Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2002:May:16 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2002/5/16 [Uncategorized] UID:24844 Activity:high
5/15    After 3 whole days of research (yes I'm laid off), I found her name!
        HELEN KANE, she's the one who looks like Lila Patton. Check it
        \_ and... no.
        \_ so no wonder got laid off
           \_ who got laid off?
              \_ who got laid?
              \- werent kane@sloda and lilap@soda trafficking together?
                                       \_ who?
                                          \_ Once upon a time, there were
                                             two lila's around, so people
                                             had their choice:  Lila P or Lila
                                             T.  Now, alas, Lila T has faded
                                             from the rich world of sodaland,
                                             so now everyone has to pile on
                                             Lila P.  Make sure you're insured.
                                             \_ Point: missed.  Thank you
                                                for playing.
2002/5/16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:24846 Activity:high
5/16    what ever happened to the hp/compaq merger vote? was there
        there an outcome?
        \_ I think it passed.
           \_ so they've merged? there wasn't much news of it..
              \_ They've already talked about which lines of laptops are
                 staying and which are scrapped.  Forget which one is staying.
              \_ uh, what?  there's been plenty of news.  stop relying on the
                 motd as your primary news source.
        \_ Go to
2002/5/16 [Uncategorized] UID:24847 Activity:nil 66%like:26400
5/16    Yet another MOTD Poll.  Episode II:
        Sucked ass:
        Sucked goat ass: .
2002/5/16 [Health/Sleeping] UID:24848 Activity:high
5/16    Anyone have any experience with mattresses from IKEA?  They seem to
        be considerably cheaper than elsewhere.  On a related note, anyone
        know how much IKEA charge for delivery? - First time mattress shoper
        \_ My girlfriend has one. She likes it. I like it. It wasn't
           delivered, so can't answer that one, but the mattress is great.
           \_ I have one. It's on the guest bed. The second guest bed. When
              guests come over I pull out the sofa sleeper for them. It's
              not *that* bad for the price (like most things IKEA) but (also
              like most things IKEA) don't compare it to anything of quality.
              I think delivery was about $29. It depends on distance. --dim
              \_ Well, I'm not very picky.  It's just that one of my cousin
                 told me that their mattress springs wore out really quickly.
                 It's just one case, and I don't know what their sex life is
                 like, so I thought I'd get more input.  Thanks for the
                 delivery info.  Just trying to see if I'm better off getting
                 a u-haul. -op
2002/5/16-17 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:24849 Activity:nil
5/15    OS X users -- for installing unix utilities, do you use fink
        or just grab the source and do the make install dance (and why)?
        \_ I don't use fink, it seems too linux-ish for my tastes.
           I prefer the ./configure make install method, but I've
           got some wrapper Makefile a la /usr/ports that take care
           of all the nitty gritty details. My only problem is with
           lack of good packing tools for OS X.
        \_ I don't use ports, since ports has historically been broken.
           \_ bullshit, ports is the *best* method of trying to make a
              bunch of 3rd party software work with your system.
              \_ ilyas would disagree.
           \_ Hi paolo!
        \_ I don't use anything that jkh hasn't written himself personally.
2002/5/16 [Uncategorized] UID:24850 Activity:nil
5/15    the writing is on the wall.
2002/5/16 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:24851 Activity:nil
5/16    I have a machine with several domains. If I want and to drop mail in two different locations, is this possible
        (using sendmail)?
        \_ virtusertable.  -jon
2002/5/16 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:24852 Activity:nil
5/16    Do they make computer boards (e.g. PCI) that just provide a
        clock? I need to do some timing-sensitive tasks and I don't
        want to rely on the computer's clock for anything important.
2002/5/16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:24853 Activity:nil
5/16    What's the status of java 2 on freebsd?  it was supposed to come
        with 4.5, but it's still a no-show.
        \_ /usr/ports/java/jdk13?
           \_ Is this the download-from-sun-and-patch version, or a
              complete port?
