2002/6/27 [Computer/Networking] UID:25209 Activity:high |
6/26 Will any old wireless lan pc card compatible with 802.11 do? Is that the protocol most of campus (airbears etc) uses? I'm also thinking of setting up wireless net in my apt. General comments are appreciated. I'm looking at a model from D-Link, but brand name/model suggestions would be helpful. -darin \_ You want 802.11b (or g, not yet available), but plain "802.11" which was out before the 802.11b standard is not want you want. Why? There were two ways to make "802.11" cards, and the two ways were incompatible. That's why they made 802.11b. 802.11a is the new stuff coming out, so you don't want that, and g is compatible with a and b. I think this is mostly correct, but the short answer is: You want 802.11b. You should be fine assuming you don't need encryption. \_ actually.. 802.11b is backwards compat w/ the old 1mb/s 802.11. 802.11g will be backwards compat w/ 802.11b.. 802.11a is neithr backwards compat w/ 802.11 nor .11b or .11g... most campus nets are using 802.11b and cisco aironet 350 ap's and recommend either an airport in a mac or in a pc either an orinocco, linksys, or dlink card because those are what they tend to test... cuz they are cheap.. -shac \_ D-Link is on the list of tested cards: http://airbears.berkeley.edu/faq.shtml#whichCard more generally: http://www.wirelessethernet.org/sponsors.asp \_ Which of these alphabet soup standards has the 'best' security? I'd like wireless home net but don't want god knows what floating I'd like wireless home net but don't want g-d knows what floating out over my neighbor's houses for miles around. Thanks. \_ Just use application-level encryption (SSL, SSH). Don't trust the wireless encryption. Incidentally, AirBears is preparing to upgrade to 802.11a/802.11b dual-mode hardware. -tom |
2002/6/27 [Reference/Tax] UID:25210 Activity:nil |
6/26 general realestate question. say someone buys a house for 100k and then sells it for 200k. now they have made 100k in pure profit minus the closing costs. do they pay capital gains tax on that? if not, what sort of taxes if any are paid on that profit? \_ depends on when you bought it, if you lived there and what time period(s). \_ if you buy a new house worth >$200k within a certain time period, you are not taxed on the gains. |
2002/6/27 [Health/Women] UID:25211 Activity:nil |
6/26 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=585&ncid=753&e=1&u=/nm/20020626/sc_nm/health_semen_dc_1 Semen good for women. I like what the last sentence implies. What a bullshit study, article, and conclusion. All it might show is condoms are bad. \_ Is this s subtle way of saying "blowjobs are good" ... The scientists suspect semen will have the same effect on women regardless of how they are exposed to it. \_ Real sharp, slick. |
2002/6/27 [Uncategorized] UID:25212 Activity:nil |
6/26 the bottom is falling. |
2002/6/27 [Politics] UID:25213 Activity:nil |
6/26 http://www.theonion.com/onion3326/homosexualrecruit.html |
2002/6/27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:25214 Activity:nil |
6/26 http://www.townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/dp20020626.shtml Asking the question, "why does the left support the Palestinians and not Israel?" \_ why do israeli soldiers sodomize palestinian youth and drive them to become suicide bombers? \_ Why do you forget to cite reliable sources when you spout your mindless pro-palestinian propaganda? Could it be because there aren't any? \_ why do you not realize that was a troll? \_ why don't you realize that the only reason for keeping this shitty account or logging into this machine is to read trolls and flames on the motd? \_ The left has traditionally supported the downtrodden. The left supported Isreal until relatively recently. But this blowhard is not really even worth replying to. |
2002/6/27 [Reference/History, Computer/Domains] UID:25215 Activity:nil |
6/26 http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=20484 Discuss. \_ $15 to hang around with the female friends of pathetic geeks? no thanks. |
2002/6/27 [Reference/Religion] UID:25216 Activity:very high |
6/27 Can a decision by the Supreme Court be overruled or appealed, in any way? \_ no. the jedi do their bidding, and they provide order in the galaxy. \_ Congress can override via legistation. Don't they teach government in HS anymore? \_ uh, no, congress can override via constitutional amendment only. don't they teach government in HS anymore? -tom \_ In reality the supreme court would say a law is uncon. in some very specific way for some very speicific reason and thus further legislation, crafted around that point, can yield *not* the SC (thank god). the same originally intended results without running afoul of and the god ban doesn't take affect for several the earlier SC ruling. That being said, the 9th circuit is *not* the SC (thank g-d). \_ are you allowed to say "god" on the motd? \_ god has no place within these walls, just like facts \_ 9th circuit only affects the 9 most western states, and the g-d ban doesn't take affect for several god god god god god god god god god god god god! hah! months, giving the government a chance to appeal, and if necessary appeal to the supreme court. \_ are you allowed to say "g-d" on the motd? \_ g-d has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place in organized religion! \_ I'm allowed to say whatever tom says I'm allowed to say. g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d! hah! \_ Back where I come from consitutional ammendments are viewed as legistation. |
