2002/3/5 [Finance/Investment] UID:24024 Activity:very high |
3/4 the economy is on its way to a robust recovery! hail bush!! \_ the economy is recovering. as much as I despise the previous president, he did nothing to kill the economy, he did nothing to make it great, he did nothing either way. neither did bush. the feds don't fully understand how the economy even works and the president, whomever it might be at any moment, has near zero influence on it in the short term. \_ Bush's effect on the economy was to make a strong stand against terrorism and have success in the military operations, which improved consumer confidence. \_ Consumers were already spending like mad even through the worst of it. --voted for Bush but won't make up stuff \_ so who has the most effect on the economy? -clueless \_ yer mom. the market crash was caused when she raised her rates \_ greed, when enuf fools will keep the rally going more fools will jump in, if enuf fools want to crash the market to lower stock prices, more fools will short to crash the market \_ Alan Greenspan probably has the most influence (in terms of individuals). Other than Greenspan, its probably the big banks/investment firms (JP Morgan, Chase, Citicorp, Morgan Stanley, etc.) \_ Unfortunately, Greenspan loses out to world events, wars, political strife, terrorists, and act of God. \_ Can anyone help me with my enron stock? --God \_ I don't think so. Swap your enron for my wbvn? \_ Or Be. \_ The nerds did. They created the tech boom, and also the internet boom and bust. \_ i met a guy on greenspan's staff. trust me: those guys are nerds too. \_ nerds didn't make the boom and bust. Stanfurd farmers did. I met exactly one other Cal person working for tech companies in the last 7 years. I suspect everyone from Cal (except me) is either going on to post-BA/BS or is now farming pot in bulk somewhere in the outback. \_ 7 years and only one other Cal grad? Where have you been working? I've worked 7 yrs and I've worked with 6 Cal grads. \_ I graduated in 97 and I've worked with dozens of cal grads at cisco and sun. |
2002/3/5 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24025 Activity:very high |
3/4 So far, I've gotten my rejections from ucb, cmu, and mit. Nothing from Stanford, UW, and UT. Your turn. \_ Okay, I reject you, too. It's nothing personal, though. \_ CS Masters or Ph.D? \_ what difference does it make. He/she got rejected. \_ trying to understand the facts. \_ As mentioned before I got into UCLA (EE Masters). Still waiting for Cornell, UCSD, USC and Stanford. \_ UCLA is a pretty decent school. Don't feel too bad. State school, Missippi, Palm Beach Tech, and DVC. The DVC rejection *really* stings but I think I'll get by. Maybe I can transfer later on, eh? Is that possible if I get to know a prof there? At least one of those remaining schools will say yes. \_ Yay pretty decent :( \_ for those of us who are too dumb to pass the subject gre, pretty decent is great. At least ucla is tier 1. Imagine the poor slobs whose only option is Hayward State, SJSU or SCU. That would suck! \_ If you can't get in to a real school then you might consider getting a real job instead. What's the point in getting a degree from a place like Hayward? \_ or UCLA? UCLA is tier1 according to _/ us news. It may not be the best prog. but it is much better than state school (ie hayward, sjsu, calpoly), most of the other uc's and many of the big name east coast private schools for EE/CS. \_ "First tier" == top 10. UCLA isn't top 10 in CS (though to be fair it is in some things). \_ shockingly, a degree is more than something you put on your resume so you can get a better job. -tom \_ A degree from Hayward isn't. \_ only if you are changing fields, perhaps. \_ I'm pretty sure USC will say yes. Probably Cornell as well since I applied to the M.Eng program (ie the 1 yr degree factory for "professionals"). I don't know about Stanford and UCSD. I probably won't go to SD even if I get in so I don't care. I'm not sure what I'd do if I got into the farm as I'd have to keep working (I applied for honors co-op, so that my company would foot the bill). \_ I'm guessing you applied for Fall 2002? Or has was this some time ago when you applied? \_ I applied for Fall 2002 everywhere except for the farm. I had to apply for winter 2003 at the farm because of certain restrictions on "education funding" at work in the 2002 calendar yr. \_ I got into: MIT, Yale, Cal, Harvard, Princeton, CMU, Stanford, Cornell, and my back up, Oxford. I got rejected from every Cal State school, Mississippi, Palm Beach Tech, and DVC. The DVC rejection *really* stings but I think I'll get by. Maybe I can transfer later on, eh? Is that possible if I get to know a prof there? \_ is yale good in computer science? \_ no. and fuck yale \_ why are you doing this to the "poor" person. \_ It's easy? \_ You have a tiny little penis \_ Yermom didn't say that. \_ Yermom didn't want to hurt his feelings. She's sensitve like that. \_ As a note, many of the lower tier schools reject outstanding students based on the idea that they know they are the backup plan and don't want to waste their time on someone they are fairly sure is going to go someplace else on scholarship. |
