9/13 To our friends in the politburo: we respect and support our first
amendment rights, and we believe the motd should be an open forum.
Since we unabashedly support free speech, the tone of the motd over
the past day has come as a painful reminder that with power
comes responsibility. Since we understand that discussions on the
motd may become heated, we ask that you show the level of maturity and
respect that we have come to expect of the students and alumni of the
finest educational institution in the world. Fiat lux. --CSUA
\_ oh get over yourself. This isn't a first amendment right issue.
Are you a fucking moron? Noone took your right to free speach
\_ oh get over yourself. This isn't a first amandment right issue.
Are you a fucking maron? Noone took your right to free speach
Are you a fucking moran? Noone took your right to free speach
away. Noone took away your right of free assembaly. All they did
was take down a public message board THEY WERE PROVIDING IN THE
was take down a pubalic message board THEY WERE PROVIDING IN THE
FIRST PLACE. If you don't like it start your own forum. -aspo
\_ I am grateful to the Politburo,
He who provides me anonymous opine;
I hope He never raises his keyboard again in anger,
I hope He never raises His keyboard again in anger,
For I am a Sinner, and I have Sinned,
Thank you Politburo!
\_ I missed it. What particular points on the motd during the last
few days were offensive enough?
\_ that question presupposes that there actually was a valid reason. |