2001/10/16 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:22747 Activity:high |
10/15 Anyone know if there is some place (possibly on campus, or for students) where I can rent or borrow a projector? (One of those ones that you can plug into a laptop, TV or VCR.) I wanted to watch movies huge on my wall. \_ go to the good guys and return the purchase after you're done. \_ and then people wonder why prices are so high. \_ /. has links to how to build a 100" projection screen from your TV for very cheap. |
2001/10/16 [Uncategorized] UID:22748 Activity:very high |
10/15 What ever happened to the three servicemen that raped a 12-year-old in Okinawa? \_ they were hired by yer mom Iron Monkey reviewp \_ I'm sure you can find it on video. It isn't a new movie. \_ Save yourself from the tower of pain known as the metreon http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/offering-page/ref=sdp_used_d/104-3752098-7396736?index=fixed-price&field-offering-type=used In case there is a draft, are fat lazy out of shape sys admins exempt from it? -sysadm \_ cannon fodder! |_ KP Duty for you! \_ Use them as bunker buster bombs. \_ http://www.google.com/search?q=okinawa+us+servicemen+rape+12 \_ Only 7 years in jail for a systematic rape? What a good deal we got! \_ "we got"? *I* didn't rape anyone. \_ Well, many people take it as a political case between US and Japan. \_ Many people jump off bridges too. I take it as a criminal case where some sickos need some serious jail time and meds for life. \_ Agreed. And I think 7 years is too light. |
2001/10/16 [Reference/Celebration] UID:22749 Activity:low 50%like:22626 |
10/16 Happy Birthday, dans! Are you running for president again? |
2001/10/16 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:22750 Activity:very high |
10/15 Grad students, please list the following tests in the order of difficulty: GRE subject, prelim, comp \_ Depends on the subject. In most science fields, the GRE subject is easy to moderately challenging. Graduate exams usually get harder as time passes. Consider the Berkeley math dept, of which I was both a grad and undergrad. Most students did 90% or better on GRE subject, but 1/3 to 1/2 tended to fail the first year exam. (see the Berkeley Math prelim book) The humanities seem different: many graduate exams seem to be a joke because faculty are lazy. So the GRE subject exams seem harder because they ask factual questions rather than vague interprative questions. Ie, you can be wrong on the GRE but not in English grad school. -fab \_ For UCB/EE, the subject exam was irrelevant. The department exams were harder. --PeterM \_ what does that mean? That the subject is too easy? \_ of all the grad students on CSUA, fab is the ONLY one who posts to motd? Whatever happened to the other nice & helpful grad students who wall and post on motd? \_ Too busy stirring warm water into those noodles? \_ too busy doing real work to pay attention to the motd. props to dpet, nweaver, ali, etc. |
2001/10/16 [Politics] UID:22751 Activity:very high |
10/16 Any jobless newgrad thinking of joining the army to avoid going homeless and hungry? \_ Does joining the military require US citizenship? \_ No, in fact it is a good way to get citizenship. \_ More details please. \_ how about the fbi? \_ Law degree required, isn't it? \_ Don't be an idiot. \_ Moron. I was partly right: http://www.fbi.gov/employment/agent2.htm Next time buy clue before opening your stupid mouth. \_ That URL says that you need a BA. You are an idiot, and even worse, one that does not know when to give up. \_ trollP \_ how about the NSA? \_ Clue and bad attitude requi-- nevermind. They can train you for clue. \_ I thought NSA == clueless people who think they're badass \_ Wow. We've got you disinformed real good. -NSA dude \_ It is my impression that the NSA hires top math people. \_ yeah, and all that expensive high tech toy gave us any useful intelligence against 9/11? \_ Plus the anthrax attacks? \_ no such agency \_ How about the CIA? |
2001/10/16 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:22752 Activity:low |
10/16 Soda's ssh host key appears to have changed in the past month or so. Is there a way to check the current fingerprint? -phr \_ Sure it's not just that newer versions of ssh also tie the host key to the resolved IP address, which just changed? |
2001/10/16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic] UID:22753 Activity:high |
10/16 There's an old saying: A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. Well, a hawk is a liberal who's been targeted for death by al Qaeda. \_ Well no. A liberal that's been targeted for death by a terrorist group is just a dead liberal. \_ A liberal is a conservative who has lost $1M in the bubble. \_ Yeah investing in the market between 96 and 2001 was strictly limited by political affiliation. \_ Yeah, like breaking everyone's political affiliation into one of two groups is any less stupid. |
