2001/12/18-2002/1/21 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:23283 Activity:nil 51%like:23288 |
12/17 to those getting this message in pine: [Note: some of your config options conflict with site policy and are ignored] remove this line in your .pinerc: disable-these-drivers=mbox it is already in the global pine config file. -jon |
2001/12/18 [Health/Sleeping] UID:23284 Activity:very high |
12/17 Why is too soft of a mattress bad for the back? My mattress is soft and it bents downward when I sleep on it, and sometimes my back hurts when I wake up. I don't understand why it'd make my back hurt since my back muscles are all relaxed when I'm sleeping anyway. \_ soft mattresses are bad because your back is not straight when you sleep on them. I'd definitely recommend futons or tatamis over any mattress. You can get futons everywhere. I've only found one place that sells tatamis. There's a store in Cupertino called Murakaki or something like that. They carry tatamis or various sizes that can be put onto a regular bed frame. I have the king sized tatami bed. It's great. In the winter I have a futon over the tatami. In the summer I just sleep on the tatami. \_ Please sign your post. I've a few questions for you. --ulysses \_ But doesn't sleeping on a tatami hurt too? For an average person without a very big waist, the butt sticks out more than the lower back. So sleeping on a tatami either leaves the lower back up in the air and puts all the pressure on the butt, or forces the lower back to bent in the U shape so as to rest on the tatami. Isn't that so? Thx. \_ millions of people in East Asia sleeps on tatamis everyday. I doubt they're all hurting. If it's too hard for you, just put a thin futon (or any old blanket) over it. \_ you expect an answer from *CS*UA? \_ it seems reasonable to me that the poster might expect an answer on the subject... especially given all the blather a few days ago about breathing with diaphragms vs. inter- costals. c'mon pre-med's... where you at? \_ on second thought, they're probably all sleeping in main stacks or something before their o-chem finals... give it a couple days. \_ http://www.ask.com \_ They're not all relaxed when you're sleeping, that's the thing. They're kinda stretched, since you're kind of in a U shape. Think of how you're hanging if your head and feet were tied to ropes on the ceiling. Your back is in kind of the same configured, but less extreme obviously. \_ Kinky. What's your URL? Trade pics? |
2001/12/18 [Computer/SW/Database, Politics/Domestic] UID:23285 Activity:high |
12/17 http://www.smh.com.au/breaking/2001/12/14/FFX058CU6VC.html This is for you "I love the UN" types. What comes after this? Do we tatoo a number on your arm at birth? Oh wait, the arm-tatoo thing was already done by a different European empire.... \_ It was never about "I love the UN" and all about "I hate the UN". Nowhere in the UN charter does it say we should have universal identification. This URL talks about one member state proposing something equivalent to what Sun Microsystem's CEO proposed Don't you mean Oracle? _/ for America, but on a much larger scale (which, I might add, is supported by many Republican law makers). \_ No where in the UN charter does it say a zillion other things voted in by the General Assembly or the Security Council. WTF does the UN Charter have to do with anything? That's a lame red herring point. Republican law makers and the *ORACLE* CEO also have nothing to do with this. It is evil. The very concept of recording and databasing people at birth is wicked beyond belief. This doesn't bother you at all? \_ Don't you mean Oracle? \_ Don't let facts get in the way on the motd. Rule #1. \_ What's wrong with the UN? This seems impractical and probably ineffective, though . \_ Not to mention the mind control lasers and Bangladeshi secretly impregnating our women with their Black Helicopters... \_ You meant Bang-lades-hi? \_ The part that bugs me most is not the bit about stamping everyone at birth. It's the attitude of "to control something you must measure it or register it in the case of people". After reading shit like this you get all warm fuzzy about the UN? That it would even get seriously proposed at the UN? What's *not* to hate about an organisation formed from people like this? |
2001/12/18 [Recreation/Dating] UID:23286 Activity:very high |
12/17 Vanilla Sky is mindblowing. \_ As in mindblowingly bad? The Salon reviews begins thusly, "There are so many transvestites in "Vanilla Sky" that it's almost impossible to list them in the order of their infamy." Explain yourself. \_ any good t&a shots in vanilla sky? \_ With that skanky chick he's dating now? ew! \_ are you gay? just asking. \_ No. I have taste in women. She looks like a skanky crack whore off some corner in Oakland. The woman has no breasts, no figure, no hips. She's barely female. I'm guessing she shaves the mustache every second day. What exactly do you find attractive about a woman with the figure of a 14 year old boy? Are you gay? Just asking. \_ this is one of those movies that you either love or hate. \_ The people I know who worked on it don't like it. What they *do* like is "A Beautiful Mind". --dim \_ A mind is a terrible thing to waste. |
