2002/5/22 [Uncategorized] UID:24907 Activity:kinda low |
5/21 A CL good bye to Mojo: http://www.craigslist.org/sfo/mis/3969278.html \_ Who's mojo? \_ "pray for mojo" |
2002/5/22-23 [Recreation/Media] UID:24908 Activity:high |
5/22 Follow up on a few days ago when I asked people abuot commercials before feature films. It turns out that Disney won't allow theatres to show their movies if the theatres show commercials - no matter what movie. Hence, the Grand Lake Theatre shows no commercials before their films. Only previews. -- ulysses \_ good for Disney. urlP? \_ Can't help you there. I learned this using a good-old-fashioned call to the theatre. \_ of course, Disney seems to have no problems forcing people to sit through commercials on their DVDs. hypocrites. \_ It would be nice if it had been some other company, I'll agree, but nobody else is volunteering. \_ You do realise that the theatres dont make anything off showing a movie for the first several weeks, only from the concessions? They show commercials so they can stay in business. The real answer is the studios should let the movie houses keep more money and stop forcing them to do things like go digital to show certain worthless films but we know that won't happen. \_ And yet the Grand Lake is still in business. Go figure. |
2002/5/22 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:24909 Activity:insanely high |
5/21 Starwars personality test: http://www.sluis-van.com/personality/index.shtml EMPEROR PALPATINE: ... GEORGE LUCAS' PROLAPSED COLON: .... SKYWALKER RANCH-HAND: .. CHEWBACCA: . (fuck!!) (How come I ain't getting my share of hairy babes?!) HAN SOLO: ..... (cool! I am Han Solo. How come I ain't getting my share of babes?!) \_ Because "zero" *is* your share. R2D2: ... OBI-WAN KENOBI (Guiness version): .. \_ woofuckinghoo! C-3PO: . GRAND MOFF TARKIN: . \_ This shit is ancient. In fact, I saw this same shit posted to the motd years ago. \_ Yermom is ancient but that doesn't stop her. |
2002/5/22 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:24910 Activity:insanely high |
5/21 I said a while ago this Pakistan/India thing was going nuclear... here's some more "fuel for the fire" as they say. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-303716,00.html \_ "The Pakistanis, who are considered better troops, would beat off the initial offensive" The Paks have one of the worst military corps in the world. They have lost every major encounter to India despite more modern weapons and training. And who do these diplomats think they are anyway? They should just butt out and let India solve the problem. \_ I believe the proper derogatory is "Paki." \_ The problem? You mean the problem with the crazy psycho indians butchering muslims en masse over some stupid temple site that never belonged to the indians in the first place? That problem? Or the one where the indian government is interferring on a daily basis with the lives of muslims in kashmir who are 99% peasants who would be perfectly happy to just be left alone on their rock strewn farms? That problem? The indians are going to get nuked. They've earned it. \_ Yeah. Indians have earned it alright. Let's not forget that in '48-49 the Paks butchered hindus and sikhs and sent back their body parts in train cars. Let's not forget the Pak attrocities of the '71 war or of the the Kargil war. (Muslims attrocities towards hindus go back further than this, but we'll leave that out) The current kashmir problem was started by Pak funded plo/hamas style "operations". India has every right to defend itself against Pak aggression. The temple site that you mention is fairly important to many hindus. How long do you think it would take muslims to tear down a church or synagouge in mecca? \_ So you think it's ok that people not even born in 48 or 71 get butchered today because of what happened then? And then you try to equate muslims trying to live in peace in a muslim area with hamas? you're nuts. The temple site is no mecca. They're a bunch of whackos. \_ Sadly, it also means the Pakistanis are going to get nuked. The world will finally see what happens when two nuclear powers decide to annihilate each other. It's going to be a fucking nightmare. -mice \_ Not if India strikes first and destroy all of Pakistans 25 warheads. \_ This is laughable. They stand zero chance of taking out 3 dozen nukes with their 5 dozen nukes. Neither of them has enough firepower to do any such thing. We're not talking the US/Soviets during the cold war with 25,000+ warheads each. These clowns have *maybe* 150 between them which is only just enough to seriously fuck each other up real real bad. \_ Only if you're Pakistani or Indian and depending on the winds and fallout levels a neighboring nation. The rest of us get the benefits of lots of emergency/experimental medical procedures practiced on other people and it'll be a big boon for the construction and cleanup companies here and in Europe & Japan. Too bad about the tea though. \_ There's no danger of a nuclear winter? And who is going to pay the cleanup companies? \_ 1: no. they dont have enough nukes between them to make a nuclear summer. 2: your tax dollars, duh. \_ 2: Exactly my point. We won't benefit from it because even though they use our cleanup companies, they use our money to pay for it. \_ Ah, so human life has no value... \_ Dude, you've bee soooo bated. Ouch. \_ Heh I thought the "too bad about the tea" was a big give away. I'll try harder to make it more obvious next time. :-) \_ It does. It's something like $96 in chemicals and water. Hardly anything worth getting upset about. |
