Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:September:16 Sunday <Saturday, Monday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:22474 Activity:nil
9/15    Falwell blames the ACLU:
2001/9/16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:22475 Activity:moderate
9/15    [ REPOST ] What is the equivalent of '.' (sh) in emacs/elisp?
        I want to include a elisp file into my .emacs at startup but
        I don't know how to do it. tia.
        \_ (load "file")
           \- note, if you want to load something interactively [i.e. with
           M-x] use load-file or load-library or some other wrapper. --psb
        \_ ^X^Cvi ~/.exrc^MGo:source file^[ZZ
               \_ obRealMenUseED!
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:22476 Activity:insanely high
9/15    Which are some of the most newsworthy story since the end of WWII:
                Bosnia civil war
                Russian Afghan & Chechen wars
                Beirut marine barracks blown up
                Iran revolution & hostage rescue
                Cuban Missile Crisis
                Vietnam War
                Korean War
                Martin Luther King/Civil Rights Movement
                Shuttle 1986 disaster
                Columbine Incident
                2001 WTC
                Any incident/war relating to Israel
                The Cold War and the end of the Cold War
                JFK Assasination
                Man walks on moon
                Birds and Snakes
                Lenny Bruce Not Being Afraid
                Eye of the Hurricaine
        \_ diana, elvis, iran hostages, nixon, the Internet
           \_ lots of people say nixon/watergate changed the
              media for good, and since they tell 99% of us
              what to think, that's got to be really close to
              the top of the list
           \_ we didn't start the fire. it was always burning.
        \_ Clinton Impeachment, Clinton selling out this country.
        \_ OJ Simpson trial.  That thing dominated the news for YEARS.
2001/9/16 [Uncategorized] UID:22477 Activity:nil
9/16    this photo makes me ill:
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:22478 Activity:insanely high
9/16    This is the most sober article reporting on the events:,3604,551036,00.html

        \_ Yeah, i've been using the guardian as a source since the
           US papers have resorted to yellow journalism. This is
           a good article.
        \_ Fuck you you TRAITOROUS piece of shit.  The author
           is probably Neville Chamberlains grandson.
           \_ The USA, like most countries in a position of hegemony, whether
              it wants to or not, has done some pretty questionable things.
              Likewise, some of our policies, while not "bad" per se, were
              at least poorly thought through, and have had bad results.
              To discount those is not a wise idea if you want to at least
              be able to understand (not justify, mind you) the terrible
              actions you see from terrorists.  It's unfortunate, though, that
              it's so difficult for a lot of people to distinguish bad acts
              from evil ones, and that any questioning of these acts is
              immediately interpreted as a condemnation of the US...  -John
                \_ It's one thing to question Billy Bob's
                   bombing of Serbia, its a whole other matter
                   to slam America and the values for which she
           \_ What does that make you? McCarthy's protoge?
              \_ Do yourself and this country a favor and pick
                 up a history book.
                 \_ "Beware of being drawn off from the truth, either by
                     the worldly prudence of half-hearted professors, or by
                     pretences to merit in the self-righteous Pharisee."
            \_ "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the
                same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with
                the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
                                                        - the lord
            \_ let me get this straight. you're calling me a traitor
               because i'm espousing an article that is trying to
               motivate americans to become better acquainted with
               their country's foreign policy?
               listen, dimwit, i'm telling you should find out what
               your country is doing. and you're calling me a traitor.
               go look up traitor, and then go look up the words dimwit
               and nimrod. then decide which of these adjectives apply
               to which of the two of us. -ali
                \_ In his fervor to rationalize, almost justify,
                   the attacks, Milne betrays his socialist,
                   Anti-American (and West) pro-militant Islamism
                   That you would applaud such an article
                   suggests either that yes, like Milne, you are a
                   seditionist, or that you're understanding of
                   history is painfully naive or critically
                \_ --wait... ali said dimwit AND nimrod. Could someone
                   please change the file permissions of the motd?! quick!
                   \_ yes, clearly ali is inciting a riot.
            \_ call it what you want, but putting armed guards at airports
               and all of the other Draconian measures that are going to get
               and all of the other Draconian measures that are going to
               crammed down our throats in the next fews months will only
               be dealing with the symptoms, and not the real problem.  and
               no, I don't necessarily disagree with more stringent security
               at airports, but we could very easily get a lot of our
               constitutional rights trampled on for no good reason.
           is probably Neville's Chamerlains grandson.
           is probably Neville's Chamberlains grandson.