2001/12/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Industry/Jobs] UID:23287 Activity:insanely high |
12/17 Where can I get a poster of Cal pictures (e.g. poster of Sather gate or tower, Soda Hall, etc etc?) -Cal sick alumni with a windowless cubicle who hates working in the industry \_ http://www.OCF.Berkeley.EDU/~oso/calpics/sather.jpg \_ Isn't that from some Playboy College Interview or something? \_ are you familiar with the capabilites of the Google toolbar's "Up" button? \_ Did I mention Brooke was my girlfriend until I dumped her? \_ It's strange that http://images.google.com doesn't find any pics for her when searching for "Brooke Williams". \_ it's brooke BERRY now \_ get off my dick. \_ Berry is her real last name. Williams was an alias. \_ Nice tits! From your experience are those real? \_ Oh yeah! They're real! The doctor said they were as good as the real thing! Try the pencil test. \_ No, sorry. \_ Reprint Mint on Telegraph should have some of the Ansel Adams images. -tom \_ Ansel Adams has images of UCB? \_ Yes, he did a whole series of Berkeley shots. -tom \_ http://photo.ucr.edu/photographers/adams -lcddave \_ any color print? I'm a color kinda person. \_ why don't you go there and look. Sheeze. -tom \_ I too thought Ansel Adams only took B&W pics, but at the "Anzel Adams at 100" exhibition in SF I actually saw a few color postcards. -- yuen \_ he did some color prints, but he wasn't happy with the quality available at the time. He also basically invented a developing system for black and white prints, and his developing skills wouldn't really carry over. -tom \_ wow, that's like us, developing awsome UNIX skills that are so esoteric that they will not be carried over to the next few decades \_ Yeah, except for the awesome part. -oj \_ People still create great pictures in black and white. -tom |
2001/12/18 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:23288 Activity:nil 51%like:23283 |
12/17 [Note: some of your config options conflict with site policy and are ignored] This message has been appearing when pine first comes up lately. \_ look up above at motd.official -jon \_ Thanks. Sorry I missed it before. \_ the motd archive says he posted after you did |
2001/12/18-19 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:23289 Activity:high |
12/17 Has anybody gotten java+konqueror to work on freebsd? Any hints? I really just want to play some applet games. \_ IE 6.0 on W2k. Unix for servers. Windows for surfing and games. What's so wrong with that? Why are you busting your head open trying to force a great server OS to be a shitty desktop OS? \_ Haven't played with Konqueror, but am getting close to it, since I'm finding Mozilla under WindowMaker just too fucking instable for any sort of use. -John \_ Have you gotten java to work with Mozilla? \_ I can't even get the 1.1.8 port to work (independently even... kinda crappy). |
2001/12/18 [Industry/Jobs] UID:23290 Activity:nil |
12/16 Dear Economics Department Chair, Placement Officer, and/or Placement Assistant: Please pardon the impersonal nature of this cry for help. As you may know, the Federal Communications Commission is experiencing major mail delivery problems as we deal with the possibility of contaminated mail. We have received very little mail since early October. This has made it difficult for interested job candidates, either graduate students or faculty in transition, to respond to our advertisement in Job Openings for Economists. I am therefore writing to request that you disseminate to any interested parties the attached "broadside" explaining our situation and providing email and fax contacts to be used by anyone interested in submitting information to us. I know that interview schedules in Atlanta are filling up rapidly, so I hope that you or someone in your department can post this information soon. Thanks in advance for your help and best wishes for a happy holiday season. Sincerely, Jonathan D. Levy Deputy Chief Economist FCC The Federal Communications Commission will have several positions for Ph.D. level economists (GS-12 to GS-15) beginning in 2002. We seek candidates with expertise in a field of applied microeconomics such as industrial organization and candidates with expertise in statistics or applied econometrics. Experience in telecommunications and/or regulatory policy is a plus, but not a necessity. These positions will primarily involve the domestic and international telecommunications industry, the broadcast, and cable industries, and the development of policy recommendations for the FCC. The current salary range for a GS-12 to GS-15 is $53,156 to $114,224. The beginning salary will be based on background and research accomplishments. Interested individuals should