2001/6/21-22 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:21582 Activity:moderate |
6/20 I have an OS question. Most programs make use of shared libraries and use a dynamic link loader to relocate branch targets at run-time. The problem is that if you have multiple copies of, say, emacs running under their own user space wouldn't those relocated addresses (either relative or absolute) conflict under each process? For example, if multiple programs were using OpenGL they would create virtual memory entries for libGL.so in their own process space. The location of libGL within this process differs from program to program so if libGL calls libm.so the dynamic link loader will place that library in a different location for each process and the branch targets under one process won't correspond to those of the other. \_ The shared bits are mapped to the same virtual addresses in each address space. \_ Not sure what you're asking. But only the text portion of the shared lib is shared amongst the different processes. All processes that need to use libGL.so have addresses that point to just one copy of the text portion of libGL.so. It's the OS's job to keep the program counter and the VM straight. Why would there be any conflict? \_ That's the problem. If you only have one copy of libGL.so in memory there would be a conflict in the outgoing branches from libGL. For example, if we were calling glVertex within libGl. That function would have a jump an link to another absolute address to the libm math library. The dynamic link loader is responsible for resolving the branch addresses. The problem is that if one user was running Quake while another person was running Doom or something like that then the jump target addresses would be different. Let's just say, for example, that glVertex called the pow function: Quake Doom ----- ---- 0x00000000 main 0x00000000 main 0x00003fff end of quake 0x00001fff end of doom 0x00004000 libGL 0x00002000 libGL 0x00005000 libm 0x00003000 libm 0x00005040 pow() 0x00003040 pow() If we were to have a jump and link to the pow() function then the addresses would be different in both copies of libGL. \_ Also, most, if not all, shared libraries are compiled to be position-independent. |
2001/6/21 [Uncategorized] UID:21583 Activity:nil 50%like:22540 |
6/20 Yet another good piece on why Kyoto is a bad idea: http://opinionjournal.com/columnists/pdupont \_ TEXAS. TEXAS IS THE STANDARD! \_ Not another one of these "during my daily anti-environmental google searches I came across this URL" postings again. I can already point out several things wrong about the way this author makes his point: fallacy from ignorance, prejudicial language, anonymous authority, false analogy, fallacy of exclusion, an so on. \_ I wasn't googling, I read this in The Journal (perhaps the last honest paper left in the world, even the WP has started liberal appeasement). \_ beachfront property in nevada \_ ever heard of lake tahoe? |
2001/6/21 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:21584 Activity:kinda low |
6/20 IsFoodPAnMITThingP \_ #F \_ IsItABerkeleyThingP \_ nil |
2001/6/21 [Recreation/Dating] UID:21585 Activity:high |
6/20 why bother collecting movies you've seen before? \_ there is no reason unless it's really good and your own personal favorite. The current dvd market is simply a another creation designed to get consumers to spend more money on more stuff that they really don't need mostly. \_ Why bother collecting stamps someone has used before? \_ 34c < $15 \_ 34c << 36dd \_ 36DD < 32DD \_ Not all stamps are $0.34, dipshit. Second, why collect art you've seen before? \_ Why marry your girlfriend if you've done her before? \_ Because she is pregnant and you don't want the kid to grow up without a father? \_ Because she's so hot you can't bear the thought that some other guy will be doing her? \_ Because you want to be sure she'll let you do her again and again? \_ I'm still waiting for the bitter divorced guy to come in and rant and rave about his ex-wife and the feminazi judge that slapped a gigantic alimony up his ass. Where are thou, my bitter man? -divorced guy's #1 fan \_ because it's harder to prove it was rape in court if you're married to her? \_ Why take the cow when you can get the milk for free? \_ cuz other bulls will be milking her as well if she's that slutty of a cow |
2001/6/21-22 [Health, Health/Men] UID:21586 Activity:high |
6/20 Let's say I workout every other day and I've gotten 1.2X more buff than before. How long would it take for me to atrophy back to 1.0X if I don't work out afterwards? \_ I remember my trainer mentioning that one loses 10% of muscle mass per week without exercise. -chris \_ wow it's amazing i can walk at all! \_ true only if you are using steroids \_ All I hear are the squeaky voices of girly men. \_ I heard it was 10% per YEAR if you're 25 or older. \_ So if I work out for a year, it'll take me 10 years to atrophy back to where I started? This is just wrong. \_ The most reasonable answer I've heard in that case is that it takes the same amount of time to lose muscle as to add it. -ax \_ so how long did it take you to buff up? You look sexy on your web site. -ax #1 fan \_ I think it depends. If you are completely sedentary and you don't eat much it comes off pretty fast. If you eat enough and keep at least a little active it takes much longer. Also, even really short workouts (say 10-15 minutes a few times a week) are enough to drastically slow down or stop the loss. |
2001/6/21 [Computer/Theory, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:21587 Activity:high |
