2001/12/24-26 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:23358 Activity:moderate |
12/23 Is it possible to mount a UFS parition on Windows? \_ sure, export the UFS partition with samba and then browse to it in windows. \_ You want to map a drive letter to it if you want it to stay "mounted". \_ thanks, but what I meant was not running FreeBSD and have Windows to have read access to the FreeBSD partition on the same computer \_ nope there's no way. i guess you could mount your home dir in a FAT partition when running freebsd \_ are you insane? why would MS let you do this? \_ As the above said, "no". Put an msdos partition on there somewhere and share files through that. |
2001/12/24-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:23359 Activity:high |
12/23 Is anyone here familiar with the bind 4.9.8 code? I'm trying to restrict the set of interfaces that named listens on (I have three interfaces and only want named listening on 2 of them). I've patched get_netconf in ns_main.c (among other files) to basically skip any interface that is not listed in named.boot. This seems to work, in that netstat shows only udp <ip>.domain entries for those interfaces listed in named.boot. But named still responds to queries from the other interface. Any ideas/ pointers will be appreciated. tia. \_ See named.conf(5) regarding the "listen-on" option. --dbushong \_ listen-on is a bind 8-9 option, I'm trying to hack the same thing into bind 4 but I'm running into problems. \_ Steal the 8.x code. \_ 8.x is sufficiently different that it didn't help me to look at the code. \_ why don't you upgrade to the latest 8.x? --aaron \_ I'm using the "audited" named on OpenBSD. I would prefer not to upgrade. \_ I'm using OpenBSD but screw that 4.x stuff. I'm running 9.x. Let 'em root my box. Better that than 4.x. \_ 8 and 9 are way to big/complex/insecure for my needs. Anyway, I've managed to hack in the listen-on option. Now my named just listens on the interfaces that are specified in named.boot. It sort of works, except for recursive queries (since its not listening on the interface connected to the internet, it doesn't get responses to queries it generates). responses to queries it generates. I can't seem to figure out how bind 8 handles this.) Since this is not quite what I wanted, so I hacked in a querynets option that allows me specify a list of nets from which to accept queries. This prevents people outside of my internal domain from querying the nameserver for internal information. The downside to this is that I have to check querynets for each response, which slows down the server a bit. I can post the patches if anyone is interested in hacking with this a bit more. \_ the 8.x branch is pretty well hammered by now. also if you're running named as user bind, you can sleep easier. --aaron \_ 8/9 haven't been audited but has there been a security issue in 8.x since 8.24? What's wrong with 8.24+? Are you at a bank or something? \_ I've been working on this on my home machine, but it is to help a customer who is concerned about security. I'll probably tell them go with 8.x since I've wasted enough time and it doesn't quite work right yet. |
2001/12/24 [Uncategorized] UID:23360 Activity:nil |
12/24 me think israel want to start a war. |
2001/12/24-26 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:23361 Activity:high |
12/24 http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2001/December/01_crm_643.htm WASHINGTON, D.C. Attorney General John Ashcroft announced today that in three separate federal law enforcement actions federal agents executed approximately 100 search warrants worldwide against virtually every level of criminal organizations engaged in illegal software piracy over the Internet. The three Operations, codenamed "Buccaneer," "Bandwidth" and "Digital Piratez," struck at all aspects of the illegal software, game and movie trade, often referred to as "warez scene." \_ Yes, and? So? \_ "worldwide". -John \_ Yeah, and, so? \_ The FBI is never going to stop warez. Warez is copying Office from your work machine to use at home. Warez is giving a copy of a game you bought to your friend. There is no way they can prevent this. \_ I'm so sick and tired of you hacker terrorists stealing MSOffice from work. When will you figure out that you're causing billions of dollars of damage to the economy every year? \_ Stoping acting so cheap Bill. \_ Woohoo! \_ According to Microsoft, it's OK to install a copy at home, at least under the Select program. -tom \_ Yeah like how many did that? More like small company or \_ Don't worry, as soon as StarOffice 6 comes out of beta, I'll be uninstalling MSOffice (my legal copy). department in large company owns one copy and a cd writer. \_ tom, don't you work for UC still? doesn't MS still dump all their sw on you for free? for now? \_ Yes, I work for UC, and no, MS doesn't dump software for free, except on the EECS department. -tom \_ You mean you don't know anyone at EECS? Your dept actually pays MS for software?? \_ I know plenty of people at EECS, but no, my college doesn't violate software licensing agreements, even with Microsoft. -tom \_ Don't worry, as soon as StarOffice 6 comes out of beta, I'll be uninstalling MSOffice (my legal copy). \_ yeah and reinstalling OfficeXP when you get annoying .xls and .doc OfficeXP files that use PKI in interesting ways. I can't even find o2k in the stores anymore! \_ Sun needs to put way more money and time behind SO before it is good enough for casual use. \_ Money? It's open source dude! The Community will just scratch that itch! |
2001/12/24-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/HW/Display, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:23362 Activity:high |
12/24 I can buy 1 17" monitor or 2 15" monitors. I prefer the latter because of the more-bang-for-bucks factor. Does anyone know if it is possible to get a video card that supports 2 monitors? \_ Are these LCDs or CRTs? If you are considering LCDs, I'd recommend going with a single 17" since these are general brighter and support a wider range of resolutions (most 15" are limited to 1024x768). \_ There are plenty of dualhead video cards around from Matrox, ATI, ... \_ I have a G400 that works in dual mode quite well w/ Win2k. Also works w/ 98/ME. I had to upgrade my BIOS and the drivers to get it up and running. \_ Severals friends and I have also gotten it running under Linux. There are tons of resources for this on the web. do a search for "xinerama mode" or something. \_ Bang for the buck? How about dozens of 9" b/w monitors? Do you have 2 sets of eyes? Get the 17" or bigger if you can afford it unless you have a specific need for a dual head system. I bought a 21" years ago for almost a thousand bucks. I'm still using it now. I'd never go back to 19" or smaller for daily use. Dual 21" could be cool though. \_ 2 17" is better than 1 21". Bigger and cheaper. \_ Yes, and 50 9" green screens are bigger and cheaper too. Don't you have 50 terminals hooked up to your box? You and your 2x17"... you fool. \_ while 2-4 displays are possible, the practicality of 50 monitors is questionable. Your argument is quite weak, and I suggest you try again you self righteous pedantic fool. \_ You ignorant lout. We wired 50+ terminals to a Sun 10 years ago at my work. Did you even know what Unix was then? I know exactly what I'm talking about where as you clearly do not. Go back to your G400 and Linux Rewlz! books. This obviously is beyond your kiddie knowledge. |
2001/12/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:23363 Activity:kinda low |
12/24 Since when did they start to detonate bombs using matches? I thought electric detonators have long been proved to be more reliable since WWII. \_ Oddly enough, matches don't set off METAL detectors. Even more odd is that C4 (if that's the explosive) needs a blasting cap to get set off. Burning it just makes a quaint little fire. \_ There was det cord and other stuff in there if you're trying to say he couldn't have set off his bomb. \_ condoms set off airline metal detectors. (probably their pkging) \_ how is htis useful? \_ oh right, this is soda.csua you people are all nerd-virgins. \_ Not true, thanks to yermom. \_ Does yermom really count as losing your special form of nerd-virginity? |