2001/8/20 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:22177 Activity:high |
8/20 How do I generate an auto reply of "this user does not exist on our system" in procmail? I need to get rid of junk mail. Thanks. \_ man procmailex. \_ you getting massive spam from <DEAD>postmastergeneral.com<DEAD>? :0 * ^From.*tonyvsos@iol.ie* * !^X-Loop: qtmyfy@inl.org | (/usr/local/bin/formail -r -A"X-Loop: qtmyfy@inl.org" ; \ echo "qtmyfy@inl.org is not a valid address.") | $SENDMAIL -t |
2001/8/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22178 Activity:kinda low |
8/20 Our legal system is out of control: http://www.Overlawyered.com \_ you've been watching too much Judge Judy; cases are rarely simple. -tom \_ The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers. |
2001/8/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22179 Activity:nil |
8/20 huh huh, this guy's name is "Noonan" http://www.securityfocus.com/templates/article.html?id=240 \_ And they even have a guest column by Mitnick. |
2001/8/20 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22180 Activity:very high |
8/20 [this is a copy of a message from Mike Clancy, posted here to gather ideas] I'm designing a "security" quiz for 9E. Topics I've thought of so far include file permissions (what should be readable/executable and what should not), the sequence of directories in $PATH, use of xhost, and setting up ssh access. I'd appreciate any other suggestions you might have. \_ why setuid/setgid shell scripts are bad and typically not supported. how to resolve of the problems with setuid shell scripts and chgrp, why chown is restricted to superusers. the limitations of those "solutions" Why setuid/setgid programs are good/bad chgrp, why chown is restricted to superusers. --jon \_ directory permissions: difference between r-x and --x and how command line args (e.g. vi filename) show up in ps output \_ What the sticky bit is, and why you would use it. \_ Why /etc/passwd is world readable but /etc/shadow is not. \_ Why anyone who has to take 9E having root is a bad idea. \_ What's 9E? - non ee/cs alum \_ self-paced unix course \_ How to tell when paolo is running a script that deletes the motd every 3 minutes. -tom \_ What's a jail, what does tripwire do. -John \_ Using my 1st amendment right, I disagree with tom. \_ How to figure out that paolo is running a script which deletes the motd every 3 minutes. -tom \_ Why you shouldn't use any English word, however uncommon it is, as your password. -- yuen \_ Why two bits of salt for a passwd is bad. \_ Why xhost should never be used and how to use xauth -alan http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/xauth.html \_ Why xauth is too much trouble and how to use ssh. \_ tom, are you still an undergrad? \_ no. \_ to paraphrase Theo: "Perhaps you should stay clear of discussions where the roles of undergraduate cs students -- especially what their responsibilities-- are being discussed." |
2001/8/20-21 [Computer/Networking] UID:22181 Activity:moderate |
8/20 Please submit cheap and easy way for my 1 @home machine to give access to other machines in home? \_ buy a cheap router (~$100) ... or put dual NICs in one of your machines and have it act as a proxy \_ Assuming you have a static IP, get a Linksys router. I got one with 8 10/100 ports and setting it up is really simple. I've heard that if you don't have a static IP the Linksys sucks. -eric \_ but there is a number of similar products from netgear, smc, d-link, etc. check out http://www.practicallynetworked.com \_ Don't bother. @home is going belly up any minute now. \_ So this is cool. I had: @Home, then @Home + DSL (Northpoint). Northpoint goes boom, they put me on Rhythms (about 2 months ago). Rhythms goes boom. They're moving me to Covad now. Let's see if @Home can live until my Covad lights up, but before Covad fails to get their required funding to live till 2002. Argh. \_ Free: Install 2 NIC, enable connection sharing in windows for NIC attached to @home. Totally insecure... Or go buy your favorite 386 on ebay, install OpenBSD, nat, firewall, etc... \_ A machine in the P150, PII 266 or SS20 range will be much better than a 386, since you will be able to apply patches and rebuild faster. \_ Oh blarg. Just pay $80 for a router/hub/firewall and be done with it. I love my SMC Barricade--even has DHCP server, and can do PPPoE for my DSL connection. |
2001/8/20 [Reference/Languages] UID:22182 Activity:high |
