2002/6/16-17 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:25109 Activity:kinda low |
6/16 What is/are the legal driving age(s) in western european countries like France, England, etc? \_ 18 is the norm. \_ Better question - when do girls become legal? \_ In Denmark girls in the teens are legal. Great country unless you're looking for a cute virgin. \_ Again with the virgins... why would you want a virgin... teaching is a turnoff. \_ Certain people perfer certain things. For example, some people love to be school teachers even though I can't stand kids these days. \_ As usual, the internet, is, once again, your friend. http://www.ageofconsent.com |
2002/6/16 [Uncategorized] UID:25110 Activity:nil |
6/15 Tickets for SF Opera _tonight_. see ~jon/opera.tix --jon |
2002/6/16-17 [Consumer/Camera] UID:25111 Activity:high |
6/15 Anyone care to recommend a digital camera? I want a 6x zoom at least. Optical. At least 1280x1024 resolution. --PeterM \_ honestly, from what you want, i can tell you that anything on the market will do. It is *IMPOSSIBLE* to make good 6x zoom lenses anyway. so, the piece of glasses/plastic at front of your camera will be the bottleneck on the image quality. For just average image quality (which is what you want, and there is nothing wrong with that), just get the cheapest 2 megapixel camera you can find on the market... unless, you are a gadget geek and want the woo and ahhs from your friends. A word of advice: 2x zoom is good for normal uses, and the shorter end is more important than the longer end. -- kngharv \_ 1280x1024 < 1.5megapixel, so you can go low end... \_ I have a Cannon S330 and like it a lot. It only has a 3x optical zoom, but it may be sufficient if you only need 1280x1024 --twohey \_ My S330 is a 2 MegaPigal camera. \_ Definitely look at the Fuji 4900/6900 and the replacement for those, S2 or something. If you want 6x or greater in a decent camera that doesn't cost $1000+, you're looking at Fuji or Olympus. -tom \_ Peter--I have a Digital Ixus 300. It's not the newest or the best, but it's still the nicest camera I've ever had. The colors are great, and although it's just 2.1MP and 3x optical zoom, I can only recommend it. http://www.dpreview.com had some great objective criteria when I was trying to decide. Also, keep in mind that I will buy a regular 35mm film camera if I ever want really high quality images. -John \_ If you can wait, wait until the true "digital SLR" comes out. Right now, the SLR is not quit there yet because they can't make the size of the sensor equal to those of 35mm. That will be at least 3+ years from now. \_ why do you care about the size of the sensor? It has virtually nothing to do with image quality, unless you're using a recording medium with low resolution (like film). \_ by the time you do that, digital will be higher-quality than 35mm. It already is in many cases. -tom \_ depend upon what do you mean by higher-quality. If you are talking about images on computer screen, perhaps. If you are talking about large prints, then, digital still got a long way to go compare with Leica or Contax. Then again, most people who is serious about photography tend to use medium format anyway. \_ top-quality digital cameras already compete with 35mm for print quality. Even my camera, which is two generations old, produces better 8x10 prints than cheap film cameras. -tom |
2002/6/16 [Reference/Religion] UID:25112 Activity:nil |
6/16 Crusade Propaganda http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-madden110201.shtml |
2002/6/16 [Reference/Celebration] UID:25113 Activity:nil |
6/16 http://www.santa-claus-porn.com |
2002/6/16-17 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:25114 Activity:moderate |
6/16 Remember Lynxgate, that Washington Times inspired witch hunt? Here is what really happened. Of course, they will not issue an apology. http://outside.away.com/outside/news/lynxgate_1.adp \_ Nice unbiased source. I love how they dismiss the case of the four murdered firemen. \_ Um, no. I don't remeber this at all. Are you sure you're not taking some incredibly minor issue that was poorly reported on and using it to push your own agenda? If so, get used to disappointment. |
2002/6/16-17 [Recreation/Humor] UID:25115 Activity:low |
