2001/12/19 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:23297 Activity:high |
12/19 Has anyone ever heard of "MAC multicasting?" I can only find vague references to it; it's not the "fake" ethernet addresses reserved for class D IP addresses. Apparently Baydel and a few other products/applications use it for various kinds of clustering. I'd be grateful for pointers to any documentation. -John \_ you're badly confusing IP addresses and end ethernet MAC addresses. \_ No, I'm not. Nor am I referring to the MAC addresses assigned to multicast IPs. Read the post again. -John \_ John, I don't think there's any "MAC multicasting" that is not multicast IP - multicast MAC mapping. I'm not aware of any RFC that describes it. If a vendor claims it, it's some proprietary shit. If this is used within a cluster then the boxes can use whatever MAC they want. We do that all the time. Assign arbitrary multicast MACs to various linecards and let a central route processor send messages to them. It's standard practice to do that. But the end user never sees that and has no control over that. I assume that you're an end user. -cisco kid \_ multicast IP addresses have to be mapped to multicast MAC addresses. That's how it works. E.g., when sending to multicast group the MAC address should be 0x01005E010101. Look at \_ Yeah looking at software implementations will help you understand. But this should already be done by hardware. I implement this kind of stuff in ASICs and microcode. -cisco kid RFC 1112. -cisco kid \_ hey, you were a friend of mine. \- hello. the least sig bit in the first byte [or octet is the proper jargon here], of the dst addr is the IEEE802.3 frame is a mcast addr. for shorter people: any dst addr that is odd in the first byte, is a mcast add. so the bcast is in the mcast space and is a mcast addr but wants special handling. so when a company gets a range of MACs, there is a bijection to it's space of mcast addresses. grep say freeebsd src for etherbroadcastaddr and M_BCAST and M_MCAST to see how this is done. ok tnx. --psb \_ Yeah looking at software implementations will help you understand. But this should already be done by hardware. I implement this kind of stuff in ASICs and microcode. -cisco kid |
2001/12/19 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:23298 Activity:nil |
12/18 Emacs users -- how well do you know vi? \_ well enough to do sysadmin work. \_ I know vi enough to do editing and search and replace. I use vi for trivial editing tasks. I use emacs for all serious coding. \_ Well enough to edit my crontab. Not much else. vi users -- how well do you know emacs? \_ well enough to not want to install it to do sysadmin work. \_ I use vi for everything but coding. What does that make me? -coder \_ I used emacs before I used vi, so there are some rudimentary memories of emacs knowledge in my head somewhere. -geordan |
2001/12/19 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:23299 Activity:nil |
12/18 Any recommendations for a decent to good video capture card (or unit). I'll need it to connect my VHS vcr to my pc, and ideally, write back onto a VHS tape. <= $200 hopefully. \_ using a Windows PC? Ars Technica's A/V forum has a wealth of information. Check their FAQ: http://faq.arstechnica.com/?i=362 Most capture cards don't have TV-out, although many modern video cards do. If you replace your video card and want everything on one card, ATI's All-in-Wonder line (AiW 128/128Pro/Radeon (not the ultra-expensive Radeon 8500 version)) is pretty good. Otherwise go for separate Hauppauge cards, which generally are cheaper and have better driver/application support. |
2001/12/19 [Uncategorized] UID:23300 Activity:high |
12/19 why isn't ucb involved in the warez group bust? \_ N0 1337 H4X0R5 H3R3 D00D3!!1 \_ vaolo and padim are too l33t |
2001/12/19 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley] UID:23301 Activity:high |
12/18 We are berkeley residents continuing an ongoing grass-roots vigil against the war. We are currently in our 6th week--we've been going rain or shine. We can use more people to make this thing grow-- particularly in the minds of onlookers. The peace walk + vigil happens every Wednesday @ 7:30pm--without a lot of rhetoric--just visible protest in unity against the killing of innocents. we're trying to raise questions in the minds of people in our community and we can use all the people we can get. everyone is welcome. We walk from the NORTH BERKELEY BART STATION up University Ave and through downtown Berkeley to the MLK Civic Center Park. We have a steady supply of signs and candles but more are certainly welcome. Anyone interested in helping or pregnant with questions, please email us at vigil4peace@yahoo.com \_ Do you people just protest for the sake of protesting? \_ I hope you get hit by a bus. \_ A mean bus. A mean, ANGRY bus! \_ I think this is a good thing. Walking is good for you and this sort of grass roots campaign keeps you visible where the rest of us can easily keep watch. I admire your power. \_ the great thing about not signing your posts is that you can not sign your own responses to them. -tom \_ What? I see a post, a followup, and you. What are you talking about unsigned responses to responses for? Are you feeling ok today tom? Maybe you could explain for those of us with lesser intellectual capacity than yourself. \_ it's called trolling. -mice \_ whats trolling? tom or the 99% of unsigned posts? is it ok when tom deletes or changes other people's posts without signing? |
