2001/8/17-19 [Uncategorized] UID:22145 Activity:nil |
8/17 Anyone heard abot NetLedger or working for them? How are they? \_ i didn't hear good things about the employment experience there -- but will ask around. if you signyour name, i'll email you directly. \_ NetLedger will be crushed like a little bug soon enough. Either M$/GreatPlains or Intuit will win that market, despite Ellison's deep pockets. \_ NetLedger will be crushed like a little bug soon enough. Either M$/GreatPlains or Intuit will win that market, despite Ellison's deep pockets. |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22146 Activity:high |
8/16 I'm writing the tcp server and for simplicity I've chosen to write it as a concurrent server (call fork() for each client). I'd like to limit the max number of concurrent instances of my server that can run. I tried looking in Stevens Unix Network Programming, but this doesn't seem to be covered. Any ideas? TIA. \_ you know, you can't expect the answer to every fucking dumb question answered in a book. at some point, the book has to assume you have a brain. why don't you just fucking keep track of the count of children in the listening process? \_ Well, you have to decrement the count in the SIGCHLD handler and there is a small possibility that you might miss a signal while you are in the handler. I need something reliable. \_ A reasonable objection, but if this is really an issue, you can store a list of all children, and poll all of them once every {minute,hour,day,week,???} to see if they're all still alive. This is admittedly a hack though. -alexf \_ This is what it looks like I'm going to have to do. Thanks. \_ um. no. \_ Not all platforms support reliable signal delivery. One of the systems I need to support does not reliably queue signals. \_ man wait[pid|3|4] this should be reliable, but of course none of us can really help if we don't know anything about the platforms you are using. \_ Looking at http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/tcpserver.html might help. It's fairly portable afaik, but djb's coding style is crazy. -- misha. -c option does what you want. -- misha. |
2001/8/17-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/BayArea] UID:22147 Activity:kinda low |
8/16 I need a few grams of magnesium. Are there any chemical supply stores in Berkeley? -mjm \_ Alfa Aeser: http://www.alfa.com they will send you what you need fast. \_ Get a cheap Cube case on ebay. http://simson.net/photos/hacks/cubefire.html \_ Making your next bomb? |
2001/8/17 [Recreation/Humor] UID:22148 Activity:nil |
8/17 Is there something wrong with you if your first inclination upon hearing that a minor acquaintance committed suicide is to laugh? \_ Not really...I've done it a few times! Sometimes, thinking about it, I still laugh. \_ canned "bitter-learned" first world response. \_ Yeah, that's why I asked, I happened to think about this time in high school and giggled like a little girl. I think if it had been a complete stranger or a close friend I wouldn't have laughed. Maybe it was the absurdity of it all. \_ I initially laughed when told that a very close friend of mine had died in a car accident. I wanted to believe it was a joke, even though the person who told me would not joke about something like that. Denial is the first stage of psychological defense in cases like this. -ausman |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:22149 Activity:nil |
8/17 Is there an equiv of lsof -i for NT/2000? I.e. How do i go about finding out what process is controlling (say) port 1025 on a Win 2000 box? \_ try this: http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/tdimon.shtml other useful sysinternals utilites are filemon, process explorer, ... |
2001/8/17-19 [Uncategorized] UID:22150 Activity:moderate |
8/17 How would you define a friend vs. an acquaintance? \_ to which would you lend money? \_ hmmm.. interesting... \_ Someone you would sleep with? \_ which is which? |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:22151 Activity:high |
8/17 Is a motd history stored somewhere (i.e. past 3 days)? \_ *sighhhhh* Yes. \_ Where? If it's so painfully obvious it should be posted somewhere (ie. README) \_ It's not obvious. Someone seems to ask this question at least once a week, like fucking clockwork. \_ what readme? at any rate, maybe it should be added to /csua/share/doc/FAQ \_ Then people will start asking if there's a FAQ and where it is. \_ a copy of the FAQ is created in the home directory of new users. (why isn't it a link?) \_ I have a script that makes an RCS update of the motd whenever it notices the motd change. My RCS archives of the motd date back about 2 years. Its in ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v. You'll have to learn a little about rcs to figure out how to read it. -ERic |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22152 Activity:moderate |
8/17 How can a user put items on the CSUA public FTP server? \_ The csua public FTP server or some other public FTP server? \_ CSUA. \_ the CSUA public FTP is maintained but deprecated. you can put files up for public HTTP access instead, via your public_html directory. if you have a good reason to insist on FTP, mail root. --jwang \_ old people, like old profs, are used to using FTP like the guvmit. |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/Domains] UID:22153 Activity:low 71%like:21940 |
8/17 Another sendmail and DNS question. If A is cnamed to B and B is mxed to C, does mail to foo@A automatically go to the MX for B ? \_ Is A in the same domain as B? i.e., is it like this A = <DEAD>foo.bar.com<DEAD>, is a CNAME for B = <DEAD>baz.bar.com<DEAD> or this A = <DEAD>foo.garply.com<DEAD> is a CNAME for B = <DEAD>baz.bar.com<DEAD> \_ Same domain, but why does that matter, as long as relaying rules dont come into play ? |
2001/8/17 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:22154 Activity:high |
8/17 Apparently a liberal immigration policy doesn't seem to work: http://www.townhall.com/columnists/phyllisschlafly/ps20010131.shtml \_ written by phyllis schlafly... hmm... must resist... responding to troll.... will... fading...rapidly... \_ Look either immigrants come or capital leaves. Take your pick. |
