2002/4/9 [Uncategorized] UID:24379 Activity:high |
4/8 This is real. My boss constantly scratches his crotch right at work. And today he grossed me out by rubbing his crotch area against my cubicle wall. What is the appropriate action to take? \_ The inappropiate action is to get a hard-on from this. \_ put a 'Bears Scratch Post' sign on your cubicle. \_ Depends on whether you're a male or female. \_ I am male and he is married with kids. I think he just has crab or something. I normally don't care if he scratches himself with his hands, but my cubicle walls should be off-limits. What can I do? -op \_ Line your cube with stuff so he cant rub his diseased crotch on the cube. \_ Should I mention his behavior to HR at all? Besdies all the clever things I can do to my cube to prevent future occurances? \_ Your boss must be a cat, see: http://www.google.com/search?num=20&hl=en&q=inappropriate+work+behavior+scratch&btnG=Google+Search \_ line your cubicle with feces. that would be an embarassing crotch stain to have. |
2002/4/9 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Celebrity/MichaelJackson] UID:24380 Activity:nil |
4/8 This just in: Paypal is Bad. \_ http://www.factnet.org/Scientology/celebrities_con.html |
2002/4/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:24381 Activity:kinda low |
4/8 If I have a serializable Java objects that points to other non-serializable objects, can I save all the states in that serializable object? \_ http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/java/io/Serializable.html Non-serializable fields must be declared "transient." Otherwise you'll get a nifty exception. If you declare these fields transient, everything else will be included in the state of your serialized object. -brain \_ If you have transient fields in your class you should probably be overwriting readObject() and writeObject(). |
2002/4/9 [Uncategorized] UID:24382 Activity:nil |
4/8 What are some of the work opportunities in LA? Sysadm ok. \_ http://www.dice.com etc |
2002/4/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:24383 Activity:moderate |
4/9 Gnome has a transparency feature. Is that a feature of the desktop (e.g. ALL the windows could be transparent) or is that a feature of the appliction? \_ Application |
2002/4/9 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:24384 Activity:insanely high |
4/9 ok, briefly, why FreeBSD is so much superior than Linux? -the ignorant \_ My personal reason (there are others) is that FreeBSD 'makes sense'. They don't dump random config files all over the place, you always know where an otherwise unfamiliar binary will be installed, and they don't decide willy nilly to throw away and redo everything you once knew because someone came up with some 'cool idea'. FreeBSD is for people who want their machines to just work with no bullshit. Others will tell you about tcp/ip stacks, memory management, file system differences and other stuff which is all nice but not why I like it. Call it 'consistency and ease of maintenance' for me. \_ Why do you assumme that the FreeBSD file system layout is the right way? There are plenty operating systems other than Linux that look -nothing- like FreeBSD. Do you not use them too just for that reason? \_ Poster didn't say canonical, s/he said consistent. Duh. -pld \_ What pld just said. +FreeBSD fan \_ solaris' file hierarchy makes more sense than a typical linux distribution's does to me --Jon \_ Solaris is not bad, but I prefer OpenBSD. OpenBSD's file system layout makes the most sense to me and the ports collection is well integrated into the fs layout. --ranga \_ I use OpenBSD and Solaris. I prefer O but S isn't that bad. It's usable. I do hate the /opt concept though. \_ The idea of /opt (which is now completely lost) is that you install your pkgs on a central server and you mount /opt on all your clients, which allows users to continue using /usr/local for truely local pkgs. In concept it was a good idea, but then you get this really screwed up PATH with lots of dirs in it. The other main problem with /opt (and even /usr/local) is that most pkgs won't put config files in /etc, which means you can't use the central NFS server model, which just sucks. \_ You forget working SMP support. \_ Yes, and that and many other technical reasons. I was not giving technical reasons but my personal ones. Since I don't run SMP BSD boxes, it didn't make my list but for others, yes, you're right. \_ On a related note why are some reasons (valid or not) for some companies to choose Linux over FreeBSD? \_ In no order: Marketing Bandwagon. Linux has a threaded kernel (how good that threading is, that's another thing ..), The linux kernel tends to be quicker in supporting new cards and the like, but not that much quicker. Some people prefer a GPL style license over the a BSD style license. The Linux kernels tends to have more "neat whiz bang" features, though they may not necessarily be generally useful. I tend to think that Marketing is the major reason and the reasons behind why that is a[re partly historical, dating back to lawsuit between USL and the UC Regents of use of ATT Unix code in BSD 4.x as well as use of BSD code in ATT Unix. --jon \_ Ugh, tell me about it. Solaris is expensive so the engineers get on this 'let's use linux' kick knowing nothing about it or any of the alternatives. This is the same batch that I got into it with over using Oracle on NT vs Oracle on Solaris for a non-critical project. Engineering of course 'won' and then minutes before the box is going into production at a remote site said to me, "So it has ssh installed, right?" \_ Mindshare. Linux has "mindshare", BSD does not. PHBs know that linux is "good", which is why companies choose to use and deploy it over BSD. \_ And binary software compatibility. Yes, *BSD has Linux emulation support but when a company pays thousands of dollars for a software package, they don't want to jeopardize the support by running it in an unsupported configuration because some sysadmin feels like doing it. \_ in a similar vein, there are a lot more sysadmins with Linux experience than BSD experience out there. -tom |
