Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:September:20 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2001/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22543 Activity:nil
9/19    Compare your salary to celebs/CEOs:
        The realtime Burg-o-meter is especially illuminating.
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:22544 Activity:very high
9/20   A problem for you:  Tom is NATed behind a firewall.  He SSHes out to a
       remote machine which is ALSO NATed and behind a firewall.  (the remote
       FW has a redirect to the remote internal machine which is how he can
       ssh to there).   Tom would like to run an X-term on the remote machine
       and have it (tunnled through ssh obviously) display on his local machine.
       Assuming he has root on the remote box and his box, but that any access
       to either firewall (especially the remote one) involves painful red-tape,
       What is the easiest way for tom to accomplish his objective.
        \_ "X11Forwarding yes" in your sshd_config and use "ssh -X" to
            get to machines.
                \_ Error: Can't open display:
        \_ chances are your error is unrelated to the NATing.
           \_ I agree with my esteemed collegue.
           \_ It is more likely due to your broken ass boxes
           \_ Indeed.  If you can ssh successfully, it can forward X.
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:22545 Activity:very high
9/20    There was something in the last meeting minutes about running
        crack/ripper on the passwords and emailing people about changing
        thier passwords. Has this been done?
        \_ aye.  in process.
           \_ Any idea when emails will be sent out?
        \_ What's that all about?
        \_ I find this offensive and think logging in should be restricted
           for 24 hours.
           \_ Good, bring it before politburo, and I'm sure they'll be glad
              to hear your case. -dans
           \_ What does enforcing password changes have to do with login time?
           \_ What does enforcing password policy have to do with login time?
              \_ I think you are beginning to see his point.
2001/9/20 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:22546 Activity:high
9/20    I find it funny that people suddenly are finding that going to
        grad school is an attractive option. I posted the same question
        last year and was surprised that all these dot com die hard yahoos
        are now quiet. How stupid.
        \_ You sound bitter.  Perhaps you should consider counselling.
        \_ It has always been the trend that more people go to grad school
           during economic downturns.  It's nothing new this time.
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22547 Activity:nil
9/19    How do you set date and time in freebsd?
        \_ one way is via date(1) like with most unixes/unix-workalikes
           root# date 200212041212
           another way is with the ntpdate(8) command given an ntpserver
           root# ntpdate ntpserver
           some ntpservers at ucb  are http://ntp1-1.Berkeley.EDU and
           This could also be combined with xntpd/ntpd to keep your
           clock in sync during operation. --jon
        \_ man rdate
2001/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22548 Activity:high
9/19    How do you find out who's behind the admission committee?
        \_ You ask.
           \_ Who do you ask?
        \_ Which admission committee?
           \_ school admission committee
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:22549 Activity:nil
9/19    What's with Where did all that spam come from?
        \_ terrorist spam attack against the csua
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22550 Activity:high
9/20    In a UNIX shell, what's the best way to traverse the file system,
        executing commands in each directory. find -exec only seems to allow
        one command per result. What I'm trying to do is to have each directory
        in the file hierarchy have a list of all files in . and below.
        \_ 1) Have find exec a script. 2) Use parens.
           \_ my script wants to cd. but the directories have spaces in them.
              \_ use quotes
        \_ How about
                find . -type d -exec find {} -type f -print > {}/files.txt \;
           Except that I don't know how to escape the > and the second {}.
        \_ Why do you need multiple commands per result to do what you want?
        \_ you want find . -name hello | xargs echo ???
        \_ find . -type d -execdir find {} > {}/foo \;
           I want something like that, except I want my redirect to go into the
           directory of the directory from find, not /foo
        \_ This is what I ended up doing:
                find . -type d -exec ./writeit {} \;
                cd "$*"
                find . -name "*.mp3" > list.m3u
2001/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22551 Activity:kinda low
9/20    Would somebody please repost the salon story to the effect of
        "you can't bomb it back to the stone age, it's already there"?
        It was written by a Afghani emmigrant.
                \_Ever heard of google dumbass?
        \_ grep salon ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v
2001/9/20 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:22552 Activity:nil
9/20    I recently bought some cheap 512 MB DIMMs for my system and
        I sometimes I get the message "Invalid number of bits in the
        column address" during boot up. What does this mean? Is this
        bad ram? Do I need to get the more expensive ram (I have
2001/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22553 Activity:nil
9/20    "If someone were to stand up,brandish something such as a plastic
        knife and say 'This is a hijacking' or words to that effect here
        is what you should do: Every one of you should stand up and
        immediately throw things at that person - pillows, books,
        magazines, eyeglasses, shoes -anything that will throw him off
        balance and distract his attention. If he has a confederate or
        two, do the same with them. Most important: get a blanket over
        him, then wrestle him to floor and keep him there. We'll land the
        plane at the nearest airport and the authorities will take it
        from there." "Remember, there will be one of him and maybe a few
        confederates, but there are 200 of you. You can overwhelm them.
        "The Declaration of Independence says 'We, the people' and that's
        just what it is when we're up in the air: we, the people, vs.
        would-be terrorists. I don't think we are going to have any such
        problem today or tomorrow or for a while, but some time down the
        road, it is going to happen again and I want you to know what to
        do.  "Now, since we're a family for the new few hours, I'll ask
        you to turn to the person next to you, introduce yourself, tell
        them a little about yourself and ask them to do the same."
        \_ This was all covered in a motd poll. There is universal
           agreement that the passengers have to disarm and subdue
           the hijacker(s) without regard to personal safety.
           Everybody has to go sometime...
           \_ Something is obviously wrong with your model -- most attempted
              hijackings succeed if the hijcakers are organized and
              reasonably sane/collected.
           \_ What if the hijacker's immediate goal is something else other
              than killing everyone on board?  Like in the old days where
              hijackers demanded some money or flying to some other country or
              the release of someone from prison?  -- yuen
2001/9/20 [Finance/Investment] UID:22554 Activity:insanely high
9/20    poll:  how much money have you lost in the stock market over the past
        year?  I'm asking cold hard cash that you lost, not paper gains on
        stock options that you never exercised.
        $0     - $10000: .....
        $10000 - $50000: ......
        $50000 - $100000:.
        $100,000+       : ..
        $200,000+       : .
        Paper gain losses here (i.e. "If I sold on X, I would have had $Y"):
        $0      - $10000:
        $10000  - $50000: ...
        $50000 - $100000:
        $100k-250k      :
        $250k-500k      : ..
        $500k-$1,000,000: .
        $1,000,000+     :
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:22555 Activity:nil
9/20    Where does one download the latest Redhat Linux?
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Security] UID:22556 Activity:moderate
9/20    In Netscape for NT, how do I find out whether it's a 56-bit or 128-bit
        version?  Thanks.
        \_ about: doesn't work for you?
           \_ It says" This version supports U.S.  security with RSA Public Key
              Cryptography, MD2, MD5, RC2-CBC, RC4, DES-CBC, DES-EDE3-CBC."
              Does it mean 56-bit or 128-bit?
              \_ U.S. security probably means 128-bit (as opposed to 40-bit
                 export security)
2001/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22557 Activity:nil
9/20    Anyone have details on the Guinness & Oysters fest this Saturday?
2001/9/20 [Academia] UID:22558 Activity:moderate
9/20    When the professor tells me that RAship or TAship is X hours,
        is it really X hours realistically?
        \_ My past experience as an CS164 RA is that if you're trying to do a
           thorough job, it takes quite a bit longer than X hours.
        \_ My past experience as an CS164 reader is that if you're trying to do
           a thorough job, it takes quite a bit longer than X hours.
        \_ Mine was listed as 20 hours. Actual hours were usually around 35 but
           got up to 70 or 80 near crunch time.
        \_ By RA, do you mean Research Assistant or Reader?  I've never had a
           Research assistant position so I can't really speak to that.  Avoid
           reader positions like the plague.  They are almost always more work
           than the number of hours quoted.  TA position time committment
           varies widely.  If all you do is show up for section, read the
           course text once in a while, and hold scheduled office hours once
           a week, you will work significantly less than the number of hours
           you are paid for.  If you are committed to preparing section
           each week and actually respond to student inquiries (email/usenet)
           in a timely manner, you will probably work a little more than your
           quoted hours.  If, on top of this, either your course has no
           readers or your course readers flake, you will work a LOT more.
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:22559 Activity:nil
9/20    For a long time i have been doing silly things like:
        "ls some |" (where starts with "while (<>)..."
        There must be a way to do this inside the perl script.  Please
        supply clue. note:  i tried "while (<system("/bin/ls -t1 some">)"
        \_ foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
               push(@dirs,$arg) if (-d $arg);
           open(CMD,"/bin/ls -t1 @dirs|") || die "Error: $!\n";
           while(<CMD>) { &doStuff() ; }

