Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2002:April:01 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2002/4/1 [Health/Men] UID:24277 Activity:high 75%like:24286
3/30    I am thinking of buying an electric shaver. Any opinions on rotary
        vs linear shavers?
        \_ I bought a Norelco Quadra-Action (used to use a Gillette Sensor).
           Hate it.  I use it because it's faster than lathering up and all,
           but it's painful if you ever miss a day of shaving and does a
           really shitty job compared to a blade.  --dbushong
           \_ I think pretty much all electric razors do a shitty job
              compared with blades.  The Braun Flex Integral at least
              has a clipper you can use for really long hairs.  But it's
              a tradeoff.  -tom
2002/4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:24278 Activity:kinda low
3/31    Idea: grep --bold, which spits out everything fed to it, but
        makes every line matching the pattern [1m bold [m.
        \- idea: use emacs
        \_ idea: use less and its search features
        \_ use the source, luke!
2002/4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:24279 Activity:high
04/732  serious question, what is "making a pass at someone".
        how do you make a pass at someone?  thanks.
        \_ nice shoes, wanna fuck?
2002/4/1 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:24280 Activity:high
04/732  April is the cruelest month
        \_ Everyone get it out of your system and post all the stupid April
           1st shit and be done with it.  And no, none of it is funny.
           \_ Aw, someone needs a hug.
                \_ no really, the April Never Ended shit is completely
                   cliquish and braindead. -not the first follow-uper
2002/4/1 [Recreation/Humor] UID:24281 Activity:high
        album out may 14th.  tour in june.  If its an april fools joke
        I'm going to kill someone.
        \_ I think the april fool's joke is that people still listen to
2002/4/1-2 [Reference/Tax] UID:24282 Activity:high
04/732  How does the home office deduction work? If I work from home 1 day
        a week can I report whatever I spend on my workstations/routers/DSL?
        \- you know home office deductions are a red flag for audit. are you
           sure it is worth it? especially when you start dedecting some
           fraction of your PGE bill and only have W2 income. --psb
           \_ it's a red flag if you don't own a business.  If you do own
              a business and have a schedule C, it's standard stuff.  Since
              starting my own business I found that I've lowered my effective
              tax rate to below 15% from around 30%.  The tax code favors
              the self-employed baby!
              \- well my guess is owning a business is a bigger red flag.
                 by "red flag" i just mean audit probability. living in SF
                 bay area is also a "red flag". --psb
        \_ only a red flag if you're red. The home office deduction was
           made considerably easier last year so that if you perform
           any "admin" functions from home, you can deduct expenses. The
           problem is that IRS requires that the office be used _only_ for
           work and the requirements are strict. Having said there's no
           such thing as tax law -- as long as you have supporting docs,
           IRS will leave you alone even if your home office is a spaceship
        \_ Probably not. The business expense relies on the fact that over
           50% of your work on said machines is business related. You do not
           need a home office to rack up business expenses. Your one day
           per week will probably not qualify unless you keep very good
           records of the times when you were doing work. Even then it would
           be tricky.
2002/4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:24283 Activity:high
04/732  April Never Ended.
2002/4/1 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:24284 Activity:insanely high
04/732  Google does April Fools:
        \_ Google should do better search and less lame shit.  Before Google
           there was Hotbot, before HB there were other things.  There will be
           a day when Google is "that lame search thing we used to use back in
           the day".
                \_ Go stick your head in a pig.
                \_ I'd like to see you name one thing that *any* other search
                   engine can do better than the way google does it.
                   \_ Go read up on the other 'next generation post google'
                      search engines.  It isn't my job to digest and
                      regurgitate inofrmation into a dumbed down format for
                      you.  You go to Berkeley.  You're supposed to be smart.
                            \_ Now that's a good April Fool's joke.
                      Or are you so thick you truly believe that google is the
                      be-all end-all of 'search' and it's a solved problem and
                      there's no improvements left to be made?  Do you also
                      believe the Patent Office should be closed because
                      "everything that can be invented has been invented"?
                        \_ what do you mean? everything already has been
                           invented. sure a few small inventions will be
                           made here and there but now that electronics
                           has been conquered what else realisticaly is
                           there to invent? time machines, quantum computers,
                           and vehicles going faster than light, they
                           are all impossibilities. but feel free to keep
                           amusing yourself.
                           \_ you dont seem to understand what the term
                              'invention' means.  "electronics" is a field not
                              invention.  here's another way to think about
                              it: if google has conquered 'search' then why do
                              still have researchers and developers on the
                              payroll?  It's been perfected, right?
                           \_ There's still life sciences. And fusion power.
                              And a truly intelligent "ask jeeves".
                                \_ touche.
                                   \_ no, Hahahahahahaha
2002/4/1 [Computer/HW] UID:24285 Activity:nil
04/731  can someone post a url regarding that "queen mum dead" comment?
        \_ link from
2002/4/1 [Health/Men] UID:24286 Activity:very high 75%like:24277
04/730  I am thinking of buying an electric beaver. Any opinions on rotary
        vs linear beavers?
        \_ I bought a Norelco Quadra-Action (used to use a Gillette Sensor).
           Hate it.  I use it because it's faster than lathering up and all,
           but it's painful if you ever miss a day of shaving and does a
           really shitty job compared to a blade.  --dbushong
           \_ I think pretty much all electric razors do a shitty job
              compared with blades.  The Braun Flex Integral at least
              has a clipper you can use for really long hairs.  But it's
              a tradeoff.  -tom
              \_ Try it for 30 days.  Your money back if you don't think it's
                 as good as a blade.  I liked it so much I bought the company!
