2002/1/27 [Uncategorized] UID:23681 Activity:nil |
1/25 What is the best site for francophiles \_ audiogalaxy is pretty good \_ I think he means high end audio equipment. \_ you are generally correct. \_ soundstage is pretty good \_ http://www.sound.au.com |
2002/1/27-28 [Reference/Tax] UID:23682 Activity:very high |
1/25 WSJ provides numbers on who pays what taxes. http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=95001783 \_ for those who don't want to register, use root@ as the email address. \_ Lying with statistics. The super-rich proportion of income has grown faster than their tax burden. For anothoer perspecitve: http://www.centeronbudget.org/5-31-01tax-pr.htm \_ Yes, lots of lies in there. Like after-tax income for the bottom 20% fell, but they don't say that government aid has increased by a much larger percentage. Anytime someone talks about "gaps" between one group of people and another one might ask one's self what, if anything, the people on the bottom end have done for themselves to improve their situation. Lobbying government for wealth transfer through targeted higher taxes on other people doesn't count as doing something to improve one's self. one's self. What kills me about these things is they compare absolute numbers but don't take inflation into account. If I was making 1000 in 1979 and you were making 100 and then in 97 I was making 1250 and you were making 200, then I've lost ground even though I've widened the gap. Statistical lies, indeed. Be careful how you read these things. \_ Who said they didnt take inflation into acocunt? Articles usually get that right but miss more subtle things. "after-tax income grew an average of 157 percent over this period for the top one percent of the popula- tion, rose a modest 10 percent" \_ aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forty percent of all people know that. have done for themselves to improve their situation. \_ one of the great myths of the selfish conservative is that poor people "want to" be poor. -tom \_ Then YOU give them your money you fucking pussy. Lobbying government for wealth transfer through targeted higher taxes on other people doesn't count as doing something to improve one's self. What kills me about these things is they compare absolute numbers but don't take inflation into account. If I was making 1000 in 1979 and you were making 100 and then in 97 I was making 1250 and you were making 200, then I've lost ground even though I've widened the gap. Statistical lies, indeed. Be careful how you read these things. |
2002/1/27-28 [Politics/Domestic] UID:23683 Activity:nil |
1/25 Filipinos react to arrival of American military. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/020127/1/2d1go.html |
2002/1/27-28 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:23684 Activity:moderate |
1/25 Sharon assasinates witnesses against him: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=116256 \_ "Local Lebanese militia group takes responsibility for attack." \_ So Belgium sets of a kangeroo court which allows any nutcase to \_ So Belgium sets up a kangeroo court which allows any nutcase to sue anyone else in the world for generic human right's violations no matter where they occured. It's a joke. Who cares what anyone in Belgium has to say about anything. The only thing Belgium was ever known for was being a super highway for the Nazis on their way to Paris. Why do you or anyone else care what Belgium has to say? As if a 'conviction' would mean Belgium would show up in Israel to arrest Sharon? Let's add Arafat and the leaders of just about every Arab nation to the list while we're at it. Let's add every American President to the list. How about Putin? He's a real bastard, too. Silly. |
2002/1/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:23685 Activity:high |
1/25 wtf is the difference between an "unlawful combatant" and a POW? \_ lawful combatants wear uniforms, have a chain of command, 'follow the rules of war'. Basically a member of a modern army in the sense that countries have armies. No country? No army? unlawful combatant. That's the basics of it. Go find the details online if you care more. \_ Alright, makes sense. So then why aren't they considered POW's? Seems unfair that the US captures them, labels them something random, just so they don't have to abide by the Geneva Convention. \_ lack of accountability to anyone other than themselves. |
2002/1/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:23686 Activity:high |
1/25 RTFM @ M$: http://www.microsoft.com&item=q209354@www.hardware.no/nyheter/feb01/Q209354%20-%20HOWTO.htm \_ Nice try. Because we're just all too stupid to know what the @ in the URL means. |
2002/1/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:23687 Activity:high |
1/25 Geeks-meeting-girls made easy. <DEAD>www.coincidencedesign.com<DEAD> \_ Cute, but, thankfully: http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=12236 |
2002/1/27-2/16 [Uncategorized] UID:23688 Activity:nil |
01/27 sshd has been updated. bugs to root. |