2002/6/27 [Computer/SW] UID:25217 Activity:nil |
6/27 WCOM: they didnt just "lose" 4B, here is the idea - when running a business what is the only thing which matter, costs and revenue, profit is the difference between the 2 right. YES! Well not accouring to GAAP (generally acepted accounting principles). Most business use whats called amortization. Corporations needed some mechanism to account for large capital expenditure- For instance worldcom- they spent 10B on a network and equipment but didn't want to account for that as a loss even though technically it was, the complexity is that the revenue for that cost will come in over the period of lets say 20 years- So to try to give investors a better idea of whats going on the corporation amortizes the contruction costs over 20years so that the costs match up against the revenue. This is all perfectly legal exactly the way governmetn wants it; however, in reality it totally screws reality, reality is that costs are costs and revenue is revenue but due to the nature of busines that is wrong beacause it totally voids the incentive of R&D. Now it gets even more complex in that what happens when revenue related to a capital cost does not materialize but you don't want to have to continue taking loses fro the the remainder of the amortization cycle, well you take whats called a writeoff, but corporations don't like these one time charges because they skew profit numbers. So at the end of the day it is very difficult for investors to know how a company is really doing. |
2002/6/27 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:25218 Activity:kinda low |
6/26 more re: mozilla form auto-completion seems much more lame than in IE. Other people experienced this? Solution? \_ Use IE for forms, e-banking/investing etc. Use Mozilla + Tabbed browsing for google searches, cvs-web, reading mailing list archives, forums, etc. (IE Don't do any real work with mozilla) \_ damn... so form completion just sucks in Mozilla? I was hoping there was a module or something I could d/l to make this better. maybe someone should write one. \_ Huh? What's wrong with Moz form completion? Works for me. I haven't noticed anything. |
2002/6/27-28 [Reference/Law, Politics, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:25219 Activity:nil |
6/26 /csua/pub/jobs/brobeck-part-time Law firm looking for someone who knows communications/digital signal processing to help them out. |
2002/6/27 [Reference/Religion] UID:25220 Activity:very high |
6/27 The phrase "under God" in the pledge was an artifact of McCarthy era paranoia over the "atheist Communists." Removing it, finally, takes it back to the author's initial intent. The pledge had been around for 62 years, through two World Wars, before it was changed. The uproar surrounding this decision is utterly ludicrous. --scotsman \_ oh is it? then be sure to remove any G-d related words from our currency and courthouses. \_ Er.. Yes. It is. And yes, they should. Read a little history. Read the constitution. Oh, and sign your name. --scotsman \_ Why the hell not. The time is ripe for that, too. \_ As if the communists of the 50s really weren't out to destroy this country. Read some history. \_ Are you defending McCarthyism? I suppose you're going to say the Holocaust didn't happen either. \_ And believing in God helps you with this problem... how? \_ The suit will be tossed out. All you god-fearin' folks will be safe from the evils of atheism. This is really a big non-story. The guy who brought the suit should teach his daughter to do what the creationist folks do. Walk out until they are done. |
2002/6/27 [Uncategorized] UID:25221 Activity:nil |
6/27 Uh oh... someone discovers the hard way that political philosophy is not based on the color of one's skin.... I won't use the "R" word. :-) http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/Full&cid=1023716561709 |
2002/6/27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:25222 Activity:high |
6/27 Who was it that said something like I joined the CSUA and only got this lousy account and a look at Partha? \_ Partha? Who's Partha? \- the guy who insists on formatting his motd posts differently from everybody else's. ok tnx \_ WHAT?! You don't know who *THE* psb is?!?!?! ACK! This is madness! God save us all! --psb #1 Fan madness! G-d save us all! --psb #1 Fan |
2002/6/27 [Uncategorized] UID:25223 Activity:nil 53%like:25224 |
(-=-= One MOTD, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for None =-=-) |
2002/6/27 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:25224 Activity:nil 53%like:25223 66%like:25230 |
6/27 Where to get the "screen" source code or binary for Solaris? (-=-= One MOTD, Under PSB, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for None =-=-) \_ Well there's sure as hell no justice around here.... ;-) And shouldn't that be "Under G-d" according to the recent motd search/replace job someone did on the motd? |
2002/6/27 [Reference/Religion] UID:25225 Activity:high |
