2001/7/27 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21962 Activity:very high |
7/26 what's the most buggiest linux/freebsd/solaris daemon you can think of? \_ apparently whatever grammar check you used on this motd entry. \_ not exactly a daemon, but linux's tape system. fukn a. \_ linux has a tape system? \_ rpcbind \_ bugd \_ " NFS \_ NFS, seconded. See also: "nlockmgr", "gaping hole", "rpc.statd", "security nightmare", et al \_ No. \_ follow up. Where can i find old versions of bind, wuftpd, rpc.statd. etc? \_ http://ftp.wu-ftpd.org:/pub/wu-ftpd-attic - paolo |
2001/7/27-28 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:21963 Activity:moderate |
7/26 I want to buy an econo-DVD player that functions well. Doesn't need to bypass region encoding. Recommendations? urlP. Thanks. \_ I heard that cheap ones can't play CD's you burn yourself. It's something about the format on those CDs being different from that on CDs you buy in record stores. I don't know exactly. \_ Oh brother. It has nothing to do with cheap vs. expensive. Some DVD players have two lasers. The ones that don't usually can't play CD-R. Of course, that's what CD players are for. Most Sonys can't player CD-R. Pioneer can. YMMV. Most Sonys can't play CD-R. Pioneer can. YMMV. \_ Why does it need two lasters to play CD-R but only one to play regular CD and DVD? \_ Or one laser that can do dual wavelengths. Many players use a laser that is a compromise between DVD and CD wavelengths to read both. Factory pressed CDs are more conducive to this laser (reflectivity), while CD-R is not. \_ I see. What about CD-RWs? Do DVD players with only one laser wavelength have the same problem with CD-RWs? \_ How cheap do you want? You can find good Toshiba DVD players all over for about $150. Why buy crap when you could have something decent for $50 more? \_ Or spring $300 and get a PS2 |
2001/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:21964 Activity:very high |
7/26 Does anyone here use vmware to run windows applications on a Linux host? Is it good enough to run things like Quicktime and MS Media player? Given that I have unlimited memory, which version of windows is better to use in vmware for better performance, Me or 2000? \_ You. \_ win98 >> WinMe \_ Win98 is your best bet for things you're talking about. \_ Install WinXP. i'm sure it's just what you're looking for. \_ according to my friend, the I/O isn't too hot, and it's very dependent on your CPU speed. On his P2-400, he can play audio fine, but QuickTime drops a majority of the frames. \_ QuickTime for Windows is the Devil's spawn. It's proof that if Apple were on top, Steve Jobs would be 18x more evil than Bill ever was. \_ While I agree with the sentiment, why is QT the devil's spawn? Seems fine to me. \_ For one thing, the browser plugin is fucked (doesn't allow saving or resizing, and drops half of its frames.) -John \_ You need quicktime pro for saving. basic qt doesn't support saving. \_ For another, it plays slow as shit unless you have überCPU, and wouldn't dream of doing hardware scaling M-|berCPU, and wouldn't dream of doing hardware scaling \_ For another, it wants to 0wn every media type on earth, even ones it can't handle correctly (like MPEG) \_ When QT3 for Windows came out, not only could you not uninstall it cleanly, but it took over MPEG and then refused to play the movies, took over MIDI killing off my good hardware MIDI samples and replacing it with its own shit... all without ever asking. \_ Well, maybe if Windows didn't have such a broken install/uninstall process... \_ What's broken about it? Winamp installs fine. What follows the ...? Are you saying QT had to do what it did because of the installer? Or did you have an aneurysm and lose your train of thought \_ Installation on Macs = copying a directory to your hard disk and running it. Why do I have to go through an Install-Shield process so that it can modify my "registry settings" and install GDF1053345.dll into my C:\WINDOWS\ SYSTEM directory and find all the conflicting versions of GDF1053345.dll that might be used with god knows what? |
2001/7/27 [Science/Space] UID:21965 Activity:high |
7/26 Send you name to mars: http://spacekids.hq.nasa.gov/2003 \_ http://spacekids.hq.nasa.gov/2003/getcert3.cfm?uid=1902964 |
2001/7/27 [Finance/Banking] UID:21966 Activity:nil |
7/26 Why are date of birth and mother's maiden name used for identity verification purpose? All your relatives and close friends attend your birthday parties and they know who your mother is. And for celebrities even the public knows these info. \_ because those companies don't really give a fuck about your financial securety. \_ you give them the real maiden name? sheez... you deserve to have your savings swiped. \_ I guess I was too naive when I opened my accounts 12 years ago. \_ Exactly. It is just a "security" code. And if someone steals from you, you say there was fradulent activity and you don't worry about it. \_ Look if you think your family is going to steal from you, you should use numbered accounts with otp for all your financial transactions. \_ Are birth certificates public record? |