2002/3/5 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:24026 Activity:nil |
3/5 watch larry king live tonight: stanford profs are pedophiles. \_ or read the transcript: http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0203/04/lkl.00.html \_ Why would anyone want to watch larry king alive or dead? He's an incredibly boring interviewer. If it wasn't for Ross using LK's show to announce his run no one would know who the hell LK is today. |
2002/3/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:24027 Activity:very high |
3/5 I miss Berkeley and the whole "free speech is only for people who think like us" mentality. Especially when it's a bunch of racist thugs screaming it the loudest. http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20020305-21028866.htm \_ i can never remember if the post or times is the Moonie mouthpiece, it all looks the same in lynx, anyway \_ The Washington Times is a front for the Moonies. Their first editor quit in a public press conference saying such. \_ Uhm, where is there anything moony related in this article? Did you even read it or is this the standard motd knee-jerk anti-WT noise spewing forth again? \_ I am responding to his question which one is Moony crony \_ Which still has nothing to do with the article. \_ I can read that dipshit, I'm answering the other ? \_ It has to do with the credibility of the source. \_ The WT is definitely the Fox News of newspapers. However, Berkeley's reaction to that militant Israeli and the city council's reaction to Dean putting remarks on her web page regarding the antiwar resolution support the claim. Free speech is reserved for the liberals, in the minds of some in this city. \_ NY Times good. Washington Post good. NY Post a joke. Washington Times a joke. \_ What's wrong with Fox News? Fox >> CNN >> M$NBC for decent reporting. CNN has reporters all over the planet so they get stories out first but otherwise they're crap. at the end of this article: Last spring, conservative writer David Horowitz's speech about reparations ended abruptly when a member of the audience yelled at Mr. Horowitz for placing an ad in the campus newspaper critical of the idea of black reparations. Which is incredibly misleading. The whole point of horowitz being on campus was to talk about his ad, and I think he fled abruptly just so that he could claim later that evil berkeley liberals forced him out of Berkeley (which he did). - danh \_ Were you there? There was a problem with his ad? I'll give you an example - have you compared the amount of time threads from liberal sites stay up on the MOTD vs conservative. I have deliberately posted both to see. \_ yes I was there. horowitz's ad campaign was a giant scam, reperations for slavery isn't that hot of an issue, but college newspapers all over the country were suckered in by it, the most visible case was the daily cal. i get the feeling that the major newspapers are getting all of their info about the mecha vs cal patriot fight from a really biased reporter inside of the daily cal and they're not going around checking with any sources, but i can't prove it. whichever daily cal reporter who keeps mentioning the cal patriot and the horowitz talk in the same articles obviously wasn't actually there and is asking only the cal patriot about what happened at it. - danh \_ I hate the Daily CAL!!!! total POS - rory \_ what a shock--URL's intended to piss off intelligent people get deleted! \_ Leftist URLs dont piss off intelligent people. They appeal to us for their humor value. --conservative \_ freerepublic URL's appeal only to morons--it become. has nothing to do with their politics. \_ Ask yourself why the military is overwhelmingly conservative. \_ Nice argument. Conservatism is good because people in the military are conservative. \_ I was once a empathic liberal. Eventually, you realize that culture not predicated on responsibility and self-reliance is doomed to destroy itself. You wake up and realize how screwed up most of our institutions have become. Life really is black and white. \_ Bill