6/16 SEVEN SINS is a theatrical experience somewhere between performance art and stand-up comedy. At each performance seven performers take the stage for ten minutes a piece to tell the audience an autobiographic and funny story. All of the stories in each show are loosely tied to one of the seven deadly sins: ENVY, GREED, PRIDE, LUST, SLOTH, WRATH and GLUTTONY. For instance, opening night will feature LUST. The cast and the sin change with each show, although some performers repeat. On the eighth and ninth performances, we'll encore the best performances in two shows recapping all of the sins. Running time is approximately 70 minutes - no intermission. All performance will be held at Venue 9. LUST (June 9th), ENVY (June 16th), GREED (June 23rd), SLOTH (June 30th), PRIDE (JULY 7th), WRATH (JULY 14th) and GLUTTONY (JULY 21st) \_ FLATTULENCE (every day) |
2002/6/16-17 [Recreation/Media] UID:25116 Activity:high |
6/16 Better late than never. From the Motd Movie Critic: Spider Man: Good. Fun. Go see it. Do not expect best movie since JC was born. It's good but only a desperate movie going public could boost it to the top 10 overall movie list. A- Sum of all fears: Mediocre. Highly disappointing. BA plays CIA Wonder Boy Jack Ryan (they mushed the script so for a young Ryan). \_ CIA Boy Wonder Jack Ryan sounds better. Unfortunately BA's character is a moron and BA is also a moron. Bad script combined with moronic actor does not make for a believable top notch intelligence character. Also disappointing are the villains who have minimal motivation and are never fleshed out at all. Jack vs. the Cardboard Kings. This Critic also objects to the PC-ification of the book where the terrorists were arabs, not re-fried Nazis who have nothing to gain from a nuclear war. C. \_ I also forgot to mention to lack of reality of the whole aircraft carrier thing. I'm changing it to a C-. -MMC \_ I recommend Bourne Identity. It was a great movie inspite of Matt Damon. Some decent car chases (no where near as good as the chases in Ronin, but still pretty good) along with good fight scenes and plot development. There were weak parts in the background story but it wasn't glaring like Sum or say Art of War. A- - !MMC \_ "no where near as good as the chases in Ronin?" ok, you're officially an idiot, and are fired from motd movie critic. those were the worst chase scnenes i've ever seen in any movie. i walked out of the movie after about forty minutes of those idiotic car chases between luxury cars on shitty european streets. \_ to clarify: the above about Ronin was not from the MMC. It was the !MMC who posted. Thanks. --MMC \_ okay, name a movie with better chase scenes than Ronin. IMHO, the photography, the settings and the cars were well chosen in Ronin. - !MMC \_ the H in IMHO stands for humble, and yet you have appointed yourself motd movie critic. your opinions are neither humble nor good. go away. \_ !MMC != MMC \_ I'm not the motd movie critic. I'm just some random anon. guy who happened to like Bourne Identity and the chase scenes in Ronin. I thought other motd readers might like BI, so I mentioned the parts that I liked about it in comparison with other movies motd readers will probably have seen. - !MMC \_ The MMC has not yet reviewed BI or Ronin. When and if the MMC reviews these movies, you, loyal motd reader, will be the first to know! --MMC |
2002/6/16-17 [Finance] UID:25117 Activity:very high |
6/16 Is the Last Starfighter a poor man's Star Wars, or just a better movie? I pose this to you, Motd Movie Critic. \_ At the surface level, LSF and the first SW appear to be variations on the same poor-boy-saves-galaxy theme but the similarity ends \_ you mean "poor white boy" why can't poor non-whites eve save the galaxy? poor non-whites ever save the galaxy? \_ 'cause black men are always getting into trouble with the MAN (ex. SW:ESB)! Well, except in Men in Black, ID4 and DS9 where a poor black man saves the galaxy. \_ DOn't forget Aliens!!!!!1!! Asian men have often saved the galaxy as well (Consider Sulu in ST:TVH, ST:UC and "Harry" in ST:Voy, given the economics of the 23rd and 24th centuries both could be considered "poor" as they don't earn anything except room, board and promotions). there. LSF never really leaves that level and takes the viewer on a child's arcade-comes-to-life fantasy while SWI sets the stage for deeper issues of good and evil and the nature of man. "better" is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes you want bubble gum. Other times you want bubble gum with good vs evil and the nature of man thrown in. -MMC \_ but you have to admit, Burgess Meredith's car in LSF was way cooler than the Time Travelling Delorean. \_ Burgess Meredith? Try again. \_ Hint: We got trouble in river city. |
2002/6/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:25118 Activity:low |
6/16 The AP libels Egyptian academics. http://www.jpost.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/Full&cid=1023716494436 \_ what's the libel? |