2002/9/27 [Consumer/Camera] UID:26020 Activity:moderate |
9/26 Any photog here? It looks like B&H doesn't carry Agfa Ultra 50 anymore. Is it discontinued? If so, what's the most color-intense negative film available nowadays? Thanks. \_ why when you have digital camera+photoshop? \_ you mean something like Kodak Portra VC (Vibrant Color)? \_ No, Ultra was much more intense than that. It was as intense as slide film. In fact it was so intense that it looked unnatrual. I'm going on a trip soon so I want to buy some again. \_ have you searched the photo review sites? I've seen a few reviews of film out there. \_ you may find this interesting: http://www.outdoorphoto.com/slide.htm#print it mentions Agfa Ultra, so it must be a pretty accurate site, right? |
2002/9/27 [Uncategorized] UID:26021 Activity:nil |
9/26 Military summoned in bank robber manhunt in Nebraska this morning http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020926/ap_on_re_us/bank_slayings |
2002/9/27 [Science/Space] UID:26022 Activity:insanely high |
9/26 life on venus. \_ That presumption is a little premature. All they've done is find some chemicals with a telescope -- not at all the same as finding life. http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/space/09/26/venus.bugs.reut/index.html \_ Hydrogen sulphide? Some bugs must be farting as hell! :-) \_ Ya, maybe. But conditions are extreme on venus and the planet is pretty unexplored -- I think it's a little too \_ http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/25/2329240&mode=thread&tid=160 soon to get excited. \_ stupidity on earth. \_ Idiot. Keep up with the news. \_ How about a url. \_ link:csua.org/u/322 from http://slashdot.org -urld Not my or the OP's fault if you can't keep up. Good thing you didn't sign. \_ on average, the signed posts are the stupidest. \_ You fucking dumb ass dumb assy assface shitlicker... I am aware of the "news" in question which is nothing more than a dumbass speculation based on some gas. \_ I used to like assy, but these days I use yammy. \_ Luddite. You could get hit on the head with an apple and still not believe in gravity. \_ Dude -- the notion that a handful of gasses means 'Life On Venus Oh My God!' is just stupid. Doubting the conclusion in light of the non-existant evidence doesn't make the guy a Luddite. Relax. Have a beer. \_ Apple, head, bonk. Gravity? No evidence. \_ Chicken Little, the sky is falling, waahhh! \_ *laugh* That's a terrible analogy. WTF are you talking about? I don't think you fully comprehend the deep plot and subtext to be found in the Chicken Little parable. Or, to put it in plain English, you're a fucking idiot. Thank you for participating and don't worry about that gravity thing. No one has ever seen gravity. It's just a theory. \_ Relax, son. Don't get yer panties in a knot. I think the point that *you're* missing is that one can be skeptical without overreatcing or being a Luddite. without overreacting or being a Luddite. Why is this such a difficult thing for you? / \_ Or it's just acceleration. \_ They have discovered ZOG's secret base. ZOG will have to kill you now. \_ ZOG! \_ http://www.gamerz232.org/flash/allyourbase2.swf \_ much lamer than the original \_ Take off every zig! For great justice! \_ Use motdedit, you fucking asshole. |
2002/9/27 [Transportation/Car] UID:26023 Activity:high |
9/26 I'm soliciting opinions on good bicycle wheel builders in the East Bay. Recommendations? I've been jerked around by Missing Link enough so don't even go there. This assumes you all know a well-built wheel from a hole in the ground. \_ I have never gotten a well-built wheel from a bike shop, including Wheelsmith. Build it yourself. I gave the CSUA my older edition of Jobst Brandt's "The Bicycle Wheel"; it's not hard, it just takes some time. -tom \_ I agree it's a good book, but I'm moving into a new house and studying for a licensing exam, Tom. I don't have time. --ulysses |
2002/9/27-28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:26024 Activity:high |
9/27 Mexico has more billionaires than England, and yet... 'Bill could bring relief for U.S.-Mexico border hospitals' http://csua.org/u/320 'Dealing with the High Cost of Health Care' http://csua.org/u/31f \_ some of the richest people in the world live in some of the worst-off countries in the world. this is by no means a coincidence. \_ But only a handful overall. \_ "In Mexico, the top 1 percent own 50 percent of the wealth." http://www.lalabor.org/Mayor_Riordan.html The URL is largely irrelevent, but that fact is from there. And there are many more and crazier statistics than this. Its called the growing gap between rich and poor. Learn about it. In fact, statistics like the one you mention often only attest to things being worse not better since it says more about how rampant corruption there is than how rich the nation is. \_ In the US, nearly 50% of the population pay no federal income tax. That's scarier, IMO. \_ For reference: "Taxpayers in the bottom half paid only 4 percent of income taxes in 1999, according to the IRS." http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/taBx.htm Here I don't know whether "taxpayer" means people/couples who filed fed tax returns, or people/couples who actually had to pay some tax. Either way, it probably doesn't include those who didn't file returns. \_ So