Clinton - self-reliant, self-made man. George Bush - daddy's boy. \_ It's not about an idiot like Horowitz. \_ why am i the only person who ever signs their name around here? damn. -danh \_ Because you are the only person in this debate saying anything worth putting one's name behind. (yes, i know it was a rhetorical question) \_ Because it's the motd and it doesn't matter *who* is saying a thing, it matters *what*. The issue of *who* only clouds the topic with personal attacks (as always). Knowing who posted something doesn't make their point any stronger or weaker. Posting one's name is merely an option most choose not to take. \_ ok that's a valid point. i just think it's funny every other post is unsigned! - danh |
2002/3/5-6 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:24028 Activity:high |
3/5 How are May grads doing on their job searches? \_ sadly. - may grad. \_ sadly. - may grad. \_ Great! - May 2000 grad. \_ Grad schools ho! - May 1999 grad. \_ Moi aussi! - May 97 grad \_ Moi trois. - May 02 grad. \_ Hoes ho! \_ jobs are suck. -may 1998 grad. \_ My job search is going great! I can hire people at $8/hr! |
2002/3/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:24029 Activity:very high 66%like:23990 |
3/5 VOTE! \_ Does it really make a difference if a few people here and there don't vote? \_ have you been asleep since 2000? \_ It's called sarcasm. \_ Every felon and illegal alien must vote or their rights will be trampled upon! They might be put in prison or kicked out of the country! They should vote and vote and vote some more! Like a few places where Gore got %106 of the registered voters! Now *that* is true democracy in action! \_ Don't you know, when you vote democrat its democracy in action! \_ You lame-asses think you're funny but you're not. Something like 30% of black people in Florida can't vote because of left-over policies from post-Civil War preventing convicted criminals from voting. You think that would've swayed the election? \_ Bullshit. There are states all over this nation that don't allow felons to vote. If you can't get it right don't come here and fucking LIE. It has nothing to do with being black or the civil war, you twit. It has to do with voting being a right of full citizenship and a convicted felon is someone who has chosen to give up some of those rights which also include things like freedom of movement. Take the hint, race baiter. \_ Your ignorance is sadenning and your bitterness indicative of the fact that you'd rather not talk about real issues. Who is baiting whom? You are right that Florida is not the only state to ban felons from voting-- there something like 12 (mainly southern... read racist) states that still uphold this practice. Florida was mentioned because this was one instance were the 30% of inelligible blacks would most definately have made a difference. It is common knowledge that Republicans want less people to vote because it helps them win... and this is just another way to acheive that. ... and to say that it is not a race issue, all you have to do is look at who is convicted of more felonies in this country. \_ Why should convicted felons be allowed to vote? Do you really think that society would be better if we let convicted criminals influence the electoral process? And of all those black people who were convicted of a felony, do you really believe that the vast majority of them were false convictions? \_ We let them out of jail didn't we? Noone is talking about letting inmates vote. But isn't the point of a prison sentence to serve time and return to society? Being a member of society means being represented... which means you should have the right to vote. \_ Like having the right to vote against laws that will put you behind bars for doing the same shit that landed you in prison the first time? Hmm. \_ cute. \_ in regards to the 2nd point, no, clearly the vast majority are not "false convictions." However, (1) post Civil War when these felon disenfranchisment laws were made, in many southern states, felonies were extended to many many things including such things as "loitering", allowing the laws to be unevenly enforced by racist law enforcement. Many of these laws (like the disenfranchisement) are still on the books. (2) You need to consider the bigger picture. I'm not saying, "blacks are always falsely convicted of felonies." I'm saying "Why are blacks convicted of so many felonies?" \_ Blacks are convicted of so many felonies because blacks commit many felonies? Is it politically incorrect to state the obvious? \_ Divide society into several groups. Now say that in each group, the number of people who