2002/10/2 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:26073 Activity:high |
10/1 I am trying to modify an application with a pretty complicated post and i seem to be missing the variable names or the values that i got from just reading the source. Is there a way I can change the file it posts to to "myfile.[php||pl||sh||whatever" and have "myfile" just dump exactly what is being posted to it? \_ if you're using the CGI library in perl, you can dump out all post values the page is receiving easily, i think the syntax is something like print $query->dump; - danh \_ Undefined subroutine CGI::dump \_ and actually i just tried the below on a different machine and i got the same error, it works on soda though - danh \_ Was it a linux box? Mine is. But your are right it works fine on soda and i can just post to a .cgi here. - tnx. \_ #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI; my $query = new CGI; print $query->header(); print $query->dump; |
2002/10/2 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:26074 Activity:low |
10/2 http://www.whoi.edu/home/about/whatsnew_abruptclimate.html Global warming = ice age. Be afraid. \_ How is this any more reliable than USA Today or Rosie Magazine? \_ WHOI is one the most well-respected academic institutions in oceanography in the world. Do you trust scientists not to talk out of their asses like the press usually does? I would hope so... (at least to some extent) \_ as a professional research scientist, I assure you that I *am* part of the giant left-wing conspiracy. \_ Relax, the ice age won't be for a few years. \_ I'm with you on that one brother! Scientists have *never* talked out their asses. I'm still there with the flat earthers, the angels on a pin guys, the unicorn and dragon zoologists, the mice spntaneously appear in dirty rags, the never been on the moon hoaxers, the coming ice agers, the coming flooders, the coming fire stormers, and the scientific creationists. No sirreebob! No scientists has ever blown smoke out his ass. Scientists know everything about everything and have never been wrong in the past or modern times. Look son, there's nothing magical about a scientist. It's just some guy who knows more about a subject than you probably do but that doesn't mean he knows everything or that he's even at all correct. The sky is not falling. The thing reads like an anti-communist scare pamphlet from the 50s. \_ but the sky is falling. as the earth travels through space in its orbit, it cuts through the sky in a huge 2pi(93million miles) long path \_ It's sort of a freaky curved fall, then. |
2002/10/2 [Reference/BayArea, Industry/Jobs] UID:26075 Activity:insanely high |
10/2 http://csua.org/u/36b "... full-time longshoremen earn an average salary of $80,000 a year, while the most experienced foremen average $167,000." And they still shut down all the west coast docks and tumble the already bad economy in order to demand more. \_ hmm, if they so importent that the can hurt the economy that \_ hmm, if they so important that the can hurt the economy that simply maybe the DESERVE high salaries. \_ The work is important, the workers are not. It's grunt work. Any high schooler with 4 hours training could do it. People who stock grocery shelves are important, too. You think they should get $80k starting and $167k for 'experienced' stock shelvers? \_ The docks locked out the workers, not the other way around. Train harder. \_ You really buy that "we didn't slow down; we were just trying to follow the safety procedures" crap? \_ And you really buy the "there was an undeclared slowdown"? \_ With average pays at $80K and $167K, why do they deserver immunity to competition from non-union workers? \_ Duh. Go read *anything* on the net about union tactics. This is classic strategy. The counter punch lock out is a new response, though. Jeeze, I know it's the motd but if you know *nothing* about a topic, take 5 seconds to look on google before posting and wasting all those bits. \_ They cite the death of five workers over the previous months. You know what? If my boss started hedging on my contract, I'd start following all of his stupid rules too. \_ They're OSHA rules. If all OSHA rules were followed, the economy would collapse *and* people would die on their job trying to follow them. \_ You're missing the point. They don't necessarily want more money, they want to keep their jobs. The companies want to hire nonunion folks to handle some of the new tech going in. The new tech will eliminate union jobs. The union want the company to put union folks in those new jobs instead of having them laid off. \_ With average pays at $80K and $167K in this economy (and I bet \_ sure I'd prefer that they trained me. Hell, I'd prefer that they paid me for doing nothing at all. But why should they *have* to? they get OT pay as well), why