submit a vita, 3 references or letters of recommendation, and a writing sample to Director of Recruiting, Office of Plans and Policy, 445 12th St. SW, Washington, DC 20554. Any of this material available in electronic form should also be sent to jlevy@fcc.gov. Other material, including letters of recommendation, may be faxed to (202) 418-2807. The FCC budget has been approved by Congress and signed by the President, but the total number of positions available has not yet been determined. We plan to interview at the Allied Social Science Meetings. U.S. citizenship required. The FCC is an equal opportunity employer \_ another reason to go to grad school even if it's not in CS. \_ Hardly. Non-CompSci BA. $120k. GS15 = 114k with PhD and all that other crap? And I get to play with millions of dollars of cool toys in between surfing marathons and I'm not a government employee. That last part is the most important. |
2001/12/18 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:23291 Activity:very high |
12/17 more left wing propaganda! http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20011224&c=1&s=friedman - danh \_ This is a lie. It's all a lie. It says he was the 7th generation of his family in Jerusalem and he was born in 1926 but we know there weren't any jews there until around 1947 when the UN and Britain said it was ok to kick out the Palestinians from their ancient homeland. This is all right wing trash raising up a butcher and a racist like some sort of holy man. I'm shocked you would post this danh. I thought you were a good person. \_ right-wing israeli ~ left-wing american \_ whatever. its right wing trash. \_ actually I was being sarcastic. I don't think it's left wing or right wing, but the article is pretty sympathetic to the palestinians. this is another in article in a long series of recent articles about how miserable the living conditions for the palestinians are, and no one, israeli or palestinian, thinks a good solution will happen anytime soon. i also thought the "7th generation israeli" part didn't make \_ whatever. its right wing trash. any sense. - danh \_ You discredit yourself when you say stupid stuff like that. Jews were living in Palestine for many years before the creation of Isreal so it is entirely possible. It says he is a 7th generation Jerusalemite, not Isrealite. \_ Bullshit. There weren't more than a thousand or so jews here and there wandering around doing nothing important. This is ancient Palestinian land. Always has been. Always will be. Who said jews ever were there before 1947 anyway? Some old jewish stories and some scraps of paper in a cave? *Read* this thing. It makes it quite clear who the good and the bad people are in the area. Let me spell it out for you. Palestinian = good. Jew = bad. 7th generation my ass. \_ Oh right, and I suppose the Romans conquered I dunno, maybe five or so Jews to take Jerusalem. Mohammad never even visited present day Isreal. \_ You are obviously saying the opposite of what you believe, in order to discredit the article. Anyway, we have to remember that the biological difference btw middle eastern Jews and Palestinians is almost nil, the latter having converted to Islam centuries ago. Their mortal struggle is a brutal family quarrel. \_ Both are sons of Abraham, except muslims are descendants of a handmaid. |
2001/12/18-19 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:23292 Activity:moderate |
12/17 What happened to http://www.japanvcd.com Thx. (Just when I wanted to buy my first VCD it went down.) \_ it's all about http://www.asianvids.com \_ http://www.vcd1.com \_ Is this and http://www.asianvids.com trustworthy? \_ Yes, but be forewarned: http://asianvids.com gives you CD-Rs, not the originals, hence why their prices are so low. |
2001/12/18-19 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/TV] UID:23293 Activity:moderate |
12/17 Where's the cheapest place around to get a Sony Wega? \_ From someone else's house. \_ Good Guys has the 27" KV-27FS13 Wega for $550. Free shipping. The 27" w/ PiP (KV-27FV17) is $749. Cambridge Soundworks has the FV17 for $675 right now. It was $650 but it went up on the 2nd. -sky \_ sky is back? \_ Are Wega's really all that? \_ the cheap Wegas are so-so, but XBR Wegas are all that. \_ Shut up. thanks. \_ Yes. I have XBR Wega and I must say it is by far the best TV for under $7K. \_ yes. \_ From Sony employee purchase. (seriously). Otherwise, find an on-line dealer and go to http://www.goodguys.com for a price- match with no sales-tax and free delivery. \_ i thought the good guys didn't match online prices. That was true 18 months ago when i tried to buy a receiver there. has \_ not goodguys the brick store. http://goodguys.com the online branch does price-matching. \_ I bought a 36" Wega at Circuit City for around $1200 (including 3 year instant exchange and tax). I bought the previous years model rather than the current model, which saved me about $300. --ranga that policy changed? \_ I purchased a 36" wega from Circuit City for ~ $1200 (including 3 year instant exchange and tax). I saved abut $300 by buying the previous model rather than the current one. --ranga |
