2002/8/30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:25737 Activity:high |
8/29 What have been the major highlights (or lowlights) of Bush Jr's presidency thus far? \_Well, if you didn't have your head in the sand for the past 12 months, you'd know that we were attacekd by terrorists and that we sent troops to Afghanistan. |
2002/8/30 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:25738 Activity:high |
8/28 Is 22 KB/sec an average rate for a download over cable or DSL? \_ Uh, well, depends where you're downloading from. If it's from a fast site, you should be able to get a lot better. \_ <DEAD>sourcefource.net<DEAD>. Actually I think I am a moron: Via Lynx, I'm downloading the slackware iso onto my laptop. I cleared 690MB for the 673MB file, but it's writing to a temp file that is currently 535MB. Once it's finished, will it be able to write the finished file while it erases the temp file? I think I should have used wget. |
2002/8/30 [Reference/BayArea] UID:25739 Activity:high |
8/29 To save money, my company is moving from Santa Clara to Menlo Park. I can commute from Oakland or San Jose. What should I do? Quit? Wait for the layoffs? Stay in Oakland? Stay in San Jose? Move to San Francisco? How is the commute from each? \_ Oakland to Menlo Park? hahahahah good luck. SJ to MP is ok. \_ Fremont to MPK could be painful, just because of the bridge. However, it does have a bicycle path and you could Ride Bike to work. \_ 2 cyclists have been hit by cars there this past month. Palo Alto is not a safe place to ride through. |
2002/8/30 [Uncategorized] UID:25740 Activity:nil |
8/28 MTV-vma: now. |