2001/10/30 [Recreation/Activities] UID:22863 Activity:nil |
10/29 Another layoff question: My personal equipment powers a large part of our lab and test setup and several people are using my monitors, keyboards, etc. How should I handle transporting this stuff home without making it look like I'm a potential target? I've taken the important personal stuff home a few at a time in my backpack, but this stuff is too big to "sneek" out. \_ why are you worried? If they can you, you just take your ball and go... \_ Rumor has it that you are escorted out without a chance to take more than your backpack. In the event that they can me, I don't want to let them have my stuff. \_ Yes. but you have the right to come back in on another day to get your personal belongings under supervision. You just have to tell your superior or HR that you need to come back. \_ They cannot just take your equipment. They must purchase it from you, and they can only do that if you choose to sell it to them. Otherwise, they are committing theft, which carries both criminal and civil (i.e. you can sue for damages) penalties. |
2001/10/30 [Reference/Religion] UID:22864 Activity:nil |
10/29 Bible and less than 100 years of historical context aside, isn't Israel technically built on an Arab owned land? \_ fuck israel. \_ Isn't America technically built on Arapaho, Cherokee, et al land? \_ Doesn't it all belong to the Pharaoh? |
2001/10/30 [Uncategorized] UID:22865 Activity:nil |
10/29 Priviledged Children of Millionaires Square Off on World Stage: http://www.theonion.com/onion3738/privileged_children.html |
2001/10/30 [Uncategorized] UID:22866 Activity:nil |
10/29 In order to conserve water, I've started to not flush the toilet when I pee. I only flush when I poop. Aside from the smell, is there anything wrong with that? Thanks. \_ Nope, but have you ever considered getting a low flush toilet? \_ Low flush toilets are annoying. I switched to one, and it seems to clog up more often (too low a water:poop ratio?). I end up having to flush more often to prevent clogging, which in the end wastes more water. |
2001/10/30 [Uncategorized] UID:22867 Activity:nil |
10/29 And I just thought that PKI was too complex: http://www.counterpane.com/pki-risks.html |
2001/10/30 [Uncategorized] UID:22868 Activity:nil |
10/29 yay, banner ads on taxis: http://www.techtv.com/freshgear/story/0,23158,3345052,00.html |
2001/10/30 [Computer/Theory] UID:22869 Activity:high |
10/29 ssh cipher: blowfish or 3des... and why? \_ 3des is more processor intensive. Blowfish is younger, but theoretically superior because of some math that I don't understand. \_ Blowfish. Its faster than 3des and can support a longer key length (448 bits vs 168 bits). There are no known exploitable weaknesses in full Blowfish (Blowfish with reduced rounds is exploitable). \_ The key length difference between two _different_ algorithms is irrelevant unless you have a thorough knowledge of the actual keyspace _AND_ decryption complexity of each, which we don't. -alexf \_ Blowfish. It's faster and as (if not more secure) as far as anyone knows. If you're securing stuff against a hostile gvt, perhaps you should stick with something safer and slower, otherwise don't kid yourself, blowfish is fine. \_ "Make no mistake! We will crack it for surveillance purposes!" \_ muahahahahh! your puny crypto will fall before our mighty quantum computer! ...just give us another few decades. -a physicist \_ wouldn't this lead to an unbreakable cipher as well? or is this only if you have a quantum comp also? \_ Comrade, I am having zee unbreakable cipher. It iz called ze one-time-pad. We have been uzink it for years you unwashed american pig dog. |
2001/10/30-31 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:22870 Activity:nil |
10/29 Re: the earlier question about sftp, is there a reason why sftpd isn't on for csua? Is there a known security issue with it? \_ Oh, that's why it seems to hang when I try to sftp to soda from my Solaris box. |
2001/10/30-31 [Uncategorized] UID:22871 Activity:nil |
10/29 anyone have renter's insurance recommendations for the bay area? thx. \_ State Farm is not cheap, but let you avoid having to deal with situations if you get in an accident. |
2001/10/30-31 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/BayArea] UID:22872 Activity:insanely high |
10/30 I have a lot of pennies, and although they are non-ass, I would like to exchange them for a more socially acceptable form of money. Are there any specific locations with those mythical money changing machines that will accept a huge collection of coins and (while taking a percentage) return useful change? In Berkeley? In the Bay Area? Thanks. \_ I have heard that the wieght of the zinc in a penny is worth more than one penny. i'm not sure if this is true. check the price of zinc, and weigh a penny, and melt them down to be sold as scrap. this is illegal, though. \_ a get rich quick scheme debasing legal tender zinc worth more than cash \_ But isn't there something else other than zinc that gives it the bronze color? How do you get rid of that? \_ http://www.usmint.gov/about_the_mint/index.cfm?action=coin_specifications Copper, of course. \_ The penny continues to be legal tender solely becauswe of the mining lobby. \_ How