2002/5/22 [Uncategorized] UID:24911 Activity:kinda low |
5/21 When I type last or who, it usually gives the IP address from where you're coming from but w uses the style that resolves more addrs. Why? \- who,last,w | ip2hostname --psb |
2002/5/22 [Uncategorized] UID:24912 Activity:nil |
5/21 RIP Stephen Jay Gould http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020521/ap_on_re_us/obit_gould_21 \_ that was yesterday. and that makes #8. |
2002/5/22-23 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Transportation] UID:24913 Activity:very high |
5/22 Is the campus administration going to do anything about the network connectivity? \_ There's no problem with networ~{~#{}{@}NO CARRIER~~ \_ Funny! \_ THE WHOLE CAMPUS IS GOING THROUGH A 2400 BAUD MODEM?! WELL DAMN! I'VE GOT A 14.4 I COULD LOAN THEM, BUT I NEED IT BACK FOR MY BBS! \_ The problem with the network is fundamental--bandwidth usage is rising faster than bandwidth cost is falling. Something will be done about it at some point, but it won't be something you'll like. -tom \_ Like paying/packet or port blocking? \_ For example. -tom \_ send the bill to reshall \_ The reshalls already pay for their own bandwidth, and they don't affect the rest of the campus. -tom \_ It'd be nice if the discussion regarding this was in a public forum. A while back, there was some traffic regarding this topic on http://ucb.net.discussion, but that has essentially come to a halt. \_ Has there been any discussion of traffic shaping? It seems like it could offer a sensible solution to the problem. -dans \_ There already is some traffic shaping going on. But it's not a solution--web traffic alone is enough to trigger the problem. -tom \_ Cap web traffic. \_ get a clue. -tom \_ dude if web traffic is the problem, the answer is to force proxy/cache it all and shape/cap the traffic. it'll be slower overall but won't require infinite bandwidth. you're really quick with that 'get a clue' gun for someone who has yet to propose your own alternative. \_ I am actually curious why you don't consider capping web traffic to be a possible solution? Would a cap on web traffic degrade user experience that badly? Perhaps the resulting drop in performance would discourage 'casual browsing'? How much could things be improved via caching? \_ Would you reduce traffic on a busy freeway by building a wall across one of the lanes? The web traffic is a good portion of the fundamental purpose of our network connection--to degrade its usage is to degrade the very reason we have the Internet. Do some research on "the tragedy of the commons." -tom \_ I'm well acquainted with the tragedy of the commons. It is the plague of my everyday existence. I'm just wondering if slightly sluggish web performance might not change people's browsing habits. In effect, I'm not sure if your freeway analogy really applies here. Also, what about caching? That seems to hold the possibility of significantly reducing traffic we send out to the commodity internet. Or is there a reason why caching wouldn't help or is not viable for Berkeley? -dans \_ Changing people's browsing habits is exactly what you don't want to do. The net exists to be used. As for caching, we have an Akamai farm on campus already. One of the major points of the original article on the tragedy of the commons is that there exist problems with no technical solution. -tom \_ The net exists to be used not abused. If you have a bunch of stupid users who are constantly fetching uncachable content like slashdot or any of that web services bs, the best thing to is to discourage such behavior by making it harder/slower to get data from such places. Once people stop abusing the net, the problem is solved. the problem is solved. This problem *HAS* a technological soln., its just that you don't like that soln. because it means you and your '1337 buddies can't get their net fix. \_ Damn, I just did the math with a few conservative assumptions and the bits/user is insanely high. buncha pigs. \_ gee, how many users of Berkeley web sites are there? -tom \_ akamai farm? so what? that's not caching what people are using, it is caching what other people are paying to have cached. not quite the same, eh? \_ Technically an akamai farm can be used as a cache in addition to a cdn. I hope that TPTB are smart enough to do at least that much. \_ wanna bet? \_ Is the web traffic predominantly upstream or downstream? If it's downstream, could the bandwidth be supplemented with load-balancing across cheap asymmetrical connections? \_ Our aggregate net usage is weighted towards outgoing traffic, though the disparity isn't enormous. In any case, DSL (if that's what you're talking about) isn't "cheap" for this kind of usage. -tom \_ The Campus Net Wants To Be Free! \_ "tragedy of the commons": the newst kewl motd phrase. just toss this phrase around enough and you don't need to research or propose any other solutions. \_ The Tragedy Of The Commons Daniel McFadden, 09.10.01 Warning on the Net's shared resources <DEAD>www.forbes.com/asap/2001/0910/061.html<DEAD> |
2002/5/22-23 [Recreation/Dating] UID:24914 Activity:kinda low |
5/22 Is there a ban now on sex or girl threads ?? Its not cool to write somethiing and see it deleted posthaste. \_ duud, i been posting shit like that all day! down with censorship! \_ Posting what? All is computer stuff and political rants.. That is down right dull .. \_ become a /csua/bin/me advocate. |
2002/5/22-23 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:24915 Activity:very high |
