2002/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:25657 Activity:insanely high |
8/22 try to figure this one out. "tax cuts are not spending restraint, they are spending." Sen. Lieberman in Iowa recently. \_ tax cuts would be restraint if there was not deficit spending. spending cuts are spending restraint. tax cuts == more debt. \_ his assertion here is that you are spending money by giving it to whomever the tax cuts favor. typically, rich people. \_ as opposed to cutting unemployment benefits and health benefits which are spending restraint \_ As opposed to giving free money to someone so they will vote for you and for more money. Democrats core philosophy is class warfare. \_ Purpose of govt is the curb the strong and protect the weak \_ No, the purpose of government is to maintain order, PROTECT OUR BORDERS, enforce the law and otherwise stay the fuck out of the way. Go read the federalist papers or the constitution or *something*. Civics, it does a body good. \_ Republicans just give the money to their rich friends instead. Which is class warfare too, just of a different kind. \_ You are wrong, conservatives want the people who EARNED the money to keep it. Imagine that, rewarding initiative. \_ Hah! See? You all hate poor people! Don't you know that the rich have a moral obligation to take care of the poor? You can afford it even if you're still paying a greater share of taxes by percent of your income, by percent of the total tax take, and by a few other percent counting methods (all of them, actually), even after all the so-called tax breaks. Vicious, evil money grubbers just don't understand what it's like to be put down by The Man all the time! Send more free money I haven't earned and I'll vote for you! -Democrat \_ Ah, so the guilty liberal conscious finally rears its ugly head. You are more than welcome to subsidize whoever you want, whatever you want, whenever you want. However, when you take 40% of my money by coercion to pay for Socialized everything that is tyranny! Don't you see the inherent racism in your comment - the unwashed masses (eg. brown people) need me, the gallant liberal, to define their existence. Fucking disgusting. \_ you're both unconvincing. the above troll clearly is bullshitting, and i don't believe you are really what you say you are either. train harder. \_ it wasn't a troll, moron. its called sarcasm and maybe irony & a touch of hyperbole as well. it isn't my fault if _both_ of you are too stupid to see it. at least the Right recognised the Left's philosophy in my so-called troll, whereas the Left is incapable of recognising what they look like outside their tight little Anti-Think niche. -!troll \_ Tax cuts are no different than spending as far as keeping a balanced budget is concerned. \_ However there is an important distinction between spending which means draining the economy of money through taxes for some sort of artificial redistribution plan (communism) and reducing taxes which requires lowering spending across the board and reducing the size of government (one of the things true conservatives believe in). And who said a balanced budget is good anyway? Debt is not always bad. It depends on how big your debt, at what rate(s), for what purpose(s) and how much you need to pay back vs. your income. \_ We're paying something like 25-33% of our national income toward interest on our debt. Is that good debt? \_ Liar. Or ignorant fool. \_ Well "something like" could mean anything from 0-100. \_ I'm not a specialist in macro-economics. I have no idea. \_ Artificial redistribution plans? Like farm subsidies? \_ Actually, yes, like farm subsidies and welfare, and a whole bunch of other stupid wasteful programs that destroy this country's soul. Yes. Artificial redistribution. \_ Yeah, and public education. Another communist plot. \_ Actually, I knew some Berkeley students who did denounce public education as "communist". It baffles me that someone who thinks so low of public education decided to go to Berkeley. \_ Right thats why evil vouchers would allow those who pay the taxes in the first place to choose a school for their children. Freedom of choice, that is anticommunist. And have you bothered to investigate any of the allegations made? Our public education system is in ruin, despite an throwing endless stream of money at it. Yet, you never stop to ask yourself why that is. \_ Wow -- you sound like a true libertarian. Sign your posts, man. I'm curious to know who you are -- honest-to-god libertarians are rare -- esp in berkeley. -mice \_ <DEAD>www.geekpad.org<DEAD> is a house full of 'em... in berkeley. \_ I'm not at all libertarian but I 100% agree with the above on the totally worthless public schools and vouchers. And btw, this country didn't always have public schools, yet somehow the earth kept spinning and the sun rose in the east every morning. Go figure. |
2002/8/23 [Uncategorized] UID:25658 Activity:nil 62%like:25654 |
8/22 has anyone here read Stephen Wolfram's absurdly massive book? is it worth a damn? \_ who? \_ You mean Stephen WOLFRAM the scientist? \_ yeah, author of mathematica. just wrote absurdly large book. \_ no,but i've been spending an absurd amount of time playing jon and bernie and rik's horribly addictive game Wulfram2 |
