2001/9/6-10/10 [Science/Electric] UID:22320 Activity:nil |
9/1 Halt due to AC failure. |
2001/9/6 [Uncategorized] UID:22321 Activity:nil |
9/5 Carly Fiorina is a total fucking bitch. \_ You have obviously mistaken us for someone who gives a damn. |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Security] UID:22322 Activity:low |
9/5 does shit like this still happen? http://www.techlawjournal.com/courts/kathleenr/20010306op.asp or is that only in backwater states? \_ um dude, that's livermore, ca. \_ and what's wrong with it? an idiot woman brought an idiot suit to court, and the case was dismissed. BFD. /- I think she IS an idiot, trying to make up for her own bad parenting skills. Obviously, this kid knew what he was doing; (printing his school schedule over the top of a "scantily clad woman"--how much money did he get for that from his buddies?) the library was just a means to an end. --sowings \_ I don't think the woman is an idiot. I think this scum is smart enough to realize that she can probably make some quick bucks by filing this idiot suit and reaching a settlement. Oh did she remember to get the media involved? Oh she might even be able to write a book afterwards on how her son's innocence was violated and how she was physically and emotionally hurt and how she spent years in turmoil before she recovered and blah blah blah. \_ You are right, this is terrible. Those librarians should be shot. |
2001/9/6 [Uncategorized] UID:22323 Activity:high |
9/5 Is it just me, or is King Of The Hill really damn reactionary and offensive? Or is it a real depiction of live in Texas? Every time there's a young woman, she's "Going to make someone a good wife." \_ hi chialea! \_ That's not offensive \_ no siree. That's family values. Shame you dont get women in california. \_ No. neither. _KOtH_ is MAKING FUN of that attitude. You are obviously too dumb to take your political convictions so seriously. feminist: n.) One who, realizing that women are oppressed and miserable, has failed to notice that condition among everyone else. - crebbs |
2001/9/6 [Uncategorized] UID:22324 Activity:high |
9/5 Is it bad to spend most of section staring at your TA's ass? \_ Good TAs don't spend all of section with their backs to the students. \_ Is he cute? |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22325 Activity:nil |
9/5 DEADBEEF, CAFEBABE, what else. \_ D000B015 --pld \_ grep '^[a-fo]*$' /usr/share/dict/words -- misha \_ grep -i '^[a-foizsg]*$' /usr/share/dict/words | tr \ '[a-foOiIzZsSgG]' '[A-F0011225599]' -alexf&&officehosers \_ [] and '' are not needed for tr. -- 0XCF31337 \_ well if you're gonna go that far you might as well add in the '7' == 'T'... personally I wouldn't go beyond 0,1,5. this problem is not complete until you compile a list of all 8-letter combinations. \_ sorry all, I'm dumb... what are we looking for here? \_ ABEDBABE |
2001/9/6 [Uncategorized] UID:22326 Activity:nil |
9/5 I'm trying to find a site that had long details about Disney's original plan for epcot, and his "city of tomorrow". I thought it was something really simply, like "cityoftomorrow.com", but that's not it. Anyone know? Google is no help so far. \_ how about, "Epcot, the city where chinks,spics and niggers know their place." - former disney employee. \_ oops. just found it. http://www.waltopia.com Go look at it, if you dont know the true purpose for EPCOT Hmm. Except it doesnt seem as detailed as the site I remember. drat. \_ THat is from the weakest link? \_ you sick bastard! http://www.levity.com/julian/bungle_vv.html |
2001/9/6 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:22327 Activity:nil |
9/5 Does anyone know where one can find rent control laws and ordinances of Santa Clara. I remember a new law that went into effect beginning of this year saying that rent increases greater than 10% requires at least a two month advance notice. -phlo \_ I can't believe a cal alum can't even use google or da yellow pages or city hall or the mayor's office to figure out something as Berkeley as Rent Control. \_ Try HUD. -- yuen |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:22328 Activity:nil |
9/4 Apple's "free" patch is no longer free... http://www.macobserver.com/columns/thebackpage/2001/20010831.shtml |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/OS, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22329 Activity:nil |
9/4 Is it possible for a unix kernel to communicate with its user processes by just using shared memory? \_ yes, its done in device drivers all the time \_ what mechanism or api are they using? shmget, ... \_ the program mmaps the device driver's dev file. there is an entry point for mmap in the dev sturcture in the kernel, just as there are entry points for read and write. -ali |
2001/9/6 [Computer/Networking] UID:22330 Activity:nil |
9/4 So is it hard to sign up for AtHome or PacBell DSL given all these changes of epic proportions? \_ Well, they're still advertising their services \_ I switched from firstworld to pacbell dsl by going to http://sonic.net. It was quite painless. Once I got router and the ip info from sonic, all I need to do was edit /etc/hostname.qe0, /etc/mygate and reboot. |
2001/9/6 [Uncategorized] UID:22331 Activity:nil |
9/4 Now for something completely different. Anyone know of a decent c++ wrapper for pthreads? \_ Schmidt's ACE toolkit? \_ way too big for my needs. |
2001/9/6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:22332 Activity:nil |
9/4 If you havent expessed your interest in linux for PlayStation2, consider bumping up the momentum again: http://ps2linux.scea.com/interest_form.shtml \_ what is the use for Linux running on a ps2? \_ that's not the POINT! The linux "kit" comes with a hard drive and keyboard AND VGA adapter. so then you have a single relatively cheap device that will play kickass games, DVDs, AND websurf, AND... Hey, at minimum, I'd think the VGA adapter will clean up the res even more than a component output cable, since you get to use a "real" monitor on the other end now. \_ except a game has to specifically have support for the vga adapter, which of course none have. It doesn't just work. |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:22333 Activity:moderate |