                                                        - thelord
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:22479 Activity:high
9/15    Where do I start for shopping for a good certificate of deposit
        \_ I just got one from CalState9 CU right down on Shattuck and the
           rate was better than any other I could reasonably get elsewhere.
           ...scratch that. found a better one (4.27AP)
           from an online bank. Oh well. CalState9 is still better than all
           but the top three available in California (4.11 APR).
2001/9/16 [Transportation/PublicTransit, Academia/Berkeley, Reference/BayArea] UID:22480 Activity:nil
9/15    I have a room to rent near North Berkeley BART for
        $400/mo. It's a bit of an improvised affair but fully
        furnished and good for a temporary situation. Email
        me if you're interested. --ulysses
2001/9/16 [Recreation/Dating] UID:22481 Activity:high
9/15    You have heard that it was said, "Love your neighbor and hate your
        enemy."  But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who
        persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.  He
        causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on
        the righteous and the unrighteous.  If you love those who love you,
        what reward will you get?  Are not even the tax collectors doing
        that?  And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing
        more than others?  Do not even pagans do that?  Be perfect, there-
        fore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.  - the lord
        \_ Hi Paolo!
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:22482 Activity:insanely high
9/15    The state of america today
        "There are two nations and cultures now
        living under the star-spangled banner."
        \_ "ramble"
2001/9/16 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:22483 Activity:nil
9/15    Afghans left frightened and alone as war looms:
        \_ The amount of evil created by those who run that country defies
           comprehension.  -John
           \_ They are the product of 1980s US policy in that region.
                \_ So you are saying we should have helped the Soviets
                   take Afghanistan, and rolled out the red carpet
                   for them in Pakistan.  How can there be this
                   many morons at Berkeley?
2001/9/16 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:22484 Activity:nil
9/15    Anyone interested in a small nuclear reactor?
2001/9/16 [Uncategorized] UID:22485 Activity:nil
2001/9/16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22486 Activity:high
9/16    Anyone know who to get zsh to show all completions a la bash
        (ie ls /bin/r[tab-tab] show all the files files in /bin/ that
         start with r)? tia.
        \_ Looks like it's a single tab on ver4.0.2, and tcsh-style ctrl-D on
           ver3.0.8. Don't know when the behavior changed; presumably at
           4.0. -alexf
        \_ Try ctrl-D?
        \_ A single tab seems to be sufficient in zsh.
           \_ I'm using zsh 3.0.8 without any config files and it
              doesn't seem to work. Any hints about what to put in
              my config files.
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:22487 Activity:high 75%like:36307
9/16    US plans to retaliate against 60 nations:
        \_ Bullshit. That is not the headline of the story and it's not what the
           story says. Read it again.
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:22488 Activity:high
        How to defend your privacy and freedom -- and why you need to do this
        TODAY. Deadline: next Friday.
        \_ how should I send my letter?  I know e-mail seems more impersonal
           than snail mailed letters.  what about faxes?  I assume that the
           USPS is not back to full operating capacity.
        \_ should I fax or snail mail my letter?  I assume that the post office
           isn't back to full capacity yet.
           \_ (USPS ~= Faxes) >> email.  For some Senators/Reps, USPS==Fax.
              Most folks in Congress aren't very technically clued, and don't
              give nearly as much weight to email as something that actually
              comes in on paper.  If you can actually get your Congress Person
              on the phone, or make an appointment at their local office,
              that's even better.  Probably the best way to do this is to
              request that they schedule a phone conference or meeting in a
              letter sent by mail or fax.
              letter sent by mail or fax.  As the poster above indicated, USPS
              is probably right out if it needs to get there RSN, so fax.  If
              you don't own a fax, most copy shops will let you fax things for
              $0.50-$1.00 per page. -dans
           \_ Dan's assesment of USPS/faxes is right. A personal phone call is
              better than either. If possible, a personal visit to their office
              in CA or DC is even better. This assessment coming from talking
              to someone who once worked as a congressional aide. -alexf
           \_ Dan's assesment of email vs snailmail/faxes is right. A personal
              phone call is better than either. If possible, a personal visit to
              their office in CA or DC is even better. This assessment coming from
              talking to someone who once worked as a congressional aide. -alexf
              talking to someone who once worked as a congressional aide. -alex
              \- congresspeople ignore stuff not wrapped to <80 cols --psb
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:22489 Activity:high
9/16    "The deputy secretary of state, Paul Wolfowitz, said that 'the whole
        civilised world has been shocked... and even portions of the
        uncivilised world have started to wonder whether they're on the
        wrong side.'"
        \_ url?
