3/25 I've recently become vegetarian. I'm wondering after 20+ years of
eating meat, how long does it take for my body to clean out the
meat-related toxins? I've heard that our bowels often have
undigested meat stuck in there. Thanks.
\_ meat? Forget about that. What about your marble?
Pitchford. I won't even begin to address the bunk below
except to say that one of the many reasons that eating
commercial slaughter is worse than eating even sprayed
vegetables is that oil-based pesticides (and so many other
toxins) bioaccumulate in the fat of the animal.
\_ your gains as a veggie comes from less saturated fat and
colesterol. But you may just be trading for different toxins.
\_ I've read that it takes anywhere from 2 to 10 days.
\_ How about all of the gum I swallowed as a kid? Is that
there too?
\_ You need enemas. Lots of enemas. Mine more enemas.
\_ So instead of meat toxins you're going to ingest all the chemicals
that get sprayed on plants? Good plan. So what do you plan to
replace all that protein with?
\_ Do you think that they even wash animal feed to get the
pesticides off? Eating less meat reduces your exposure to
chemicals. -- not a veggie
\_ Of course not, the bugs would crawl back in if they did that.
\_ Organically grown plants don't get sprayed with chemcials.
There are many grains/beans that have much higher protein
content than meat.
\_ That's not quite correct. Grains/beans are often incomplete
complete proteins, you have to learn how to mix and match
them so that you can get all the essential amino acids.
\_ Its not very hard to get the right mix.
\_ although some of the best grains (e.g., Quinoa, which
has more calcium than milk and more protein than
meat, and is very balnanced -- are NOT EVEN GRAINS!
they just look, taste and act like grains. WOAH.
\_ So I guess you're getting it from the bugs like the below
person says. Whatever floats yer boat. I'm guessing that
peanut butter will become a bigger part of your diet. You'll
note peanut butter is heart clogging and will make you fat.
So are you going all the way and not eating honey either
because they 'abuse and exploit the bees by stealing their
honey and smoking their nests to steal it"?
\_ I'm not the original poster. I've been a vegetarian all
my life. I don't eat much peanut butter or honey (maybe
one or twice a year at most), mostly because it is too
sweet for my taste and not because of the "poor bees").
Grains and beans are a sufficient source of protein and
are not as fattening as meats.
BTW, I wash my food to clean off insects and dirt before
cooking. Perhaps this is a novel concept for you, oh
great hunter of wild beasts who eats the flesh of his
killing uncooked and uncleaned.
\_ So you don't care about the bees? That's really
heartless and cruel. Why do you wash off the bugs and
dirt? They add flavor and important nutrients. You
state you've been a vegetarian all your life as if that
grants you some sort of special dietary knowledge. Ok,
I've been an omnivore all my life. Does that grant me
special knowledge, too? And what does any of this have
to do with "... oh great hunter of wild beasts who eats
the flesh of his killing uncooked and uncleaned"? Nice
attempt at e190 quality poetry but it has nothing to do
with anything. I suggest you stick with what you know,
beans and peanut butter.
\_ Vegetarians live longer healthier lives. Many
studies have shown this. Sorry to pop your holier
than thou bubble.
\_ And they get sand kicked in their face for
those extra 2-3 years. Quality of life, man.
Nothing beats good lamb.
\_ well it's true they may have used a hatchet
\_ White veal, yum!
\_ True or not this is not a reply to anything I
said. Why would you bother replying to me with
this statement? You could have at least attempted
to reply to something I said.
\_ You said "what you are going to replace
all the protein with" and "you are going
to eat all those pesticides" as if being
a vegetarian was bad for your health. It
is not.
\_ Yes, and?
\_ From the insects on the plants, of course.
\_ A good first book would be Healing with Whole Foods by Paul
Pitchford. It's not a simple question to answer. The
main thing is to learn about proper nutrition and stick with it!
\_ wallgrep -4 guardian (today. -5 tomorrow.)
\_ Good for you.
\_ unless you were a carnivorous plant before, you will always
contain meat-related toxins. your body makes them.
\_ I heard your bowels contain as much as 5 lbs of undigested raw meat
which, in time, will rot and grow maggots and oh my!
\_ http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4369605,00.html
\_ OK, I'll bite - where around here can you do this?
\_ lol
\_ I'm sure you can find someone in SF willing to help.
\_ i read about them first at: giant robot (ISSUE #22...
"Haruki Murakami, Cambodia, Cambodian Shop Signs,
Getting a colonic, and more. $6.00") i dont remember
the details, but i think the guy was in l.a. and the
people who gave him the colonic were korean, so you
could probably find a place in the bay area. |