2002/10/4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:26093 Activity:high |
10/3 This is yet another reason to not vote Libertarian: http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/Central/10/02/candidate.blue.skin.ap/index.html \_ My friend just emailed this to someone who takes that stuff and that guy got *really* defensive. \_ Yeah well wait til he turns purple... permanently. |
2002/10/4-5 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26094 Activity:low |
10/3 Many people have seen me using Emacs and recommended jEdit instead. Has anyone converted to jEdit and what's your opinion? \_ M-x jedit-mode \_ http://www.eclipse.org |
2002/10/4 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/General] UID:26095 Activity:very high |
10/3 Watching a Nicole Kidman movie right now which only reminds me that Tom Cruise must be gay. \_ he's probably too busy taking vitamins, sitting in saunas, and giving all his money away down at the local dianetics org. mabye his masters at scientology headquarters told org. maybe his masters at scientology headquarters told him she was in league with xenu. \_ This is no laughing matter. Kidman is not a scientologist and did not wish to convert. I am guessing Cruise received a lot of pressure from the Church of Scientology that likely influenced his decision. \_ i'm not laughing. i've tangled with these motherfuckers personally, and had to leave where i used to live because the whole building was controlled by them, and we were being threatened by them. posting anything containing the word "xenu" increases the number of poeple who will find out the truth, and helps stop the spread of this social cancer. personally, and had to leave where i used to live because the whole building was controlled by them, and we were being threatened by them. posting anything containing the word "xenu" increases the number of poeple who will find out the truth, and helps stop the spread of this social cancer. i urge evryone to google search scientology, xenu, and to read the recent Time magazine article about them(it's online.) \_ Check out http://clambake.org for good information. \_ They've got money, lawyers, blackmailable confessions on almost everyone in their organization, and copyright law on their side. Not nice folks. \_ he just wanted to make love to her tush. \_ actually, he just wanted her to make love to his tush. \_ Url? \_ How can give up NK for that skank he's with now? It's a crime. \_ that skank is still an upgrade from Mrs. Cruise version 2. \_ Why? You actually think NK is pretty in any way? You actually liked Moulin Rouge? \_ Didn't see MR. NK is very hot. \_ Agree. She looks like she'd be very fun with the angry sex thing. Which may be why TC broke up with her. To get her mad. \_ where's tawei these days? \_ what does he have to do with any of this? \_ Isn't he dating Nicole these days? \_ Shockingly, the degree to which your partner is decorative is not one of the prime factors in the success of a relationship. \_ XENU! |
2002/10/4 [Uncategorized] UID:26096 Activity:nil |
10/3 Woohoo! Don't have to vacuum floor no more! Courtesy of MIT. http://www.roombavac.com |
2002/10/4 [Academia/OtherSchools, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:26097 Activity:kinda low |
10/3 Where can I get undergrad rankings? Interested in Harvey Mudd, etc etc. \_ 1. harvard 2. princeton 3. yale 4. mit 5. - 9. various other east coast schools 10. stanford 11. cal 12. - 200. more warm body environments 201. harvey mudd \_ U.S. News and World Report? http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/rankings/rankindex_brief.php \_ US News' rating system is pretty arbitrary, and doesn't apply at all to schools which only have undergraduate programs (like Mudd). -tom \_ sure, it's arbitrary, but when people say a school is ranked such and such, they are refering to the usnews ranking, wether it's stupid and arbitrary or not. i've worked with several people from all of the schools listed above since graduating, and am damn glad i went to cal and not some stupid east coast school where all the students are identical. \_ Identical can be good. Cal has so much variance, ymmv a lot. There are really smart cal grads (like myself) and really dumb ones (like you, heh). At your stupid east coast school, what you see is what you get (alllooksame). \_ One can make the argument that providing teaching alone does not make a good undergraduate environment, especially for people who actually wish to become scientists and engineers themselves. I agree with that argument. \_ i also agree. \_ The counter-argument is that at a school like Mudd, undergrads work directly with their professors and are given top priority, which doesn't tend to be true at research universities. It's a tradeoff. -tom \_ CS ranking or overall? \_ Where do CalTech, CMU and Cornell rank? \_ Caltech |
2002/10/4-5 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:26098 Activity:insanely high |
