2002/11/7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:26448 Activity:very high |
11/6 http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,830061,00.html An honest look at GWB from England's leading liberal publication. \_ just because it said something you like, you call it "honest look." Has Berkeley taught you ANYTHING? \_ So is the guardian honest only when it says something you like? \_ I hope that wasn't a serious attempt at an argument. -!OP |
2002/11/7 [Uncategorized] UID:26449 Activity:nil |
11/5 \_ Does Nguyen have a corresponding Chinese charater? Is it the same as "Ruan3" in Mandarin and "Yuen" in Cantonese? \_ A Vietnamese friend of mine once wrote her last name in chinese, and it was "Ruan3" (in Mandarin), as in "Ruan3 Ling2 Yu4," the actress from the 30's who committed suicide. \_ Thanks. Does Nguyen actually have the same origin as Ruan3 (like between Korean Lee and the Chinese Lee)? Or do they just happen to have the same pronounciation so the Vietnamese borrowed the Chinese character (like between the Chinese Lee and the American Lee)? |
2002/11/7 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:26450 Activity:nil |
11/6 \_ http://csua.org/u/4ef \_ yeah, he killed 20 million Jews just like Hitler did. stupid revisionist beatnik \_ http://csua.org/u/4f0 \_ yeah, he did so poorly at Harvard that Al Gore did better again, stupid revisionist beatnik |
2002/11/7 [Recreation/Pets] UID:26451 Activity:nil |
11/6 Dere dis REALLY cute Vietnamnese goat in mah' class. What's de best way t'go out wid her? \_ Say, "me lika da pho." \_ Ask her. Ah be baaad... \_ roofies \_ move in wid ha' and neva' say some wo'd until ya' figure out she's some ragin' lesbian. 'S coo', bro. - danh \_ You's wants'ed advice specific t'Vietdojiggerse honky chicks? You's could start by not misspellin' "Vietdojiggerse". \_ steal some dog. den feed da bud it togeder. Ah be baaad... \_ Afta' all, whut's de mo'al difference between some hamburger and some collieburger? \_ dogs gots' some soul. \_ if dogs gots' souls den so's do pigs \_ dog's gots sucka'ality. Right On! |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:26452 Activity:high |
11/6 Solaris 2.7, E6500 with lots of disks. One disk up and died but I didn't get the serial number dumped in the log like usually happens. Is there some way to get the serial# for the dead disk? I know the device path and it's entry in 'format' and a bunch of other stuff. I'm remote so making lights flash won't help. All help appreciated! \_ This is why you keep logs of this kind of thing around... \_ luxadm ? why do you need the serial number? You mean WWN? or part number? how about 3rd party tool sysinfo? I dont understand. If you know the disk, maybe start accessing it to make it generate another error in your "log"? You also can often look at the format output for disk type and match it in the FE handbook or sun system handbook or the web to get the part#. \_ OP: my fault, I wasn't clear. I need the serial # because that's the only unique identifier on the outside of the disk. I'll be sending someone else there to pull the drive out for replacement and need a very clear and easy way to ID the drive the barely technical person can deal with and not fuck up. \_ make it blink for him. sure you're remote, but you could certainly make it blink until disk is found. |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26453 Activity:high |
11/6 is there any open source IDE which uses emacs-style key commands? \_ you don't specify the language but Eclipse has emacs key bindings. \_ emacs? \_ that is what I have been using. I really would like little perks such as being able to display function arguements, list of all the method in a class, etc... if there is a lisp library can do that, let me know \_ the Harmonia research group at Cal does just this type of stuff. \_ the Harmonia research group at Cal does stuff related to this type of stuff. Mike Toomim is their emacs person... you might want to mail him. toomim@cs - rory \_ you know, I thought you were a girl until I saw your picture. What a disappointment. |
2002/11/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:26454 Activity:very high |
11/7 end of political correctness predicated, film at 11. \_ Don't hold your breath. The fringe left obsession with language came to be during the Reagan 80s largely, I feel, as an unconscious reaction to the shock of suddenly being politically superfluous. It may, god forbid, begin all over again. --Berkeley liberal \_ It should be noted that "political correctness" includes conservative phrasings, concepts, and spins which obsecrate their views into much more "palatable" words and ideas. \_ Wow, that's an incredible re-write of reality. PC is a very strictly left wing linguistic butchery and nothing else. \_ Oh no. If you've been around long enough, this sort of thing showed up on both sides of the aisle. The more recent and publicly obvious 80s-era virulent strain was a lefty thing, but I've