Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:September:19 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2001/9/19 [Computer/SW/Security, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22516 Activity:nil
ladenix 5.0 (jihad)

login: _
2001/9/19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:22517 Activity:high
9/18    "Never get involved in a land war in Asia" - the Venetian
        \_ It's "the Sicilian," dummy.  And it should be qualified, "when the
           USA is funding and training the other side."
        \_ He's dead.  Like *he's* so smart.  Draft Cary Elwes to lead the
           US attack force!

ladenix 5.0 (jihad)

login: _
2001/9/19 [Health/Disease/General] UID:22518 Activity:high
9/18    Thousands of dead bodies still under the rubble for seven days.  Is
        there any plan on disease control while they're still planning to dig
        thru it slowly instead of burying everything soon?  Remember that the
        sewage system in the two builds were destroyed and its content
        \_ Wasn't "the contents" also heated to a high temperature?
2001/9/19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:22523 Activity:very high
9/19    "Respond to War Mongering Media Coverage"
        Don't delete this again. I will continue reposting.
        \_ War is good for the economy
           \_ oh yeah, that's why the market has been so enthusiastic this
              week.  -tom
           \_ Oceania is at war with Iraq.  It was always been at war
              with..Afghanistan.  Repeat.  Oceania is at war with
              Afghanistan.  It has always been at war with Afghanistan.."
2001/9/19 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:22524 Activity:very high
9/19    For those inclined to post articles from the Guardian (undeleted)
        \_ Quite reactionary don't you think? It seems to me that this is
           an attempt to break down an argument that isn't being made by
           British left. Namely that mass murder is somehow acceptable in
           this case.
2001/9/19 [Uncategorized] UID:22525 Activity:low
9/18    Please sign the petition to prevent a delay on MGS2:
        \_ release date unchanged.,11114,913941,00.html
2001/9/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22526 Activity:high
9/18    Want to replace a header in a binladen on Solaris
        with null, non-outputing characters.  I have
        tried ^H and ^G to no avail.  I don't want
        junk or even spaces in its place, what can i use?
        \_ Null is displayed as ^@ and usually typed as ctrl-space  --dbushong
        \_ rm -rf /bin/laden
2001/9/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:22527 Activity:high
9/19    What is the Code Blue worm.  Is it related to Nimda?  And how is it
        different from Code Red?  I know nick wrote something about Code
        Black, as well.
        \_ I used to make fun of nweaver, now I am a believer.
           Where can I get his web site that explains it all? -nweaver #1 fan
        \_ It's always Micro$oft OSes that fail on virus attack.  Can we file a
           class action law suit accusing M$ of lying when it sold WinNT/2k
           Workstation/Server and said they were very stable and secure?
           \_ They didn't say it was secure.  They said things like "more
              secure" and "most secure ever" (meaning Windows OS's, since
              other OS's don't exist in Redmond-speak).
        \_ It's always Micro$oft OS that fail under attack.  Can we file a
           class action law suit sueing M$ that it lied when it said WinNT/2k
           Workstation/Server are very stable and secure?
2001/9/19 [Science/Electric] UID:22528 Activity:kinda low
9/19    ClearChannel is a nationwide radiostation owner that owns
        7 stations in the bay area alone, and has decided that
        playing certain songs would be in poor taste in light of
        last week's events (FM: 94.9 98.1 101.3 103.7 106.1)
        \_ are we getting too sensitive when John Lennon's Imagine
           might not be played?  (Heard about this from the television)
           \_ It's not a matter of sensitivity.  It's a matter of good taste
              to not play Imagine (or Lennon in general).
        \_ Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
        \_ The list wasn't official.  Some random program manager came up
           with it and emailed it around.
2001/9/19 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:22529 Activity:high
9/19    There is a country that harbors terrorists. The terrorists
        plant bombs killing innocent people for radical religious
        beliefs. Within that country there are even debates about
        the truthfullness of these religious beliefs. We need to
        fight a war on terrorism... Is the country Afghanistan
        and the terrorists Osama-following Muslims? No, its the US
        and the terrorists are extreme pro-lifers. Kind of ironic
        how Jerry Faldwell claims in both cases that the abortion-
        ists brought it upon themselves.                - rory
        \_ separate the pro-lifers who are peaceful vs. the pro-lifers
           who do violence.  The violent ones are a very small minority