commit crimes is epsilon. It seems that epsilon is about the same for all groups except blacks. And he wants to know why. It is a legitimate question. \_ Granted there are many such laws on the books, but do you really think that someone is going to get convicted of a felony loitering if all he was doing was loitering? I see nothing wrong with convicting a person for felony loitering if he was also guilty of some other serious crime for which there was insufficient evidence. Its like putting capone away for tax evasion. As far as the "why blacks are convicted" bit, maybe they are convicted because they commit more crimes? I don't buy the bs that society programmed them to do this sort of thing. Do unto others isn't all that hard to understand. \_ In response to above two posts... fine then... you are just creating another level of indirection. The question then simply becomes "Why do blacks commit so many more felonies?" This thread has become long and unwieldy... perhaps we should take it off the motd. - rory \_ It's alright to say it. \_ huh? \_ The obvious answer to "why blacks commit more crimes." \_ oh right... yeah, this is generally the point in the discussion where people go, "shit, I should go join the KKK or shut-up." (notice the replies dried up) \_ i'm sure statistically it didn't matter that much but Florida was one of two states that hired a private company to go through voter rolls, find felons and mail them that they couldn't vote. yes this was legal, but in several cases, they were wrong, picked people who had the legal right to vote, and they showed up at the polling place and told they couldn't vote. imagine if you were told you could not longer vote, you didn't vote, then you find out later it was all a mistake? i'd be incredibly pissed. salon did several articles on this. - danh [motd format daemon] \_ Or imagine you're in the military and your perfectly ballot delivered in a perfectly legal and timely manner was thrown away by an elections official? You voted, you voted legally, you were legally entitled to vote, your ballot arrived on time, and then your ballot was tossed out. Salon did not do several articles on this. \_ Maybe because it didn't happen. \_ It happened in several south florida counties but was under reported. |
2002/3/5-6 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:24030 Activity:very high |
3/5 http://penguinppc.org/~hollis/personal/bergeron.shtml HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. \_ What the fuck? Is this supposed to make me vote Republican? Give me a fucking break. \_ No, moron. It's a classic work of literature. This is one of those great free-beer things the net has to offer which I'm sharing with your stupid ignorant empty headed addled low-browed self. There's nothing in there about Republicans. So stupid, so blind, so young.... \_ go fuck yourself. \_ *laugh* well you sure showed me wrong about you! \_ go fuck yourself. \_ ouch, now _that_ hurts my feelings. gosh, can't we just all get along? \_ I read that in a high school reader. It was before I had read Slaughterhouse 5, and before I had any idea that Kurt Vonnegut was a name to remember. Thanks. \_ is Slaughterhouse 5 a good read? \_ yes. \_ This reads like a cheap Ayn Rand imitation, and that's not a very high standard. I hope this was a draft and Vonnegut had planned to turn it into a real novel some day. \_ My silly friend, you are not in a position to critique Vonnegut, or state what a 'real' novel is. Rather than trying to put down Vonnegut's work, which will not get the attention of most people, why not accept the fact that intelligent people like Vonnegut have politics that disagree with your own? \_ QUIT making strawmen. I have no beef with his politics. I just hate when people try to pass off hyperbole as theme. This is like 4th grade writing. Why not just write an essay complaining about affirmative action or talk about life in socialist countries? More effective and less tongue in cheek. \_ What I am trying to say is that this ISN'T 4th grade writing. You didn't write like this in 4th grade, and neither did I. Good writing is difficult, and this was good writing, even if the subject matter rubs you the wrong way. \_ This story was terrible. It reads as if it was written by a student in 9th grade english class. The basic idea is fine, but the treatment very poor. \_ He knows how to read that makes him just as valid a critic as anyone else. \_ It's just a short story. I don't know if there's a novel in there. It makes its point fairly well, and succinctly. \_ When it's convenient for me to feel fatalistic, I like to read _Sirens of Titan_. |