2002/8/26 [Uncategorized] UID:25684 Activity:high |
8/26 For the readers of the NYTimes http://csua.org/u/1ab <DEAD>www.smartertimes.com<DEAD> \_ Boo-f&%ing-hoo. If the NYPost is more your speed, knock yourself out. They're both online. \_ Let's see, the New York Times is an example of "super-liberalism" and the Moonie run Washington Times is an example of objective discourse. What a strange and wonderful world you must live in. \_ Mr. I-Hate-The-WT, you have yet to actually prove or demonstrate or provide *any* evidence whatsoever that the WT reporting is influenced by the moonies, whereas the NYT is clearly a leftist mouth piece. |
2002/8/26 [Uncategorized] UID:25685 Activity:kinda low |
8/26 ok sue me, but what in the hell is up with pine? \_ Its not working. \_ Works fine now (12:10am). It was acting funny earlier for me too (taking a loooong time to start), but it seems okay now. \_ startup time for mh: zero. |
2002/8/26 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:25686 Activity:high |
8.26 if you're not out conquoring the world then you're wasting your lives away. \_ Gee, Brain. What are we going to do tomorrow night? \_ fuck... if I conquered the world what would I do with it? \_ You'd have a place for all of your stuff. |
2002/8/26 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:25687 Activity:moderate |
8/26 Hi. Got a message "You can't cancel someone else's article" when I tried to cancel my own message from trn. from usenet: > NOTE #2: If you follow the instructions, but get an error message that > says something like "You can't cancel someone else's article", that means > that your newsreader was not installed properly. Is this a problem I need to fix or something else? Thanks \_ It's already 'out there'. Cancelling it won't help. I can still find things I posted years ago and cancelled minutes later on the various usenet archives. The cancel message immediately follows the original in the archives... useless. |
2002/8/26 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:25688 Activity:high |
8/26 How do you specify the defaultrouter on the second interface, say qe1, on Solaris? \_ ifconfig manually or via script |
2002/8/26 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:25689 Activity:moderate |
8/26 Any recommendations for web hosting services with good latency from campus? Looking for cheap service to host low traffic www site. \_ Low latency? You're playing quake from your campus office? |
2002/8/26 [Consumer/TV] UID:25690 Activity:high |
8/26 I'm looking for satellite or cable provider for mandarin language programs. Taiwanese or HK programs in mandarin to be precise. What's a good provider? Thanks. \_ http://www.phoenixtv.com I don't watch it though. --- yuen \_ I think directv has a few stations. \_ directv does NOT have any chinese channels (except possibly through local channels that may exist in your area. -uctt \_ Phoenix TV via DIRECTV: http://www.directv.com/DTVAPP/learn/ChineseProgramming.jsp I don't have DIRECTV either. --- yuen |
2002/8/26 [Computer/HW/Drives, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25691 Activity:high |
8/26 How do I prevent a particular host or user from having write acess to an NFS mounted disk? There is some rogue process tring to fill up my disk, and I haven't been able to block it. I've tried variations on \_ what server os? \_ you can prevent a certain host from writing to a volume but you can't prevent a user from writing if the file system has been exported in read-write mode to that host. \- actually there is kind of a hairy way to do this with some experimental work on nfs filter layers. the work involves some extensions to the *_quash routines. while it is experimental, the people doing it really know what they are doing ... however this is probably one of those cases where "if you have to ask, this 'solution' isnt for you". if this is you really important you can talk to me. ok tnx. |
2002/8/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:25692 Activity:high |
8/26 After doing quickie install/try/delete of about 15 recent games over the weekend I finally found one that's actually fun. The Thing. I'm not a big fan of FPS-style games (this is over the shoulder but same idea) but I like this one. There's an actual plot, you can't trust your team mates, they don't trust you, and everything is classic military quality fubar. \_ does it have anything to do with the movie? \_ Yes, it's a game-based 'sequel' where you're the commander on the ground of a military unit sent to find out what happened to the scientists in the movie. There's a few direct movie references but nothing that gets in the way of the game. Sort of like the way Aliens was the military sequel to Alien but with The Thing instead. \_ Are they ever coming out with the movie sequel Thing II, or did I miss it? Not another remake, but real sequel. |
2002/8/26-27 [Science/Electric] UID:25693 Activity:very high |
8/26 On the higher-end models of the Toyota Matrix there's an 110V 100W AC outlet. How is the AC power generated on a car? I though converting DC to AC is hard. Thanks. \_ do a google search on dc to ac inverters \_ inverters? \_ yes, inverters. was it really easier to post the word "inverters?" on the motd than do the google search? \_ someone sohlud write /csua/bin/gg that either returns the "I'm feeling lucky" result or the first 10 descriptions/urls (of a google response, of course). \_ dc->ac inverters are common. You can buy them at frys for ~$20 that plug into your cigarette lighter output. Most auto parts stores have them too. -ERic |
2002/8/26-27 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:25694 Activity:high |
8/26 After I save a file in win95, I need to process it from DOS prompt (to use with sftp for putty for example). I find the file name to be "currupted" - it's shorter and contains strange characters like "~". I know this must be a feature from MS but how to get around it and access the file from DOS using the real file name? \_ try using cygwin \_ the win95 shell displays that because it's DOS and DOS doesn't do more than 8.1 filenames. Just use those shorter names (i believe they show up correctly in windows), use the long name with quotes around it (i think that works) or better yet upgrade to win 2000. \_ if you use the short file name with scp, you'll lose the long file name on the other side. you need to double quote the LFN to do what you're talking about. or as the above say use cygwin or w2k. \_ By "DOS prompt", do you mean the DOS window in Win95, restarting Win95 in DOS mode, or plain MS-DOS 6.xx? \_ Enclose your long/full name with double quotes. \_ Use double quotes. \_ I think double quotes will do the trick. |
2002/8/26-27 [Science/Battery, Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:25695 Activity:nil |
8/26 I want to work outdoors for longer than my battery life. any recomendations for solar laptop power supplies? I saw quite a few on the web, but i'd rather not buy some expensive thing if i'm not *sure* it will work. has anyone here done this? \_ what about an extra battery? What about powering your laptop with alternate sources like a car battery or something like that? \_ or a foot pedal? \- is there relly something like that? that would be pretty cool for long remote trips. i know there is a flashlight you can charge with human power. ok tnx. \_ saw something like this at Fry's in Sunnyvale. Fry's is great for try-and-buy, as long as there's no restocking fee. |
2002/8/26 [Uncategorized] UID:25696 Activity:nil |
8/26 Is there a way to make slrn show the entire thread when there are one or more messages that are unread? \_ use the source, luke. |
2002/8/26 [Uncategorized] UID:25697 Activity:nil |
8/26 CSS question: how do I prevent a hyperlink from being underlined? \_ { text-decoration: none } \_ don't you need an 'a' before that? ie: <style> a { text-decoration: none } </style> |
2002/8/26 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:25698 Activity:high |
8/26 Cool. Now they're doing popularity polls re: terrorist groups and reporting it as straight news. The world has truly gone mad. http://csua.org/u/1af (urld has been here) \_ so...did you just recover from a coma, or what? all the mainstream media is full of opinion polls reported as news. |
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