           and do not represent the mainstream pro-lifer who are peaceful.
           You are stereotyping and prejudging.  You have the sort of
           attititudes that we are trying to fight in this present time.
           The US does try to convict anyone who does violence such as
           bombing abortion clinics.
           The real violence (which does include the terrorist attacks
           on the WTC) includes the legalized lethal violence against unborn
           men and women of America.  We condone violence against our own,
           including those who are the most vulnerable, innocent, and need
           our protection the most.
                \_ Watch out.. any messages that don't tow the
                   Party line get censored.  Free speech only
                   for libs.
                   \_ It's "toe the line" you ignorant boor.
           \_ Clearly you have the attitudes we are trying to fight in this
              time by not being able to see the symmetry in this situation.
              Fine, I agree that violent pro-lifers are a small minority...
              But you, and most other Americans it seems, need to realize
              that violent terrorists are a very small minority in countries
              that violent terrorists are very small minorities in
        \_ a more apt example would be the Klu Klux Klan, which we
              like Afghanistan... my point.
              \_ I agree that terrorists are a minority in ANY country.
                 Be careful how you characterize certain groups though.
                \_ and thus, it is as ridiculous to talk about bombing parts
                   of the US to get abortion terrorists as it is to talk
                   about "attacking Afghanistan" to get WTC terrorists.
                   ... at least, it should be.
              \_ I recall the Blank Panthers once wrote a letter to the City of
                   \_ The US government doesn't harbor abortion clinic bombers.
                      Note the difference and try again.
                   \_ we'll see how the military/political/economic campaign
                        turns out.  For all you know, it is just rhetoric.
                        Its all speculation right now.
        \_ a more apt example would be the Ku Klux Klan, which we
        \_ a more apt example would be the Klu Klux Klan, which we
           haven't managed to stamp out entirely, but whose terrorist
           activities have been curtailed.  unfortunately they continue
           to spew hate which feeds into similar groups in other countries,
           like the neo-nazis in europe.
           \_ doesn't the first amendment protect the KKK's speech
              (as opposed to KKK's violence)?  I'm not trying
           \_ doesn't the first amendment protect the KKK?  I'm not trying
                to go against you.  Just asking people.
              \_ I recall the Black Panthers once wrote a letter to the City of
              \_ I recall the Blank Panthers once wrote a letter to the City of
                 New York to support KKK's rights of free speech a year or two
              \_ yes, and it is a fine line between speech and conspiracy
                 to commit violence.  i hope we can maintain the balance
                 of our principles in the current case.
           \_ Klu? Or lack thereof. It's "KU" not "KLU". -ali
              \_ fixed.  amazing i spelled the rest ok that early in the AM.
           \_ The KKK is essentially dead in this country.  At best they're
              just another fringe group with a bad website.
           who do violence.  The violent ones are a small minority.
           You are stereotyping, the sort of things which get people in
           trouble in this society.
2001/9/19-20 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:22530 Activity:moderate
9/19    what best describes you?
        Big Fat Sysadmin Nerd: .
        Big Fat Academic Nerd:
        Big Fat Programming Nerd:
        Trim and fit programming nerd:  .
        trim and fit sysadmin nerd: . OXYMORON OXYMORONOXYMORON OXYMORON
                                \_ you can't keep up with me.
        trim and fit academic nerd:
        trim and fit math 55 be-boy denying women sex:  .
        Skinny, pencil-necked geek: .
        Bordering between Big Fat And tRim = Middle : .
2001/9/19 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:22531 Activity:nil
        Your average redneck out looking to beat up someone can't tell the
        difference between Indians and Arabs.  Especially Sikhs.
        \_ Aw man. As a redneck looking to beat up people, I'm embarassed now.
2001/9/19 [Uncategorized] UID:22532 Activity:nil
9/19    Should be required reading for all sports fans, we are witnessing
2001/9/19 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:22533 Activity:high
        \_ On flag waving and how why an ex-60s war protestor, Prof. Todd
           Gitlin, is now waving the American flag. Ends with cogent quote from
           Orwell on the difference between patriotism and nationalism.
        \_ a great article on Salon about waving flag. think about what it
           means to you before you do it.