2002/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:25659 Activity:high |
8/22 mabye the bush supporters here would like to explain what internment camps for US citizens stipped of all rights have to do with the "core conservative values" you always drone on about. http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0814-05.htm LA times article by GW law professor about Ashcrofts plans for US concentration camps for those deemed unloyal. \_ Report to the re-education camps immediately. \_ It is a subject that deserves more than just a a few sentences in the MOTD or an article in the LA times. If you want a serious discussion without demagoguery, including links to ex parte Quirin and other relevant SCOTUS rulings try these: http://freerepublic.com/focus/news/735247/posts?page=1,50 http://freerepublic.com/focus/news/733078/posts?page=51,50 http://freerepublic.com/focus/news/736952/posts \_ ok, so it seems freepers can see this for the blatant attack on american freedoms it is. so why are they so gung ho for Bush? he appointed Ashcroft. everyone but total idiots knew he would appoint people with Ashcrofts ideology. so why all the bush loving? is it a lesser of evils thing? also, i'd like to point out that one of your freeper links is just a link to the same article i posted. -op \_ Here. Read this. There are laws in the this country and things are being taken care of. Just chill and relax and smoke a bowl. You'll feel better knowing the system works. Checks and balances, kids. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A50967-2002Aug22.html \_ 1. that's a seperate isssue: surveilance 2. you still haven't answered my question 3. your beloved bush administration is already chalenging the decision. Fine, I'll keep your links, but they are missing valuable insight and information you will unlikely find elsewhere. There is no competition of ideas, just punditry. http://nyt.com/focus/news/735247/posts?page=1,50 http://nyt.com/focus/news/733078/posts?page=51,50 http://nyt.com/focus/news/736952/posts \_ That's not the half of it. Check out this: http://csua.org/u/1a4 \_ You see, in this country we have this thing we call 'the law' and just because the La Times tells you someone plans on breaking the law or has been breaking the law does not mean it is so. If in fact some actually really does break the law then that has nothing to do with conservative values. Let us know when it happens and then there'll be something to talk about. \_ The problem with links like this from sites with an obvious political agenda is the entire piece is based on their claims of the existance of plans for internment camps and rights stripping for US citizens, however, they fail to provide any reference to said plans and force the reader to take their word for it at face value (which you apparently have) with no reliable evidence what so ever. Whatever your own politics may be, and this applies to everyone on the motd, it is important to carefully examine and question the sources one relies upon for information and the basis for one's views and beliefs. Without a reliable second or third source, the reader is at the mercy of the agenda driven and we all *know* people with an axe to grind will always twist a story or only tell the parts (out of context) that support their views. This is an 'intellectually dangerous' path to follow. Question everything. \_ what part of US citizens arrested on US soil don't you understand? \_ there is this place called a prison where there are tons of american citizens arrested and lots of illegal aliens as well. \_ US citizens get arrested all the time. That's what happens when you break the law. I understand and enourage that sort of thing. We even sometimes extradite people from other counrties to this country to try and jail them. Seriously, dude, you're going nowhere with that simplistic comment. |
2002/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:25660 Activity:very high |
8/23 Will network performance suck again, now that the semester is starting? Or has something been done about it? \_ it sucked before? \_ you didn't notice? \_ guess not :) \_ yes. \_ If you can't beat them, join 'em. dl kazaa. \_ Make sure to get the fully spyware enabled trjoan horse version. \_ Some things have been done. SETI@@@@@@@@Home now has its own ISP connection. The cost of bandwidth has come down, so our bandwidth cap is now 90 megabits/sec instead of 70 megabits/sec. Within the next week or two, it will be raised to 100 megabits/sec once some new hardware is installed. My guess is that there will still be performance issues, if not at the beginning of the semester, then at least by the end of the calendar year. I'm currently writing up a report requesting immediate emergency funding for bandwidth charges, with longer- term plans to do more with managing KaZaa, and managing or charging high-bandwidth users in general. -tom \_ That's how it starts. Next you'll be putting KaZaa users into camps. And people using KaZaa _and_ SETI@Home will be put to death. Heil Tom! \_ I don't know tom or his personality, but