Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2002:March:16 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2002/3/16 [Uncategorized] UID:24128 Activity:low
3/15    Rule against us and windows is history:
        \_ Don't do us any favors, microsoft.
2002/3/16-18 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:24129 Activity:moderate
3/15  Why doesn't soda use a raid for its disks?  It seems kind of
      wasteful to mirror each drive (and only on a nightly basis).
      \_ want to buy CSUA a reasonable raid card?  --jon
         \_ what about software RAID, are there reasons for not doing it?
            \_ yes, they all suck for anything but striping/mirroring
                 well unless you pay for something real, like VERITAS
               \_ striping and mirroring. Isn't this what soda needs to do
                  with the disks?
                  \_ the argument above was that mirroring was wasteful.
                     the common alternative is raid-5.  but software
                     implementations of raid-5 in SW tend to suck --Jon
                     \_ right, but wouldn't it be better to use software
                        raid for mirroring the disks instead of nightly
                        \_ Yes but this isn't a professionally administered
                           system.  -disk management guy in real world
         \_ what is a "reasonable" raid card? If its in the $200
            price range I'd be willing to buy the card and donate
            it to the csua. - alum
            \_ megaraid,mylex,adaptec
2002/3/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:24130 Activity:moderate
3/15    GNU/Hurd: you were 100% right.  It wasn't worth it.  It's still very
        development level code.  Even things like man were segfaulting.  That
        was the least of the problems.
        \_ Debian GNU/Hurd port will likely not be released with the next
           version of Debian (and even that will probably happen in summer)
           which means that, at best, Debian GNU/Hurd will release with
           the Debian version after the woody. Given the current Debian release
           cycles, that will probably happen two to three years down the road..
           \_ The Hurd is an interesting concept but I think they took some
              stuff too far.  Like I think I should still be able to use the
              mount command to mount a cd but as far as I could figure only
              the settrans command does that now.  Even if the thing was 100%
              functional, I'd still want some sort of compatibility layer or
              aliases/scripts or something to ease the transition.  The docs
              suck, too.  I had to search google to find out that I needed to
              use Grub/Lilo to boot and not the newly created hurd partition
              even when it's flagged bootable and the first partition there.
              The gnu and debian sites didn't say this.  Thank you google.
              \_ Dude, it's common knowledge that google is better than
                 whatever specialized solution you had in mind.  I have been
                 using google to search the citeseer database for a while now.
                 It's kind of sad, really.
                 \_ I'd expect the docs that say "read this to learn how to
                    install" would have told me without a "specialized
                    solution" for searching.  I was reading the provided docs.
                    How special is that?
2002/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:24131 Activity:high
3/15    with I.E. I want view source to use my emacs binary.  Anyone know how
        to modify my registry to do this?
        \_ you'll probably have better luck setting emacs as the default
           HTML editor and use File > Edit instead of View Source
           \_ Yah I got that working, but not being able to change the default
              View Source program bothers me, and I'm sure it can be done.
              As a side note when loading a program via gnuclient emacs
              doesn't seem to be colorizing the document based on the correct
              mode (i.e. html-mode in this case).  Is that because html-mode
              isn't being turned on for some reason?  Is there any easy way
              to fix this?
           \_ this is kind of dumb.  If you put "<path>\foo.exe" "%1" as the
              command, IE will complain that it can't find '"<path>\foo.exe"
              "%1"'.  If you leave out the "%1", then IE will send pass the
              full path to the cached HTML file, unquoted (which causes
              problems if the path contains spaces, which it almost always will)
              "%1"'.  If you leave out the "%1", then IE will send the full
              path to the cached HTML file, unquoted (which causes problems
              if the path contains spaces, which it almost always will)
              Oh, and since View Source gets files directly out of IE's cache,
              it won't have an extension, which breaks color-coding.  Yay.
              I'll stick with File > Edit.
                \_ yah it is lame, but a quick search found a visual basic
                   program to get around this problem.  The lack of file
                   extension sucks too but hey, it works.  And this way I
                   can view source for a frame and not have it pop up the
                   totally useless notepad.exe
              \_ "Use the source!"  -- oh wait, you cant. poor you.
        \_ Use Opera--you can select the viewer program.
        \_ Use perl!  Ok to be honest I'm not sure how perl would really fit
           in to this but I'm sure active perl can be used here somewhere....
2002/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:24132 Activity:moderate
3/15    Where is the configuration file for latex2html so I can modify
        how the output html file looks? (on FreeBSD 4-3). Thanks.
        \_ Use the source, Luke!  When in doubt runs strings on the binary.
           \_ you know what?  you're really annoying. - danh
        \_ pkg_info -L `pkg_info -qW latex2html`
2002/3/16 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:24133 Activity:low
3/15    Did anyone hear about this:
        Would you trust some guy in a "baseball cap" if he told you he was
        an air marshall? I probably wouldn't.
        \_ Is he bigger than me and armed?
2002/3/16 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24134 Activity:insanely high
        This anti-nuke thing will never work. We all know its just science
        fiction.  When will they stop lying to us about it?