05/22 Any recommendations for a utility to totally erase a PC laptop disk's contents. I'm selling my laptop and want my files etc. totally wiped. \_ Destroy the disk and grind it up. Only way. For those who don't have top secret stuff, merely reformatting and filling with emac dists will do just fine. \_ There may be something better but one of the tools included with PGP for windows is a wiper. It writes seven layers of random bits over every selected file, as I recall. -- ulysses \_ Would this naive approach be secure enough: re-partition the whole disk to several FAT partitions then fill up each partition with a single file containing 0xFF until the partition is full? \_ if you're really worried, supposedly you can scan for variations in gauss levels of each bit and tell if it was recently changed. There are some government protocols for disposing of harddrives. If you're this worried, though, i've got a bomb shelter i'd like to sell you. \_ I remember reading somewhere that data can be read off hard drive that's been wiped(written random bits on) up to six times, which is probably why the "wiper" program mentioned above wipes it seven times. \_ a layer of 0xff, a layer of 0x00, a layer of 0xff, ... until you feel comfortable about the gauss levels mentioned above. \_ The above 'naive' approach is more than enough for a simple sale to a private individual. In theory the data can still be recovered by a professional data recovery firm that will charm thousands of dollars with no promises of recovery. I'm sure the FBI,etc can recover it though as they have essentially infinite resources but I don't think this is a serious concern. \_ what's wrong with just repartitioning the drive? \_ Data is still there. Only partition and file tables are wiped. \_ If you're so worried, why don't just keep your existing disk and replace it with a cheap ass disk you can get at Fry's. \_ for starters the 2" disk in a laptop is very expensive. !op \_ and the time wasted in discussing all this is probably even more than that. \_ A 2" disk could run $150+ for even a smaller drive. I think the motd time spent on this is about zero. Actually I was at work for most of this thread so I got paid for it. |
2002/5/22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24916 Activity:nil |
5/22 Renewable Energy? Not in Ted's backyard. Where's Al when we need him? http://www.capecodonline.com/special/windfarm/kennedyaims15.htm |
2002/5/22-23 [Recreation/Dating] UID:24917 Activity:very high |
5/22 Open season at Harvard for rape and all other sexual assaults. http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/05/21/harvard.sex.ap/index.html \_ "The peer dispute process is a choice for students to mete out internal punishments, ...... Students can always take a claim to the police,......". I don't see why this is a bad idea to reduce the responsibility of the school officials who are not professional investigators. They're just leaving the matters to the police who are better-trained for these matters. \_ it places stigma on the victim, and will assuredly make it more difficult, psychologically speaking, for victims to come forward. forward. --scotsman \_ Why would you want to make it even harder for some poor girl to protect herself from some sexual predator/rapist? \_ This kind of statement really irks me. This is why the GM Food crowd and the anti-globalization people can never get a foothold.. They use phraseology like this that insults the listener and shuts them off from wanting to hear. --scotsman \_ No, the anti-GM and anti-G and anti-XYZ people can never get a foothold because they're all a bunch of lunatic extremists living in a fantasy world. \_ oh yeah.. anti-GM is so extreme... \_ The people who push it are, yes. \_ The arguments are solid against it. You've talked to the wrong people (illustrating my point). --scotsman \_ Why is calling 911 harder than waiting till office hours and then calling the administrative office whom doesn't even have the authority to detain someone? \_ Sigh... because the university can provide the sort of pro-woman supportive environment that a victim of sexual assault needs to feel safe before she can talk about her experience and feelings. The cops can't provide that. I'd bet more than half those cops were football player rapists in college. \_ since when did cops start going to college? \_ this has nothing to do with the above, but the mexican state Juarez is in passed a law last year that reduced the penalty for rape from 5 to 1 years in cases where the woman dressed provacatively and appealed to a man's baser urges, but i think it got repealed when all the other states threatened to send in troops and kick some ass. in pakistan right now there are women on death row for reporting they got raped, since... they had sexual intercourse outside of marriage (by being raped). they of course say some man raped them, but many areas of pakistan will not accept the testimony of a woman unless it's backed up by four other males of upstanding moral character. \_ She wanted it. She was asking for it. \_ She asked for it so you gave it to her? Don't you know better than to give a chick what she wants? All she wants is to get pregnant and ruin your life! Do yourself a favor, trust me on this, avoid sex with any woman. She'll get pregnant, you'll get married, she'll divorce you and take more than half of all you've got for the rest of your miserable life! \_ Yay! It's Bitter Divorced Guy! You tell 'em, BDG! WooHOOO!! -BDG #1 fan! |
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