        \_ anybody have any experience with depilatories?
           \_ yeah, but I'm a girl, probably not what you're looking for
              \_ I'm sure he's also incidentally looking for a girl.
                 \_ Get a room already.
                    \_ That didn't even make any sense. -geordan
                 \_ yes, but not chialea.
              \_ ho well does it work?  is it painful at all?  does the hair
                 eventually grow back?
           \_ epil-stop!
        \_ I use a linear beaver, and I accidentally found that if I skip
           shaving for one day, it shaves cleaner the next day than if I shave
           every day.  Now I only shave every other day.  But it might just be
           my skin or my beaver and doesn't apply to everyone.
2002/4/1 [Uncategorized/Jived, Health/Disease/General] UID:24287 Activity:nil
04/01   Last year I asked about whether or not I should dig up my tulip
        bulbs.  I listened to tom and chris and dug them up and placed them
        in a cool dry place.  Apparently I didn't dig all of them up because
        some are sprouting and growing quite nicely.  Which makes me wonder,
        should I have dug them up in the first place?  I think the original
        reason was that the BA is not cold enough.  What happened here?  The
        tullip bulbs that I didn't dig up are growing just as well.  Thanks.
        \_ Tulips usually don't sprout in this climate.  We had an unusually
           cold winter this time.  Tom and chris were right about the climate,
           but wrong about the weather this particular winter.  In general,
           the advice they gave you is quite correct.  --PeterM
2002/4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:24288 Activity:nil
4/1     Box for sale: tower case, lots of fans, 4x 10k 9GB SCSI drives,
        2x PIII/450's, 1GB RAM, video, net.  $600 OBO  --dbushong
2002/4/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:24289 Activity:nil
4/1     Re: spamd.  Your new .procmailrc recipe:
        | /usr/local/bin/spamc

        :0 hw:
        * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
2002/4/1-2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/TJB] UID:24290 Activity:very high 50%like:25165
4/1     how i read motd via web? the whole motd. tks.
        \_ Linked off of
           \_ this only displays motd.official.  If you want the rest, be more
              \_ Oh, that's right, my bad.  motd.public was deemed too
                 offensive for public consumption.  Circumvent at your
                 own risk.
                 Note that fingering still works.
                 \_ it's too offensive for the csua officers to take
                    responsibility for, that's for sure -chialea
                    \_ Don't you mean it's too offensive for tjb to swallow?
                    \_ which is utter bullshit, but that's okay. --scotsman
                    \_ It's also utter bullshit that a link on the CSUA web
                       page to a public forum means that the CSUA officers
                       "take responsibility" for that forum.  -tom
                       \_ Yeah, especially since half the posts are from tom
                          \_ Hey!  No fair!  Tom isn't the only one trolling
                             the motd.  We've got a contract that guarantees
                             the rest of us equal time. -motd troll union #42
                       \_ It is. Would YOU like to talk to the ASUC about
                          it? -chialea
                          \_ Who exactly from the ASUC said that stuff on the
                             motd fell to the responsibility of the Politburo?
                             I'd love to see that decree... --scotsman
                          \_ ASUC can make you responsible to them but you are
                             not legally responsible under the law.  Meaning
                             ASUC can cut CSUA funds but you can't be charged,
                             sued, arrested or whatever for it.  Either way,
                             you, as an officer, are not personally liable.
                             If some know-nothing ASUC student clown tries to
                             say different, I'd tell him to go talk to his
                             lawyer because it aint so.
                          \_ It *used* to be available. Was it that tmj think?
        \_ you don't.  This discussion is over.
2002/4/1-2 [Recreation/Humor] UID:24291 Activity:very high 50%like:22699 50%like:25668
4/1     What's the difference between king, emperor and monarch?  Thx.
        \_ A king rules through a hierarchy of fiefdoms where lesser lords
        pledge their allegiance to the king.  A monarch is a king/queen who
        declares his/her sovereign right to rule as a God-granted right through
        his/her lineage and must usually have the support of the church in
        addition to the feudal
        lords.  An emperor is one who conquers his territory and appoints
        governors to rule over the newly conquered territory.
           \_ Thanks!!  That's very helpful.
           pledge their allegiance to the king.  A monarch is a king/queen
           who declares his/her sovereign right to rule as a God-granted
           right through his/her lineage and must usually have the support
           of the church in addition to the feudal lords.  An emperor is
           one who conquers his territory and appoints governors to rule
           over the conquered territory.
           [ reformatted - motdformatd ]
           \_ Thanks!!  That's very helpful.  Either I was never taught this
              in history class or I've forgotten it all.
                 \- i dont think that is really accurate. they are
                    operationally somewhat generic terms now. --psb
                    \_ Besides emperor psb, how is emperor a term in use now?
                       \- If her horny feet protrude, they come
                          To show how cold she is, and dumb.
                          Let the lamp affix its beam.
                          The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.
                                   --wallace stevens, courtesy of psb
        \_ The first is a lion, the second a penguin, the third a butterfly.
           \_ Who are you? That was fucking funny. Identify yourself so
              you can be entered into the MOTD Funny People List. -your #1 fan
              \- yeah i thought that was good too. --psb
                 \_ yeah now it's starting to get unfunny. was funnier b4.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2002:April:01 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>