2002/4/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney] UID:24385 Activity:high |
4/9 Who are the following people and why are they hated? tom trevor \_ deleting other peoples posts makes you an asshole. deleting other poeples posts and signing your name makes you a self-righteous asshole, and that's tom. trevor \_ better known as tjb \_ Please see <DEAD>www.gelatinous.com/danh/trevor/trevor.html<DEAD> \_ Shit, this stuff is great! Good for a laugh or two. \_ And then he gets weird and scary, and that isn't chronicled. -geordan kinney \_ you forgot kchang. \_ Didn't he get exiled? \_ tom is current CSUA and Cal staffer. He's here if you want to chat with him. trevor is some egotistical freakzoid who apparently got his ass banned from campus. I have no idea who kinney is. I've only seen the name before. Hated? 'Hate' is a deeply burning emotional concept. I doubt any of them are truly 'hated'. \_ kinney is not 'hated', he is mildly disliked because of his long rants on the motd. tom is not 'hated' either, he is disliked by some because of his leftist views and die hard RIDE BIKE! RUN LINUX! fanatisism. \_ Despite his posts, tom is actually a nice person to talk to in person. My experience anyway. \_ I like Tom too. \_ To be accurate: I flame idiots just as much in person as I do on wall/motd. The difference is, people are less likely to act like idiots in person. -tom \_ Hey, why isn't psb on this list? \_ no one hates psb. - yapsbf \_ I don't hate psb - no one \_ What about nweaver? |
2002/4/9 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:24386 Activity:nil |
4/9 How clever: reiffin Gh 12-232-112-115.c 10:39AM - jove blah \_ Yes, I've been 'caught' using an ancient editor. A program so old even the author switched to emacs about 10 years ago. Damn, I'm sooo busted!! \_ hint to those as stupid as reiffin: "blah" is a link to motd.public so he can cleverly hide his trolling. \_ No, tom, it isn't. It's a text file in my home directory. I use it to keep a private copy of the motd so it can be more easily restored when someone blasts it and it also allows me to check for simultaneous edits from others so I don't rudely blast over other's posts. I've used it for years. If I was trying to 'hide' anything *you* would never know it. \_ tom usually signs his posts -!tom \_ *laugh* That's what _he_ says. He doesn't always. I can do cut'n'paste 'ps' listings too if you want but frankly it just isn't that important. It's the motd. |
2002/4/9 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:24387 Activity:moderate |
4/9 What was the name of the operation at the very end of "Spy Game" to save Brad Pitt? It involved the word "dinner". \_ Those with better taste in movies call it "closing credits". Only the "closing credits" could save Brad Pitt's career from this movie. \_ Operation Dinner Out. It was a pun on a similarly-named Vietnam-era operation |
2002/4/9 [Reference/Tax] UID:24388 Activity:nil |
4/9 If this madness continues maybe we'll live to see the end of this 100 year old failed experiment called 'personal income tax': http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020409/ap_on_bi_ge/taxes_who_pays_4&printer=1 \_ You are right, if the rich keeping making more and more like this, hopefully people will rise up and overthrow the government. \_ No, we just need a confiscatory tax burden. Al Gore said anyone making more than $50/year is "rich" so I figure they should put a cap at $50k and take everything over that. Anyone under that would get a tax refund and actually make money back. How's that sound to you? \_ I think any parents who sucks out a chunk of their child's paychecks should be legally required to file tax with dependent status, so that the child can claim them as dependents. |
2002/4/9 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:24389 Activity:nil |
4/9 http://www.nd.edu/~bhenness/JavelinLiveFireVsT72.mpg - what trevor would use on coe graduation... if he had the money. \_ any explanation what this is? \_ title says it all. \_ Nice toy but what are the odds a t72 will sit there unmoving while a few yahoos line it up with their guidance computer? |
2002/4/9 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:24390 Activity:moderate |
4/9 Funny msft smackdown story at /tmp/msft-bitchslap \_ Wasn't (Isn't?) Hotmail's servers running Linux also? \_ NO! Hotmail has never run that bastard child of real Unix known as GNU/Linux. Hotmail was FreeBSD. A real OS. Thank you very fucking much. Today it's FreeBSD, Solaris, and something that reports itself as IIS at the front end. \_ does yahoo still use FreeBSD? \_ Rumor says so. \_ All right, I recalled wrong. But it's the same idea: some operation owned by M$ is running a Unix / Unix-like OS instead of WinXX on its servers. \_ This used to be true, but no more. I posted the url explaining all this, but someone deleted it. |
2002/4/9 [Uncategorized] UID:24391 Activity:nil |
4/8 What's a good copy machine in the $400-$700 price range? Or what's a good brand for copy machines? Thanks! |
2002/4/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:24392 Activity:very high |
4/9 Has anyone got a picture of the 96 CSUA tshirt? \_ Which one was that? -geordan \_ /csua/archive/tshirt.f96 \_ I've seen people wearing these on occasion, so they're still around. Keep looking... -current ugrad \_ I still have mine. I suppose I could scan it. That would require me to be non-lazy, though. -geordan \_ Whoah there! It's not worth the risk! Just stay calm and we'll have somebody there in a minute. The very thought that you would explore non-laziness! No! |
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