              \_ The former.  dbushong follows these things closer than
                 I.  He may have some input on why the true port development
                 has languished.  --scotsman
2002/5/16 [Uncategorized] UID:24854 Activity:high
5/16    Does anyone know of a cell/PCS phone co. that has a plan that bills
        by the minute rather than in blocks of time/month? -- ulysses
        \_ they all do that, once you go past a certain number of minutes.
           oh, you wanted a plan that charges reasonable rates per minute?
           you fool!
           \_ The rates don't have to be that reasonable. It's just that my gf's
              grant won't reimburse for a monthly flat am't but will reimburse
              for by-minute charges. It's a UC bureaucracy thing.
2002/5/16 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:24855 Activity:nil
5/16    Seniors, you're graduating next week. You:
        have a job:
        are looking for a job:..
        are going to grad school:
        are stalking other graduates:
2002/5/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:24856 Activity:insanely high 83%like:24858
5/17    "Take it to the Bridge to Stop the War" - May 25th in SF
        N o more business as usual as the United States carries out its
        attacks on the peoples of the planet.
          The All People's Coalition to Stop US Terror and Occupation is
        calling for a peaceful rally at Crissy Field and a march on the
        Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday, May 25, 2002
          The anti-war movement must raise the stakes in challenging the U.S.
        government to stop its attacks on the peoples of the world under the
        so-called 'war on terrorism.' The Golden Gate Bridge is a symbol of
        the US known throughout the world and a massive march of people
        across this bridge will send a message to the international community
        that people right here are calling for no more business as usual
        while the United States carries out its attacks on the peoples of the
        Planning Events
          Convergence @ Fellowship Hall of Humanity, 390 27th St. Oakland
        (between Broadway & Telegraph)
        Saturday 5/11 & 5/18: Planning meetings, 2-5pm
        Thursday 5/23: Banner and placard painting, 3-11pm
        Thursday 5/23: Civil disobedience and nonviolence training, 6-9pm
        Friday 5/24: Civil disobedience and nonviolence training, 3-6pm
        Please Join Us!                              <DEAD><DEAD>
        \_ I hate to remind these pacifists that the other side struck first
           and killed a few thousand civilians.  And they won't stop if we
           say we're sorry.
        \_ Is this for real? This website does not work.
2002/5/16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:24857 Activity:nil
5/16    New Russian Weapons versus Old American arsenals
2002/5/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:24858 Activity:nil 83%like:24856
5/17    "Take it to the Bridge to Stop the War" - May 25th in SF
        N o more business as usual as the United States carries out its
        attacks on the peoples of the planet.
          The All People's Coalition to Stop US Terror and Occupation is
        calling for a peaceful rally at Crissy Field and a march on the
        Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday, May 25, 2002
          The anti-war movement must raise the stakes in challenging the U.S.
        government to stop its attacks on the peoples of the world under the
         \_ Maybe you could hijack a commercial airliner and fly it into the
        so-called 'war on terrorism.' The Golden Gate Bridge is a symbol of
        the US known throughout the world and a massive march of people
        across this bridge will send a message to the international community
        that people right here are calling for no more business as usual
        while the United States carries out its attacks on the peoples of the
        Planning Events
          Convergence @ Fellowship Hall of Humanity, 390 27th St. Oakland
        (between Broadway & Telegraph)
        Saturday 5/11 & 5/18: Planning meetings, 2-5pm
        Thursday 5/23: Banner and placard painting, 3-11pm
        Thursday 5/23: Civil disobedience and nonviolence training, 6-9pm
        Friday 5/24: Civil disobedience and nonviolence training, 3-6pm
        Please Join Us!                              <DEAD><DEAD>
2002/5/16-23 [Transportation/Car] UID:24859 Activity:nil
05/16   GM to amend consitution 4pm May 23 in #gm on screwdriver. See
        message to csua@csua. --Galen
2002/5/16-17 [Reference/BayArea] UID:24860 Activity:nil
5/16    Any recommendations for getting automobile glass replaced
        in the Berkeley vicinity? Thanks.
        \_ Maz, if you have the time to spare. They make you wait.
        \_ Go through the phone book and call the places that match prices.
           When my side window got broken into, the first place I called quoted
           $85 while another place in oakland quoted $55.  Since the the first
           place was able to come by the same morning, I called them back and
           they did it for $55.  And remember, many places come to you at no
           extra charge.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2002:May:16 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>