2001/9/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:22360 Activity:very high 66%like:22353 |
9/9 Take the red pill: http://www.wholeearthmag.com/ArticleBin/374.html \_ i will save the rest of you the trouble: "capitalism bad, communism good". \_ If that is what you got from it, I question your reading comprehension skills. It is no way complimentary of comprehension skills. It is no way complementary of communism. \_ I love it when morons criticize people. "Duh, your reading comprehension sucks." Look up "complementary", it doesn't mean what you think it means. \_ Your vocabulary sucks too. "comlementary" != "complimentary". Look it up. He, unlike you, used the word correctly. \_ this is unfair. someone corrected the original post. \_ well, okay, maybe just "capitalism bad". not sure what other point the overlong drivel had. at some point i ceased caring. \_ I think either the article failed to point out that the USSR, being the biggest communist country, also did more or less the same things as mentioned in the article, or it purposely avoided that fact. \_ What does USSR have to do with it? \_ The article seems to blame warfare and imperialism on capitalism, while in fact those problems were common to both capitalism and communism. It's like when someone finds that a big percentage of students in every university cheats in their exams, he writes an article on the topic "a big percentage of students in University biased. X cheats in their exams". It's not incorrect, but it's unfair. \_ I guess that is one way to think about it. But I don't know anyone who seriously advocates a communist dictatorship as a response to the problems of limited democracy and corporate control of the media. both capitalism and communism. biased. \_ I guess that is one way to think about it. \_ sorry, i couldn't get past the stupid matrix analogy. "The propaganda lies of yesterday were recorded and became consensus history--the fabric of the matrix." I just can't make myself believe that anyone who could say this with a straight face has anything reasonable to say. \_ Donate all your belongings to PETA and go live in a cave deep in the forest. \_ DEEP in the forest. I don't want to run into you on a random hiking trip. \_ People for the Eating of Tasty Animals? |
2001/9/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:22361 Activity:high |
9/10 Antimasturbation devices for csua members (no pun): Check out http://free.freespeech.org/shockingtruth/pittjohnson.html esp. the quotes at the bottom. These guys are serious... \_ It can't be real. How do you pay for something priced at 34.99 pound sterling in British currency? -- not from Britain \_ too bad it isn't true. \_ It can't be real. How do you pay for something at 34.99 pound sterling in British currency? \_ it's obviously not real |
2001/9/10 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:22362 Activity:moderate |
9/9 What the hell is wrong with you people? LinuxWorld just passed and there was NOT ONE MENTION of it on the motd! Don't you know that i COUNT on the motd to keep me informed of geek stuff like this? \_ Every second exhibitor was a hardware company. The biggest booths were those of IBM (biggest and most visible), Compaq, HP and Sun along with Intel and AMD. Dell and SGI were not there. Plus, there were RedHat, Mandrake, SuSE, VaLinux/OSDN, Ximian, Debian, FSF and other usual suspects. Unlike before, there wasn't much free gear like CD's and t-shirts though you could pickup lots of magazines and get massage for free. There wasn't much new this year, really. Probably slashdot and such have better coverage of this event.. \_ Who cares about Linux (and LinuxWorld)? \_ lisux |
2001/9/10 [Recreation/Dating] UID:22363 Activity:moderate |
9/9 http://web2.iadfw.net/~elo/news/statue.html \_ too bad it isn't true. \_ Virgin Mary having sex with Jesus? Wasn't she his mother? \_ Maybe he was taking cues from Oedipus. \_ But Jesus is also God, so he is also her mate. Or something. He's the son of himself. |
2001/9/10 [Recreation/Shopping] UID:22364 Activity:nil |
9/9 Where can I buy a shopping cart? Don't want to resort to stealing one. \_ I've seen some people have this folding version of a shopping cart before. Maybe K-Mart or Walmart? \_http://www.mcmaster.com and search for shopping cart \_ cool site, thanks, but the prices are pretty damn steep. |
2001/9/10 [Recreation/Humor] UID:22365 Activity:very high |
9/10 Developers, developers, developers, developers! -John \_ stop plagurizing. --sballmer \_ stop plagiarizing. --sballmer \_ M$ has all rights to the word "developer"? \_ No, but repeating the word four times with an exclamation point... nevermind, you missed John's joke. \_ I know jokes get ruined when you explain them, but I didn't get this either... care to fill us in? |
2001/9/10 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:22366 Activity:nil |
9/10 Hey, anyone worked with Windows resolvers? Particularly 95, 98, ME? I'm trying to discern what it can support in terms of encoding (i.e.i if it can handle 8-bit clean or even better supporting Unicode/UTF-8) |
2001/9/10 [Uncategorized] UID:22367 Activity:low 66%like:21592 |
9/10 [ kinney's drivel deleted. Learn what 'shannon limit' is. ] \_ that was regurgitated drivel from july. i think you've been had. -kd historian. |
2001/9/10 [Finance/Investment] UID:22368 Activity:very high |
9/10 panel of economist say recovery by year's end.. time to put money back into the market. \_ sign your name, cmlee, so we know when the anti-analyst is speaking \_ And the economic growth is supposed to be fueled by..... stock trading? \_ no but if you are holding off investing because fear of recession, this should be good news |
2001/9/10 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:22369 Activity:high |
9/10 I've decided to be lazy and helpless and come crawling to the motd for help. RTFM is SO HARD! So, i installed a custom cert about a year ago. (apache-ssl) now it's expired. How do i update? \_ remake the cert. |