10/4 how did John Walker Lindh even break the law, causing him now to be sentenced to 20 years in jail? what's illegal with joining the taliban, despite their unusual beliefs and practices? \_ I think this is how it goes: 9/11 was done by Al Qaida, so we \_ I guess this is how it goes: 9/11 was done by Al Qaida, so we calssified Al Qaida as an enemy to this country. The Taliban is assocated with Al Qaida, so we classified the Taliban as an enemy to this country. Now, it is illegal for a citizen to join an enemy to this country, so Lindh broke the law. \_ ex post facto \_ not so. he stayed there with them *after* 9/11 and *after* he knew american soldiers were there fighting against his terrorist pals. thanks. \_ Yeah because walking out of a fanatical camp in the middle of Afghanistan with no food, money, or support is the best thing to do. \_ 1) tough shit, 2) others managed to change sides or safely surrender all over the place, 3) tough shit \_ Who? Name one American citizen fighting with the Taliban who did so. They'd have shot his ass as a deserter. Lindh's going to jail because the Feds have shown his lawyers enough evidence to suggest he helped kill a CIA spook who was conducting "interrogations" in the POW camp, and his lawyers told him to take 20 over the chair. \_ Why must it be an American I name? As far as we know there was only 1 traitor there when Mike Spann was murdered. Did you have a point? Your cheesey 3rd grader quality attempt to redfine the debate by putting words in my mouth was beyond \_ IDF allows anyone to apply as long as they can read,speak Hebrew ridiculous. Frankly, this stupid prick is safer in a cell than on the street where someone is going to kill this punk. He'll suck some prison dick but he won't be dead which he should be. \_ Don't be a schmuck. You must name an American because JWL was an American and would've been shot had he tried to defect from the Taliban. Why he didn't ID himself as such when the Spann and the rest of the "interrogation" squad showed up is a mystery, but perhaps he didn't know the rest of the prisoners were going to riot. My point is that he's going to jail not for just being in the Taliban or being a "traitor." \_ Child, I don't *have* to but because you're so cute, I will anyway. Go look up the 4 guys that got picked up last week. 1 of them didn't like his new psycho jihadi friends and left. Jihad Johny didn't ID himself because he (in his mind) was talking to the enemy, ya know, the enemy, Americans. A mystery? What utter crap. How can you expect to be taken even halfway seriously spewing about how a bus sized hole in your line of 'reasoning' is simply a mystery while simultaneously making bogus claims about what I *have* to prove to you? Because you lost based on reality and now you lost on your new self-defined reality. Go home, read some newspapers, keep up with what's going on in the real world and you won't be forced to look like a jerkoff here. He was *LUCKY* to get only 20 years. It was a *VERY* generous offer. If he pulled that shit as a citizen of *any* other country on this planet, he'd be dead if he was lucky and never see the sun again if not. This is the only country that doesn't execute fucking traitors and other scum like JWL. \_ John Walker is an American citizen, and thus owes allegiance to this country (immigrants take the oath explicitly, he was born into it). By fighting against American troops, he committed treason. It's kind a scary anti-utopian word, but he can be tried for it nevertheless. Personally I think he got off easy. \_ treason is a scary anti-utopian word? say what? I agree that he got off easy. So did all the FBI & CIA traitors who sold us out to the soviets. Life in prison is way too easy. \_ *Any* participation in a foreign militia is grounds for loss of citizenship. Bush was soft. He should have had his citizenship revoked, then put in federal prison, and when his prison term was over, he should be deported. \_ the only exception is Israel. Lots of Americans serve in the Israeli military and wave the Israeli flag around. Who do you think they're loyal to? Frankly, I think anybody who served in ANY foreign military should be deported. Including all the Israelis. \_ Talk to your Reps about eliminating the possibility of dual citizenship and while you're at it see if they'll get someone to enforce the other weak immigration and citizenship laws. \_ IDF allows anyone to apply as long as they can read,speak Hebrew \_ yeah how do they get around the law to do that? that's always confused me. \_ Wasn't Israel to become the 51st state? j/k ;p \_ I thought that was Britain, although Blair denied it a few days ago. \_ Really? A recent episode of JAG talks about a jew in US marine who goes to join the Israeli military, and whether he should be treated as a traitor. I didn't watch the episode and didn't know the outcome. I just heard the trailer on the radio. \_ No, not really at all. They're making shit up because the average person doesn't know either way and accepts their anti-semitic lies as facts. \_ Please do not rely on TV drama to get your understanding of, well, anything. My work here is done. \_ You mean Westwing isn't real life? \_ flying tigers. \_ you mean the american pilots getting paid by uncle sam to fight for the chinese using american weapons, american ammo, lead by american commanders? those flying tigers? \_ You are full of crap: http://travel.state.gov/military_service.html \_ True, but the little fucker is still a traitor and should be shot. \_ Relevant quote: "Although a person's enlistment in the armed forces of a foreign country may not constitute a violation of U.S. law, it could subject him or her to Section 349(a)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act [8 U.S.C. 1481(a)(3)] which provides for loss of U.S. nationality if an American voluntarily and with the intention of relinquishing U.S. citizenship enters or serves in foreign armed forces engaged in hostilities against the United States or serves in the armed forces of any foreign country as a commissioned or non-commissioned officer." So it looks like I just made the mistake that it's only officers that are automatic. If you're not an officer you have to be involved in hostilities against the US...like Lindh. \_ Jeez! Don't you know a non-commissioned officer is an enlisted man. You stupid Berkeley types who never understood the military or it's structure. So no. You made a big mistake. \_ At least I can format @ 80 columns \_ <Sigh> How pathetic and puny... \_ Not all enlisted people are NCOs. \_ Are you a dumbass? He said all NCOs are enlisted. Your statement is true, but is not a refutation of what he said, and is simply irrelevant. Your idiocy is pissing me off, go away. \_ On a related note, I heard that permanent residents here are allowed to serve in our military, and maybe even required to served during war time. How does that work with their citizenship elsewhere? \_ Who cares what their third world homes have to say about it? \_ But to whom are they supposed to be loyal? \_ if they were so loyal, why did they leave? \_ welfare for illegal aliens available here. |