2001/10/16 [Recreation/Humor] UID:22754 Activity:nil |
10/16 Ginger or Marianne? \_ Mary Ann? Corky Romano or Zoolander? Coke or Pepsi? \- yermom or yersister? \_ Both on the beach next to the Lagoon. \_ Ginger baby, she was _hot_ \_ pics please? \_ Are you fucking serious? Didn't they let you out of the trunk? \_ Forgive my ignorance. I really have no idea. \_ You see, there was this comedy in the '70s and '80s about a deserted island. We nerds make reference to the two nubile characters on the island and compare their desirability. \_ It was a comedy? Dude... was I *way* off base. |
2001/10/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:22755 Activity:very high |
10/16 In NT, how do I find out which process is currently using a certain DLL? (Using the command line or in a debugger or whatever.) Thanks. \_ I've got a really cool proggie that shows all dependencies and files used by any Windows program, but I would have to root around for it. Mail me if interested. -John \_ http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/procexp.shtml \_ Cool! Thanks. |
2001/10/16-18 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:22756 Activity:high |
10/16 Best deal on a cell phone? I want a free phone and no charges for incoming calls. Don't care about nationwide, roaming, etc. \_ all cell plans charge you based on the minute. Incoming/outgoing it doesn't matter. \_ In the US this is true. It is different overseas. \_ thank you mr pedantic. Go away. \_ actually I think you can get free incoming calls with some plan(s). I heard an ad for this on the radio. Dunno if it's worth it. \_ everyone agrees: Cingular sucks. so what's a good alternative in terms of coverage? who's happy with their cell phone plan and wants to tell us about it? \_ Verizon works pretty well, but is pricey. -ausman \_ AT&T is good. Plans are reasonable now. Verizon is pricey but offer as good a coverage as AT&T. The voice quality is better. \_ I don't know about coverage area, but Verizon seems to provide stronger signal in covered areas. I didn't know that until my wife switched from Verizon to AT&T. She used to get good connection with her Verizon phone in basements of buildings in SF as well as in BART trains, but now she can't do that with her AT&T phone. --- yuen \_ What's wrong with Sprint? No one ever seems to mention them. \_ Cheap but below average quality/coverage. \_ Cheap but below average quality/coverage. Good customer service. I work on some of their equipment, so blame me if you get a disconnected call or no service. \_ Quality of Sprint varies widely by location. I have friends and relatives in various east-coast states who have Sprint and don't have any problems. In the Bay Area, Sprint sucks-- hard. Everyone I know with a Sprint phone bitches constantly. -dans \_ Sprint PCS has a multi-vendor approach for building its network. That may be part of the reason for the variation in quality and coverage. \_ You want free incoming calls? Bwahhahahahahahahahahaha. Welcome to the United States, land of the grossly inferior competing cell phone standards. -dans \_ I don't see how whether there are competing cell phone standards is related to whether incoming calls are charged. \_ The fact that incoming calls are universally charged in the US is directly related to the fact that all the US cell phone standards are grossly inferior to GSM (the cell phone standard that the rest of the civilized world uses). This is because virtually all of the US standards in use today were developed in the early 80's and simply can't handle the capacity that GSM can. The fact that we're still using circa 1980 cell phone technologies is directly related to the U.S. government's refusal to interfere with the so-called "free market" that exists in the cellular space by (gasp in horror) forcing the telcos to standardize! The market isn't really free since every carrier needs to build out it's own infrastructure, and this is prohibitively expensive. So we have the situation that exists today: five or six telcos carve up the profits, and all the customers get inferior service from circa 1980 capacity networks. How 1337. -dans \_ US cell phone networks and technology are not inferior to GSM at all, just built up along a different technical and business model. But paying for incoming calls is pretty suck. -John \_ You're paying for airtime - incoming outcoming is irrelevent. What would suck is paying extra to call someone because they have a cellular phone. \_ Nah. China uses GSM almost exclusively (China Unicom is just starting to build a CDMA network) but incoming calls are still being charged. Also, how is CDMA inferior to GSM? By all accounts CDMA is superior to GSM technology-wise, which is the reason why all 3G \_ I can understand why people hate being charged for incoming calls, but I personally find it ok. Whether incoming or outgoing, the call is going to occupy bandwidth, so there is a cost to the service provider. Also, from user's perspective, being reachable anywhere is a mostly positively thing, and hence an added value. If incoming calls are not charged, it likely would just mean that they would charge more for outgoing calls. This would be unfair for people who make a lot of outgoing calls and receive few incoming calls. Charges should be attributed to where cost is incurred and where value is added. standards are CDMA-based. GSM is only more prevalent in the 2G space for the same reason windows is the most common OS around. |
