10/25 The boss instituted a 7-day vacation/sick day (combined) policy
for those who have been working for at least a year. He says
most startups don't give any vacation time at all. Is this
accurate? How about where you work?
\_ My company is still a "startup". 14 days vacation + 2 sick
days per year. Pretty standard.
\_ This is not accurate. Most startups give 2 or 3 weeks
paid time off (sick+vacation) and then aim to squeeze
seventy hours weeks out of you the rest of the time.
\_ That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard.
\_ Utter bullshit
\_ I'm not at a startup. I'm at a gov't research lab. But I
get 13 sick days and 13 holidays per year, not counting
national holidays such as Memorial day. --PeterM
\_ could be true. Maybe you are a really small startup?
\_ We have ~ 15 on-site employees. Around for a couple years now.
\_ It is bullshit. Your boss is abusing the fact that jobs are
scarce right now. Do you really want to work for someone who
tries to fuck hisi employees when he thinks he can get away with
\_ Who would? But the sad thing is, he CAN get away with it.
Bloody damned economy. Irrational exuberance can bite me.
\_ The only reason he can get away with it is because
of apathetic, low self-image developers (and H1B's).
The market is bad, but it's not THAT bad.
\_ what safe secure hole have you been in? or do you
rewl? It *is* THAT bad
\_ well that depends. Are you a H1B? If you are, ALL YOUR BASES ARE
BELONG TO HIM. H1B have no legal grounds to sue and have no basis
for complaint. It's the best cheap hitech labor.
\_ Nonsense. Civil complaints can be filed by anyone regardless
of nationality. Some courts will charge extra large filing
fees for nonresidents, however.
\_ That doesn't mean you will win.
\_ we had FIVE weeks vacation at my last job... a start-up.
of course, this was ~2 years ago.
\_ Any URLs for vacation/sick policies (I looked on google) for
startups? If we assume he's not trying to screw people, the
boss is a Type A personality who thinks everyone should work as
hard as he does. He thinks we should all work really hard and
be proud when we succeed as a company -- instead of all acting
like a bunch of 40hr/wk overpaid ingrates.
\_ This sort of expectation is extremely unprofessional for any
except a small cadre of founding members -- and even then it's
borderline. Very few people are in industry strictly because
they like to work really hard.
\_ "Proud" as in "wow, that's swell, have a piece of cake and let's
get back to work" proud or "here's a nice big bonus and take a
few weeks off" proud? Personally as I get older, I find better,
more gratifying things to do in my life than cubicle work. What
good is it to be successful if you can't enjoy life? And Allah
help you, if have a family or get into a relationship. Your boss
is trying to make you feel guilty for making money AND maybe
trying to enjoy life at the same time. 'Sup to you to take
it or leave it. Here's the best way to look at it, if the person
of your dreams asks you to spend a long weekend in Tahoe and
you can't do it because you had the flu in January, your life
officially sucks.
\_ Generally speaking, US sucks in terms of vacation days. Europe
and even countries in Asia are much better. They get like 30
days of vacation. I only get a measly 13 days (not including
sick days though). It's because US has an anal retentive
pilgrim's calling type of twisted work ethic. However, I must
say that your case is especially bad. I think you are being
bullied and exploited. You should kick your boss. Darn! It's
almost 8 p.m. Friday, why am I still at work? Must be because
I am a H1B slave.
\_ Look, you are being exploited. You know you are being exploited.
Otherwise you wouldn't have posted to the motd. Now if you just
let this guy fuck you, you are a pathetic tool. And to sit and
whine about how the economy is os bad he can get away with it is
not a solution. First do you really want to work for someone who
is going to treat you like shit any chance he gets? I mean do you
need the money that bad? Do you have kids? House payments?
There are other jobs out there. But if you don't want to quit
you could actually talk to the guy about it. Ask the other people
at the company if they feel the vacation deal is fair. If they
don't ask them if they will back you if you make an issue out of it.
They don't have to say anything, jsut sign something, or stand
behind you when you make a case to the boss. Then go in, and
actually talk to the guy. Don't be aggressive but don't be
apologetic in any way shape or form. Let him know you and the
others are unhappy and that you want or more reasonable vacation
policy. That simple. Chances are it will work.
\_ The first half of your post is bang on. But the idea of
approaching management this way is unrealisitic at best -- this
is something that is highly dependant on the work environment
and the people involved. Odds are, unless the OP is VERY
charismatic, no one will back him when it gets real -- and
dealing with an A-personality boss like this is only likely to
get you classified as either a slacker, a troublemaker, or empty
noise. I've seen this happen before -- the 'shop-steward'
approach is almost pointless in the vast majority of work
environments. If your company has an HR person or a sympathetic
senior exec, you're better off working thru them than trying to
start a half-assed revolution that's more likely to get you
pushed out (shitty work assignments, blatant disrespect, etc).
Don't get me wrong, communication is good -- but start with
proper channels of communication before you escalate to direct
confrontation. Direct confrontation + junior level of
employment is a really bad mix. -mice
\_ I have worked at four startups: the worst had 15 days PTO
and nine holiday days a year, the best 11 holiday days, five
days sick and three weeks vacation. -ausman |