2002/2/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:23775 Activity:nil |
2/4 The largest fiber optic network in the world is about to be 'bought' by the Chicoms, and where is the media? A national disgrace. http://freerepublic.com/focus/fr/621896/posts |
2002/2/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23776 Activity:nil |
2/3 I'm working with xml (my resume), but I can't get emacs to correctly indent with open and closing tags. I have psgml, xml, and html -mode at my disposal, but I don't know how to make it format correctly. Any hints? |
2002/2/5 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/HW/IO] UID:23777 Activity:high |
2/3 3 weeks into using Dvorak (pain in the ass to learn) I am almost as proficient at it as I was with qwerty. However my wrist+fingers still hurt and now I'm looking at alternatives like ViaVoice or Dragon speech software. Any comments? \_ You lack sufficient faith, my son. \_ have you tried Datahand or Kinesis? They're soooo cool... \_ datahand is indeed way c00l! But as a starving student a $1000 keyboard is a bit too much! \_ Make sure that its not your fingers and hands getting _tired_ Also, make sure to use one of those broken "M$" natural keyboards. When switching, I noticed significant fatigue in my hands and fingers when learning the new keymap- it did go away... On the other hand, two hours of qwerty will nuke my hands for the next two days. Also helpful- do away with the evil emacs control key. \_ eh, without CTRL emacs is useless! |
2002/2/5 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:23778 Activity:high |
2/4 Rent Ceiling Database, maintained by Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board. Allows you to see the rent ceilings on all apartments in Berkeley: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/rent/rentsearch/search.asp \_ Communists. \_ Privileged rich fascist. You sit here enjoying your free CSUA email account while you hope to steal money from students, poor and disabled folks and keep people homeless! \_ Publishing this information is a GOOD thing. In fact, having this data public will make it easier to remove all rent control since tenants will no longer be at a disadvantage because they lack information about the market. The big question is, does this help or hinder landlord collusion? \_ Hmm, so my neighbor whose moaning I used to listen to thru her door while her bf did her is paying $950/mo, if that's still her living there. \_ This excites me. \_ So what does it mean if I'm paying more than the amount listed here for my apartment? Can I get my rent reduced or something? |
2002/2/5 [Uncategorized] UID:23779 Activity:nil |
2/5 the following was posted to the motd yesterday: " \_ antisymmetry is when you buy a house, ring, etc etc and then you get a divorce, pay alimony, lose a house, so on and so forth. -bmg" bmg?? wtf? did Bitter Divorced Guy get re-married? Say it ain't so! |
2002/2/5-6 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:23780 Activity:high |
2/3 I admit it, I use pine (old habits die hard). I'm always getting mail with attachments or mail that's in both plain text and HTML. is there a way in pine to take an e-mail message and delete just the attachment part (or one of the attachments if there are several) but keep other parts of the e-mail message intact? \_ All these things and more are possible with mutt. Switch, then we'll talk. \_ Hey mutt zealot guy, I was using mutt for a little while and stopped because I didn't find something that allows for grabbing email addresses into my addressbook. I did RTFM. I read several manuals and webpages but perhaps I'm just dense. Can you point me to how to incorporate such a capability? \_ i don't know if you need the next two lines, but I use them: set alias_file="~/.mutt.aliases" source "~/.mutt.aliases" then i hit "a" to add someone to my aliases. easy, huh? \_ You don't have to switch to mutt. Just switch to anything that isn't pine. This thread has 3 hours to live then it gets blasted. \_ Then I'll replace it. There's an actual answered question with useful information above. \_ Yes, the thread I saved from someone else's axe. You're welcome. \_ I use M$ Outlook 2000 and I can't find a way to do this either. \_ Right click on address in header, select "add to contacts" \_ I meant I can't find a way to delete just the attachment part(s) of the e-mail message, like what the original poster wants to do in Pine. \_ Why is Pine "crap", because it's somewhat easy to use at first? \_ it has very limited functionality, screws up mail spools, is extremely slow and bloated compared