 To The UCB Campus Community:


 It has been almost two decades since the campus has formulated a
 comprehensive strategic plan.  In the last few years, two changes in
 the academic environment made it urgent that Berkeley develop a new
 strategic plan.  First, the Office of the President has mandated that
 the Berkeley campus increase enrollment by 4000 students by the year
 2010-2011.  Second, the Regents have mandated that the Summer Sessions
 be 'regularized' and made similar in content and quality to the fall
 and spring semesters.  These changes represent a unique opportunity
 for the campus to develop new programs and expand its offerings.  On
 the other hand, this growth also puts stress on the space and
 infrastructure within our physically constrained campus.  It was clear
 that careful planning is essential to assure that the quality and
 reputation of the Berkeley campus would endure while accommodating
 these changes.  As a result, Executive Vice-Chancellor and Provost
 Paul Gray established a Strategic Planning Committee in Fall 2000 to
 consider these pressures and to make recommendations to the Chancellor
 and the campus.  This committee was carefully composed to include
 representation from the administration, the Academic Senate, staff and

 The deliberations for the academic strategic plan began within the
 context of growth outlined above, but expanded to consider all aspects
 of the academic enterprise since it was clear that all facets of the
 campus are tightly interrelated.  The purpose of the Working Paper is
 to document the deliberations to date, to identify concepts for
 further consideration and investigation, and to engage the campus
 community in a discourse of these concepts at this critical juncture.
 The working paper is the foundation for an implementation plan
 currently under development by the Strategic Planning Committee.  The
 purpose of this memo is to elicit your comments on the paper so that
 it and our implementation plan can reflect the input from the whole
 campus community.

 The committee invites you to send your comments through the Strategic
 Planning website at:
 Questions and comments will be accepted through Sunday, March 31,

 Campus forums will be held during the month of April to gather input
 on a draft academic strategic plan.  The following dates have been
 set.  Please attend one of these forums to talk with committee members
 about how the strategic plan will guide the Berkeley campus for the
 next two decades.

 Campus Forums:
 *Graduate Assembly - Thursday, April 4, 5:30 -7:00 pm @ ASUC Senate
 *Student Forum - Friday, April 5, 12 noon - 1:00 pm  @ 2050 VLSB
 *Staff Forum - Monday, April 15, 12 noon - 1:00 pm @ Sibley Auditorium
 *Faculty Forum - Thursday, April 18,  5:00 - 6:30 pm @ Sibley
 *ASUC Senate - tba @ ASUC Senate Chambers
 *Academic Senate - Thursday, April 25, 3:00 - 5:00 pm @ Sibley

 Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chairs
 David Dowall, Chair, Academic Senate
 William C. Webster, Vice-Provost, Academic Planning & Facilities
        \_ what the hell is this?
        \_ An extra 4000 students on campus plus additional support staff of
           maybe 1500?  Madness.  It's sheer madness.  I feel really sorry for
           that batch of students.  Parking, housing, class availability, etc,
           etc are all going to get worse.  Nothing good will come of this.
2002/3/16-17 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:24135 Activity:low
3/16   Given the choice between similar systems would you choose an
       AMD Duron 800 or a PIII 450?
        \_ duron unless you have code that is known to run better on p3.
        \_ duron unless you have code that is known to run better on p3.  for
           only a few bucks more you can get an athlon 800 which is definitely
           better than the duron or p3.
2002/3/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24136 Activity:insanely high
        This anti-nuke thing will never work. We all know its just science
        fiction.  When will they stop lying to us about it?
        \_ sometimes it is the futile struggles that are most important.  Like
           educating morons on the motd.
           \_ I keep hoping that the nutwingers will figure out one day that
              bread is more important than bombs.  Until then we need to keep
              on trying to educate them.
              \_ That's right.  Bread is more important.  Bread and circuses.
                 Romans understood how to keep the proles in line, one day
                 we will too.
                 \_ It's more like war booty and circuses.
              \_ Man lives not on bread alone.
              \_ Eternal vigilence is the price of freedom. Bombs ensure that
                 there is bread and the freedom to enjoy it.
                 \_ Bombs can also be used to take away freedom.
                    Dictators, Nazis, Commies tend to be the ones who
                    want to spend the most on weapons, to oppress its
                    own people and to bully and invade other countries.
        \_ As if the Russians or any one else, except us,
                   vote buying.
           ever adhered to the ABM treaty.  There was no verification,
           it was completely unilateral.
                   do you the former Soviet Union curtailed production
                   of ICBMs after the fall of the Berlin Wall.  In fact,
           \_ What's that got to do with it?  They're wasting billions of
              government dollars on star wars.  Next that'll spend a few more

 To The UCB Campus Community:


