaching classes? Pick up on your students. \_ Pick up EECS chicks? Damn you must have low standards. \_ He just wants to get laid. It's all the same in the dark and his odds of getting herpes are much lower. \_ He didn't say he wanted to get laid. He said he wanted to meet women. \_ damn! -aspo \_ Don't bother. It all leads to divorce and devastation. Just ask BDG. - BDG #1 Fan \_ I know the answer to this question, but this motd is too small to put it in. Seriously, the best way to meet interesting women is to be interesting. Find a hobby, preferably something that you are passionate about and one that has at least some women involved in it, and spend time getting good at it. As a grad student, you are not going to have much time, but 5 hours/wk should be plenty (for the hobby, not the g/f) -ausman \_ Blah. Blah. Blah. It's who you look like, not who you are. \_ And how rich you are. You could be the most boring person in the world but if you are rich you can get good looking women. \_ good advice, but I have hobbies, I'm in shape, a job, and I still get bitter looking at cute girls in genital herpes medication commercials. \_ Being interesting attracts women. But being disciplined, hardworking, generous, forgiving, and kind will all make you strong. Women love strong men. It's one thing to have money, but a woman who sees a man exercising disciplined selfishness, and one that exercises disciplined generosity, will always pick the latter. See "Groundhog Day" and "Iron Monkey" for more details. \_ And all of that matters squat if you're not handsome, rich, or wield power. \_ by that logic, only handsome, rich, or powerful men can get women? Are we in the middle ages? \_ If your school has a ballroom dancing club, you could try that. It will give you a chance to meet women, chat with briefly, and ask them to dance. If nothing else, you'll learn to dance which is fun. \_ For computer people, you guys sure forgot about computers. http://www.match.com The ratio is that you will send out 100 e-mails to 10 dates to 1 sex act. \_ You can meet women at the gym by taking one of those Group classes. If you don't care for the 'girly' classes, take something athletic like Cardio kickboxing, BodyPump, Steps, etc. Guaranteed a good ratio. \_ Find the female counterpart to the motd (AOL Chat?) and meet them there. \_ In all likelyhood anyone OP meets on IM is probably some EECS guy pretending to be a girl just to see how many of his classmates are desperate lusers. \_ She says she's yermom. |
2002/12/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:26720 Activity:kinda low |
12/5 does airbears work in Barrows? \_ There's one access point in 60 Barrows. -tom |
2002/12/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:26721 Activity:high |
12/5 what does "manic" mean? \_ dict manic \_ what is the square root of 400? \_ The African swallow. \_ Laden or unladen? \_ Usually unladen but the African swallow is known to go both ways. \_ So does yermom. \_ So does yermom. |
2002/12/5 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:26722 Activity:high |
12/5 The motd: An opportunity for the cowardly to pretend that words don't have consequences. An example of the arrogantly opinionated leading the willfully ignorant. People who take umbrage at falsely being accused of murder, amorality, pedophilia, kleptomania, drug-taking, wife-abuse, and being traitors simply don't understand the playful manner of the entertainers involved. See also: "Fair and Balanced Reporting." \_ how can i slander an anonymous person? - dnah \_ hey freep-man, i just saw a leader of the liberal media, peter jennings speak, i wish i could have emailed you to show up. - dnah \_ you forgot racism, stupidity, and being liberal \_ And your point is...? |
2002/12/5-6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26723 Activity:very high |
12/5 A question for alums who opened their csua accounts in the early 1990s: Do you plan on attending the Class of '93 reunion come October 2003? Wondering if its worth flying in from Bloomington, Indiana. -elizp \_ LIke, dpassage, the second person I met at cal... -elizp \_ Liz! are you married or are you still single? \_ finger fab \_ What does that have to do with elizp? \_ http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~critmass/wedding \_ oh god! CSUA members marrying each other?! shouldn't that be considered incestuous inbreeding? How about diversifying the gene pool a bit eh. \_ Wait til their kids start showing at meetings. \_ Wait till the kids start flaming the parents on wall and the motd. \_ they'd just get censored. no problem. \_ What if I opened my account in the mid 80s? Do I count? Am I too old to be wanted and loved? \_ If you're asking the motd for validation, you've answered your own pathetic question. \_ The csua is my entire social life. I find the motd just as important as the wall. Don't you? \_ Old CSUA Saying: After three days without the motd life loses all meaning. \_ without motd? There's no such concept. Seek help. \_ mid 80's guy predate both motd and wall, which are artifacts of the 90's. - m8g fan #1 \_ I don't plan to attend cuz I don't know that many people in my year. --- yuen \_ I think the trick involves a couple friends attending, then each of those getting a couple others, etc., Kinda like a pyramid scheme. -elizp \_ I will be around. -ausman \_ So will psb. Does the psb ever go to a class reunion? \_ does partha even belong to any one class? i like to think of him as more of a global resource. \_ don't you have to graduate in order to be considered a member of a particular class? (I recall reading on motd that psb never graduated) \_ psb is more greater than graduation. \_ Hey! Watch your dirty mouth! Don't make me bitch slap your sorry ass! That's the psb you're talking about, sonny. --psb #1 Fan \_ Graduation does not a great man make. \_ can squished people attend? \_ Not if the Univeristy has a restraining order on them. Otherwise, yeah. |
2002/12/5-6 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:26724 Activity:high |