run into it in connection with right-ey vocabulary as well as far back as the early 60s. \_ such as? \_ The very phrase "Political Correctness" is a PC right wing invention. \_ Bullshit. I was at Cal in the 80's and plenty of the freshmen got 'corrected' numerous times by some lefty with, "You can't say that! It's not PC!". I even have an English 1A paper from my sophomore year which says my paper wasn't "PC". You can try to revise history all you like but that doesn't make how history really was any different. \_ The term was used by neocon types when I was at Caltech in 1982. It is foolish to generalize from your personal experience to all history. \_ it is perhaps a perjorative term applied to lefty/ liberal euphemisms. But the euphemisms to which the term is applied are themselves lefty inventions. not that euphemisms are solely a lefty/liberal thing. look at "regime change" "pro-life" \_ The right turned it into a perjorative term but it didn't start that way. The term is solely a creation of the left. \_ You have some sort of evidence backing this up? \_ Let's start easy with regime change, freedom fighter, ethnic cleansing, and pro-life. \_ You don't seem to know what political correct means. PC is all the non-reality crap about not calling a cripple a cripple, but 'differently abled' and other nonsense like that. \_ Crap. PC is like I can't say white people have higher IQ, or women should stay in kitchen, or Jews control the media, etc. \_ *laugh* I think we're done if you're going to try to bait the motd like that. \_ my friend called a mutual friend of ours a "mulatto", I told him that only 17th century slavetraders in New Orleans use that term, that it was archaic and not used much anymore, he claimed "everyone in NYC says 'mulatto'", he said I was being "PC", I called him a moron. - danh \_ So if cripples don't want to be referred to as cripples, you'll do so anyways? That's cruel. Cruelty is what the right is all about. Also selfishness and materialism. \_ They're not "differently" abled. They're "disabled". If they want to be called "basketball stars" more power to 'em but it's a lie. I'm going to ignore your obvious troll on the cruelty parts. No cookies to be found here. \_ "Cripple" is very different from "disabled." |
2002/11/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:26455 Activity:nil |
11/7 Lock phasers Mr. Worf: http://csua.org/u/4f8 (-urld) "I'll call it the Alan Parsons Project" |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/SW/Unix, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:26456 Activity:kinda low |
11/7 Does anyone have recommendations for colo facilities in the bay area? It's for business, and high uptime is important. \_ http://he.net, down in south fremont. \_ if you have the money id say go w/ someoen other than http://he.net they are friendly and have smart guys but not the greatest network and peering. exodus or at&t or similar. \_ What's wrong with their peering? they've got quite a few very reliable peers and big phat pipes. And they won't dick you around on quotes for colo. My last two companies have both done business with them, and i can't remember more than three downtimes over 4 years. and none were more than an hour. \_ Verio is owned by NTT so they'll be around for a bit and since they don't want to lose (any more) jobs, they work hard to keep customers happy and give you a fair price. They've been around for a while. My company uses them and is happy. |
2002/11/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:26457 Activity:high 50%like:26467 |
11/7 Where can I get info on how HAs work? \_ HA? High-Availabilities? \_ Hand Action. http://www.masturbationpage.com/asmfaq.html is required reading for sodans. \_ like someone else knows more about masturbation than I do? Ha! Keep dreaming. \_ It is no dream paeon. It is fact. My handiwork is the superior. I hereby throw down the gauntlet. I'm taking off the kid gloves! All of you under my mighty thumb! |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:26458 Activity:kinda low |
11/7 On ultra5's there's m64config to tweak the graphics settings. Anybody know the equivalent command on sunblade 100s? Users are complaining about some cad tools' color mapping being different on sunblade 100s vs ultra 10s. The tools and the monitor are identical. What can I tweak graphics wise? Thanks. \_ fbconfig? also, possibly afbconfig or ffbconfig or even m64config. my sunblade also has an m64. check the output of prtconf to figure out which frame buffer it uses. --scotsman \_ This depends on the framebuffer. If you're using the on-board video connector, then you should use m64config. If you're using the Expert3D-lite, then it probably needs some other tool for configuring its settings. |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:26459 Activity:high |