2001/12/18-19 [Computer/Networking] UID:23294 Activity:moderate |
12/18 How does a unix box decide when to send traffic to the default route? ARP or network address? \_ network address \_ So what is ARP used for these days? \_ ARP maps IP to MAC. Without the ARP table, you can't send ethernet frames to your router, etc. \_ So you really dont need to keep track of ARP broadcasts from other people on your subnet, since the switch and router figure out where everythign should go? \_ If you have a switch, but you can't assume that you are connected to a switch, since you could be connected to a hub and there is no easy way to determine that in software. \_ Huh? Default route is gateway of last resort; if a machine can't find a more specific route via another IP (i.e. a multihomed box, or a computer on a segment with several gateways) it sends traffic to the default gateway. If it's on an ethernet segment, traffic gets to that default router via ARP, otherwise via whatever other layer2 protocol is used. Two different things. -John \_ UH, default route points to an IP address, ARP is what the system uses to find out what ethernet MAC address is associated with that IP address. \_ I think he means does the unix box send out an arp request for an IP address which it knows is outside the local network (because of the subnet mask), or does it just send the packet to the default route. I don't know, but snoop the network and you'll find out. \_ the kernel tries to send out a packet, wants to send it to the default route, and if there's no arp entry for the gateway router's ip address, either holds onto the packet until it gets an arp entry, or dumps it. If the gateway IP isn't on one of the connected networks, what happens then is system dependent (some systems wont let you set a default route to an ip address it has no route for). \_ if the gateway IP is not a directed connected network (or a network which the host has a static route to it). it's a configuration error. \_ well some (broken) systems *will* let you configure a default router ip address that has no routes to it. not exactly an 'error' in the frame of its configuration, but still something that shouldn't work. |
2001/12/18-19 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:23295 Activity:very high |
12/18 is 68% (770 score) good, bad, or ugly for a CS subj GRE score? - wants to know if she should take it again. \_ Bad. \_ Forget your score. They look at percentile. 32% are better than you are. Is that good enough for you? It isn't good enough to get into a top school if that's what you want. Maybe if your dad bought someone a building. \_ what tier school will that get me in? \_ Is the score out of 800? \_ no. I don't know what it's out of, but I got >800. it's also < 900, according to the papers the GRE people send you. \_ what tier school do you think will take me? \_ I think you can get into a 2nd tier school; they'll take anyone. \_ No. Correction. They'll take anyone who can pay. \_ You are confusing 2nd tier with 3rd tier. \_ You think 2nd tier has standards?? \_ wait a minute... you're saying that you scored 770/800 and that is 68th percentile?? That is incredible. \_ 770/990. \_ wait a minute, I took it in 1998 and got a 700/990, but my percentile was 75% (I got discouraged and didn't apply to any school). How come you have a 770 with a lower percentile? \_ Obviously people who took it in 98 were a lot dumber, such as yourself. \_ I took it with twohey, chialea, brg, ilyas... 'nuff said. \_ uhh. like this is really going to affect your percentile. \_ has it been so long since you've taken a CS theory class that you don't remember what "..." means? \_ ok... what exactly is your point? - !jwang \_ my point, jwang, is that the rest of the people who took that test were at least of their caliber since i saw basically the rest of HKN and other random smart people there too. \_ And no HKN people took the test in 98?? 98 was set aside for dummy testing? \_ I think at this point we can safely conclude that the poster belonged in the lower 68%-ile. \_ Really? You sure? Doesn't HKN showing up in 2001 and not 1998 make it different somehow? \_ help me understand this better. Is "percentile" relative to everyone else who took the test on the same day, or relative to past X year's average? \_ Percentile is relative to everyone else who took the same test. Presumably, ETS (or whoever it is tha administers the GRE) does not use the same test more than once, and, if that's the case, then it's relative to everyone who took the test on the same day. -dans |
2001/12/18-19 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:23296 Activity:high |
12/18 I just got a BSOD in my NT and it said it's dumping physical memory. Where can I find the file so that I can delete it after I reboot? Thx. \_ look online! |
1/11 |