6/27 If the media did their job and actually included a history of the Pledge of Allegiance with their reports on the decision, the uproar would be a blip from Gary Bauer or Pat Robertson. --scotsman \_ If they ever did their job, if they ever could have done their job. ||| THE 'UNDER GOD' PHRASE was inserted in the Pledge of Allegiance because of a McCarthy-era campaign by a right-wing Catholic group, the Knights of Columbus. The KOC is now deeply involved in anti-abortion campaigning by the Catholic Church and was once an important supporter of the notorious Legion of Decency, which censored American films and was the source of the phrase "banned in Boston." So not only are the words "under God" clearly religious, they have their origins in the theocratic maneuverings of one particular religion. Ironically, until recently the Catholic Church did not consider Christian fundamentalists covered by the very phrase they today so loudly champion. The theology of salvation by faith alone was anathematized by Rome. |
2002/6/27 [Uncategorized] UID:25226 Activity:nil |
6/27 anybody watched "witness to hope" on PBS? The documentary talked about a town built by the communists in poland that had no church. After 20 years of lobbying, a church is finally built entirely of volunteer labor. I'm trying to remember the name of the town. Yes, I have been searching on google and can't find it. Thanks. \_ The poles are diehard anti-semites. They deserve no hope. \- it was a town called hope. |
2002/6/27-28 [Computer/Theory] UID:25227 Activity:high |
6/27 Can anyone who has used Maxyma and Mathematica/Maple comment on them? I am using mathematica and find it overhyped yet inconvenient for the kind of symbolic manipulation I need. I need to implement diverse kinds of say algebraic strctures and rules and to exert close control over how the the rules are applied. That is I know how best to simplify but want to use the program to do the bookkeeping. Ok tnx. \- er do you actually have a copy of MACSYMA ... I'll buy you lunch if if you actually have VAXIMA running on a VAX. Mathematica used to be really unreliable. I havent followed discussion about it for a few years and mostly use it do draw pictures or do pretty simple things now [some factoring and computing some sums] ... I like Maple6 and many colelagues use matlab. --psb \_ Derivatives of DOE Macsyma is now GPLed, see e.g. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/maxima.html and http://sourceforge.net/projects/maxima and on GNU. No I haven't tried to install. I want to have some confidence that it will be useful before trying that. \_ for symbolic math, Maple is great. matlab is only useful if you have the symbolic math toolbox. \_ what do you all mean by "symbolic math"? symbolic as opposed to what? does this mean like modern/abstract algebra? \_ for example: symbolic: finding the indefinite integral (a symbolic expression from another symbolic expression) nonsymbolic: finding the value of a definite integral (number-crunching) \_ Anyone know of a good open source version of a program like matlab or maple? |
2002/6/27 [Academia/OtherSchools] UID:25228 Activity:nil |
6/27 Does MIT have a football team? How about CalTech? \_ University of Chicago is a school with very high addmissions standards, a good education, strong academics and grad programs, great research, tons of money, and no serious atheletic recruiting/scam programs at some point they decided they were sick of the bullshit, and it has not harmed them in any way. that doesn't meand you can't have excellecnce in athletics, just not at the expense of everything else. just look at the cal tae kwon do team: great athletes just competeing for the fun of it, not beacause they are supported by some athlete welfare program and provided with free cars and whores. last i checked they were one of the best teams in the country, while our football teams always suck in spite of the cars and whores. \- Robert Maynard Hutchins got rid of the UChicago football team. [remember where Fermi build his reactor?]. There was a lot of alumni controversy. He then pushed a Western Civ program and did a lot to make UChi the "hardcore" school it is today. RMH was an interestin guy ... he was dean of Yale Law in his late 20 I believe an president at UChi in his early 30 I think. He used to say "sometimes i feel like exercising ... so I lie down until the feeling goes away." --psb \_ Harvard and Yale do. \_ I see where you're going with this. demonstrates exactly what sort of study body results when no athletes are enrolled. \_ Their team made the front page of Sports Illustrated in the late 80s. Who knows if the team is still around. \_ How many (*good-looking*) women does MIT/Caltech have? Stanford? UCLA? USC? Chico State? \_ by answering that you just further my point. \_ I'm assuming you mean before they try to commit suicide by immolation in their dorm rooms. |
2002/6/27 [Uncategorized] UID:25229 Activity:nil |
6/27 I want to have a color poster printed up (say 24x36). Will somone please recommend a good/cheap place? \_ Kinko's is well equipped to do this. Also they're 24 hour. \_ how much? \_ is it legal to reproduce a professional poster which is usually copyrighted? \_ I wouldn't care even if that was my intention, which it not. i'm doing an original poster -op (i would never spend that much dough to buy some dumb ass reprint of the original Star Wars poster, or whatever) |
2002/6/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:25230 Activity:nil 66%like:25224 |
6/27 Where to get the "screen" source code or binary for Solaris? \_ http://www.sunfreeware.com \_ great, now we have "where to" questions in addition to the "how to" ones... \_ http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=screen§ion=projects |
2002/6/27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:25231 Activity:nil |
6/27 Who's the oldest active member on CSUA? What year? \_ psb, 2 |
3/15 |