2001/7/27 [Uncategorized] UID:21967 Activity:nil |
7/26 Crystal Method at the virgin megastore in SF tonight for autogrphs. now's a good time to give the bandmembers $20 for all those mp3's you've downloaded. ... maybe it will scare the record execs. |
2001/7/27 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:21968 Activity:kinda low |
7/2 Every time alexf sends something to csua lists he does it in a way that breaks my procmail rules. Why not just send mail TO csua@csua? \_ Isn't there a newsgroup that mirrors csua@csua? Just read that. \_ How about: :0 * ^TOalexf@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu /dev/null \_ Help yourself. Procmail is your friend. Just don't flame me when I forward information pertinent to undergrads to csUa@csUa. I would also recommend unsubscribing from csua@csua if you are so upset by relatively relevant messages. Oh, and for the record, if anyone has a rational argument for why any particular message I send to a public mailing list is inappropriate to that list, they're more than welcome to email me personally about it and their comments WILL be considered (rather than /dev/null'ed). -alexf \_ Or how about you EMAIL me and ASK, instead of whining about it on the motd? I _can_ actually listen to these things you know. I happenned to be following the conventions of several other mailing lists that were on BCC for that message, and was not aware of the fact that people have filters that break without an explicit To/CC. Next message to csua@csua from me [whenever that will be] will be via explicit CC. -alexf \_ don't listen to them alexf. the first guy could use some procmail clue and the second guy is just a dumbass. you're doing a fine job. \_ I want to have your baby, alex \_ I _did_ have your baby, alex. I want child support. \_ I _AM_ your baby alex, and I want child support too. |
2001/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:21969 Activity:nil |
7/26 Why does fbsd 4.3 release diable write caching of IDE disks? \_ There's an amazingly long thread about this on the freebsd-stable mailing list; pull up the list archives and see both sides of the argument; the long and short of it is that you can easily reenable it yourself: sysctl -w hw.ata.wc=1 --dbushong \_ http://24fightingchickens.com/shotokan/heresy/character.html \_ WTF? |
2001/7/27 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Airplane] UID:21970 Activity:kinda low |
7/26 Are people allowed to take home study or online traffic school in Santa Clara county? \_ given the drivers in the bay area, i thought all you needed to do was show up to the DMV, and mutter "I'm INDIAN, lookee my integra powered by curry!" in an Indian accent and *WHAM* you get your drivers lic. \_ that's BMW, not integra, riceboy. Oh yesh, BMW. \_ for the license, yes, but i'm talking about the traffic ticket bribery school \_ for the license, yes, but i'm talking about the traffic ticket bribery school \_ Hurry hurry hurry, buy my rice and curry. \_ Good rice, good curry, good Gandhi let's hurry. \_ Who needs the Quick-E-Mart?! \_ ask the court yourself. Or are you preparing to get a ticket? \_ Yes. |
2001/7/27-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:21971 Activity:high |
7/27 If I setup a FreeBSD 4.* box as a DHCP client how will it know what ip address to assign to itself? Will it somehow magically update /etc/hosts as needed, or does it use DNS somehow? \_ Point your browser at and configure it. Then use sysinstall to configure BSD for DHCP. \_ And how will /etc/hosts get updated when DHCP server gives my machine a different IP on boot? \_ Install WinME/XP/2000/98 \_ Your DHCP _server_ will assign the IP. This server is probably your own nat box or your ISP. It doesn't update /etc/hosts, but to you might try going through /etc/rc.network and grepping for "dhcp" and/or "ifconfig" to see how what happens to the IP after it is assigned. \_ Depending on how the DHCP server, as well as dhclient (or whatever other DHCP client you're using) are configured, you can also ask for a whole lot of other configuration (nameservers and things like that.) It's even possible in certain cases to tell the DHCP server what values you will be assigned. -John \_ Original poster here. My DHCP server is my linksys router/firewall. What should I do in this case? \_ return it and get a real one like the SMC or the Netgear linksys sucks. read http://www.practicallynetworked.com \_ whatever. mine always worked fine. \_ Point your browser at and configure it. Then use sysinstall to configure BSD for DHCP. \_ @Home doesn't support Linksys. Unplug the router, wait five minutes, then plug it in again. |
2001/7/27-29 [Uncategorized] UID:21972 Activity:nil |