        \_ While you're at the guardian, read this too:
        \_ Why do you keep posting garbage from the guardian.  Let me give
           the guardian exegesis: "America is a bad evil empire, Palestinians
           the Guardian's exegesis: "America is a bad evil empire, Palestinians
           and 'repressed' people are good.  Now let me ramble
           on about some socialist utopia because I like to hear
           myself talk."
           the Guardian's exegesis:
             "America is a bad evil empire, Palestinians and 'repressed'
              people are good.  Now let me ramble on about some socialist
              utopia because I like to hear myself talk."
             [ reformatted - motd formatting daemon ]
           Except these are the same fucks that thrive in a society
           protected by the post WWII 'dirty' foreign policy of the US.
           They offer no plausible alternative (because there
           are very few), they just critisize.
           are very few), they just criticize.
           are very few), they just criticize.  For what its worth,
           even the Quaran acknowledges Jews have a right to live
           in Canaan (Isreal).
           They offer no plausible alternative (because there are very few),
           they just criticize.  For what its worth, even the Quaran
           acknowledges Jews have a right to live in Canaan (Isreal).
                \_ You're an idiot.
                  \_I reciprocate the sentiment petulant traitorous twit.
           \_ Hi racist Jew! You've been causing quite the ruckus lately.
                \_ So you deny the Quaran and Bible grant Canaan to Jews
                   and Arabia to the Muslims.  BTW I love Buchanan.
                   and Arabia to the Muslims.  BTW I'm a Buchanan fan.
           \_ These postings are interesting because the offer a different
              perspective than the mainstraim American press has offered so
              perspective than what the mainstraim American press has offered so
              far. As for the British, I think they would differ with your
              assesment that they are ungrateful for the efforts of the USj
              assesment that they are ungrateful for the efforts of the US
              during WWII. -payam
                \_ I said Guardian not British subjects.
                   \_ I think the Guardian would beg to differ also. -payam
             \_ No different than what you can find in the slightly-out-of-
                 mainstream American press like Salon, etc.  What bothers me
                 about many of these types of articles is how the authors try
                 to throw in *every* *single* *thing* they don't like about the
                 US into the mix: Nicaragua/the Contras; US non-ratification
                 of the Kyoto treaty; walking out of the hijacked Durban
                 racism conference; "well, garwsh, that just proves all that
                 money we spent on missle defense sure was a waste, wasn't
                 it?"  I knew that US activities abroad were often shameful,
                 bloody, and contradictory *before* the WTC bombing, thanks.
                 I don't need some snide European (or a snide wannabe-
                 European) writing condescending articles about what he
                 *thinks* I don't know right now.  Still, if people want to
                 write articles on how US policy in the Middle East has
                 contributed to terrorism, that's their right.  But when so-
                 called "journalists" use the deaths of 5,000 people to poke
                 sticks at America for every pet cause under the sun, that's
                 shameless, crass opportunism.  I don't think that bin Laden
                 struck last week because he was upset about us not ratifying
                 the Kyoto treaty.
           \_ Why don't you think about these pictures while you read these
              these articles
                 \_ while the Kyoto protocol may not have anything to do with
                    the WTC bombing, it's perfectly relevant in that it shows
                    how US foreign polic
                 \_ While the Kyoto protocol may not have had anything to do
                    with the WTC bombing, it's perfectly relevant in that
                    it shows how the US believes it can "go it alone" on
                    anything.  Of course, if there's something we want to
                    do, we twist everyone else's arm to join our side or
                    suffer crossing the world's last "superpower."
        \_ I hope by "uncivilised world" Wolfowitz wasn't referring to the
           whole Islamic or Arab world.
        \_ I hope by "the uncivilised world" Wolfowitz wasn't referring to the
           whole Islamic world or the whole Arab world.
2001/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:22490 Activity:high
9/15    Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson say that the abortionists, the
        ACLU and gays and lesbians are to blame for the WTC bombing:
        \_ it is disgusting that at this time, he can think of nothing better
           than to push his own religious, bigoted agenda.  So much for
           American solidarity.  It's funny that both he and the anti-American
           Islamic fundamentalists say that the attack is a punishment from God.
           \_ hopefully this will whittle away further at their
              \_ Never underestimate the power of stupid people. -geordan
                                            in large groups. _/
        \_ why read when you can hear it from the horses's asses?
2001/9/16 [Uncategorized] UID:36307 Activity:nil 75%like:22487
9/16    US plans to retaliate against 60 nations:
2001/9/16 [Uncategorized] UID:36308 Activity:nil
9/15    It's the ACLU's fault:
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:September:16 Sunday <Saturday, Monday>