2002/7/4-5 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25275 Activity:insanely high |
7/3 Not sure if everyone here already agrees Berkeley is a pretty fucked up city with Mayor Jackass Shirley Dean running the show, but now Berkeley wants to make sure you only drink fair-trade, shade grown, organically grown coffee and will have a task force roving the cafes, making sure no one is selling "the bad coffee", and putting cafe owners a possible 0.6 months in jail + fine. \_ Jailterm shrunken by the motd jailterm shrinker. \_ Don't get involved. Leave. They'are all insane. -John \_ most of us are alums, and you should post a url explaining what the hell you're talking about. \_ This was in the news a few weeks ago. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/bayarea/3491892.htm \_ I was at the meeting where this was brought to the table (I was there for another issue). You may want to get your facts straight. I'm no fan of Mayor Dean but she didn't have anything to do with that initiative petition. It was presented by a "member of the general public" - in this case an individual freshly out of law school. If you care that much, CM Breland had the matter postponed for consent discussion until next week. You can have your 3 minutes next Tues, 7/2 at 7PM in the Old City Hall. Please do show up, actually. I'll be out of town and somebody needs to be a voice of sanity in this town from time-to-time. -- ulysses \_ Uhm, next Tues, 7/9, or yesterday, Tue 7/2? \_ Hmm, sounds tempting, but the fact that they are even taking this seriously, is just so disturbing, Im not quite sure if they are even reasonable... I mean, this is the same council that wants to make the speed limit 15mph(?or was it 20) and put flowerpots and posts that make all neighborhoods ridiculously tricky to get through. I posted the article my friend sent to me @ http://csua.org/u/57 the place would be a complete shithole. \_ Ever driven south side? They already have those cement blockers there specifically to fuck up traffic. \_ Berkeley residents should realize, if not for the University the place would be a complete shithole. Wait, it still is one. \_ Actually, it'd be a nameless boring lower-middle-class suburb on the outskirts of Oakland. Which, by the way, would also not be a particularly happenning place, having not had as much reason historically to detract activity away from SF. \_ I always figured it would have never actually become a city in the first place since the university was there before anything that looked like a city was. It'd just be called "North Oakland" or something like that. There'd be no Berkeley. \_ it'd just be a boring non-city like albany or elcerrito. \_ Good for Berkeley. Someone has to lead the way. |
2002/7/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:25276 Activity:very high |
7/3 Jail Martha! http://tshirts.pettyvices.com \_ I'd like to do her. \_ WTF? Soda has some wierd people. \_ Martha Maven? I'd do her too. She's SEXY \_ they always said that bill clinton took his vacations in martha's vineyard. now i think i know what that means. \_ heh heh... I like this joke. |
2002/7/4-5 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:25277 Activity:very high |
7/4 Is anyone on Soda a shareware author for living? Is it at all possible? \_ does http://www.wulfram.com count? \_ I think this guy has no day job, and probably makes a decent living: http://www.winedt.com his software really really really kicks ass, though, and the price is pretty low for how great it is, so people don't feel as annoyed by paying. if this software were for sale in a store for 100 bucks, i'd still go buy it. \_ There are a very rare few people in the world who have made huge wads of cash from shareware. There is a slightly larger group that makes a living but nothing spectacular from it. The other 98% don't make enough to buy a can of beans. \_ I don't know of anyone who does it full-time, but there are a lot of people out there who write one or two cool toys, and then get a fair amount of pocket money out of it. Except for the fact that he's a really over-the-top jesus looney, the dude who wrote UltraEdit is a pretty good example. -John |
2002/7/4-5 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25278 Activity:moderate |
7/3 What is a good free project management tool in Unix? This is for personal projects, so it doesn't have to be that fancy. \_ emacs, jove, vi, etc. \_ those are editors, not project management tools. i think he means cvs, maybe even rcs. If you want something like crystal reports, you're out of luck. And please don't say, "ED is an editor" because that is just old, trite, and oversaid. ok thx. |
2002/7/4-5 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:25279 Activity:very high |
7/3 Does anyone still believe the hype around global warming? \_ Only econuts like tom and algore. \_ or the evil liberal commies on the editorial staff at Science and Nature. of course they don't have the kind of rigorous peer review as freerepublic, so I wouldn't trust all the hundreds of scientific papers in thosre journals documenting human impact on the atmosphere and climate change. \_ Have you actually read any of the papers on climate modeling and on historical climate trends? If you had you would know that climate change (such as drastic cooling and heating) have been going on for millions of years and that the minor current warming cannot be attributed to humans alone. Most of the evidence (objective) is that the earth is warming on its own and our contribution is not that significant. \_ You fucking idiot! How dare you bring *FACTS* into a thread on global warming! The nerve! Bastard! \_ OK, I'll bite. Please cite bibliographical references to papers that present the relevant data/reasoning in mainstream scientific journals. (I do not mean to assert that you are lying, just want to have a first-hand look at your sources.) \_ What a limp attempt at a troll. \_ News Flash: Global Warming causes impotent trolls. \_ So why have atmospheric temperatutes FALLEN in the past 25 years? And ZERO models predict / include the existence of El Nino... just for starters. As admitted by EU Bereaucrats, Kyoto was an attempt handcuff US business - go Al GORE. \_ Oh please, like you didn't know Al and his pals are heavily invested in EU companies. \_ ZERO models, huh? That's pretty interesting because my ex's father does long term weather prediction, and his group predicted El Nino several years in advance. Where are you getting YOUR information from? |
2002/7/4 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:25280 Activity:nil |
7/4 Read this and believe this guy is understating the issue- is has nothing to do with auditing, afterall every report which was released by enron, global crossing and wcom forever have been audited and were signed off by very high ranking guys. The "audit" is not the problem. Its is corporation which is the problem. Auditors take numbers that corps given them and sign off that the "accounting" is correct. Auditors don't look at actual invoices and costs and put the money where is really should and compare against what the corp said. Most auditing is just proceadural bullshit which investors/public don't understand. Like when an audit occurs it starts with an operating procedures guide, the auditor reads the OSR (operating proceadures) and then spot checks the procedure- THEY DO NOT check the numbers- the idea is that if procedures are followed than numbers are accurate. For instance you read a lot about how boards of directors signed off on a lot of crap which they should not have. The auditors job is not to check to see if the crap "should" have been signed off on they only make sure that is "was" signed off on as that is what the procedure calls for and that is all the audit requires. When I audited time sheets for DWP (department of water and power), I only had to make sure that timesheets were signed, the work accomplished and the hours worked were irrelevant and not checked in an audit. It was not my job to verify that the work completed had anything to do with the northridge earthquake- it was only to check to see if the time card was signed by supervisor as that is all the proceadure stipulated. So although I have never been involved with a full blown audit to see all the little pieced which go together- I have an idea of how they work and have known for a long long time that they are just bogus and do not actually verify if the numbers were correct. As I have written previously when I reviewed Level 3 books I found 700M in double booking or not accurate booking (exactly what wcom exposed). What we did was just instead of reporting the error we just slowly worked the error off the books by doing 150M adjustments now and then and no one was the wiser. |