           \_ "ali" and "modesty" don't belong on the same page.
           \_ "a great article" and "Salon" don't belong on the same page.
           Gitlin, is now waving the American flag. Ends with good quote from
           Orwell on the difference be tween patriotism and nationalism.
2001/9/19 [Reference/Religion] UID:22534 Activity:high
9/19 -- Can somebody say MONOPOLY?
        \_ "The history of Binladin began in 1931 when Mohammed Binladin
           founded the company."  Wasn't Mohammed the father of Osama?
           --- yuen
           founded the company."  Wasn't Mohammed bin Ladin the father of
           Osama?  --- yuen
2001/9/19 [Computer/Theory] UID:22535 Activity:nil
9/19    What's the difference between a computer geek and a computer nerd?
        \_ nothing, really.  the terms have no bearing on intelligence,
           so don't bother to whip up any "geek/nerd pride"
2001/9/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:22536 Activity:high
9/19    Anyone use webalizer with rotatelogs?  Webalizer seems
        to want a static log name even if using -p.  Anyone have
        a work around for this?
        \_ perl
           \_ umm, yeah, i figured something like that.  I was hoping someone
              would generously volunteer their script.
2001/9/19 [Politics/Foreign] UID:22537 Activity:very high
9/19    "[T]here is a minority of intellectual pacifists whose real though
unadmitted motive appears to be hatred of western democracy and admiration of
totalitarianism. Pacifist propaganda usually boils down to saying that one
side is as bad as the other, but if one looks closely at the writings of
younger intellectual pacifists, one finds that they do not by any means
express impartial disapproval but are directed almost entirely against Britain
and the United States. Moreover they do not as a rule condemn violence as
such, but only violence used in defence of western countries." -George Orwell,
"Notes on Nationalism," 1945.
        \_ Yes, my real motive is hatred of Western democracy and
           admiration of totalitarianism.
           \_ It said "minority of .." though, since you are a dumb pacifist
              I guess i shouldn't be able to expect you to read.
              \_ George Orwell needs a writing and "clear thinking" class.
                 \_ Yes, in 1945, Britain is still a imperialist country
                    ruling its colonies in a totalitarian manner.
                    Obviously, George Orwell supports Britain irregardless of
                    Obviously, George Orwell supports Britain regardless of
                    whether it is a imperialistic country or not.
                     \_ no, you are both morons.  George Orwell is arguably the
                        greatest essayist of this century.  He wrote extensively
                        and honostly about Britain's Imperialism.  You two are
                        ignorant idiots.  (and cowards, like me).
                        honostly and criticly about Britain's Imperialism.  You
                        two are ignorant idiots.  (and cowards, like me).
                        two are ignorant idiots. (and cowards, like me). -011
                        \_ whatever.  brave and somewhat coherent i can buy.
                    Obviously, he supports Britain disregarding whether
                    it is a imperilistic country or not.
                     \_  Somone asked if there was a URL (I assume they wanted
                        something in support of my statement).
                        \_ okay, that article was entertaining
                \_ Y3AH D00D!!!1!!  TH3N THAT 0RW3LL D0RK CAN CUM BACK 2 S0DA
                   AND M1X 1T UP W1TH TH3 MASTUR K0MMUNIKATORS L13K US WH0
                   R1T3 AN0NYMUS 0N3-L1N3 M0TD P0STS!!!!1!!!!
2001/9/19 [Uncategorized] UID:22538 Activity:nil
9/19    they're going to dub the war on terrorism "Infinite Justice." Who came
        up with that?  Stan Lee? "Terrorists are cowardly, superstitious lot..."
        \_ it's got this great logo thing though!
        \_ it's to go along with Operation Infinite Rhetoric and Operation
           Infinite Replays of the WTC Blowing Up.
        \_ More tasteful than Operation Final Solution.
        \_ Operation Exterminate Those and Those Harboring Them
2001/9/19 [Uncategorized] UID:22539 Activity:high
9/19    Anyone else find the Subway TV ad tasteless?
        \_ Right here. What a shameless act of opportunism.
        \_ I think they should have donated the money instead.  How much was
           the ad likely to cost?
        \_ I think they should have donated the money instead.
2001/9/19-20 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:22540 Activity:very high 50%like:21583 50%like:21840
9/19    Is it a good or a bad idea to go to grad school during recession?
        \_ if you owe student loans that are no interest when you are in
            grad school, then you are effectively decreasing your debt
            be a lot while you are in school because of inflation.
        \_ IF you can get in, good.  They pay (crap, but they pay), and
           the opportunity costs are less. -nweaver
           \_ is it good or bad to be a cynical grad student?
              \_ it's great! if you cget cynical in a real job, people will
                 bet pissed off if you randomly take the day off to sit