else do you pay for a 99-cent item without tax? \_ The Safeway on Solano near Santa Fe has a machine; commission is something like 15-20%. --pld \_ If it's a Coinstar machine, it only takes 8.9 cents per dollar. And it's fun to use! \_ link:www.coinstar.com for locations. \_ AC Transit machines count pennies. \_ I'd just keep on using them whenever I go shopping. \_ The Cala Foods at Hyde and California has one. -ausman \_ The parking meters in San Mateo accept them. heh. \_ but do they accept dimes? that's where the fun starts \_ Why not take them to the bank? They'll make you roll them first, but they'll take them. I just exchanged $2.00 in pennies that way. --dim \_ Do they actually check what you put in the roll between the first and the last pennies? \_ My bank did. It's a bank. They do money. They only do money. They've been doing nothing but money for 100+ years since before you were born. What are the odds you're going to pull a fast one and get away with it? |
2001/10/30-31 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:22873 Activity:high |
10/30 After reading the thread on http://ucb.org.csua on the motd, I realized that it's only a bunch of alums or dropouts bitching about it. And of course the officers who run the show. I'm curious, do the new members even care about the motd? I bet the vast (99.9%) don't know anything about the motd and wouldn't give a flying fuck. It's only that 0.1% that are bitching. -alumni \_ alum, alumnus, or alumna \_ Wait, so the alumni don't count, and the politburo doesn't count, and "everyone else" doesn't care...who exactly is the important constituency? -tom \_ yermom, duh. --phillip \_ yersister begs to differ! \_ Well, there haven't been more than 10 or so _active_ members that I've seen in a few years, so saying "just the politburo" is really almost equivalent to "most of the active membership" \_ I'm still a student. (but I've only been to 1 or 2 meetings) - rory \_ alumni don't count. alumni should get lives and not worry about the petty minutia of the csua. students count. \_ I guess I won't be making any donations then. - alum \_ wah wah wah. Making donations to the group as a whole has nothing to do with how the group runs minor daily details like the motd. - also alum who has made donations \_ is you is, or is you ain't, my constichency? \_ So when is a decision/vote going to be made? |
2001/10/30-31 [Health/Men, Consumer/TV] UID:22874 Activity:high |
10/30 Related to the male-rape question yesterday. Has it ever been shown on TV? Which shows? Women get raped by men on TV sometimes, but do they ever show men getting raped by other men? (I'm doing research and not getting off on this BTW). Thanks. \_ i've seen midnight express on tv - danh \_ Yes, I saw American History X on TV. \_ Also 'Oz' on HBO. \_ Deliverance kind of implies it, but they hacked it up to make it acceptable to television, so if you didn't know what was happening you'd just be confused. \_ hacked-up scenes confuse make you squeal like a pig, boy tv can't show ass \_ I think you should change your focus to the more general rubric of "sodomy". \_ Various movies such as the Shawshank Redemption have represented this happening. Law and Order has a couple of shows pertaining to it. Are you including male-male child molestation? |
2001/10/30 [Uncategorized] UID:22875 Activity:high |
10/30 Why were there jets (really fast ones) constantly crossing between the south bay, penninsula, and the east bay last night? \_ I didn't hear anything at my home in north Fremont. What time was it? \_ We are at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia. \_ Canamexicusan forces heroically declared embargo on the dastardly \_ Dude, didn't you study geography? It's Canamexicuban. And if we were attacking them, they'd fly closer to Fresno... \_ as if the combined entity of the US, Canada, and Mexico wouldn't be called "USA"... \_ How about the "USNA" (United States of North America) to tone down our arrogance? \_ Why would the USA want Canada and Mexico anyway? \_ Why does the US want Texas? \_ Better Texas than LA. At least we can get oil from Texas. |
2001/10/30-31 [Uncategorized] UID:22876 Activity:nil |
10/30 How is your job search going? |
2001/10/30-31 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:22877 Activity:nil |
10/30 XBox-- dude!!! or dud? \_ Go play with the demo units in EB or Software Etc (I know the one in Valley Fair has one). So far, I'm unimpressed. Yeah, sure, pretty graphics, but no quantum leap over PS2. and there really isn't any must-own games except for perhaps Halo, which is more than likely coming out for the PC next year. \_ Yeah, no point in buying Halo for X-Box as the Mac/PC version is going to be more detailed and will flesh out the story better. Remember the Marathon! \_ MONKEY BALL! Oh wait that is GameCube --oj |
2001/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:22878 Activity:moderate |
10/30 What's the skinny on JMS vs. RMI vs. CORBA? \_ JMS is a messaging API it's not an orb. Used for different softs of problems usually. \_ RMI is a Java-centric easier method of doing basically the same thing as Java IDL (CORBA). Both RMI and Java IDL are synchronous remote procedure call technology. EJB uses RMI over the CORBA transport layer, IIOP. JMS is for asynchronous messaging, and usually used to make a weakly-coupled link between multiple enterprise systems, especially legacy systems and EAI. -brain \_ http://searchmiddleware.techtarget.com/ateQuestionNResponse/0,289625,sid26_cid397240_tax287612,00.html \_ JMS is all about our last, best hope for messaging services. It failed. |