what? They still have to pay payroll taxes. \_ The point is a voting majority who can impose more taxes on the voting minority with no consequence (indirectly of course, since voters don't introduce legislation federally, but since more and more the answer of the day is policy-by-poll, I'm worried). \_ The point is a voting majority who can impose more taxes on the voting minority with no consequence (indirectly of course, since voters don't introduce legislation federally, but since more and more the answer of the day is policy-by-poll, I'm worried). \_ Yea, the number of votes should be based on the amount of tax paid. \_ Who was it that said democracy is only ok until the voting slobs figure out they can vote themselves goodies at other people's expense? We're at that point in history right now. I know you're being sarcastic but it doesn't work when there's a huge disconnect between the power to vote and influence government and the costs associated with those same votes. Something to chew on. \_ Alexander Tyler. I think. ~peterm/.plan \_ There's *always* been a huge gap between the rich and poor. When exactly do you think this wasn't so? \_ It has grown larger in the last 50 years: http://epinet.org/datazone/01/incshare.pdf \_ Not the last 50 years. I meant through all of recorded history. The last 50 years is barely a statistical blip. \_ The real issue is why do we need to spend more US taxpayer dollars to take care of some other country's ill citizens? |
2002/9/27 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:26025 Activity:high |
9/27 Who was the guitar player last night on "Scrubs"? What song was he playing? \_ Colin Hay from Men At Work. Overkill. \_ Thanks. \_ Oh gee, where should I look? Oh, I don't know, maybe the NBC Scrubs home page? "A performance of the hit 'Overkill' by Colin Hay, previous member of the band Men at Work, highlights the episode." |
2002/9/27-28 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:26026 Activity:very high |
9/26 Just curious, who's an EE/CS grad student here? What is the average \_ Do you mean on the motd or at Cal? GRE subject score? \_ Me. 2310 general, 840 cs. \_ Me. 2310 general (q790 a800 v720), 840 cs. \_ who is this, paulos? nweaver? \_ what percentile is 840? \_ Me. 2280 general (q800 a800 v680), 900 cs. \_ how important are high gre scores for admission to cal cs? \_ their semi-official position is that once all your general subscores are in ~90th percentile, and your subj is in ~95th, they don't care (it can't affect you positively to have anything higher than that). below that, they'll notice, but it's likely to be a low priority. \_ I was not aware that they even look at your verbal score. 1/2 of my TAs can't even speak English \_ and where did you get this info from? \_ His ass. \_ It was probably alexf. \_ Newton, who is nice dean or something or other, told me this. -!op \_ I like him but never thought of him as "nice". \_ Newton+nice??? I was his reader, he was not very nice. He only talked to the head TA. He didn't even know the other TA's names and he didn't seem to care. He just wanted to get it over with (150). |
2002/9/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:26027 Activity:high |
9/27 Can some kind soul give me a hint for _eliminating_ banner pages under CUPS? Online docs only seem to refer to changing them.. -John \_ try http://www.naviscope.com it is the best ad block i have used. win32 only, though. Wish there is an linux version \_ banner pages in a printing system, twink \_ he's talking about banner pages in a printing system, twink \_ HA! I knew someone would have the same problem. In cupsd.conf, set "Classification" to the empty string (that's the default) and set ClassifyOverride to "off". The next time you print something from KDE, click Properties and go to the General tab. In the lower left is a "Banners" section; set both start and end to "none", then click Save and click ok. \_ Thanks much, folks. -John \_ Wow... lemme know when my granma can figure this out and Linux will be ready. |
2002/9/27-28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:26028 Activity:high |
9/27 Al Gore can't decide which poll to pay attention to. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20020927-15851566.htm \_ explain your comment, please. what conflict are you referring to? \_ All the way back he was always in favor of bombing Iraq, invading Iraq, and ousting SH. Back to 91. Even earlier this year he was saying Iraq was a big threat, etc, etc. Now he's done yet another self-reinvention and has decided the only way he can differentiate himself from his Dem opposition for the Dem'04 nomination is to come down against doing anything to/with/in Iraq. It's pretty obvious. \_ Where in his speech does he come down against doing anything to Iraq? He said we should finish off Al Qaeda first and then take out Iraq. \_ I won't pre-digest your food for you either. Try it again. \_ I hear that Strom Thurman no longer supports the bombing of Vietnam and Cambodia. Damn liberals, what is the world coming to? \_ he has fond memories of the stone age and realizes things were better then. \_ Here is the Gore speech: link:csua.org/u/327 What are you talking about? |
2002/9/27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:26029 Activity:nil |
9/27 http://www.lrb.co.uk/v24/n19/liev01_.html |