 It has been almost two decades since the campus has formulated a
 comprehensive strategic plan.  In the last few years, two changes in
 the academic environment made it urgent that Berkeley develop a new
 strategic plan.  First, the Office of the President has mandated that
 the Berkeley campus increase enrollment by 4000 students by the year
 2010-2011.  Second, the Regents have mandated that the Summer Sessions
 be 'regularized' and made similar in content and quality to the fall
 and spring semesters.  These changes represent a unique opportunity
 for the campus to develop new programs and expand its offerings.  On
 the other hand, this growth also puts stress on the space and
 infrastructure within our physically constrained campus.  It was clear
 that careful planning is essential to assure that the quality and
 reputation of the Berkeley campus would endure while accommodating
 these changes.  As a result, Executive Vice-Chancellor and Provost
 Paul Gray established a Strategic Planning Committee in Fall 2000 to
 consider these pressures and to make recommendations to the Chancellor
 and the campus.  This committee was carefully composed to include
 representation from the administration, the Academic Senate, staff and

 The deliberations for the academic strategic plan began within the
 context of growth outlined above, but expanded to consider all aspects
 of the academic enterprise since it was clear that all facets of the
 campus are tightly interrelated.  The purpose of the Working Paper is
 to document the deliberations to date, to identify concepts for
 further consideration and investigation, and to engage the campus
 community in a discourse of these concepts at this critical juncture.
 The working paper is the foundation for an implementation plan
 currently under development by the Strategic Planning Committee.  The
 purpose of this memo is to elicit your comments on the paper so that
 it and our implementation plan can reflect the input from the whole
 campus community.

 The committee invites you to send your comments through the Strategic
 Planning website at:
 Questions and comments will be accepted through Sunday, March 31,

 Campus forums will be held during the month of April to gather input
 on a draft academic strategic plan.  The following dates have been
 set.  Please attend one of these forums to talk with committee members
 about how the strategic plan will guide the Berkeley campus for the
 next two decades.

 Campus Forums:
 *Graduate Assembly - Thursday, April 4, 5:30 -7:00 pm @ ASUC Senate
 *Student Forum - Friday, April 5, 12 noon - 1:00 pm  @ 2050 VLSB
 *Staff Forum - Monday, April 15, 12 noon - 1:00 pm @ Sibley Auditorium
 *Faculty Forum - Thursday, April 18,  5:00 - 6:30 pm @ Sibley
 *ASUC Senate - tba @ ASUC Senate Chambers
 *Academic Senate - Thursday, April 25, 3:00 - 5:00 pm @ Sibley

 Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chairs
 David Dowall, Chair, Academic Senate
 William C. Webster, Vice-Provost, Academic Planning & Facilities
        \_ what the hell is this?
        \_ An extra 4000 students on campus plus additional support staff of
           maybe 1500?  Madness.  It's sheer madness.  I feel really sorry for
           that batch of students.  Parking, housing, class availability, etc,
           etc are all going to get worse.  Nothing good will come of this.
        \_ Just make sure you dump the SAT.  Replace it with
           a fast food preparation skills assessment test.
              billion researching The Force.
                \_ I FIND YOUR LACK OF FAITH DISTURBING.  --Vader
                \_ Oh I'm sorry, I seem to recall many frothing at the
                   mouth because they were upset the U.S. was abrogating
                   ABM.  And, frankly the FED also wastes money on:
                   AIDS research for a disease, even if it exists, is
                   100% preventable, welfare and sundry government
                   handouts, which have effectively devolved into
                   vote buying, I could go on and on.
                   At least this is National Defense - the preeminent
                   responsibility of the federal government.  Incidentally,
                   do you think that the former Soviet Union curtailed
                   production of nuclear ballistic missiles
                    after the fall of the Berlin Wall?  In fact,
                   they have vastly accelerated production, partially
                   at the expense of the US taxpayer.
                   \_ Most heart diseases are also preventable.  They
                      are caused by "gluttony", one of the seven deadly
                      sins.  In fact, if men don't sin, we would just
                      be like Adam and Eve before their Fall and would
                      live forever.
                      \_ You don't have to believe in the Fall to know
                            on research for the sake of gluttons!
                            on research for the sake of gluttons!  Same
                            for those drug and cigarette addicts!  Let
                            them die, they deserve it!
                         that abstinence would have prevented the vast
                         majority of AIDS cases.
                         \_ And moderation in diet would have prevented
                            the vast majority of heart problems.  The
                            government should stop wasting my tax money
                            on research for the benefit of gluttons!  Same
                            for those drug, cigarette and alcohol addicts!
                            Let them die, they deserve it!
                                \_ Thats not the point.  You are coerced
                                   to pay for it - At Gunpoint!
2002/3/16-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24137 Activity:kinda low
3/16    What's up with this?  It works for everyone else I tried.
        soda 21: finger vadim
        finger: vadim: no such user
        \_ try /csua/bin/finger.  ignores .nofinger files.
           of course, vadim's .project and .plan are linked to /kernel,
           so remember to pipe to your favorite pager.
           \_ or use the "-p" option. -jon
        \_ who is vadim and why is he [in]famous?
           \_ Anyone who links their .plan or .project to a large binary is a
              big jerk so that should put you in the right mindset to figure
              this one out for yourself.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2002:March:16 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>