                 at home and drink in the middle of the week!
        \_ Why would it be bad?
           \_ You get to sit around all day with people like nweaver.
              \_ doesn't sound that bad.  Beats hanging around with my
                 gangmenber acquiantances in LA
                 \_ j0, d00d, d0n7 j00 kn0W nwe34v3r'z wit GWA? --phillip
        \_ If you are planning on getting an engineering degree, like
           me, I don't think it matters. Might be harder to get in during
           a recession, but that's about it. ----ranga
                \_  it's good to hide out in grad school.  Not only
                    are you shielded from obscene rental rates, you
                    can become insulated from the nasty job market
                    and enjoy life freely like a ph.D I know.  -- jj
        \_ in general it's a good idea to go to grad school. you get
        surrounded by cool people who care about your intellect and not
        stupid shit like your car, your looks, or how funky you are.
        \_ Go or don't go, the end is the same: suffering. Suffering and
           anguish is the lot of mortal man, ending only in cheerless death.
           the opportunity costs are less if the economy is in the
           crapper. -nweaver
        \_ Why would it be bad? If the economy's sucking, perfect time to
           learn some more stuff... hopefully graduate when you can make
           more money.
2001/9/19-20 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22541 Activity:moderate
9/19    Is there any benifit to having a bank account at 1 place for over
        10 years?  (taxwise or credit wise?)
        \_ First, it depends on what sort of customer you are: good or
           bad. Second, it depends on how much business you do with them.
           Finally, any benefits will be assigned by that institution
           only. A lot of times when asking for things like credit line
           increases, business loans, or fee waivers your history with the
           institution does matter. Otherwise, no. --dim
2001/9/19-20 [Politics/Foreign] UID:22542 Activity:high
9/19    How did Megawati Sukarnoputri, a woman, become the president of
        Indonesia, an Islamic nation?  Thanks.
        \_ She is Sukarno's daughter.  "The People" believe she is influenced
           by her dead father.  She has actually said in public speaches that
        \_ She is Sukarno's daughter.  People believe she is influenced
           by her dead father.  She has actually said in public speeches that
           to be the leader of some backwards country, it is because they are
           related to some deceased national figure. -crebbs
           her father came to her in a dream and told her ... .  You will
           usually find that when some female is the leader or in contention
           to be the leader of some backwards country, she is related to
           some deceased national figure.  -crebbs
           \_ But I thought females are considered inferior in Islamic
              countries, and men are unwilling to take orders from women.  Not
           \_ Then why is her last name Sukarnoputri instead of Sukarno?
2001/9/19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36332 Activity:nil
9/19    Another one for the America haters
2001/9/19 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:36333 Activity:nil
9/19    For those inclined to post articles from the Guardian.
        \_ I like the comments from the peanut gallery
           on that page:
           These leftists would gladly cheer our being marched into the gas cham\
bers. They truly would.
        Hell, they would cheer their own being marched into the gas chambers
        The typical leftist has always wanted to throw his neighbors kids to the\
 queers,,,,or the terrorists,,,,,that's all. Just that.
        \_ Have you read about the public school sex education in Boston,
           where they teach how to fist eachother... you'd be surprised.
           where they teach how to fist eachother.  Would you send
           send your son on an overnight Boy Scout trip with a gay
           scout leader?
           \_ Yes. Would you send your son on an overnight church trip
              with a priest? It is my understanding that they have a higher
              rate of child molestation than out-of-the-closet gays.
2001/9/19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:36334 Activity:nil
9/19    For those inclined to post articles from the Guardian.
        "... the extrapolation of your own adolescent rebellion into a
        cosmic political philosophy in which the most powerful
        country in the world personifies the domineering adult
        authority against which you pit yourself"
2001/9/19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36335 Activity:nil
9/18    Want to replace a header in a binary on Solaris
        with null, non-outputing characters.  I have
        tried ^H and ^G to no avail.  I don't want
        junk or even spaces in its place, what can i use?

ladenix 5.0 (jihad)

login: _

jihad% mv /bin/laden /dev/null
jihad% diff /bin/laden /dev/il
jihad% wc butthead_apologists_on_soda
Stack overflow
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

ladenix 5.0 (jihad)

login: _

jihad% mv /bin/laden /dev/null
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:September:19 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>