2001/12/11-12 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:23206 Activity:high |
12/7 Chialea, what are you gonna put on the GRE Subject entry? Are you just gonna leave it blank? I took the subject on Nov but wouldn't find out my score till 12/26, by then most of the applications are already due! \_ I put my score... I took it in april. it sucked, but I'm not likely to do much better, given the tiny problem that I haven't taken most of the classes it's based on. -chialea \_ what classes didn't you take that would've helped? \_ 150,152,162,184,186. I got theory, I got music. -chialea \_ Who could ask for anything more? \_ How about rhythm, dumbass? \_ luckily I have that too, I'm not twohey. -chialea \_ Here's a nickel, go buy yourself a sense of humor. \_ "I got my [gal|guy]. Who could ask for anything more?" \_ eh? you got music? \_ indeed. -chialea \_ since when did CS GRE care about music theory? \_ they don't. pity. -chialea \_ you don't really need 184 (only 1-2 questions on linear algebra/matrices). But the other ones are kind of important. \_ yes. yes they are. hopefully the grad schools understand that specialists do good research :P (I've been so told) -chialea \_ will you have my babies? \_ Humans aren't interfertile with the likes of you. \_ heaven forbid you mail her instead of professing your love for her on the motd. \_ I don't want her to find out who I am. I'm that no name, faceless coward who took a lot of the class upper div classes with her. \_ Er, how sweet. Yeek. \_ A Geek Stalker. How novel... or maybe not. |
2001/12/11-12 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:23207 Activity:high |
12/07 Here's some benchmarks for same video/different CPUs: http://www.tech-report.com/reviews/2001q4/vidcards/index.x?pg=11 \_ in another word, the quality is so fuckin good nowadays that the nekked eyes can't really tell the difference between a $100 and a $300 card/CPU unless you use benchmarks. Cool. \_ Cool. I just bought a $100 card. \_ for raw polygon, probably not much. But then there is anti-alias, motion-compensation, hypertexture and other which would bog down a GeForce3. The real question is where are the games which use these features? \_ Nothing out right now that I know of. |
2001/12/11-12 [Computer/Networking] UID:23208 Activity:moderate |
12/07 I'm a big lazy wimp who has been spoiled by the nice easy GUI that comes with Firewall one. Anyone know a nice easy gui frontend for managing netfilter/ipfw rules? \_ vi \_http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat \ =10&discrim=151 As a general tip, especially with things like ipfilter's keepstate & similar functions under ipchains/ipfw/netfilter/whatever, text-based firewall rules tend to be far friendlier to administer in the long run; GUI firewalls lose you a lot of overview and quick editing functionality, especially if you're dealing with large numbers of rules. -John |
2001/12/11-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:23209 Activity:high |
12/10 If I use Sun's implementation of JMS (download from http://java.sun.com) does that mean I gotta use the db that comes with it (cloudscape) for persistent system message storage? is there a lighter weight solution I can download from? \_ CloudScape _is_ a light version. \_ I recommend you take a look at SwiftMQ if you are looking for a low cost JMS solution. It is a commercial, yet free, implementation of JMS. It's rock solid(v2.1.3) and the mailing list is quite good. It doesn't implement the optional parts of the 1.0.2 spec however. -payam \_ What is JMS actually used for and who uses it? Also, is OpenJMS any good? \_ stored TCP/IP stuff is useful \_ what does this mean? |
2001/12/11-12 [Industry/Jobs] UID:23210 Activity:low |
12/10 I found the following book pretty useful. If you're a laid off dotcomer or who is no longer passionate about technology, buy this book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1580082424/qid=1008053251/sr=2-2/ref=sr_2_11_2/104-1528290-4681515 \_ dotcommer: noun, pl dotcommers; the marketing chick who made 4 times what she'd make in the real world. Dotcommers != techies with skills. You'll never see a "dotcommer profile" in the papers with a code monkey, or any sort of IT people. The one they did profile a year or so ago turned out to be a fake. I do wonder what becomes of all the ex-execs. One company I was at was run into the ground by the 27-29 year old founders. Had Stanfurd degrees and Softbank money for a year. What does someone like that do after they kill an otherwise perfectly good little startup? |
