2002/11/8 [Politics] UID:26463 Activity:nil |
11/7 Current thread on BBC online is most outrageous and/or ridiculous band names. Can anyone top "And You Will Know Us by the Trail of the Dead"? |
2002/11/8 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:26464 Activity:moderate |
11/7 Does anyone want to buy my copy of Vice City? It is in perfect condition and the is fun as hell, I jsut shouldn't have spent that money on a game right now. -aspolito \_ rent it to the CSUA office \_ Jobless and nearly homeless? Sell your body to strange men. parts_/ |
2002/11/8 [Transportation/Car] UID:26465 Activity:low |
11/7 For those new kind of automobile tires that have V-shaped troughs that supposedly preform better on wet surface, does the orientation matter when they are mounted? I saw a car with such tires mounted in what I think is the wrong way. Thanks. \_ Yes, it does matter. I forget which way is the correct way, though. Try searching http://tirerack.com and such. \_ tip of v contacts with road before the vanes of the v. water has pathway to outside edges of tire. other way, water is forced to center of tire patch, leading to hydroplaning. \_ some tires are ok in either direction, some are not. if your tire place or mechanic doesn't know for your tires, get a new tire/auto place. |
2002/11/8 [Uncategorized] UID:26466 Activity:very high |
11/7 So is "mulatto" a word in common usage in nyc? \_ I've never thought of "mulatto" as particularly offensive. A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido. --dim \_ It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss with all these marbles in my mouth. \_ My parents use it but none of my peers ever have. I'm not in NYC tho. Fuck you. \_ It's a common English word. Is "telephone" a word in common usage in nyc? \_ It has the same connotation as "half-breed." Outside of the Nirvana song, I've never heard it used, and a lot of my family comes from Brooklyn. \_ i've heard it on howard stern, which i mentioned in my original post. apparently the person who deleted the pc post also thought stern was verboten. -op |
2002/11/8 [Uncategorized] UID:26467 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto 50%like:26457 |
11/7 Where can I get info on how Sun HA clusters work? High Availability. |
2002/11/8 [Uncategorized] UID:26468 Activity:nil |
\_ no. \_ well then! |
2002/11/8 [Reference/Celebration] UID:26469 Activity:nil |
11/7 > in attendance: njh jhs darin 'muy' 'julia' 'malcolm' jrleek jsampson > joining: 'malcolm' 'julia' > questions: > how do you cut a cake into eight pieces with three strokes? top of cake: (|) - one top of cake: (+) - two SIDE of cake |----| - three you have 8 pcs, because you cut the cake first into qtrs and then you cut sideways. |
2002/11/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:26470 Activity:high |
11/7 > who started the csua? It was brought back to the undergrads by El Presidente It was then that it truly began. \_ paolo, get a life. |
2002/11/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack, Computer/HW] UID:26471 Activity:insanely high |
11/7 As expected, the pc thread was killed once I posted a history of the term that suggested 1) its origin was leftist-communist, and 2) it was originally used in earnest by the lefties. Well done, lads! \_ Uhh, I think the thread's demise has more to do with the fact that it was long and stupid. It's not always about 'left' or 'right' son. Sorry, no cookie. \_ Your self-assuredness belies the meaninglessness of your existence. \_ Your engrish betrays the depth of your foolishness. \_ Maybe for other threads but not when it comes to *anything* politically on the motd. As soon as the left starts looking stupid (takes about 6 minutes) the thread get purged. This is 100% consistent over time but you already knew that. Why pretend otherwise? Truth is the enemy of the left. --!op \_ You just keep telling yourself that. All those Freeper posts make the left look silly and weak, too. \_ The freepers are insane and not a part of any serious political discussion. If you want to call the freepers "the right" then I'm going to dig up and post the idiotic left's version of the same idiocy and pin that on you as the typical left. I think the freeper poster is some lefty crank troll. --conservative \_ the main freeper poster is reiffin, who is a crank troll but probably not a lefty. -tom \_ Maybe. However, the person who purged the pc thread also purged a howard stern reference in another post, which makes it more likely that the pc thread was killed for, well, pc reasons. -op \_ Maybe you are just a paranoid freak with a persecution complex. Everyone has their posts occasionally overwritten, hence the frequent requests for people to use "me" to edit the motd. |
2002/11/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:26472 Activity:nil |
11/7 "Microsoft Memo: How Not To Torpedo Linux" http://csua.org/u/4fe Is that memo intentional leak? |
2002/11/8-9 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:26473 Activity:moderate |
11/7 does anyone have that link to the 5 part article on real estate? \_ probably. \_ Here's the outline: Para 1: Introduction: The three main factors on real estate prices. Para 2: Location Para 3: Location Para 4: Location Para 5: Conclusion \_ part!=paragraph |
2002/11/8 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:26474 Activity:high |