11/7 What kind of computer do they use to store financial data in say Wall Street or in banks? Cray? SGI? Sun? INTEL??? \_ IBM. \_ Store? Probably IBM. I think either the Nasdaq or NYSE runs trading through an HP farm though. \- does anyone know what kind of computer the FED MASTER COMPUTER is? The one at the bottom of a mine in colpepper, virginia? This is the computer that tracks the reserve requirements of all the usa banks. --psb \_ They don't use a 'computer' generally. They use SANS and high end DAS and NAS devices from companies like EMC and Hitachi. When you get into high end 100% uptime computing environments you stop seeing computers and start seeing discrete components: some sort of app server/farm connected via multiple high speed fiber links to SANs. \_ Sorry, what do SANS, DAS and NAS stand for? \_ http://www.google.com/search?q=nas+san+das \_ SANs -> Storage Area Networks \_ say your FC mesh NAS -> Network Attached Storage (ie file servers) \_ your storage appliance, like netapp. Don't know what DAS stands for \_ direct attached storage \_ disk on your lameass POS linux box. |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:26460 Activity:kinda low |
11/7 I have an SQL table where an auto-incrementing value got cleared (i dont know how). What's an easy way to go through each row and assign it an incrementing value? \_ Which database? In Oracle, use PL/SQL and a for loop. |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/Theory] UID:26461 Activity:high |
11/7 So, when and where is this LP breakthrough coming out? \_ The paper was submitted for publication this year. I went to a talk today given by the guy who came up with it -- the algorithm is beautifully simple. Unfortunately, I think he is trying to patent it. \_ Where was the talk? Where is it being submitted for publication? Who is the author (or at least institutional affiliation)? \_ At my school. The author is Andy Mirzaian, from York University in Canada (received his PhD from Princeton a while ago). \_ Did he give details about this algorithm at the talk? All the details? Were people convinced? Has this work been subjected to formal peer review? \_ He described the algorithm, but not the proof that it runs in poly time. It has not been peer reviewed yet (since it has only been submitted, not published). \_ Ah. May I ask which school you are at? \_ You may. \_ Which school are you at? \_ http://www.cs.yorku.ca/~andy/pubs/index.html --google \_ Yea, got that. |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/Theory] UID:26462 Activity:kinda low |
11/7 Anyone have a good intro (i'm in math54 atm) to bayesian analysis that a college sophomore could understand? i read that the new spamassassin uses it (like ifile) but cant find a good intro text on it other than: http://www.paulgraham.com/spam.html (which was actually pretty good) \_ If you are talking about that stupid /. thing, it's really simple. It's just counting words. If a document has lots of words deemed 'spammy', it does not get through. This is literally all there is to this 'bayesian' approach. AI people call this the 'naive bayes' algorithm. \_ i dont read /. -op \_ does spamassassin actually use this already? If so, how do I slap it around and tell it which is spam and which isn't? \_ the beta/experimental release (2.5) does. \_ Bayesian analysis fundamentals are simple. It all drives off of Bayes Theorem (mathworld has one, but there are plenty of better ones, if you google for it: http://mathworld.wolfram.com In a nutshell, given the observation of data D, the probability that a hypothesis is true is equal to the conditional probability that the data is true given the hypothesis * the PRIOR probability of the hypothesis being true. In essence, it ideally redistributes your prior probability distribution based on the data observed. Bayes Theorem: P(H(i)|D) = [P(D|H(i))*P(H(i))] (formatd was here) where --------------------------- D = observ. data Sum(j=1->n,P(D|H(j))*P(Hj)) H(i) = hypothesis i 1<=i<=n -nivra \_ What's the relation between Bayes Theorem and Neural Networks? \_ No relationship at all. Neural networks are function approximators that work using hillclimbing. Bayes theorem is a relationship between conditional probabilities of two events (it's not actually a theorem, it just follows straight from the definitions). -- card-carrying bayesian \_ Bayes Theorem: Conditional probability. I don't remember Neural Networks using Bayes Theorem. However, Bayesian networks use Bayes theory. \_ I don't know much about Neural Networks. Presumably, they use different learning algorithms for deciding what information to weight, and how to weight its nodes/connections. Thus, presumably, you could have a Bayesian learning algorithm that decides how to re-weight its connections based on observed data. -nivra \_ google for bayesian networks or bayesian belief networks. Neural Networks typically have an activation function at the nodes to weight things. The Backpropagation Algorithm is typically run. I don't think I've heard of a variation of Neural Networks algorithm which uses Bayes. |
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