8/20 Are the time notations "AM" and "PM" acronyms or abbreviations of something? -- yuen \_ AM = "ante meridian", PM = "post meridian"--before/after mid-day. Look at http://greenwichmeantime.com/info/noon.htm -John \_ Not quite; it's "meridiem" (Latin singular accusative of "meridianus", a 3rd decl noun meaning "midday"). Of course, "ante" and "post" mean before and after. -alexf \_ American Heritage dictionary accepts "antemeridian" as correct, although your etymology is accurate. And you're a miserable nitpicking pedant, to boot. -John \_ I was correcting a mostly-correct answer (hence the "quite"). I was not flaming, and I would rather not get flamed either. Also, take a careful look at the definition of "antemeridian" -- this is a (rare) English word meaning "Of or belonging to the forenoon or `morning.'" according to the OED. According to AHD4, it arose from a Latin noun(?) closely related to the phrase referenced above ("antemeridianus"), but is technically not the same thing, and not the common expansion of "a.m.", according to WordNet, OED, and AHD4. -alexf \_ Thanks! |
2001/8/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22183 Activity:nil |
8/20 I hope you don't use Hotmail for important email: http://www.NewsBytes.com/news/01/169167.html |
2001/8/20-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:22184 Activity:low |
8/20 Has anyone here ever set up an IPSEC vpn between a Cisco router and a Netscreen box? If so, can you give me some tips? I think I'm missing something painfully obvious. -John \_ Did you open up the IPSEC traffic? \_ Yeah, both sides are doing NAT, and both have completely open filters/access lists. I can see the remote Netscreen box in my IPSEC SA, but the Netscreen doesn't seem to be picking up the cisco's ISAKMP negotiation. -John |
2001/8/20 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:22185 Activity:insanely high |
8/20 Anybody know what is the focus of UC Merced? I've been going through their web site and they talk a lot about engineering. But hell, so does DeVry. How are they going to attract the famous professors and get the reputation as a good school? I don't think that many people are moving to Merced/Fresno. Thanks. \_ the focus is the destruction of california's largest vernal pool. to build that site. \_ consider how many people move to Riverside and Davis. \_ Davis is tons better than Riverside \_ Top tier: B, LA, SD. Mid: SB, I, D. Bottom: SC, R \_ SB vs D vs R is not a given. Why do you place R below the other two? \_ League of it's own: UCB. \_ not if we graduate people who can't distinguish its/it's. \_ How do the low-tier UCs compare to the Cal States? \_ Big money to get the prof's, and many years of time to gradually build the reputation. Hmm, if they can also run a biz school to attract the gals, I think more guys will be willing to go there for engineering. \_ [readded post]. Harvey Mudd got a good reputation in <50 yrs. \_ just as a side note: Harvey Mudd's CS is ass. \_ Their focus is going to be agricultural stuff, as expected by its location. It was a lousy idea to create another UC. \_ how do you suggest UC deal with expanded enrollment, then? -tom \_ don't enroll so many f'n people! \_ Exactly. nuff said. no more of this nonsense "let's admit the top 4%" plan. \_ Competing with UCD? |
2001/8/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22186 Activity:nil |
8/20 Personal message addressed to tom deleted. Ask tom via email. Most of us don't care about his educational status. |
2001/8/20 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer] UID:22187 Activity:nil |
8/20 G4M3RZ R L4M3RZ: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/50/21135.html |
2001/8/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22188 Activity:nil |
8/20 war is imminent in middle east. |
2001/8/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22189 Activity:high 57%like:21883 |
8/20 motd poll. sarah jessica parker in: sex in the city : square pegs : .. L.A. Story : . Phil Nunez Does Philly : . Anal Coeds #12 : . |
2001/8/20 [Uncategorized] UID:22190 Activity:high |
8/20 why does crebbs have some many sleep and diff processes? \_ Did root clean them up? When i looked i only had two of each (now gone). How many did you see? -crebbs \_ lastcomm crebbs |
2001/8/20 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Computer/SW/Security] UID:22191 Activity:high |
8/20 http://socrates.berkeley.edu:7015/email I've graduated many years ago. How are they going to enforce my soda account termination? \_ we can port and run re-reg (from the ocf). \_ the ocf hasn't run re-reg in years, and has no intention of running it anytime soon. \_ maybe. maybe it will now. Maybe you ought to think about options. Looks like a non-issue for now tho. \_ "years" meaning, what, 3? \_ What's the page about? My browser can't find it with the URL above. |
2001/8/20 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:22192 Activity:nil |
8/20 What's the relationship between Rob Nicolas and Kevin Mullaley? Are they boss/intern, boss/boss, unrelated??? \_ You mangled the names, but they are unrelated. Both are managers, have been here about 10 years, but manage different areas. (kevinm is instructional, robm is research) \_ close. Kevin Mullaly and Rob McNicholas both for work for Pei Chen, EECS Computer Resources Manager. Kevin runs EECS Instructional, Rob runs the EECS Computer User Support Group, the contract/recharge system support group. |
3/15 |