2001/10/8 [Recreation/Humor] UID:22660 Activity:nil |
10/8 This is pretty funny http://students.ou.edu/B/Jeremy.D.Bone-1/hoax.html |
2001/10/8-9 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:22661 Activity:very high |
10/7 Anyone here using perforce? How does it compare to cvs? \_ It isn't free. It requires a "bigger" machine to host it. It does "more stuff". It runs on windows and unix. \_ I would dispute "bigger". The main advantages of Perforce over CVS are 1) real branching and integration 2) speed (try CVS with lots of files over different connections) 3) atomic commits of changes (aka changelists) over CVS are 1) real branching and integration 2) speed (try CVS with lots of files over different connections) 3) atomic commits of changes (aka changelists) \_ Yeah. A client can choose to turn on Perforce's own compression which compresses better than PPP+modem compressions, hence higher speed over modem. --- yuen \_ The changelist feature in Perforce is very useful. I've never used \_ cvs runs on windows and unix (windows w/ cygwin or wincvs) and mac (maccvs) \_ perforce runs on a zillion platforms with a much better GUI and a Web client for platforms without native UI \_ "It runs on windows and unix" is true for both CVS and Perforce. "Better GUI" would have made more sense... \_ We ran Perforce server on SunOS4 and later on Solaris, and clients on both SunOS and NT. --- yuen \_ It has some nicer ways to deal with rename/branch/merge files --oj \_ The changelist feature in Perforce is very useful. Now I use ClearCase at a new job and I miss that feature. I've never used cvs. --- yuen \_ Noticed some bugs in getting latest. For some reason 't's at the end of lines were being deleted (or something to this nature). Ended up switching to cvs. \_ This is not true. Email perforce support if you want to check for yourself. \_ It was true and have emailed support about this. Our company couldn't take the chance for another bug to pop up like that. \_ Fair enough, what's the bug number? \_ Do you have some censoring software on your firewall or something like that which filters out words that match a list of obscene words? \_ This was all done on a LAN not thru a firewall. I want to add that besides this bug, I liked the product. \_ We switched from cvs to perforce. Branching and merging were major reasons why. We do not regret the decision, even though it cost a little bit of money. --dim |
2001/10/8 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Dating] UID:22662 Activity:nil |
10/7 What's the song in the VW commercial where the guy walks in right as he priest says "speak now or forever hold your peace"? \_ Mrs. Robinson? \_ The more important question is "who's the cute chick?" \_ Far more than cute. She's smoking. \_ http://www.vw.com/commercials \_ J. Ralph - One Million Miles Away |
2001/10/8 [Recreation/Media] UID:22663 Activity:moderate |
10/7 In the wake of these attacks and the worldwide terror, I think I speak for the entire nation when I say, "When are the Simpsons on?" \_ Not until the baseball gets off the air. Damn MBL and their stupid spy satellites. \_ and what happened to the Family Guy? did Fox axe it again? \_ When you download your favorite episode using Morpheus. \_ Speaking of d/l'ing, what do ppl use these days? I tried AudioGalaxy, not bad, but not as convenient as Napster. Which progs out there do more than mp3's like Scour did? \_ kazaa |
2001/10/8 [Uncategorized] UID:22664 Activity:nil |
10/7 when is geckos coming out for x86? |
2001/10/8 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:22665 Activity:nil |
10/7 I'm starting to dig rsync and ssh. There's some caveats that aren't clear to me yet such as how to create a passphraseless key but still be able to limit permissions on the key. Anyone know how to do that? \_ keychain might be the best you can get-- it keeps your ssh-agent running as long as the machine is not rebooted. That way, you can log in to foo, start ssh-agent running in the background, add your identities, and use 'em till foo reboots. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-keyc2 \_ What do you mean? Without a passphrase on your key, anyone with root on the machine your "identity" is on can read your key and use it. With a passphrase, someone with root can STILL get your key, but they have to work harder. If your key is on a machine that you're certain won't be compromised, with absolutely trustworthy root, then you don't need a passphrase. If your key is in an NFS-exported directory, you need a passphrase. [ reformatted ] \_ I think what he's trying to say, is that is there a way to set group permissions on a passphraseless key so the key can only be read by a certain gid (i.e. group foo). I don't think this is possible. \_ You don't need a passphraseless key; you can just use .shosts. \_ unless you don't administer the box.. grr... |
2001/10/8 [Computer/HW/Scanner] UID:22666 Activity:nil |
10/7 Anybody have a USB device that draws power from the USB cable itself? I'm looking into buying a canon flatbed scanner that has such a design. I'm wondering if this is generally a bad design or good design. Any one have problems with such devices? Thanks. \_ you should build a trebuchet instead. \_ I have the kensington usb light. It works great. \_ for mice and joysticks, power from the USB bus is fine. for flatbed scanners, I dunno... \_ I have the canon n650u scanner. works fine but it's *very* slow. I only use it about once a month so i don't really care. \_ I have a usb-palmV device that charges via usb cable. It's aftermarket, but works fine. The main difference that worries me is that the palm-distributed cradle has a cut-off point for the power, and the usb-cable doesn't, so just keeps pumping energy into the palmV batt. I've seen it get up to 4.15 V, which is kinda scary. It charges really fast, though. Anyone have any thoughts as to whether overcharging the palmV batt is a bad/good thing? -nivra |
2001/10/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:22667 Activity:high |
10/8 Why does chicken soup cure common cold? (Or is it just a myth?) Thx. \_ It doesn't. You just fight it off. \_ chicken soup has a _little_ bit of penicilin in it. it doesn't help tho. (well except it is a warm liquid in your throat). \_ it has an expectorant in it that makes your mucus flow faster in your sinuses, which helps them recover. The warm steam vapor coming off of it helps too, if you inhale it. \_ as the first reply says, it doesn't. your body cures itself. but chicken soup does help with 1) fluids 2) sustenance and 3) some symptoms (expectorant) \_ And 4) placebo. |
2001/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:22668 Activity:low |
10/8 Second case of anthrax in Florida, this time near where Mohammed Atta lived. News at 11. \_Both worked for the National Enquirer and Sun (and had recent contact with "Batboy" presumably). http://www.cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/10/08/florida.anthrax.case |
2001/10/8-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:22669 Activity:moderate |
10/8 How can one obtain a console development machine and compiler? Can you simply pay Sony/Nintendo for a the hardware/software? \_ traditionally, you need to submit your game proposal first, and if approved, then you sign an NDA and then pay for the development hardware and software. for hobbists, Sony had development hardware and software. for hobbyists, Sony had the NetYaroze (PSOne) program and now PS2Linux in Japan. these two would allow you to program technology demos on \_ you also need to spend thousands of dollars the hardware, but not full-fledged bootable games. --jwang \_ what is the difference in the developing a tech demo and a bootable game? Is the Playstation development tool the same? \_ licensed PlayStation 2 developers use different hardware and costs of entry to reflect commercial vs hobbist interests. software tools than PS2Linux users -- the two have different costs of entry to reflect commercial vs hobbyist interests. \_ the word is "hobbyist." A Hobbist is a follower of Hobbes. a PS2Linux demo only runs out of PS2Linux -- you can't burn the executable to a CD-R and boot another PS2 with it. --jwang |
2001/10/8-9 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:22670 Activity:nil |
10/8 anyone experienced with palm OS programming and interested in programming for applications aiding handicapped users, mail jam@socrates.berkeley.edu. project funded by government grants. \_ The next wave of high-tech craze after dot-coms: dot-govs. |
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