I think his idea above is good. \_ Sure, until someone decides *your* traffic isn't a priority and you should be charge or 'managed'. \_ and just how do you plan to put a stop to Kazaa users when the Kazaa topology is dynamic? \- you can because the "protocol isnt dynamic" \_ I don't think you can "put a stop" to peer-to-peer file sharing; certainly not by technical means, on a campus like Berkeley. But the effects of KaZaa can be measured, and the people using KaZaa can be managed. (As in, "stop doing that"). Remember, we're talking about on-campus machines, not the dorms (which have their own separate cap). Note that the problem with KaZaa on campus is files being downloaded by people from off-campus; campus people using KaZaa to download files don't contribute to the problem due to the current algorithm for bandwidth charging. -tom \_ stopping p2p pirary on college campuses is VERY easy. All you need to do is to adopt a new university policy that sez if you're caught pirating stuff you'll be expelled. No appeals. then you start the random search in the dorms and start expelling some of the incoming freshman. You'll see the p2p traffic drop to NIL once the pictures of expelled freshmen gets on Daily Cal. Remember the naked guy? After the law against nudity at Berkeley and on campuses, and he got expelled, nobody dared to show up naked. Enforcement is the key. Expell the little fuckers without due process and you'll see \_ Or as they say, "try and then execute them!" everybody marching in line. \- stopping kaza, gnutella, napster and a couple of other p2p piracy programs is solved problem technically. it is fairly strightforward to detect them in real time and blast them with RST packets. it is an open question what the policy should be and it is slightly involved attempting to "whitelist" some users who are allegedly using it for "real work". the "dynamic topology" and configurable ports dont matter. of course there are more involved ways to hide, but 99% of the users at the moment dont do that ... although the number of evaders may increase *some* if the "kazka obliterator" code were deployed. ok tnx. \- actually to do this 100% on a large scale isnt that simple technically, but it is pretty simple to deploy something that fucks up enough p2p programs so that it is effectively unusable. and this is a case where you dont need 100% coverage to change behavior. \_ The problem is, the more you fuck it up, the more incentive you provide to find ways around the blocks. It will always be easier to hide file sharing than to block it. \- thus far, untrue. or only true with very sophisticated users and very unsophisticated detectors ... but not inherently true. --psb But certainly there are measures which could be taken which would make an impact, if it's decided that it's a good idea to take such measures. (The other problem is, once you make people hide their P2P usage, you have a harder time finding them to rap their knuckles). -tom \-as i said above, most attempts to hide do not work against a good detection system. if you are doing something stupid like looking for a static port or a list of src/dst addresses like in the case of the napster "metaservers" it is easy to get around by just punching in a different number somewhere ... but at this point setting up a fancy proxy or encrypted tunnel is beyond the ken of most of the community ... perhaps something canned will emerge soon that gets around the current generation of our detectors, but at the moment this is not a technical but a political/ resource allocation problem. this is based on many months of experience at a decent sized institution with a fair number of sophisticated users. --psb \_ Is this the point where we start talking about The Tragedy Of The Commons? I miss those threads.... |
2002/8/23 [Uncategorized] UID:25661 Activity:nil 72%like:25655 |
8/22 whew... new job, back on the motd... its been a while. \_ you didn't miss much. \_ how is your new job? \_ And what were you doing before the new job and being back? |
2002/8/23 [Uncategorized] UID:25662 Activity:nil |
8/23 Here's why you need to be *very* careful who you believe and what you base your political beliefs on, especially if the source is obviously agenda-driven. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20020823-23126206.htm |
2002/8/23 [Health] UID:25663 Activity:nil |
8/23 French Mayor Bans Residents from Dying http://csua.org/u/1a5 |
2002/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:25664 Activity:nil |
8/23 I hate how some popup adds mimic a win32 window, hoping you accidentally press the fake "X" to close button. \_ That's nice. Disable popups or download Pop Up Stopper. Bye. \_ Yeah, it almost catches me offguard when a win32 window pops up in the middle of my ctwm setup. Oh wait, Mozilla blocks them already. Yay. \_ I'm using mozilla and like it better than ie in every way except it doesn't render as fast, some cut'n'pasting doesn't work right, and a few scripted pages still only work with ie but overall it's worth it. I keep ie on my desktop for the few pages that just don't work right in mozilla. Wish it was faster though. |