2001/12/19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:23302 Activity:high |
12/19 It's official. There are no Palestinian civilians anymore. They're all military including the children. From the horse's mouth: http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/breaking_6.html \_ Is that a hoax? \_ Not that I know of. Why should it surprise you that Arafat says one thing in English for his American audience and a completely different thing to his people on local media? It is exactly what it says it is as far as I know. \_ I see. I was just surprised that I didn't see it in Reuters or other American media. \_ Not to be Mr. Conspiracy Theorist, but maybe now is a good time to seriously consider all those charges of media bias, eh? \_ are you sure? does the world tribune tap into some secret news source no one else knows about? the other articles on this site are pretty goofy \_ goofy? The other headline stories right now are: -Pro-China Japanese diplomat reported to have spy mistress -Rice offers Israel expanded missiles defense cooperation -Vulnerability of Russian airspace worries U.S. -Israel charges EU aid going directly to Arafat -Iran's Rafsanjani suggest nuclear attack on Israel What's goofy? Spy mistresses are an old story going back to the beginning of time and the other 4 look legit given current world events. It's all pretty standard stuff. |
2001/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:23303 Activity:high |
12/19 Does anyone know of any exceptionally good tattoo artists in the SF/BA? I've seen a number of references to Joe Leonard in Santa Rosa (Monkey Wrench)...any others? tia! -mice \_ Find a good plastic surgeon who can remove them with minimal permanent damage for later on when you want to join the rest of society. \_ Unless the tattoo says "Special Forces". \_ heh I wish. I'm looking for a good artist to add to work I've already got. -mice \_ I've never gotten a tattoo from this guy or know anybody who has, but his artwork is pretty cool... and his tattoos look pretty cool too: http://artcrimes.org/giant/home.html \_ wow! thanks for the follow-up! I also found this guy after poking around on google -- the dragons especially kick ass: http://www.tattooinfinity.com -mice |
2001/12/19 [Reference/Religion, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:23304 Activity:nil |
12/19 From now on, all posts critical of the Israeli government will be immediately eviscerated from the motd. -- soda mossad \_ You're a meanie \_ And anything from the libertarians too because if a libertarian says something we shouldn't even hear about it. We all know they're insane so we can dismiss everything they say without thought or intellectual effort. Oh wait, no, this is Berkeley. No one at Berkeley would do that! We have the highest standards! \_ Not anymore. The quality of thaistix this year really sucks. \_ this article is about Muslim Bedouins in the Israeli army: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/19/international/middleeast/19MIDE.html -danh \_ The palestinians are stupid- they could have had land as mandated at the end of WW II. Instead they were duped, and continue to be duped, by their leaders, by their 'Arab' brethren, and their hate for Jews, to perpetually fight to push all Jews into the sea. Jews have been there since time eternal, and they have a right to be in Jerusalem. All this trite demagoguery does nothing to obscure the facts. \_ it looked like the plan offered to arafat by barak and the US would have split the palestinians into 4 different pieces of land, with israeli controlled roads between them. true? \_ I've read that somewhere. I haven't read an original source, only interpretations of the agreement from people with an axe to grind. \_ There is some truth to that. Some have interpreted recent statements by Powell, Bush and Blair of a "viable Palestinian State" as meaning that this division would not exist in peace settlement/proposal. As to Barak's offer, it was indeed the best and most generous offer given to the Palestinians by the Israeli side. Unfortunately, as "good" as it was it didn't meet the minimum "requirements" of the Palestinians by not dealing with certain "HOT" topics. |
2001/12/19-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Misc] UID:23305 Activity:nil |
12/19 On HPUX are the init scripts stored in /etc/init.d and /etc/rc.*? If not, where are they stored? tia. \_ /sbin/init.d if I remember properly. That was 10.10. --jsjacob \_ try /sbin/rc*.d and /sbin/init.d It also depends on which HP-UX you're running --dwc \_ I'm interested in 10.0 and newer, but this info helps a lot. thanks. |
2001/12/19-20 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:23306 Activity:low |
12/19 http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/2001/12/20/FFXPK6KZDVC.html Mmmm! That new car smell! It's only cancer.... \_ One reason to buy used cars. |
2001/12/19-20 [Consumer/Camera] UID:23307 Activity:insanely high |
