3/12 Work has been kind of slow and there just isn't enough work
to keep me here 8 hrs a day. My manager aknowledges that too.
But on the other hand, he keeps on harrassing me for not
being here full 8 hrs a day and they pay my salary base on the
fact of me working 8 hrs a day. As a salary employee and
a software engineer on a project-based schdule, I am sure he
is wrong. But I can't find any information to prove him
incorrect. Any url please?
\_ Here's the deal. Like the others say below, he can keep you there,
you're not entitled to overtime, etc, etc. That's all true. Now
then, the real deal has nothing to do with overtime or paying you
or whatever. It has to do with making your boss look bad. If
you're not there his cubes look empty and *his* bosses start
asking ugly questions about why your boss is there getting paid so
much. As long as your boss is ok with you surfing, or *quietly*
playing some game, you have no problems and nothing to bitch about.
I'm guessing this is your first job or maybe your second? This is
the way the world works. I'm sure you'll make up for the paid-to-
-surf time later with plenty of 12 hour days of hard coding or
whatever. It's karma. It balances. Show your face 8 hours and
don't worry about it. --been there before and now
\_ Actually, I have been working 8 yrs. I just never worked
with quite a boss like him. His boss now "works at home"
4 days a week since it's so slow. I do play games/surf web/
etc, but he gets on my case for these too. He gets on my
case for 1 hr and 15 mins lunches. He wants me to "work"
8 hrs a day while not giving me enough work and akwnoledges
the fact that he hasn't given me any project. I am going
\_ Wow, your first idiot manager in 8 years? You're lucky.
You need to learn how to better manage your manager. When
he tells you he wants you to be "working" you have two basic
choices: 1) say you are. keep lots of windows available with
source code on them. you're a) debugging, b) working on a
more efficient algorithm, c) adding comments, d) writing
documentation, e) sticking your thumb up your ass. Or 2)
you can risk throwing it back at him by asking him if there
was some project deadline we're not meeting that requires
more attention or ask him if he'd like to raise the priority
of one of your (non-existent) projects and ask him which one
he'd like you to be working on now. I've used the latter
method successfully and it's a more permanent solution bc
it makes your boss not want to harass you anymore but there's
political risk. He might feel you're being insubordinate and
can your ass. You know your boss better than the motd so
you'll have to decide which route is more effective and safer.
You don't want your boss to ask to see all that documentation
you've been working on if you've really been clock watching
and picking your nose for weeks. Good luck!
\_ go work in India or Russia... this doesn't happen there.
\_ He is not wrong.
\_ Really? If he is not wrong, then based on labor codes,
they also have to pay me 1.5x my salary when I work
overtime, which they never did. Am I not an "exempted"
\_ There's a "Highly Compensated Computer Professional"
exemption... No overtime if paid at least $41/hr. The
federal equiv is $27.63, so the Calif law (A.B. 88)
overrides that. -nevman
\_ Since when does state law override federal law?
\_ legalized marijuana, for example.
\_ prop 215 was suspended by a federal judge, as was
187 - states can not make federal-level policies
\_ Which is why the feds did a pot bust in SF a week
or two ago? Got a real example?
\_ Being paid $41 satisfies both laws. So it is not so
much an "override" (like pot), but a superset.
\_ I think a lot of managers get away with
not paying their workers over time in tech jobs,
but you know what, we're all overpaid anyway,
who cares.
\_ i'm not! oh, wait. i'm a grad student. nevermind.
\_ If you were paid hourly you'd be eligible for time and a
half. But your status as a full timer exempts you from that.
Section 226: ..."total hours worked by the employee,
except for any employee whose compensation is solely based
on a salary and who is exempt from payment of overtime
under subdivision..."
\_ You are exempt. As your boss, he can keep you there 8
hours or even 12 hours if he wants to. Stop whining
because he wants you to look busy for 8 hours and enjoy
the fact that you're getting paid for just sitting there.
Do your taxes or play Tetris or something. --dim
\_ here is a thought. Why don't you work on your on projects (c,
java, etc) which will look like you're coding hard. Or read
publications from ACM. Or take classes from SITN. You did get
into Comp Sci for the love of science right?
\_ Yeah, I second that. I would love to have free time like that
where I can learn interesting stuff on my own and upgrade my
skills. Mostly bogged down with gnarly stuff lately,
\_ good idea. why not do something good for the company while
learning new skills? - !original poster
\_ someone tell me with SITN is?
\_ Take courses from Stanford remotely. Could lead to
an MS in CS.
\_ How much does that cost?
\_ it is almost equivalent to the cost of a Stanford
non SITN Master's. Your company may sponsor part
or all of the cost. |