2002/1/5-6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Security] UID:23468 Activity:moderate |
1/4 csua/csua and user/pass are two short, many sites require 5-8 char names and passwords. What should is sign up as then? -goodCSUAer \_ ucbcsua with password ucbcsua1, ucbcsua2, etc. Or csua123 or csuacsua as username. Some site require pw diff from logins so either have a pw that is the reverse of the login or I dunno...? \_ cypherpunk/cypherpunk \_ csuamotd/csuamotd works fine for me at a few places. thanks to whoever set that up. \_ How about a /csua/pub file of websites with user/pass for each. \_ soda.csua/password was set up for NYT. |
2002/1/5 [Computer/SW] UID:23469 Activity:very high |
1/4 hitech SUCKS. Save yourself and do optometry/pharmacy/dentistry before you become an old bitter programmer who is about to get laid off!!! \_ hitech != programmer. duh. \_ I think so too. Computer Science is interesting to study but often boring when working. I would rather be a doctor, or work for say Pharmacia. \_ Industry is so full of ugly hacks and dealing with crappy tools. Don't even get me started on free software. \_ tell us about free software! tell us about free software! \_ tell us about the stars, Ilya. \_ Tons of jobs out there right now. http://www.dice.com I was laid off this summer and it was really rough compared to a year earlier. Dice was a barren wasteland a few months ago but it looks hot hot hot 1998-style hot right now. \_ Aren't most of the postings at http://Dice.com just fake ones posted by agents? \_ hitech is awesome - much better than that lame stuft burritto crap at tacohell. Too bad they don't have more South Bay restaurants. \_ Hitech had decent deals on components, but their Berkeley office closed down. \_ Dentistry??? You might as well tie the noose now. Try working for a game company, it's much more interesting than enterprise dev. |
2002/1/5-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:23470 Activity:low |
1/4 Comments on cable broadband vs DSL? Which one has lower start up cost? I don't know how long I'll stay at my current place, so don't want to pay a bundle for installation etc. \_ AT&T usually has deals that include first 3 months either free or for $19.99/mo and no startup cost or yearly contract. In fact, I think you can cancel after those three months. It's best if you are planning on leaving your apartment in the next 12 months. --30month cable modem veteran \_ Be careful, most motd'ers will tell you that most things "don't work with cable modem". \_ Yeah because ya know ethernet is not like ethernet... or uh something like that I guess. |
2002/1/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:23471 Activity:nil |
1/4 http://www.lucianne.com Top two entries about Buddy The Dog. I'm deeply saddened. (there's even a freerepublic connection here for you freeper fans!) \_ Here I will save you the trouble: "Horse sheet!" he writes. "Buddy was just another prop for photo op's, and served his purpose well. The liberal/socialist bought into to 'Clinton family values' story, but Socks & Buddy were merely appendages that served their masters political aims. After serving, they were summarily cast aside because they no longer served any purpose. (Sir Edmund) Hillary and Bubba are both narcissistic sociopaths who manipulate both people and animals for their personal gain." Yep, that's it folks. This is what conservatives do in their spare time, make up things they imagine the Clinton's might have done, and then slap themselves on the back for being so clever. You are all pathetic little sheep. |
2002/1/5-6 [Computer, Industry/Jobs] UID:23472 Activity:nil |
1/4 hitech SUCKS. \_ hitech is awesome - much better than that lame stuft burritto crap at tacohell. Too bad they don't have more South Bay restaurants. \_ Hitech had decent deals on components, but their Berkeley office closed down. |
2002/1/5-6 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:23473 Activity:high |
1/5 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/06/international/asia/06GRAF.html Post Taliban corruption. I don't understand why Bush would promote uni-lateralism in foreign policy on the one hand and then gang up with mujahedeen thugs on the other hand. This will help breed more terrorists in very little time. Where is Gen. Eisenhower and Marshall? \_ You misunderstand. You see we *rebuilt* Europe. There's never been anything in Afghanistan. Ever. They don't have a legal system, they don't have a government structure, there's nothing to put back in place or rebuild because it was never there and they don't have a cultural history of that sort of thing. All that stuff is very western. Afghanistan is doomed until the Afghan people decide to do something about it. \_it's worse than nothing. the whole economy is heroin based. the Taliban was the only regime that was able to stop temporarily_/ the heroin trade, which is part of why they were so hated. heroin warlords, and that's about it now. \_ The Taliban curtailed some amount of heroin, maybe, but hardly stopped it by any measure. I don't disagree with your basic point, though. Anyway, the original poster will "get it" as soon as s/he realises that this is a 12th century pseudo monarchy system of lords and vassals, etc. So they use ak-47s and old soviet tanks instead of maces and horses, same idea. The place is doomed because without a solid legal system corruption will always destroy any attempts at developing anything else be it physical infrastructure or a decent and just way of life for the typical peasant. At least the lion in that zoo is finally getting fed again. |
2002/1/5-6 [Recreation/Dating] UID:23474 Activity:very high |
1/5 do i need her parent's permission in order to date an indian chica? \_ Depends on the girl. \_ no, the appropriate answer to a stupid question is a stupid answer: the decision is made by the father, on the basis of how good he thinks you are at putting weasels down your pants. try to get invited to the family's house for dinner, and stick as many weasels down your pants as possible. if you wear big enough pants, you can have her hand in marriage. \_ Why is it a stupid question? \_ If she can't decide for herself, she isn't worth it. \_ Says who? Like the typical whore who 'chooses' to sleep with 8 random idiots a week is worth anything more than a trip to the clinic? Wow, she has this whole free choice thing down so she must be a great catch! I'm sure you'll catch something from that sort of bimbo, though. Original poster should ask the girl out. She'll let you know if there's a strong family tie or not. |
2002/1/5-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:23475 Activity:high |
1/5 HomePNA: awesome. USB model was $50/unit at the local compusa. USB is less than perfect so I had to reboot one of the machines to get it to stop using 99% cpu but it's now working and it's fucking awesome. Also, since the Netgear units I got have a plug for the wall and another for the phone you can really plug two machines into the same USB device via the phone cable and they'll talk that way in a pseudo token ring, but that's not a big deal. Just like an analog modem, both phone plugs are wired to do either job. 10 mb home networking at $50/box. Hard to beat that. There's also a bridge for homepna/ethernet for $135 if you don't want a windows box to be the router. I used winroute on win2k and saved the $135. Thank you motd. \_ you like because of the phone wiring? you can get 100baseT equipment at $30/node and 5-port switches at $6/port. cables xtra. \_ Yes, it's all about phone wiring. I can't get my office wired without punching holes into the outer walls of my house or sending a magic monkey into the walls to run cables. So now I've got $50/node for usb adapters and no extra hubs/switches or bridges to play with. There's already about 3 dozen power cables in just the one room. 10 mb/s, phone wired, very happy. \_ personally, i have no use for a high-speed internet connection in my home, but i'd pay good money for a magic monkey. \_ Well I do have a magic monkey but he's on vacation in the Bahamas right now and I couldn't wait. If you're nice I might introduce you when he gets back. |