2002/10/4 [Recreation/Dating] UID:26099 Activity:nil |
10/3 http://asia.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/03/12/hongkong.sex.01/index.html \_ Have you ever seen the way they dress and carry themselves? Ugh -ABC |
2002/10/4-5 [Uncategorized] UID:26100 Activity:very high |
10/4 I didn't see the entire survivor thailand, but why didn't people like that asian gal? Is she annoying? \_ she's the only one with a brain on the team; the stupid people tried to vote her off. \_ Hey it's towers of hanoi! I know lets uhm move stuff around at random and lose an incredibly easy challenge and look like total morons in front of millions of people. I got tired of seeing the sappy love fest team anyway. \_ Blowing a 8-4 lead in the rewards was more entertaining. \_ is she the one from Cal? \_ She is 'executive recruiter' in NYC. IOW, brainless. -jor \_ she is from Cal, and she's clearly the brightest person on the island. \_ Maybe so but that doesn't say much when you see who else is there. \_ fair enough. \_ Darn! I missed the whole thing! |
2002/10/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:26101 Activity:insanely high |
10/4 Which of the following #endif comment in C is better? (a) #ifdef FOO ... foo code ... #else .... non-foo code ... #endif /* FOO */ (b) #ifdef FOO ... foo code ... #else ... non-foo code ... #endif /* !FOO */ Thanks. \_ a actually makes sense. \_ to normal people, but I'm sure that some 1337 l1nux d00d5 will like (b) better. (Trust me, I've seen stranger) \_ Ah, the GNU way. \_ please learn to spell, its GN00 not GNU. - 1337_5P34Kd \_ The first one is better, since !FOO is usually used to match a ifndef FOO. \_ I don't get the joke..... \_ Me either. Some sort of ultra nerd thing I guess. \_ It's not a joke. I'm trying to figure out how to write my code. Thanks for the responses so far. \_ Uhm... ok. You realise its the same code and only the final comment is different by a single character? Neither way is "better". Comments are there to make sense of your code for others. I don't think you need that comment at all unless you work with monkeys in which case it won't matter anyway. Good luck! \_ Yes, only the final comment differs by a single character. I should've mentioned that the code between the #if and #else and between the #else and #endif is usually pretty long, about 100 lines or so. So I want to see which comment makes the code more clear to others. \_ Oh. In that case I'd use the first one. \_ Okay. Thanks. \_ A. the #endif goes with the #if, not with the #else. Otherwise, it'd be #endelse. |
2002/10/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26102 Activity:high |
10/4 Is fam used on csua? Couldn't we use fam to do proper motd locking and checking? \_ Unnecessary. It's not just a problem to solve, but a tradition to uphold. "proper" motd locking would defeat one of the classic features of the motd, namely to show who is the courteous and uncourteous among us. Using motdedit is a sign of higher thought. \_ motdedit is not the only way to avoid smashing other people's posts. keep your motdedit fascism to yourself. \_ And screw up a great system where people overwrite each others posts? Surely you jest. |
2002/10/4-5 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Humor] UID:26103 Activity:high |
10/4 woman loses car in puddle. hilarious photos: <DEAD>www.minca.cz/suzuki<DEAD> \_ Staged. \_ OP is a freshman, let him enjoy the 'hilarity'. It's harmless. \_ You've obviously never seen what "puddle" can entail given a sufficiently poorly-maintained piece of road in eastern europe. Yes, this may well be real, and it may well have been beyond everyone's control. Removal of head from ass is left as an exercise to the above poster. \_ Its still funny. \_ One of the 'stupid link sending' idiots in the office sent that around a few days ago. It wasn't funny then either. \_ I think it is great, not staged, and very funny. what a puddle. beware if you can't see the road ahead. \_ So true, so true. It's a metaphor for life really. \_ So what actually happened? Why were they trying to sink a car? \_ not stupid, not staged... my friend's friend sent me the link, and he said the woman was his mom's friend. - OP \_ Bullshit. \_ Right. Your friend's friend's mom's friend. \_ Like one of those 682 degrees of separation things.... \_ That's a puddle? |
2002/10/4 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:26104 Activity:nil 60%like:26107 |
10/4 Quality protest in action: http://www.thesandiegochannel.com/sand/news/stories/news-170312020021004-091046.html |
2002/10/4-5 [Computer/Companies/Apple, Computer/Networking] UID:26105 Activity:high |
10/4 Anyone need a firewire hub? http://charismac.com/Products/firedino \_ I liked it better when it was called Hubzilla. |
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