2001/9/10-11 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:22370 Activity:very high 66%like:36269 |
9/10 What are some last names that could be Asian, Caucasian, and Black? I'll start first: lee ??? Park \_ The "Lee" among Chinese and Koreans are indeed the same last name. Of course this "Lee" is not actually related to the "Lee" among Caucasians and Blacks. (Is that "Lee" short form of "Leland"?) \_ don't you know General Robert E. Lee was Chinese/Korean Caucasians and Blacks. ??? Park \_ What distinguishes Caucasian last names from Black? Unless you mean African? \- are there black lilas? [that sounds like a magic card]. there are white, indian, middle eastern lilas. ok tnx --psb \_ Rosa Parks was black, not Korean. \_ And her last name was Parks, not Park. \_ As written. Also, originally I wrote Park(s) to emphasize the difference. Very similar names can be held by very different racial groups. \_ Who really cares? \_ Just for fun. \_ -ian is common amongst Armenians. \_ The original poster was referring to Caucasian people as in the white race, not as in the people that live in the Caucasus, a mountainous region on the south of the eastern european Russia. As someone who was born in Caucasus, I do hate that Americans could not come up with a better term for "white people" -akopps \_ caucASIAN. \_ what about Chris Rock's suggestions, such as "yakoo" or "honkaloid"? \_ Chandrasekhar \_ Rosa Park(s) was black, not Ko-Rean. \_ Robert E. Lee, your friendly Confederate General Chinese/Korean \_ This thread sucks. |
2001/9/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:22371 Activity:low |
9/10 Can anyone recommend a good video capture card for a PC? What are useful features to have in one? Thanks. \_ http://arstechnica.infopop.net/OpenTopic/page?q=Y&a=tpc&s=50009562&f=67909965&m=352092621 |
2001/9/10-11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22372 Activity:low |
9/10 Anybody know what happened to http://best.com after the verio buyout? Seems like they no longer support their unix shell users. Can somebody recommend another ISP that's fully supporting their unix shell users with web hosting and POP, etc? Thanks. \_ I'm still using http://best.com's shells, but it's true that they seem rather orphaned. -tom \_ not to mention they wont bother to set up a single non-forwarding SMTP gateway. Their current ones ALL allow forwarding ifyou claim an "@best.com" From: address. Idiots. I'd love a better suggestion for ssh access, web hosting, and newsreading, for $30 a month or less. \_ I use <DEAD>io.com<DEAD> for ssh access to a shell account for $10/month. Note that I do not get dialup access (or any sort of network connection). |
2001/9/10-11 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:22373 Activity:moderate 50%like:21470 50%like:22630 |
9/10 What the fuck? The MOTD has been awfully bland and sparse lately. \_ In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of entertaining man in his hour of maximum boredom. I do not shrink from this responsibility -- I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our motd and all who read it -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Sodans: Ask not what the motd can do for you; Ask what you can do for the motd. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what the motd will do for you, but what together we can do for the entertainment of man. \_ this is one of the funniest retorts I've seen in the last couple of weeks! -zapruder's #1 fan |
2001/9/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:22374 Activity:high |
9/10 When and when isn't == equivalent to equals() in regard to Objects? \_ == is reference equality (true iff it is the same instance of the String s1 = "foo"; String s2 = "foo"; object). You can overload equals() to do anything you want, in principle; by convention, it is used to test whether the objects are semantically different. Default implementation of equals() (in class Object) simply does reference comparison with ==. One common class that overloads equals() is String; it is not very intuitive when two Strings are == or !=. See 3.10.5 of http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/lexical.doc.html Compare Strings with equals() unless *both* Strings are intern()ed. Compare Objects with equals() if the method could be overloaded, doesn't matter otherwise. If this all is too complicated, that's because Java is broken. -- misha \_ yeah, perl is much better -- troll \_ Fix your garbage collection. -- troll2 \_ String s1 = new String("foo"); String s2 = new String ("foo"); String s1 = "foo"; String s2 = "foo"; (s1.equals(s2)) //TRUE, because of String's 'equals' impl \_ Correct. (s1 == s2) //FALSE, because they don't point at the same objects (thanks for the correction) \_ This is correct when s1 and s2 are assigned at runtime. If s1 and s2 are assigned to literals as above, the strings will be interned. So (s1 == s2) as you have it is true. But (s1 == "food".substring(0, 3)) is false because the substring call happens at runtime. |
2001/9/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:22375 Activity:nil |
9/10 hola, we [lbl/aciri] are looking for people interested to work on the BRO intrusion detection system. the work will be supervised by the depveloper, vern paxon, who is a well-known security and networking researcher. see ~psb/BRO.labor and/or drop me a line if you are interested or have any questions. ok tnx. --psb |
2001/9/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:36259 Activity:nil |
9/10 I got a class action lawsuit paper from Accuvue. How long would it take to get my cash after I file it? |
2001/9/10 [Uncategorized] UID:36260 Activity:nil |
9/10 Article URL \_ lame summary \_ You're stupid \_ No your stupid \_ No, you're stupid. \_ Ok I'm a little dumb. |
3/15 |