11/7 So on Apple's web site it says: "The NVIDIA GForce2 MX and GForce4 MX graphics processors deliver unparalleled 3D graphics." Aren't there any truth in advertising laws about this? Unparalleled my flaming ass. \_ Well, obviously they don't mean unparalleled in speed. They can always claim "unparalleled" in terms of features and image quality. ie, truth is in the eye of the beholder \_ but it's not unparalleled in features or image quality either. also they misspelled the product name. \_ marketing droids know more about this stuff than you do. Words like "unparalleled", "leading", "preimer" do not have strict definitions, so you can always use them. -tom \_ Certainly, the other 3D cards' must be off by at least a couple of degrees, and there for are not parallel. |
2002/11/8-9 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:26475 Activity:kinda low |
11/7 hola, will going from 512mb -> 1gb of memory in my laptop significantly affect battery life? 5% less? -10%? --psb \_ Don't forget that DRAM refresh cycles also consume energy. \_ it will most likely increase battery life if it reduces swapping. if it doesn't, what's the point of upgrading? \_ what if 512 MB is insufficient only 5% of the time? \_ Depends on what you call significant. If you're on the wire most of the time, no. If you want to do serious traveling then 512mb is already too much. \- re: memory energy consumption [and attendant cooling demands] is why i asked. in re: swap/no swap ... gee maybe i need the memory to avoid heavy swapping when plugged in and doing a lot of photoediting ... and i dont want to take the extra memory out before going "unplugged". and the "depends what you call sig" person isnt saying anything at all. does anyone actually have a sense if memory is like 5% of total system power demand or more ... vs. lcd, and cpu. --psb \_ Dude, look up the power consumption needs of your chips and do the math. No one is giving you solid numbers because they will vary dramatically by system. I have a sense you don't even know what you're trying to ask. \_ I have a 600MHz iBook with 640MB of RAM. It runs for 4 hours on battery easily. Decreasing LCD brightness tends to increse the run time by 25% or so. Does anyone have a similar model with smaller amount of memory? How much run time do you get on battery power? \- usually a little under 3hrs. i usually run the screen pretty bright. 800mhz titanium with 512mb. i am guessing the memory wont be a big deal then. --psb \_ Let us know after you shell out a few bucks since you're unwilling to use google and a 4 function calculator. |
2002/11/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:26476 Activity:nil 55%like:26490 |
11/8 http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/dhenninger/?id=110002593 Good advice the democrats will ignore. |
2002/11/8 [Uncategorized] UID:26477 Activity:nil |
11/8 So, where exactly did Mirzaian give talks about his LP alg? \_ At my school. \_ Which school is that? |
2002/11/8 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:26478 Activity:nil |
11/8 What does the #0 in "FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #0" from uname -a mean? \_ Less than #1 and more than #-1. \_ also, less than #.5 and more than #-.5 \_ Kernel build number. Build it again and it'll be #1. -geordan |
2002/11/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:26479 Activity:low |
11/8 FreeBSD nVidia drivers are out. http://download.nvidia.com/freebsd \_ Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. \_ http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?IO=freebsd_1.0-3203 -geordan \_ That's not something you see every day, a MS web server serving up drivers for a real OS. |
2002/11/8 [Uncategorized] UID:26480 Activity:nil |
11.7 You know you're right: #1: Top 10: Great: . Average: Sucks, you pricks who are making money off of the late great veteran: Eh?: . \_ WTF? |
2002/11/8 [Politics/Domestic] UID:26481 Activity:nil |
11/7 Not all of us on the left are happy with the Dems: http://csua.org/u/507 \_ He had me for awhile. Then he started being Geov Parrish again. Two years in Seattle listening to him whine was enough for me. I switched to reading The Stranger and haven't cracked the Seattle Weekly since. Like most "progressives", he laments the loss of power to control Supreme Court appointees and harangues the one guy the Demos have elected to the presidency in 20 years in almost the same breath. No wonder the right doesn't consider the left a threat. \_ I disagree with the 'facts' upon which he bases his argument(s) but at least he follows logically from his non-facts to his conclusions unlike most leftists who simply spout opinion-as-fact. He's a step up from your typical lefty, but his denial of reality leads me to believe as the above says that the left is not a serious threat if this is the way their clearer thinkers are going. |
2002/11/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:26482 Activity:very high |