to more reasonable mail clients, and, well, is crap. -tom \_ Ah Ha. Thanks. One question: With your preferred mail program, if you are composing a message and you get disconnected from soda, do you loose your message? \_ Nope. See also: screen(1). \_ This is really a question about your editor, not your mail program. -tom \_ One O in 'lose' as it relates to the Bad News Bears. Two O's in 'loose' as it relates to your mom. \_ And two O's as in "dictionary.com". \_ While viewing the message, "v", select the attachment, and then "d" \_ How do you get pine to actually expunge the attachment afterward? -!op \_ save the message. you can save to the same folder. attachments marked as deleted will not get copied along |
2002/2/5-7 [Reference/Tax] UID:23781 Activity:high |
2/5 Is the "Standard Deduction" for taxes the same for all people or does it vary according to your income? \_ the same \_ probably different if you are single, married, head of household. \_ I don't like it much cause I make charitable contributions, and it adds up to just slightly above the "Standard Deduction" so I am not getting much of a tax break. - bitter-charitable-donor \_ The tax laws are written to benefit homeowners. Give it up. \_ Darn! But I absolutely detest mowing the lawn, lugging around wood shavings, fixing toilet, remodelling the basement and stuff like that, and don't think I can afford to hire someone to do it. :( Are tax laws kind to small apartment owners too? \_ if you buy a condo you'll get the same benefit. -tom \_ Mostly. "Homeowner Association" fees run $200/mo or more and are not tax-deductable...unless you rent out your condo and live somewhere else, but that kind of defeats the purpose. --ulysses \_ You also get to share in the liabilities of any neglected maintenance. A friend of mine just moved out of a complex where they found that the management had neglected termite inspections for the enormous, central 4-floor wooden balcony/walkway that connects and provides access to all the condos. Now they each get to share in the multimillion dollar repairs. \_ I wouldn't buy a condo, but the conversation was about tax benefit. -tom You have new mail. |
2002/2/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:23782 Activity:low |
2/5 Size 9/9.5? climbing shoes free to good home; too small for me. -pld |
2002/2/5-6 [Reference/RealEstate, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Industry/Startup] UID:23783 Activity:insanely high |
2/5 I'm a sysadmin. Made a house-call to fix CEO's wife's computer. She already did a great job of troubleshooting so there wasnt much for me to do. Instead I came up with a simple alternative that worked. She was very thankful and now sent me a Fry's gift certificate for a couple hundred dollars. Is this too much money? What should I do? Just send a thank-you card? Or decline it and say I was just happy to help and was just "doing my job"? If kept, I will spend it on something my colleagues will also enjoy. Please give any advice, motd. \_ Thank you card. It's annoying to have your gestures of thanks declined. \_ thanks for helping confirm this for me. \_ Is your CEO using company resource for personal need? \_ she's a big part of his continued success. if he does well, the company does well and so does my job and stock do well. Anyways, I had to go out there to check on other things. \_ Return the gift and ask for sex instead. \_ Only if she's hot. Is she? \_ She's hella hot. No sex. \_ I'd send her a thank you card, use the money to buy something, and not talk about it to others. You might want to mention it \_ Seconded. to your CEO, depending on what kind of guy he is. \- thisisthecorrect advice. this probably isntthat much for a ceo and family. \_ Split the gift money into two halves. Buy yourself something nice with one half and a gift for your CEO with the other half.. \_ That is just weird. \_ Nice! I can see it now. "Dear PCWorld forum...." \_ Buy her a nice sex toy as a thank you. \_ With a Fry's gift certificate? \_ One of those vibrating joysticks? \_ It is *not* part of your job to do house calls. I've done house calls because it was clear that if I didn't I'd be looking for a new job. Unless it says so in your contract, house calls aren't included. Think I'm being a dick? Who is liable if you get injured? Slip on their floor? Get in an auto accident? The insurance company won't cover you for worker's comp. You're fucked. Take the gift, send a nice thank you to her and don't tell anyone else about it. Don't do it again if at all possible. The 'gift' is not a gift. It is payment for your work as a consultant. Don't