           if you are interested in reading the contents of a directory
           consider using opendir, readdir and closedir instead of ls.
            \_yeah but i already know all the flags to order ls the way
                i want.  Anyway, i'm such a rookie i didn't even know
                you could turn a command into a filehandle, this is
                very cool, thanks.
           \_ what does the | in the open signify? --newbie
              \_ | -> pipe. open(CMD,"cmd|") does a popen() in read
                 mode, while open(CMD,"|cmd") does a popen() in write
                 mode. Note: you can't do open(CMD,"|cmd|"). If you
                 need this take a look at open2(). If you use open2()
                 your *must* save its return code which is the pid
                 of the process that open2() runs on your behalf.
                 You *must* call waitpid(pid,0) on this pid otherwise
                 you will end up with defunct processes.
2001/9/20 [Reference/Religion] UID:22560 Activity:moderate
9/20    Some words of wisdom from the Quran:

        [at-Taubah 9:123] O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers
        who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that
        Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).

        [an-Nisa' 4:74] Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life
        of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he
        slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.

        [8.12] When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore
        make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of
        those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off
        every fingertip of them.
        \_ So who says Islam disapproves violence?
           \_ The whole problem here is that you are reading these things
              litterally, rather than metaphoically. Its like pretending
              that poetry is really prose.
              These things are really about internal conflicts not external
              \_ I get it.  Thanks.  Maybe the Islamic extremists are also
                 interpreting these literally so as to justify their actions.
2001/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22561 Activity:high
9/20    I burnm my tuhng
        \_ Sucks for you... or perhaps not.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:September:20 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>