12/19 Looking for recommendations on digital cameras. Budget ~$5000. I like SLR's, and anything that would fit on the back of my Cannon AE-1 would be fine. Preferably it could take a microdrive. -chialea \_ spending $5000 on a camera is akind to giving weight-control pet food to your pets. This country is just absurdly rich. want to just buy a digital film back? I've never heard of those for 35mm SLRs. That's probably the lifetime salary of a peasant in East Timor. \_ You can't get a half-decent digital SLR for much cheaper... \_ You can't get a half-decent digital SLR for <$3000. \_ Shut up. <DEAD>www.photo.net/photo/digital/choosing#between<DEAD> \_ Yes and the east timor peasant provides how much back to the world in skills and work effort? This country is absurdly rich because we built a better country with a better government with real laws and a real economy. This is something most of the rest of the world's corrupt governments refuse to do. Once shitty third world pits separate church and state, and put in real laws and enforce them so things like contract law have value and meaning, they can have a real economy and you can stop whining about some peasants because that peasant will be out producing your hippie ass. \_ Rich kid! \_ Graduation present. \_ Point proven. \_ What point? Yes. It's true. Some people have more money than others. What's your point? \_ What do you mean by "fit on the back of my Canon AE-1"? Do you want to just buy a digital film back instead of a whole camera? I've never heard of those for 35mm SLRs. -- yuen \_ I hadn't either, but if that was the best option, and it did exist, didn't want to rule it out. \_ If you already have a decent SLR, look at SiliconFilm. http://www.imagek.com Supports certain Nikon's and Canon's. Don't know how well it works, but it kicks ass in theory. Try Greenspun's <DEAD>www.photo.net<DEAD> for camera reviews. \_ $649 for 1280x1024 resolution? At that price, it definitely falls into the "cool in theory" category. For the same money, I'd either purchase a digital point-and-shoot to go alonside the old AE-1, and/or a film scanner . . . -- kahogan \_ (This got deleted earlier) The digital backs for 35mm film cameras are worthless. The Canon D30 is probably the most well-respected digital SLR. But you should go to one of the dozens of review sites, like http://dpreview.com. -tom \_ http://www.usa.canon.com/EOS-1D is an obvious choice if you want to use Canon lenses. Note that focusing distance increases by 1.3x, so 38mm becomes the normal lens (because the chip is smaller than 35mm film). Or, for just $19k more, get http://www.foveon.net/prod_new_specs.html -- misha. \_ You meant the perceived focal length increases. \_ I stand duly corrected. -- misha. \_ "Power supplied through IEEE1394 cable - no separate power cable" Is this puppy tethered? |
2001/12/19-20 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Security] UID:23308 Activity:low |
12/19 Anyone ever tried ATT Broadband phone service? They have a good deal right now but I don't want to cancel PacBel, then find that quality sucks or something, and have to pay a re-instatement fee with PacBell. \_ I've got AT&T Digital Phone Service. It is excelllent. A couple interesting things though: 1) they install a small, shoebox sized battery somewhere in your house. It keeps the phone working in a power failure. 2) The installation USED to be done by a crappy subcontractor company. (inept) But the AT&T service employees that have since come out for misc. things have been VERY skilled and helpfull. Phone, Internet, CableTV all come in through a Single Coax cable. You can keep your phone number, which means getting worth from paying PacBells "Number Portability Charge" all those years. \_ thanks for the info... I was about to sign my post as "chialea" to try and solicit some responses. |
2001/12/19 [Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:23309 Activity:nil |
12/19 http://www.y2khai.com damn ph00ny! |
2001/12/19-20 [Computer/Networking] UID:23310 Activity:nil |
12/19 cisco kid, you got your greencard yet? |
2001/12/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:23311 Activity:nil |
12/19 From now on, all political drivel will be immediately eviscerated from the motd. \_ It isn't your motd. You're only going to start mass motd deletions which make is useless for everyone. If you don't like a thread, don't read it. If you don't like the motd, don't read it. You're in no position to decide what topics are appropriate for the motd. When you ride out of Heaven on a glowing silvery cloud and land in my living room you can tell me what motd topics are allowable. Until then I suggest you rethink your personal little censorship policy. Remember, anyone can delete anything here which includes whatever your favorite topic threads are. \_ Right - you live in a vacuum where your life consists to whacking off over fantasy games and extolling the virtues of Linux. And people wonder why CS is replete with irretreviably pathetic dweebs. |
2001/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:23312 Activity:kinda low |
12/19 If you saw it, did you like it? \_ Marketing & Sales are there now. I'm in the colo freezing my ass off for no particular reason. \_ 3 hours. shit, forget about drinking coffee right before. \_ after i saw it, all the white kids pranced about and started beating up on the non-white kids claiming it was justified, since the dark ones came from mordor. |
3/15 |