do they deserver immunity to competition from non-union workers and layoff? \_ Ignore the union bit for the moment. Would you prefer that your employer trained you for new technology or just outright hired someone else instead? okay, bring the union back into this, they work to make sure this doesnt happen, to make sure you are not just discarded because your employer doesnt want to provide relevant training. \_ sure I'd prefer that they trained me. Hell, I'd prefer that they paid me for doing nothing at all. But why should they *have* to? \_ so you dont mind being disposable. \_ He didn't say that at all. He said he'd prefer not being disposable, in fact but doesn't see why they should be *forced* to not dispose of him. Please learn to read basic English. Thanks. \_ my parents are/were both union workers, so I'm biased, I wonder if the rest of you feel this way? \_ That you're biased? Sure! Why not? Ok, I feel you're biased. Happy now? \_ I'm a union (tech) worker, but I hate the goddamned union. It's retarded that these fat fucks can get by on their skills that havent been updated since the DOS days and havent bothered picking up skills that theyve been taught in training. and since we have the same job title, we get paid the same, so i get paid the same as lazy fat fucks. \_ You know nothing and more nothing about this issue but it's the motd so who cares? |
2002/10/2 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:26076 Activity:high |
10/2 is it true that at Stanford you ask for your receipt instead of your diploma since you buy your degree instead of earn it? \_ I'm no 'furd fan, but isn't that like any school, including Cal? we pay tuition too you know. \_ But for such a tough CS school to give out such an easy MS degree, it looks to me they're selling it. \_ so how come cal's MS isn't "easy"? isn't it the same? \_ At least Cal requires a thesis. \_ Yes, but you can drop a class up until the last day without any problems. Gotta D in a class? Drop it, take it until it gets better, and, by the way, here's the bill for your tuition. |
2002/10/2 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:26077 Activity:kinda low |
10/2 I saw a fluff news piece that was really pushing the sidekick (sold by t-mobile). Now my wife wants one. Anyone know anything about these? \_ extensive Chronicle review: http://csua.org/u/359 \_ I want one but it said coming soon on the website. \_ It's out. Coworker got one yesterday. |
2002/10/2 [Uncategorized] UID:26078 Activity:nil |
10/2 How can I calculate the amount of power that a circuit that I designed consumes? can I just refer to the spec sheets of the individual IC's, see how much they consume, and add them up? |
2002/10/2 [Computer/SW/Database, Consumer/PDA] UID:26079 Activity:kinda low |
10/2 Anyone know how to convert palm dba (calendar) format to csv? I'm replacing my Prism w/ an iPaq. \_ You should be able to export from the palm desktop. \_ I was able to Shift-select all of my addresses and export individually or all. Selecting individually gives me the option of comma spaced or tab spaced file, but if I clicked on export all, it would only accept the format that Palm Desktop uses. I can't select the calendar individually, only ALL, which uses the Palm Desktop database format. |
2002/10/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW] UID:26080 Activity:high |
10/3 (restored) What (free) DVD ripping software do you use for Windows that converts to mpeg or avi? \_ rip to VOB files first and then convert. It's not that hard. http://www.doom9.org \_ I don't have a problem ripping the VOB's. When I try to convert, all the programs I have crash. Could you name one that you use? \_ well, I use a combination of dvd2avi and either tmpgenc or VirtualDub. \_ When I try to save to .avi with dvd2avi, it just says it's finished, and the avi is 0 bytes long. When I use VirtualDub to open the vob, I get the error: MPEG Import Filter: pack synchronization error What am I doing wrong? \_ despite its name, don't use dvd2avi for saving an AVI. this is all explained in detail on a number of websites (such as doom9) ... \_ Okay. I've skimmed through the docs on doom9 and another site (riphelp.com) and don't see a simple top-to-bottom description of vob->avi (or other format). What am I missing? |
2002/10/2-3 [Science/Disaster] UID:26081 Activity:kinda low |
10/2 http://twister.sbs.ohio-state.edu/text/tropical/atlantic/WTNT33.KNHC Wow.. I feel sorry for anyone in the way of this.... When I was a kid, we got hit by sub-hurricane 85 mph winds which was really scary but didn't do much but break some windows and rip off part of the front door. 135 is going to kill people and cost billions in damage. \_ More indirect costs of global warming.... Hurricanes have always been with us, but now we shall have more. \_ Uhm, no, not really. Thanks. |