2001/12/11 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Religion] UID:23211 Activity:insanely high |
12/10 What is the big deal with John Walker? \_ When you grow up in America and are taught/shown/experience why secular govt, freedom of religion, (classical) liberalism, and capitalism (i.e. "consumerism") are actually good things, someone who attends terrorist camps and shoots at Americans is fucking annoying and a traitor to the blessings he was born with. \_ You've made my point, from the opposing point of view, better than I could have myself. \_ You're too smart for me. Could you say that again using common simple grammatical structure a 5th grader could understand? \_ Plus he's white. \_ yes, that's why it's being made into a big deal. \_ If he was anything but Arab it would have been a big deal. How much bigger a deal would it have been if his ancestors were from, oh... say... Japan? Get over the hate-whitey thing. \_ Actually, if he were an American of Arab descent, i think it would be an even bigger deal. \_ I disagree. It's the photos of a pale disheveled white guy that made the news. If it was an american of arab descent, we would just call him an muslim who happened to speak english and spent time in the states. |
2001/12/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Recreation/Food] UID:23212 Activity:high |
12/10 Check out starting salaries, job descriptions, and organizations for various majors (yes there are "food servers" in the humanities majors). http://career.berkeley.edu/CareerExp/Major.stm \_ looks like IB and english majors are suffering \_ I like the "Self Employed" guy who named himself "Vice President of Marketing and Sales". \_ So EECS and CS are still the highest. \_ This surprises you? \_ Go ask a salesperson at any reasonably succesful company in the valley how much he makes(base + commish). Chances are it'll be at least 2x what an EECS major from Cal at the same company makes. I didn't think this was true until I had to find one for my company. \_ Go ask the rest of the salespeople who haven't been at it for 15+ years and don't have a million contacts and don't get sent to the best contracts, etc. Yes, a sales jerk *can* and often do make more than the typical EECS geek, but the *average* sales jerk is eating cat food in his cold flat on the bad side of town. The marketing chick is still overpaid. Average EECS $$$ >> Average Sales Jerk $$$. \_ cat food? \_ Yes. What are you questioning about it? |
2001/12/11-12 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Security] UID:23214 Activity:very high |
12/11 http://www.google.com/googlegroups/archive_announce_20.html \_ http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=3lje5o%24n7h%40agate.berkeley.edu \_ Does "Usenet newsgroups" mean all the newsgroups I can see when I run trn? Are there newsgroups that are not Usenet newsgroups? Confused. \_ It means Usenet groups before the big re-org. talk.* and net.* stuff. It doesn't have my 1985 posts, but it does have some 1986 stuff I wrote... It scares me. \_ Say, what newsgroup did the Ahm/Blojo incident happen in? \_ ucb.erotica.sensual, but I can't find the exact original posting, just aftermath signs such as: http://groups.google.com/groups?start=100&hl=en&group=ucb.erotica.sensual&selm=4a1t98%24nk0%40agate.berkeley.edu http://groups.google.com/groups?start=100&hl=en&group=ucb.erotica.sensual&selm=frrawx7xfx.fsf%40sigma.veritas.com Anyone have the original ahm/blojo postings archived? -alexf \_ http://groups.google.com/groups?q=+%22tawei+liao%22&hl=en&scoring=d&rnum=8&selm=58t1r7%241ev%40agate.berkeley.edu \_ is this for real? real or not, did it work? \_ http://www.ereview.com/archive/tawei Status: single Must not have worked... \_ Hmm...what happened to Tawei? He was quite a character. \_ http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=3ljdjg%24mu6%40agate.berkeley.edu http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=31jp6o%24oc2%40agate.berkeley.edu http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=2ron5j%244iu%40agate.berkeley.edu |