2001/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:21973 Activity:high |
7/27 So what do people here think of Tomcat/Velocity for web application development? Is there a future in it? I'm looking for something more useful than PHP and something that's not Perl. -randal \_ If you are going to go the Tomcat route, I think it is worthwhile taking a look at Struts. JSP is nasty but Struts makes it somewhat usable. -payam \_ What's wrong with traditional Servlets? \_ Separation of the front-end design from the back-end logic is usually considered a good thing. \_ thank you for not capitalizing "good thing" \_ And you can't do this using Servlets because...? \_ Because I'm loath to allow designers to start mucking around with .java files and build scripts. From my experience, it's just too foreign for your average designmonkey. JSP/php/blah files at least look like normal HTML. Plus, today there is reasonable tool support for designers to use. \_ Designers? You mean the artists don't you. The ones who talk about flows and usability and look and feel. My experience has been that we just end up rewriting thier shit anyway. I just use them for icons, style sheets and proofreading. Its all thier english degrees are good for anyway. \_ yeah, you certainly need people to proof-read your stuff. It's spelled "their," and "it's" is the contraction for which you're looking. but with all due respect, coders generally don't seem to be good authorities on usability either. \_ JSP is evil. Velocity is Perlish (ergo crap). Use the real thing: http://freemarker.sourceforge.net |
2001/7/27 [Uncategorized] UID:21974 Activity:nil 72%like:21976 |
7/27 Nathaniel Brazill gets only 28 years in prison instead of life. \_ Prosection asked for 40 if they couldn't get life. Judge probably though "Since minimum is 25, and the child is 14, I'll just double it to 28 so it's easy for him to remember when the defining moment of his life occurred." \_ Who is Nathaniel Brazill? \_ 14-year-old in Florida who was suspended for throwing water balloons. When he came back, the teacher told him to shut up when he was talking with two of his classmates. He pulled out a tiny .25 cal handgun and shot him dead. He said that he cocked the pistol to show that he wasn't joking, and he did pull the trigger, but he thought the safety was on. \_ Well, never too early to get that rimjob. |
2001/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:21975 Activity:high |
7/27 Looks like Linus will probably have to start pimping his baby for cash soon: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/3/20701.html \_ What's the point of a company's shareholders sueing the company? The money the company has all comes from the shareholders anyway. If the company needs to pay a penalty, it'll be the shareholders paying themselves. Right? \_ Its fraud. If the shareholders were cheated by the founders, the founders will have to pay out of thier own pocket. \_ Maybe the threat of shareholder lawsuits might begin to convince aggresive marketing/exec types to stop hyping their warez so much before they're proven and start being more realistic about ship dates. \_ the only winners in shareholder lawsuits are the lawyers. -tom \_ Isn't Linus a software guy? Since when did he go into chip design? \_ He's one of the principles at Transmeta. Unfortunately he knows about as much about chip design as he knows about OS design, (for the unwashed and holy, he knows didley squat about OS design) so basically he ended up overhyping his shit and cheating a bunch of poor gullible investors whose only flaw was that they believed his snake oil pitch. |
2001/7/27 [Uncategorized] UID:21976 Activity:nil 72%like:21974 |
7/27 Nathaniel Brazill gets only 28 years in prison instead of life. Damn. \_ Prosection asked for 40 if they couldn't get life. Judge probably though "Since minimum is 25, and the child is 14, I'll just double it to 28 so it's easy for him to remember when the defining moment of his life occurred." \_ Who is Nathaniel Brazill? \_ 14-year-old in Florida who was suspended for throwing water balloons. When he came back, the teacher told him to shut up when he was talking with two of his classmates. He pulled out a tiny .25 cal handgun and shot him dead. He said that he cocked the pistol to show that he wasn't joking, and he did pull the trigger, but he thought the safety was on. \_ Well, never too early to get that rimjob. \_ good. one less negro robbing the bank. |
2001/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:21977 Activity:low |
7/27 Is there an easy way to use ssh-agent with KDM so that all my KDE processes can use my private key? \_ D00D U R 50 '1337 4 U51NG 57R0NG CRYP70! R U BL4CK H47 | WH173 H47? 1'M S7111 R3D H47! |
2001/7/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:21978 Activity:high |
7/27 American Pie 2 is: cool: a dud: not worth the time to d/l it: . \_ Who cares? The preview was even annoying to watch. |
3/15 |