2002/1/12 [Uncategorized] UID:23538 Activity:nil |
1/11 When will I stop getting randomly disconnected from soda? "Connection to host lost" \_ When ECCS NET and its rabid router issues get fixed. [LOL] \_ Could you tell us all when that happens? |
2002/1/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:23539 Activity:moderate |
1/11 IE6, upgrade or wait? \_ No probs with it. Very similar to IE5/5.5, with added cookie filtering being the only real visible new feature. \_ I don't like the new icon. Other than that I'd say go for it if you're already using 5.x. \_ If you must run Windows, it's a decent browser (a lot faster than NS6.) Otherwise have a look at Opera 6, it rocks. -John \_ I downgraded back to 5.5 because I couldn't figure out how not to have favourites opened via the link bar open up in a new window. And I'm not talking about using the "Resuse windows for launching shortcuts" mis-feature. Other than that, it was noticably faster and cookie management seemed a whole lot better. \_ doesn't happen for me. \_ Why you using evil empire stuff. We are sad. |
2002/1/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:23540 Activity:high |
1/11 I just installed 256megs of memory on my Dell desktop, bringing it up to a total of 384 megs. Everything seems fine, except one little thing. When I go to the start menu and click "New Office Document" and then select Blank Document, for example, it doesn't do anything...until I do something like just opening up a folder, or another program, or pretty much anything that requires double- clicking. So the new document does pop up, but only after I open something else. I really don't remember if it did this before, but could this be related to the new memory (DIMM, by the way). And it's Win98. Thanks. \_ have you popped the memory out and verified the behavior? \_ You know about windoze wasting heap trying to cache too much, right? Put [vcache]\nMaxFileCache=65536 or something reasonable in system.ini. Not that this is your problem. As for the actual problem, hmm. Maybe it's that you're running windoze, MS office, or the combination of both. hehe \_ It's not smart enough to shrink the cache whe heap space is \_ It's not smart enough to shrink the cache when heap space is \_ No, that's not the problem. As I understand it, it pre- allocates heap for handling the file cache. If you have more than 512MB of RAM, the amount of heap needed for maintaining that much vcache is almost 128k, which is the fixed amount of heap windoze 95/98/ME has. When that happens, you get a out-of-memory error even though you have more memory than ever. It does not affect W2K/NT. running short? Which versions of Windoze have this problem? \_ Well, kind of.... As I understand it, it pre-allocates heap for handling the file cache. If you have around 512MB of RAM, the amount of heap needed for maintaining that much vcache is almost 128k, which is the fixed amount of heap windoze 95/98/ME has. When that happens, you get a out-of-memory error even though you have more memory than ever. It does not affect W2K/NT. \_ If you want to run windows with anything more than 32 or 64 MB of RAM, you should use win2k or NT, only. \_ dude, you got a dell! \_ Hmm. I didn't consider that, but then, it's still better than compaq. \_ Or as we affectionally call it at work, crapaq |
2002/1/12 [Uncategorized] UID:23541 Activity:nil |
1/11 Judge Says No to M$: http://www.nandotimes.com/technology/story/216819p-2091967c.html \_ More like "No, Bitch!" ... .com |
2002/1/12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:23542 Activity:nil |
1/11 Jar Jar will return! \_ Good. Maybe they'll finally kill him off in ep2. \_ he'll be more mature, and a senator in ep2. \_ maybe they will name the third movie: The Return of the Jar-Jar |
2002/1/12 [Uncategorized] UID:23543 Activity:nil |
1/11 http://mangband.com -- Multi-player Angband! |
2002/1/12 [Health/Disease/General] UID:23544 Activity:very high |