2002/8/23-24 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:25665 Activity:high |
8/23 Nvidia OEM 4600 price war. Get a 4600 for $235. http://pricewatch.com \_ 235 isn't cheap. For that price range I'm waiting for a DX9 part. On a price/performance basis a Radeon 9700's retail price isn't that far off and cheaper versions are coming...I want to turn on FSAA and anisotropic filtering without the 4600's huge penalty. \_ Should I care about these cards if I don't play first-person type games? \_ You're nuts. 235 is the cheapest the 4600 has *ever* been. Until 10 days ago you couldn't get one off the back of a truck for under $300 for an off brand OEM card. You're sure as hell not going to get a 9700 for 235 anytime soon. The retail is going to be 399 which means you *might* get it for 350, maybe, if you're lucky. 350 in a few weeks, when the 4600 will probably be 200 or so. How is 200 == 350? \_ I said on a price/performance basis. Radeon 9700 is easily 1.5x the overall performance of 4600. 1.5*235 = $352.5. Personally, I consider it a bit more than 1.5x cuz it will last longer and has more features etc. \_ Easily? No. Go read tomshardware. On some things, yes, on others no. Anyway, you're still wrong because I can get a 4600 right now for 235 and have it running by mid-week. I can't get a 9700 at any price. By the time it ships, and assuming you can get a 9700 for only 350 (big "if") then it still doesn't hit the price/performance mark. As far as 'lasts longer' goes, there's *always* a newer bigger better faster thing on the horizon. In this case, your 9700 will last until the end of November when you can get an NV30 for about the same money which will be at least 30% faster. Anyway, it's your money and I'd guess 99% of the people here won't use the full power of a 4600 much less a 9700 or NV30. I doubt you're one of the 1% who needs to run quake3 at 350 FPS for some reason. \_ shit, and I just bought one for $315. --aaron |
2002/8/23-24 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:25666 Activity:nil |
8/23 AMD fans and other potential computer buyers: are you planning on buying now, waiting for the amd 2600+ in two weeks, the barton core in 8 weeks, or the clawhammer in january? |
2002/8/23-24 [Recreation/Dating] UID:25667 Activity:very high |
8/23 Has anyone tried the Trojan Extended Pleasure condoms? Does the climax control lubricant also delay her climax? If so that'd defeat the purpose. \_ You mean some standard lube on your latex covered cock so you can feel even less than you already do? Hint: many women don't climax during intercourse so it may not matter in your case anyway. \_ You're doing it wrong. \_ _most_ women do not orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone \_ Duh. Like I said, you're doing it wrong. \_ See a clockwork orange. It's the old in-out, in-out. It isn't rocket science, son. \_ Yes, but if you aim for her G spot, she will have orgasm most of the time. \_ Aim? Like there's a target? You guys are reading too many shitty GQ & Cosmo articles on sex and not actually having enough sex and you're certainly and clearly not discussing it with your partner(s) (if any). \_ Yes, from my experience there's a target. But it seems like a moving targer for some reason so it doesn't always work. \_ Yes, from my experience there is a target. But it seems like a moving target for some reason where it seems to shift around. Sometimes I can't find it at all. \_ Uh huh, she told you that she "cums *every* time" and you believe that, huh? \_ My woman doesn't cum every time, but I can tell whether or not she comes and she doesn't need to tell me. \_ We can extrapolate from your vast experiences to the general population. Thank you for sharing. But just curious, how do you *really* know? Maybe she never does and just fakes it now and then so as not to bruise your cum-centric macho ego image of yourself? Oh nevermind, I'm _sure_ you can tell. It's ok. No, really.... \_ She can't fake vaginal contraction can she? \_ They're called "muscles". Yes. \_ I dont come every time and I'm a guy. \_ topical anaesthetic \_ castration |
2002/8/23-24 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:25668 Activity:nil 50%like:24291 |
8/23 In Win2k, what's the difference between "Hibernate" and "Stand by"? Thx. \_ As far as I know, the difference is that "Stand by" is a low-energy mode where your PC utilizes just enough power to maintain RAM. "Hibernate" actually dumps the entire contents of RAM to disk and powers off completely (requries some amount of free disk, obviously) The latter could obviously last indefinately, while the former will probably last for a week or so-- depending on your battery life. - rory \_ In WinXP is there supposed to be a "Stand by"? On my desktop PC I only see "Hibernate" but no "Stand by". \_ Perhaps stand by is only for laptops. My laptop has it. \_ Yes. You'll generally only find the wide variety of APC settings on laptops. Maybe someone somewhere makes a desktop that has the whole array but generally the market doesn't care so they don't bother. Most people either just power off entirely or leave it 100% on 24x7 and are happy. |
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