Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:November:29 Thursday <Wednesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2001/11/29 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:23135 Activity:nil
1/28    If you are stopped and question by the police, INS or FBI:
2001/11/29 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:23136 Activity:nil
11/28   What is the Quickest/easiest way to block .vbs and .scr attachments
        using either sendmail OR exchange 2000?
2001/11/29 [Science, Politics] UID:23137 Activity:nil
11/28   We just had a power surge in our company building.  All the PCs
        rebooted while none of the Sparcs/Irixes did, even though they were
        all randomly plugged into various power outlets via surge protectors.
2001/11/29 [Computer/SW/Virus, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:23138 Activity:nil
11/28   I've been getting a lot of "I send you this file in order to have
        your advice" spam email on this account from random email addresses.
        What is it? A worm/virus? What is in the attachment?
        \_ Sircam.  5 seconds of research would have found that.  -tom
2001/11/29 [Uncategorized] UID:23139 Activity:nil
11/28   How come K-12 teachers need to get credentials for teaching while
        college professors don't?
        \_ Dunno but maybe they should.  Ever had Prof Wu for math?
        \_ If they do, we can eliminate all the bad prof.s who are only good
           at research but not at teaching.
2001/11/29 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:23140 Activity:nil
11/28   Has the computer architecture research been so degraded to a point
        that we're more interested in finding out how big the L1/L2 cache
        size should be, instead of finding doing cool things like
        CISC->RISC-> ????
        \_ Has the computer architecture research been so degraded to a point
           that we're more interested in finding doing cool things like if
           instruction set X >> instruction set Y instead of finding out how
           big the L1/L2 cache size should be?
        \_ Well, they still haven't successfully designed a chip to make
           my penis grow bigger. So yeah, it's degraded.
           \_ <DEAD><DEAD>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:November:29 Thursday <Wednesday>