do any weird shit like splitting it and buying a gift for them or mentioning it to the CEO or anything else. You're nice but very naive. \_ You bring up some good points I did not think about. I think it is part of my job even though it's not written down anywhere I set up their computer systems at this home. I also helped with their home down south (flew on a jet). \_ So they paid you extra/bonus/OT/whatevr for being their personal compupet setting up their computers and home networks all over the country? This isn't your job. You're being taken advantage of. Let's compare. I'm the admin at an online place in the Bay Area. I work less than 8 hours a day, I don't visit homes, I don't do windows, I don't fill out time sheets, I don't kiss anyone's ass, but I do report to stupid people (can't have it all) and I make a lot more than $100k. The parent company is 50+ years old, stable, private and will never IPO but I'll have this job as long as I can stand it. Which job would you rather have? |
2002/2/5 [Uncategorized] UID:23784 Activity:nil |
2/5 Is anyone else made violently ill by the shitty music in commercials lately? Or does everyone have Tivo's? |
2002/2/5-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:23785 Activity:high |
2/5 Hi, I'm looking for a web site whereby people can enter a surname and it'll identify from what country the name originated in. Is there such a thing? Thanks. \_ Just post the name here and we'll tell you. \- http://surname.org \_ If you don't mind 3 pop-up windows and blinking ad's. \_ It's a new net. No more supported-by-tax-dollars. \_ google it and look for the country code |
2002/2/5 [Politics] UID:23786 Activity:nil |
2/5 Capitalism these days really sucks- I am a firm believer in capitalism but.... the ideas of capitalism assumes low barriers to entry. currently the barriers to enter industry have never been higher. I never understood why there are only 2 airplane producers, 8 car producers, 4 tire producers, 1 os producer, 5 hd producers, 2 chip producers, etc. we live the age of monopoly disquised as capitalism and competition. the taste of competition and the capitalist market are beyond the senses. We need to look no further than the dot com explosion. Finally an industry formed where the barriers to entry were low and the ideals of our creators were realized. However, what happened, the new industry had to transform itself to fit into our disquised capitalist system. we can also observe the market for communications services. The availability of massive amounts of financing allowed gradiouse network buildouts to attempt to compete against the like of ATT, Sprint, WorldCom and the Regional Bell (RBOC's). However in the end the forces of our economy pushed us into the direction of continued monopoly. To see this more explicitly one need only to open the business section of the paper. Our monopolistic firms are firing countless numbers of employees and at the same time announcing earnings in the BILLIONS of $$$. ExxonMobile announced 3B in PROFIT in what could the be harshest business environment in history. Citigroup anounced 3.3B in PROFIT in parhaps the harshest banking environment in HISTORY. If things are so bad and if we are operating in a recssion how can it be that our leading corporations are generating billions in profits. Simple, we do not operate or live in a capitalist system. Thus any attack on capitalism is not an attack on today's economy. We must derive new terms and new descriptions to attack the travesities of todays economic order which falsly disquises itself as capitalism. |
2002/2/5 [Politics] UID:23787 Activity:nil |
2/5 Oh boy, Kinney's back. \_ Kinney's been listening to paolo too much. At any rate, America's economic system is obviously not free market capitalism, it is 'mixed' capitalism with a lot of government control. In fact, many current monopolies were at one point government sponsored. I wonder what the current economic landscape would look like if it has always been a free, unregulated market. \_ who's paolo? \_ Wait... where? I miss that boy's nonsensical ravings! |
2002/2/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23788 Activity:nil |
2/5 Drivel deleted. |
2002/2/5-6 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:23789 Activity:nil |
2/5 When I try to PGP encrypt outgoing messages in conjunction with mutt, I get several screens of hex numbers and then a fault notification. Does anyone have mutt + PGP working on soda? Can I get a look at your muttrc? [ reformatted - motd formatting daemon ] |
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