9/5 Stupid Questions: Postgre SQL seems to be a better Database, but why MySQL, which lack of nested queries, foreign key, and other major feature, seems to be used more in the real world than Postgre? \_ Because it's comparatively easy to set up, and is "good enough". It's the microsoft syndrome. \_ Postgres isn't hard to setup. In fact, it's very easy. \_ yeah, it is cake. Was mysql first? I suspect this is just one of those critical mass things. MySQL was first to reach 100 monkeys. I used mysql first because all the hip PHP kids were using it, saying how great it was and that it was the fastest thing out there, when i set up my apache-php and wanted a database a couple years ago. I just recently installed PostgreSQL -crebbs \_ I first started out using MySQL, and liked it well enough. Eventually I moved to postgres, but I've found some things that irk me a bit. Getting PGSQL to allow network connections to the database was one hoop. Trying to add columns to a table, and giving that column a default value and placing restrictions on it (NOT NULL) doesn't seem to work under postgres. Admittedly I haven't used it that much to try to REALLY work past these problems, but that's one man's 10,000 foot view. --sowings \_ There are still good reasons to use MySQL. It's optimized for _read_ performance, both from a speed and integrity point of view. If you're rarely putting data in in large quantities, and have tons and tons of accesses, and you know how to guarantee integrity yourself, MySQL might be a good choice. \_ philcompress! philcompress! philcompress is the STANDARD! way to efficiently store data without guaranteeing integrity! |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:22334 Activity:high |
9/5 In C++ how do you detect that a constructor failed to execute successfully? I've got this ugly hack that sets an instance variable which my code can check, but I'm looking for something a bit more elegant. My C++ fu is really weak as I've been a C programmer way too long. \_ Throw an exception from the constructor if it fails, and catch the exception wherever you want to deal with it. |_ Thought that was in Java. \_ The above response is the preferred method. --jsjacob http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/exceptions.html#[17.2] \_ Thanks. Looks like my soln. was equivalent to the "zombie" idea, but I'll try to use an execption instead. \_ It returns NULL? \_ Constructors do not return anything. \_ Your an idiot. [sic] |
2001/9/6 [Computer/Theory, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/TJB, Politics] UID:22335 Activity:nil |
9/6 Rank in descending order of intelligence: alexf, misha, mconst, tjb, twohey |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:22336 Activity:nil |
9/6 What the f*ck!!!??? "Feds Stop Seeking Microsoft Breakup" http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010906/ts/microsoft_antitrust.html F*ck the GOP! \_ First of all, this isn't exactly new information. Second of all, the judges unianimously agreed that microsoft still needed to be punished -- they just disagreed with the idea of a breakup as the proper punishment. -mice \_ But push polls show that most Americans favor Microsoft. \_ don't worry, if this doesn't make the market go back up nothing will \_ So what? Breaking them up would have been dumb; it didn't make sense in terms of solving the real problem. Breaking up AT&T worked because it created competing entities. Breaking MS into operating systems and apps would not do anything about the underlying OS monopoly. The aim should be to promote competition, not just arbitrarily f*ck with the company. Personally I don't think they have a monopoly any more than Sony has a PS2 monopoly. How come I can't play GT3 on Dreamcast? \_ It would be easy to break M$ into competing companies. This is just more proof that our government is entirely bought and sold. \_ How would you do it then? You'd have to somehow enforce application compatibility between two competing OSes. Which you can't do without castrating their ability to develop new systems. \_ This is a bad analogy. Baby Bells, whether they were split or remained a single company are still a monopoly. Spliting MS is more quivalent to disallowing Baby Bells (be they one or many companies) from providing any services such as long distance calls in addition to the basic phone services. |
2001/9/6 [Uncategorized] UID:22337 Activity:nil |
9/6 I'm looking for a kitchen utensil that consists of a plastic handle with a series of removable sponge attatchments that can be used for cleaning the inside of a glass. i got one from someone along time ago, and need to get replacement sponges, but i dont know the name of the company that makes them or the name of the tool. any ID of this product would be very helpful. thanks. |
2001/9/6-7 [Computer/Networking] UID:22338 Activity:very high |
9/6 Has anybody purchased a "Catch-a-call"? Supposedly, you plug it into the phone jack and you can now recieve phone calls while logged on. -fab \_ Why would you be using your telephone line to log in? Do you live in some third world country? \_ Yes, I am working in South Side Chicago - a third world country. No DSL in my neighborhood, phone lines can't deal with cable modem, etc. Just - does this gadget work? Yes or no? -fab \_ Your phone lines can't deal with cable modems? You poor, poor soul. \_ South Side Chicago really approached a third world country in many respects. -fab \_ I say, son, I keep on a'pitchin' 'em, and you keep on a'missin' 'em. you're missing the joke. are you saying you can't get cable TV over phone lines in Chicago either? Man, that sucks. What about power? No? Jebus. \_ Why not get a second phone line or a cell phone then? \_ gadget==$70, extra phone line >> $70 -fab \_ Move to Palatine or something. \_ there's a product called Hot-Call. If a call comes in while you are on (requires call waiting), the hot-call product rings. You can choose to answer or ignore. If you answer, your modem connection will end. \_ the catch a call add claims you can do both. Is this bogus? or even possible? -fab \_Read the fine print fab: "If you decide to answer the call... simply pick up the phone at your station. CAC will "Flash" the line for you automatically, putting the computer and ISP on-hold for you. (The computer usually disconnects at this point, since it does not "Hear" the ISP any longer)." http://www.internationalelect.com/catcha.htm |
2001/9/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:22339 Activity:kinda low |
9/6 Welcome to the 60 HR club, Barry. Good luck in overtaking Ruth's 1920 as the best season ever. \_ Did the Babe play in a park with a 300ft right field? |
3/15 |