1/11 Are soy products PROVEN to prevent cancer? Or is it simply speculation from the fact that Asians have less cases, in which case could be attributed to genetics or not reporting cases at all. -soy h8r \_ No proof. \_ No proof, but a lot of evidence: <DEAD>www.protein.com/PTIWeb.nsf/pages/Cancer<DEAD> \_ Probably as much proof as eating lots of vegetables would help prevent some cancer. I am not sure if asians have less cancer. They have less heart problems and some types of cancer (eg. prostate, breast), but not other types (mostly those related to the digestive system and tobacco). \_ Eating causes cancer. \_ Eating (green, leafy) vegetables is the simplest way to avoid cancer, and there ARE studies showing that. \_ Why would soy prevent cancer? The way to avoid cancer is to avoid things which cause cancer. There is a high correlation between diets high in meat and cancer and heart disease. Perhaps soy eaters get less cancer because they also happen to be the same people who eat less meat? \_ That's like asking "why would a vaccine prevent the flu? the way to avoid the flu is to avoid things that cause the flue". There are such things that actively combat diseases. \_ While yours is a good point, you cannot see the germs that cause the flu, whereas many carcinogens can be seen with the naked eye and ingested based on one's discretion. You have a choice, comrades! \_ Don't be surprised if it is found that soy ultimately causes cancer. Such is the way of the world. --dim \_ I'd like to award dim 2 points for "Best Motd Answer" for the day. This is so true. Anyone remember the bit in Sleeper about how 'they' determined that smoking is good for you and everyone in the future is a heavy smoker? I love that. \_ http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/08/health/genetics/08GENE.html Cancer, Aging and Genesis. "Aging may be a necessary cost of suppressing cancer." In other words, if not for cancer, infinite life, or at least a much longer life, may not be impossible. \_ In other words scientists/doctors/bio-whatever people are still guessing and shooting randomly in the dark for answers. \_ cancer and aging are intimately connected, if I remember that talk I went to a year ago. Cancer is, because it mutates cells so that on reproduction, they don't lose one "link" in (is it their RNA??) chain. This chain loss is the mechanism of aging, I think. So, according to the talk I went to, solve cancer, you solve aging? \_ that's why h07 as|@n ch|x look youger??? \_ FYI, Asians have much lower number of cases of, say, lung cancer, but much higher number of cases of esophageal cancer. Medical establishment believes it's due to large quantities of tea that many Asians consume. \_ Asians have much lower cases of lung cancer? I guess tobacco companies were right all along. \_ related to large amounts of green tea. |
2002/1/12 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:23545 Activity:high |
1/11 Veritas Gurus: How do I free the last disk from a disk group? I have disk group FOO and it won't let me pull the last disk from it. I want the entire existence of FOO to cease and use all the disks in another diskgroup on the same machine. This is v 3.x on Solaris 2.7. Thanks! [Note, I don't have TFM]. \_ vxassist remove mirror for all but the last, vxassist remove volume for the last. \_ "vxdg destroy foo" did the trick. Thanks for pointing me in the right dirction. \_ useless trivia: "vxdg destroy" was implemented by someone with a soda account. |
2002/1/12 [Uncategorized] UID:23546 Activity:nil |
1/11 Does the economy affect Moore's law in any way? \_ I will live to see the death of CMOS, and i will laugh and mock it in its passing. mwuahahahahaha! i hate CMOS. \_ If anything, it is the other way around. \_ No, because Grove made eating your own lunch par for the course. |
2002/1/12 [Uncategorized] UID:23547 Activity:nil |
1/12 Stare at backdoor by mattress for 20 seconds(kind of interesting): |
2002/1/12-13 [Politics/Foreign, Recreation/Music] UID:23548 Activity:kinda low |
1/12 On PBS I saw a "commercial" for the news hour with Jim Lehrer showing the WTC bombing. People sitting in front of their TV watching it and words like "there're some people we'll never understand". There's a song playing in the background. Just a man singing with guitar music I believe. It sounded like country music. Anybody know the name of the song? Thanks. \_ "Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Round", by the Dead Kennedys. \_ Buffalo Springfield "For What It's Worth" |
3/15 |