2001/10/16-17 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:22757 Activity:high |
10/16 Comments on the quality of Cingular's coverage in the south and east bay? \_ starting in around March (around the time of the PacBell buyout) service started really sucking... now it seems to be getting better. \_ beyond "it sucks hardcore"? \_ that is being too kind. Expect to never have your phone ring. Expect to never be able to get your messages. Expect to have to try to call someone for an hour before you get through. Complain and get... wait for it... FREE MINUTES! OH WOW. \_ Too bad Cingular is the only one that works with Noika 8290. \_ Are you one of those individuals who complain about every wireless service, or does it really suck that bad? \_ Ever since PacBell got bought by SBC and switched their name to Cingular, it has been that bad. I, too, experience all of the above mentioned problems. Cingular sucks ASS. I've managed to get rebates by calling them up and complaining about their service. I recommend all Cingular users to do the same. \_ I had Cel One for 5 years before changing to Cingular. The only reason i switched was because CelOne had terrible calling plans, service was reasonable. Thought I could save money with Cingular since I was making a lot of long distance phone calls. Now I can't get signal either at home or at work, which basically takes care of 99% of my normal use and I'm left wondering why I have a celphone at all anymore. \_ No, really cingular is crap. Everyone I know who has it I have to call 4-5 times even to have a chance to get through and I've watched them try to make calls. It is just pathetic. Call. nope system busy. Call. nope system busy. Repeat 20 times. \_ everyone agrees: Cingular sucks. so what's a good alternative in terms of coverage? who's happy with their cell phone plan and wants to tell us about it? |
2001/10/16-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:22758 Activity:high |
10/16 Is there a way to make movie's/animations available on the web, yet make them un-copiable? I think real networks has a technology that does it, but they charge, iirc. Any free one's? \_ There's a ripper program available so, no, Real hasn't done it either. So what you really want is the Holy Grail of copyright protection: viewable content but no copying. Let us know when you've come up with it; I've got some VC friends who want to talk to you. \_ All porn wants to be free. \_ anything digital is copiable. once you learn to live with that, you and your userbase will be happier. yes, you can make your own proprietary streaming video format with your own proprietary client that disallows saving to disk, but somebody could always reverse- engineer it and make their own client. why do you really care? do you really want totalitarian control over your content? I'd personally prefer knowing that someone downloaded my movie and thought it was good enough to keep and watch again. and plus, if they want to watch it again, they don't eat up my bandwidth. unless, of course, you want people to pay you each time they watch your movie, but that's another can of worms... \_ microsoft does not agree with you \_ what's your point? Microsoft thinks their anti-piracy attempts in Windows XP will help them too. Microsoft thinks that there's a 1:1 correspondence between piracy and lost sales. Microsoft fails to recognize that piracy helped it become a monopoly. what do I care what Microsoft thinks? \_ because, you, my fellow nerd, do not live in a vaccuum. \_ he said "What do *I* care", hence the decision is centric to him, my fellow logician. \_ You should learn how to spell, my politically sensitive friend. \_ you sure? And no, it doesn't matter in this case what MS thinks. \_ Basic truth: If you can view it on the screen, you can record it. \_ Really? When I do a screendump (Alt-PrtScn) in Media Player, all I get in the clipboard are the UI, and the movie area is blank. \_ when poster said "you" he did not mean you. \_ It's an overlay. Just disable hardware acceleration and it'll do all the drawing in software, and then you can capture it. \_ Thanks! I'll try that. |
3/15 |