12/5 Q for DBAs. How often do you examine your schema for new indexes needed. Our lead programmer is giving me headaches with his "Well it works on MSSQL," while our Postgres and Oracle development continues to falter. I came up with a possible new index last night to solve a customer's issue, and he got all up in arms with "DON'T QUESTION MY SCHEMA!" Am I insane thinking that DB tuning should be ongoing? Or is he just trying to defend his ignorance? --scotsman \_ He is defending his ignorance. It's not like you should be doing quarterly schema reviews though. Tune as needed, i.e. if you notice a serious performance issue, if your dataset changes significantly, or if the kinds of queries you make change significantly. \_ Mostly agree. Quarterly reviews of the database can be useful. \_ even if you dont do a review every 3-4 months, every 3-4 months, you should ask "should we do a review?" \_ Developers should only be responsible for the logical schema design anyway. Physical designs such as indexes should be the DBA's responsiblity. Mostly because most developers don't know better how a particular index would affect performance. Tell your ignorant lead programmer that it works on MSSQL because its optimizier works completely differently (duh, as if it needs to be said). |
2002/12/5-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:26725 Activity:high |
12/5 Any idea if there's a limit to the number of mount points an nfs client is allowed to have in either linux (any) or solaris (any)? I've got data all over the place and need each client to mount a *lot* of servers. Thanks! \- not practically. \_ In the old days the max number of mount points was around 256. These days its probably a lot larger. If you are worried about this, the best solution would be to use automount. This would \- i have reasonably large automounter maps ... i see automounter on solaris grow over time to 100meg+ in size, so i could believe there is some problem with it that may manifest itself with a huge number of mounts. --psb \_ Yeah, I've seen this too, but if OP wants to limit the number of mount points used on ave. then automounter is the only real soln. The mounts are being hit all the time by various apps so _/ automount won't really help. I just need to know if there's a real limit and how far away I might be. I've got 50+ now and was going to be maybe be adding another 50+ over the next 2-3 months and then more after that every so often forever. I need to know in advance if I should be telling management they can't do what they're wanting to do or not. Thanks! --OP \_ You may be able to add lots of mount points but at some stage beyond 200 or so you will start to see stability and performance issues (at least with older versions of linux, 2.0 and 2.2 kernels, and Solaris, 2.5, 2.6 and maybe even 7). In the long run your best bet will be to ditch nfs and to use something like afs which was designed to handle your type of problem. limit the ave. number of mount points in use at any given time. \_ Thanks! |
2002/12/5-6 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:26726 Activity:high |
12/5 We have a Sun E4000 that was upgraded to Solaris9. At some point "soon" after the upgrade the machine began to semi-crash each day right after midnight. You still had a console prompt, but it loses its nis binding/domainname, loses the default route [cant ping it from another subnet], and all the daemons stop listening. Any ideas? \_ do you have all the latest Sol9 cluster patches installed? \_ did you turn off power management? \_ What would that do? What should I look at? does something magic happen at midnight? \_ This would be my first guess too. Take a look in /etc/rc*.d for S85power or something like it. if it's there, take it out and run /etc/init.d/power stop. It could be trying to drop to a different init level on some odd schedule. kill vold while you're at it. grr... --scotsman \_ What's wrong with vold? \_ Its a pos. \_ It is but it won't kill his computer like this. \_ Yeah, but you might as well turn it off and dtlogin. \_ gasp! you'd disable the world's best GUI?! \_ never had problems with it but the dtlogin should certainly go on a server. \_ You have a bad cron job that runs at 00:00? \_ There are some accounting-related cron jobs, but I cant think of a "normal userland process" that can cause all of this. \_ Maybe it can if it runs as root. I don't know. \_ root's cron jobs run as root and thus can fuck up the entire system the same as root @ the keyboard. \_ Let me put it another way: There was no new cronjob added after the upgrade. Maybe some file isnt being found but something like that cant cause you to lose your default route. I'll try checking the run level via who -r before rebooting it again. \_ We had something like this. It was system accounting runnning the machine out of memory. Sometimes it rebooted, sometimes it hung as described. No memory == can't fork new proceses from inetd == no telnet, ftp, etc. -ax \_ but non-inetd stuff dies, like the domain binding and default route being lost. \_ ooh.. Good one. --scotsman \_ system accounting and /var/adm/messages are for weenies. Real men read the pretty lights and feel the hum. |
2002/12/5-6 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:26727 Activity:high |
12/5 I have about 60K airline miles with United. I'm afraid of losing them if the company files for bankruptcy. Anybody been through a similar situation with another airline? Do bankrupt airlines that continue operating honor their airline miles? I really don't want to just buy a ticket because trips have to be planned and I don't have any plans right now. \_ They claim they're planning to keep the frequent flier plan alive through the re-org because they want the repeat business. If you go somewhere else you'll never come back and they know it. \_ 60k? feh, 1k premier \_ huh? what does one have to do with the other? maybe he just uses a lot of miles? i'm 10k, and i probably only have 50 or 60k miles saved because i fly my wife with me on trips. \_ You expect it to make sense? Motd. \_ People with lots of FF miles are business travellers for the most part. They're usually paying higher ticket prices due to last minute travel. United does NOT want to piss these people off. Your miles will be safe until United goes out of business. \_ Yeah yermom racks up quite a few miles. |
3/15 |