2001/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:22879 Activity:nil |
10/30 Suppose you don't have a will and you die. Who gets to keep your precious bike, your gold fish, 4 Linux servers, 1 hub, a bunch of expensive text books and a checking account that is barely over 4 digits? Thanks. -starving student \_ It's your spouse if you have one. Otherwise I don't know. \_ BTW I am not married and I don't have a house. I do have an old jalopy \_ looters? \_ that's one name for probate court \_ Write a will and name csua as your beneficiary. \_ only if he has a porn library. \_ Your parents or siblings. Most likely the good stuff will be taken by your roommates. |
2001/10/30-31 [Uncategorized] UID:22880 Activity:insanely high |
10/30 Can step-siblings legally get married in US? \_ If Woody Allen can bang his step-daughter, you're safe. \_ Soon-Yi was his step-adopted-daughter. \_ She's not cute. \_ if you bang that chick uncle sam won't mind too much but she's still your sis \_ what's with all of the haikus on the motd today? \_ And where's the zinc? -geordan |
2001/10/30-31 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:22881 Activity:insanely high 57%like:21883 |
10/30 Motd privacy poll (extracted from newsgroup): \_ Laissez Faire, but Politburo can override anything: ............... \_ Laissez Faire: ....... \_ Logged motd: \_ Logged motd, but names are only politburo accessible: \_ Logged motd, but logged names are encrypted: \_ motd.public and motd.logged (aka i agree with dbushong): ....... \_ if .public is anonymous, then I agree with this (sorry I haven't read the ng). \_ Yes .public is anonymous. \_ Only available H07 42N CH1X can post (their phone #s): . \_ motd.ugrad and motd.alum: \_ You mean motd.alum and an empty file. \_ Only available H07 42N CH1NX can post (their phone #s): . \_ good lord, I hope this is unintentional \_ and URLs to their pix. \_ If the motd is logged, then how is it different than wall or the newsgroup? Logging may help make the content more cs in nature, but it will stifle converstations like the ones about bad employers and layoffs. And it won't stop /cusa/tmp/motd. \_ motd.public is ! logged. motd.logged is logged. cat motd.official motd.logged motd.public > motd. \_ This works for me. ----ranga \_ then add a '.' in the dbushong column. \_ So what is the point of .logged if .public is wide open? Whose going to use .logged? \_ those who prefer a logged motd can decide to only ask questions to and answer questions from the logged motd. people like galen, tom, or whoever else signs their posts might only want to post to a logged forum. \_ the issue is what people see by default when they log in. I don't have a problem with idiotic anonymous trolls, as long as they're in a file like /csua/tmp/morons. -tom \_ So .hushlogin everyone by default and add `cat /etc/motd.official` to the default files. Anyone who wants to can change it to suit them- selves without any policy or other real changes to anything. Why is this such a BFD anyway? It takes two to troll. Stop being such a big trollee and maybe the trolls will go away from lack of satisfaction. You only feed them. I can't believe we're even having this discussion, but oh wait, yes, I can, it's the CSUA. \_ again, how is this different from using the newsgroup or using wall? \_ kchang's happy point system: \_ actually I thought the ability to add polls/questionaire was really awsome. Every single vote was accounted for. \_ I agree with Paul: \_ Can some student w/ extra time on their hands set up a voting system so that we can (un)officially tally the votes on this one? \_ Don't forget to sign your votes. -geordan \_ Log motd and squish anyone seen posting to /csua/tmp/motd or other world writable files: \_ motd.logged and motd.cablemodem (so that cable modem users can access the motd): . \_ a logged motd would get rid of this STUPID ass joke which is not even funny. off as a fool and ignored. in fact, i think the logged motd should be "released" with an addon script that automatically filters posts from users in your .motdignore file. \_ how would it do that --dbushong \_ because anyone who kept this joke going would be written off as a fool and ignored. in fact, i think the logged motd should be "released" with an addon script that automatically filters posts from users in your .motdignore file. \_ As opposed to now... where you take them seriously? I notice you're not signing your posts, oh champion of a logged motd. --dbushong \_ A joke like that would probably be more suited to the motd.public, not motd.logged file. It's possible that anon motd posters post only stupid crap to motd.logged and post relevant comments/questions to motd.public to show that there is no point to logging the motd. In fact, I'm going to be the first to do so. \_ it's the inane, stupid, useless remarks that make the motd interesting. |
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