2001/8/17-19 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:22155 Activity:moderate |
8/17 Anybody looking to buy a house? Do you care to comment on the housing market in the bay area now? I heard things have cooled down a lot since early 2000. Thanks. \_ From what I see, prices just aren't growing as fast as they were, but they're still increasing. Compare average/median prices year over year...I saw this in the paper and they still increased, but expensive houses increased much less (and averages being what they are, some of those will have decreased). \_ Ditto. It's not that the prices are going DOWN, it's just the price increase that's slowing. My agent said condos/townhouses are most likely to close under asking price, but then someone else might argue that condos/townhouses' resale value isn't as hot as that of single family residence (i.e. house). Approach with caution, wait out the market until after this summer. Inventory seems to be more abundant so far. - jthoms (also looking for a hse) \_ Prices are certainly declining in many regions. With interest rates where they are, it's a good time to be a cautious buyer. Find the home you really want. If you have to compromise, wait. \_ In Southern California, inventories are very, very low. I think a lot of people (buyers and sellers) are waiting. What they are waiting for I have no idea. --dim \_ Houses are sitting on the market much longer. I think it is only a matter of time before prices start to go down. \_ it's called denial. virtually every single buyer is into denial. wait a few months and prices will start crashing down. it is just like the real estate of the 80s |
2001/8/17-19 [Consumer/PDA] UID:22156 Activity:high |
8/17 Palm buys Be. Merger of the also rans: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/21080.html \_ Um... how is Palm an "also ran"? \_ Palm's prices are rising, while the quality is dropping. They are trying to improve revenue by selling their OS to third parties. These are clear signs that the company is fast becoming an also ran. Let's not forget that platform consolidation has started in the small device market; cell phones and pages merging is the first step. Some of them already feature most of a pda's functionality. It won't be long now. \_ Yes but Spock has a TriCorder (PDA) and Communicator (Cellphone). Surely this means that PDAs and Cellphones will be separate even in the future. \_ Palm is exactly where Netscape was a few years ago. Nuff said? Incidentally, IE still crashes as often as Netscape for me... -=Aubie \_ All who bow before Bill will be rewarded. Those who are in the way of the XP Revolution will be sent to the Microsquish re-education facilities. |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:22157 Activity:nil |
8/17 Java and Linux are set to rule the world: http://www.zdnet.com/eweek/stories/general/0,11011,2804967,00.html |
2001/8/17-19 [Politics/Domestic] UID:22158 Activity:high |
8/17 http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010816/wr/leisure_angry_dc_1.html ANgRY little asian girl from UCB \_ Somehow I don't find this cartoon very humorous, its just lame like UserFriendly. \_ UserFriendly sucks. Their jokes have the humor level of "Yeah, like Windows crashes." \_ Tell me this doesn't remind you of psb and make you chuckle: http://angrylittleasiangirl.com/comicstrip43.htm \_ Tell me this doesn't remind you of every heavy-handed dumb liberal at Berkeley and make you grimace: \_ Tell me this doesn't remind you of every heavy-handed dumb liberal at Berkeley and make you grimace: http://angrylittleasiangirl.com/comicstrip47.htm \_ There are no dumb liberals in Berkeley. Dumb liberal is an oxymoron. Dumb Republican, on the other hand... \_ WTF are you talking about? How about BAMN? Berkeley liberals are the reason I have to label myself as neither, even though I agree with most leftist values. These stupid people and their identity politics have ruined everything. Locke would be turning over in his grave. \_ bamn are cointelpro, look at their funding srcs \_ BAMN are detroit trotskyist transplants, even Berkeley liberals realize they have a hidden agenda and shun them. if you really care I can send you a bunch of articles on the subject. -danh \_ Today, I saw a dog, Yes, a dog. Talking to a pig, Yes, a pig. They were on the pavement, Discussing Trotsky. Not brotsky or crotsky or drotsky or frotsky. But Trotsky. - The People's Poet. \_ What's wrong? That non-whites are Americans is a PC idea? \_ Liberals don't like the pledge, the flag or people acting patriotic in general. After all these things were conceived in the minds of dead white male oppressors. I think that this particular cartoon would make the PC people more unhappy than anyone else. Oh the humanity of children making an affirmation to GOD! Oh the horror! \_ Liberals just don't like the comic because it's not funny. We like pledge just fine. It's lemony, and you can get high off it when you're in a pinch. \_ Liberals dislike patriotism because conservatives are so full of it. Patriotism is basically a conservative's way of saying, "I'm right and you're wrong. Get the heck out of this country because you don't agree with me." Talk about undemocratic. --jeffwong \_ Another reason why women (that includes angry little asian girls) >> men. Women for the most part are level-headed enough not to get sucked into these quality political "discussions". |
2001/8/17-19 [Uncategorized] UID:22159 Activity:moderate |
8/17 Hot Job Alert: http://www.house.gov/gcondit/intern_opportunities.htm \_ Especially note the "National Center for Missing & Exploited Children" logo on the bottom left of the page. Condit supports the Center by making sure they have someone to look for. |
2001/8/17 [Uncategorized] UID:22160 Activity:nil |
8/17 http://www.wickedweasel.com/contributors/contris/Ams/contri09/contri04.jpg - eeew. \_ Who's that? \_ someone who should not be wearing apparel like that. |
3/15 |