11/7 http://uk.news.yahoo.com/021108/80/de8zy.html Bush has learned well from Sharon. If there is anyone you don't like, don't bother with arrest, don't bother with a trial, just execute 'em from the air. A US citizen murdered, too. \_ Not murder. Proactive attack against terrorist elements. \_ Not murder. Assassination. Prohibited by Exec. Order, and therefore illegal. Arrest the CIA. \_ It isn't assassination unless you figure that every random fuck towel head with a bomb is a foreign leader. \_ http://dictionary.com says: assassination: a killing by treacherous violence. http://www.cia.gov/cia/information/eo12333.html#2.11 says: 2.11 Prohibition on Assassination. No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination. 2.12 Indirect Participation. No agency of the Intelligence Community shall participate in or request any person to undertake activities forbidden by this Order. Read carefully, tool: nowhere does it say "foreign leader." \_ US abolished slavery at the cost of a civil war. Sweden sat on its ass like a coward until someone else did the dirty work. Being humane entails knowing when to fight for what you believe in. \_ Be thankful the US isn't lining the roads with crosses like the Romans. They could, and I bet they would actually be successful in stopping attacks that way (as Romans were). \_ So has Genghis Khan. Yes, I am thankful that the US is not like Genghis Khan. \_ Romans are too close to home, eh? Had to come up with a big bad asian example, right? That the US occasionally fires rockets at cars loaded with dynamite (which I consider a good thing) does not change the fact that it has produced the most humane society the world has ever seen. \_ Have you ever been to The Netherlands? Sweden? Canada? \_ What was Sweden's stance on the Nazis again? \_ What was USA's stance on slavery again? Sweden merely maintained independence. \_ The US got rid of slavery at the cost of a civil war. US citizens lost lives trying to oust Hitler when it became obvious he was a threat. Sweden just sat on its collective ass and waited for Nazis to take over the world. Being humane is knowing when to fight for what you believe in. \_ Why did they ignore Stalin then hm? You know, it's just silly to say Hitler would really be able to "take over the world". At most, possibly some of the eastern european nations that Stalin ended up ruling for the next 50 years anyway. \_ If there wasn't a Western Front the Nazis would have taken out the Russians and then Britain was next. After that, the US would stand alone for freedom in the world against the Nazi controlled Euro/ Asian continent (as well as the oil in the middle east and the more valuable parts of Africa). \_ A Russian friend of mine said Russia has always won wars that others launched against it, and has always lost wars that it launched against others. \_ Your russian friend is wrong. Russia lost the war against the Golden Horde. -- russian \_ Yes, we can take that historical fluke as divine providence that it is fated that no one can invade and conquer Russia. Thanks. \_ The Civil War was over state's rights, not over slavery. \_ Wow... welcome to Oversimplification Of History 101. \_ Why did you erase my question? US sat back on the same haunches as Sweden while the nazis were sweeping through europe. We would have let england be taken before we did anything if it weren't for pearl harbor. we had business dealings with the nazis that couldn't be disturbed. \_ Uh oh.. *this* assertion definitely needs some URL backing. \_ major IBM contracts for Nazi Germany. \_ dont be a git. we didn't avoid war with the Nazis for IBM's sake. Duh. \_ and what did sweden contribute to the effort? \_ Those cool knives? Oh no wait that was the swiss, the Nazi collaborators. \_ That the Romans had a little civilization going does not change the fact that cruxifixing people is barbaric. Do not confuse "inspite of" and "because of". \_ You know, you would pull off that lecturing tone much better if you knew how to spell 'crucify.' \_ You know, you need to brush up your grammar a little. \_ Um.. to what grammar are you referring? --scotsman \_ "would have pulled" \------"still [christians] others were burned alive as living torches to light Nero's garden at his Golden House." ... that's a funny story but untrue ... probably some exaggeration of suetonius. why are you focusing on rome? look at the decree on megara or the melian dialog. that is more appropriate. well i suppose you can look at the destruction of corinth in 146 by L. Mummius: Cary \& Schullard describe the aftermath as follows: ``In other Greek towns they restored the rule of the wealthier classes, and they made Corinth safe against social revolution by razing it to the ground and selling its inhabitants into slavery.'' This was the hard edge to the vaunted {\it Pax Romana\/}. See also famous speech of calgacus in the Agricola: A rich enemy excites their cupidity; a poor one, their lust for power. East and West alike have failed to satisfy them. They are the only people on earth to whose covetousness both riches and poverty are equally tempting. To robbery, butchery and rapine, they give the lying name of 'government'; they create a desolation and call it peace. --psb \_ You're confused. You kill the enemy, you arrest criminals. They were the enemy. As far as one of them being a US citizen, I'm not shedding any tears since our insanely open borders make the concept of US citizenship almost entirely meaningless. \_ Especially when some politicians are trying to give residency to illegal immigrants in order to buy votes from certain ethnic groups. \_ The Republicans are guilty of 'excusing' illegal aliens and making them magically into citizens (1986) while the Democrats prefer to not bother with the citizenship thing and just have endless numbers of people come over so they can raise taxes on the citizenry in order to 'solve' a social problem they helped create. Fuck them both. \_ Reagan 's amnesty was a political compromise with the Dems. He later stated it was the biggest mistake of his Presidency. Unfortunately, today there are many RINOs in Congress beholden to business. \_ Saying, "I'm sorry" afterwards is too fucking late. |
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