2001/12/11-12 [Computer/Networking, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:23215 Activity:high |
12/11 Alpha Chi Sigma has rooms available for the spring semester. The house is on northside, 3 blocks from soda hall and has an ethernet behind a DSL router. email Edward Pizzini <pizzini@jps.net> for more information \_ Ran out of people to haze this year? \_ c'mon, be fair... they probably just ran out of goats to have people with. [I think this is funny and will keep haze people with. [I think this is funny and will keep restoring it everytime you delete it. hoser.] \_ motd was restored. old motd. Also, don't you know ACS is a professional Chemistry fraternity? There is a picture of some membership on the latest College of Chemistry alumni mag. \_ professional, eh? Well I say, where there's hazing there's goats. \_ Yes, we stopped playing "Guess The Acid Taste Test" after someone drank a whole cylinder of fuming nitric like a shot. |
2001/12/11-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23216 Activity:moderate |
12/11 is there a way to 'uname' from a distance? ie is there some way to 'uname' a machine that i'm not logged into? \_ Try "nslookup -query=hinfo hostname", but I think only some machines conform to this. --- yuen \_ some sites give out incorrect info to confound '1337 H4X0R5! so don't trust hinfo records. Alternatives include snmpwalk (get sysobjectid), rsh/ssh, or HEAD / HTTP/1.0 and grok the output. \_ That doesn't give uname info, does it? The output I'm getting is very similar to that of 'dig'. \_ I believe you want a tool like nmap \_ nmap isn't very accurate, it reports MacOS 9.x as HPUX 11.x and FreeBSD 5.0 as Darwin. |
2001/12/11-13 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:23217 Activity:high |
12/11 Does your pine inbox get wipe out? What happened to my read messages in my inbox? \_ do you have a file named "mbox" in your directory? \_ yes, I assume this is where my inbox messages are stored? But what happened with Pine? It just suddenly not read from mbox? The messages were shown earlier this afternoon. \_ Maybe your previous instance Pine wasn't killed? \_ what happened was, I had a previous instance running while I deleted a message in the second instance. I get the text second message deleted a in I instance the. the text get I "acquiring exclusive lock..." Message deleted successfully. Realizing I have two instances of pine running, I quit from when I startup pine again, the inbox is empty. the second inst and kill the other session. Then later on startup when I pine again, inbox empty is the. \_ mh. stop using a toy mail reader. Weird how 99% of mail problems posted to the motd are pine users. figure it out already! you don't have to use *my* mail reader, just use something else that works... anything else. \_ Pine is not a bad mail client. Its relative simplicity invites novices, that's all. Many people have no problems with it. \_ Yeah but c'mon.... Some one with enough mail and multiple open shells and knows how to stop/start processes, etc should maybe think about moving on to something more robust. I grant that my procmail/mh solution is probably overkill for most people but there are so many others out there. There has to be something out there that doesn't eat inboxes and require constant motd queries. \_ I use procmail+pine. \_ Pine is a terrible mail client, (n)mh + mh-e are *much* better. The only thing that pine seems to do better is attaching files in base64 (mime) encoded format. I haven't been able to get mh-e to do this reliably. If I can figure that out, I can stop using pine all together. \_ mutt |
2001/12/11-12 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:23218 Activity:nil |
12/11 Does anyone know of a UPS that has software for MacOS X. I'm looking for something that will shutdown the computer gracefully when the power goes out. I don't need all the fancy power metrics, etc. |
2001/12/11 [Uncategorized] UID:23219 Activity:nil |
12/11 [ restored - yeah its old, just deal ] |
2001/12/11-12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:23220 Activity:moderate |
12/10 http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-121101noexit.story An article on the psychology of Sharon & Arafat [One of the more interesting and educational discussion on motd restored. Let it stay for a few more days.] No. Let it go. It's done. |
3/15 |