6/20 Robotech DVD's released. Bad ass. Box set available with extra disc featuring the Robotech pilot. \_ fuck that! I'm waiting for the Macross DVD set with the REAL voice actors and non of this "flower of Life" Carl Macek bullshit. \_ Fuck that, I'm waiting for Space Kitteers dvd's and Gaiking. Gaiking Space Dragon on DVD would rock. \_ I am Cyborganizer. \_ cheapURLP \_ #t \_ Robotech? Bad Ass? Surely you jest. \_ Yeah, it only created the giant fighting transforming robot genre. (See, Transformers, Evangelion, to name a few). \_ my ass it did. Maybe you forgot Mazinger Z? Of which Voltes V was the sequel, and then on to Starbirds, and then on to Dynamos... talking 70s here. \_ Create the fighting transforming robot genre? Hardly. Voltron for example was out many years before Robotech. As I recall the same is true with Transformers. If Robotech inspired the creation of the hideously bad Evangelion, well that just another reason that it sucks. \_ man Gundam was out before any of them. Stop watching dubbed anime, and watch the "real" stuff. \_ Quibble over semantics if you must. Macross (later rebroadcast and munged together with two other series as Robotech in the U.S.) predates Voltron, Transformers, and Gundam. Get over it. \_ uh, Macross originally was intended to PARODY the giant- robot genre. there was plenty of giant-robot anime well before Macross (Danguard Ace, Grandizer, Gaiking, etc.). \_ Robotech, Harmony Gold, and it's progeny must be destroyed. Makurosu, ai oboeteimasuka, forever. |
2001/6/21 [Uncategorized] UID:21588 Activity:nil |
6/20 What's the best place to learn the oh-so-confusing DataInputStream, FileInputStream, Stream, InputStream, BufferedDataInputStream, so on so forth? \_ the javadoc \_ Learn how to use shell piping. |
2001/6/21-7/20 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:21589 Activity:high |
6/21 Don't you ever wonder about what is going on in the world? 1. South Africa - Ya there was alittle news about how debeers is going private but not much else- they control a good deal of energy and recently Africa is coming into its own- why- rich people have finally realized that they can buy all the land- and they have. But again no one talks about it \_ the black man will just wake up and hack off both your arms, like in neighboring rwanda 2.http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/published/ESP_Lists/esp_udc.htm : They don't have commercials about this- Everyone assumes all those rate increase are mandatory---- well not really....... 3. Australia: There economy is based a lot of raw material production. In 9th or 10 grade had class where we played a game called simpolican or something like that- a pred of civilization. But you actually had to produce raw materials to produce everything else. So why is it that our press never talks about the foundation of our economy- commodity production. 4. What about going ons in france 5. What about changing demographics- US simply has to many people- if you look at like euro countries people don't work nearly as much- thus the need for employees is more- you can sustain higher employment if people lets say take off a month here and there. 6. What about families- US just wasted 5 years with no family economics- why because everyone was working instead. 7. I am still waiting for a good story in the news about Japan or the Tigers. It is like Taiwan, ah I forgot the 5 tigers and did a quick search and came up with http://www.theglobalist.com \_ A... WHAT WERE SMOKING WHEN YOU WROTE THIS? |
2001/6/21-22 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Recreation/Media] UID:21590 Activity:high |
6/21 Has anyone seen both Pearl Harbor and the old movie "Tora! Tora! Tora!"? How do they compare? I've only seen the latter. -- yuen \_ Tora Tora Tora is a classic (together with Midway). I haven't seen Pearl harbor though. Heard it wasn't that great. \_ Was Midway like a "part two" of Tora Tora Tora? (Same style, same cast, etc.) Or was it a separate movie? -- yuen \_ In real life, it was a sequel. The movie is a separate movie. Don't know whether it was the same actors, but the production seems to be done by the same people. I say seems because I haven't checked for sure. \_ Was Midway made like a "part two" of Tora Tora Tora? (Same style, same cast, etc.) Or was it a separate movie? -- yuen \_ http://www.teachwithmovies.org/guides/tora-tora-tora.html \_ in real life, midway happened after pearl harbor. Moviewise, the movie Tora Tora Tora came out before Midway. midway stars Charlton Heston, Robert Mitchum and others. the japanese helped out with Tora3 \_ Yeah, I know about the real life part. I was just wonder about the two movies. Thanks. -- yuen wondering about the two movies. Thanks. -- yuen \_ I thought that Midway happened before the Japanese surprise attacked the US at Pearl Harbor. Doh! --dim \_ I know you are being sarcastic, but these days, you never know what people know about WWII. \_ Pfft. You call that island hopping WWII? WWII happened on the Russian steppes. \_ part two in life toomore \_ Pearl Harbor: Theater Hop the special effects. Don't waste your money or time on anything else. |
2001/6/21-22 [Recreation/Dating] UID:21591 Activity:kinda low |
6/21 Katherine Heigl. Discuss. \_ I've had better, but I wouldn't say no. \_ Nice breasts. \_ URL please? \_ google it. \_ http://www.katherine-heigl.com/maxim.html Nice bosom. Also http://www.katherine-heigl.com/fhm.html http://www.katherine-heigl.com/100girls.html \_ Huh? Merely OK, if you ask me. Kind of droopy. \_ i always find it funny when geeks grade really hot girls as "merely ok". i bet a female would run screaming from your fat ass if you wore shorts. \_ I don't know who she is, but she's sexy. Her breasts presumely "droop" because they are large and *real* but this guy doesn't know that because he's never seen a breast. Finally, geeks *are* picky. It's why 95% are still virgins. They are waiting to make their millions so that they can bed someone like Vendela. Good luck! I'll just stick \_ ^Vendela^Melinda with cute girls who look like real women. --dim \_ Please post a pic of yourself so we geeks can judge your fat ass as well. \_ catty, aren't we. \_ didn't she do My Father the hero when she was a young teenager? \_ yes. nice thong swimsuit. |
2001/6/21-2002/2/6 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:21592 Activity:high 80%like:21634 66%like:22367 |
6/26 [ Kinney's drivel deleted. ] \_ Does MySQL really do transactions, ACID, etc now? anyone have a URL handy? --oj \_ No, MySQL is not presently ACID compliant. That's why you can corrupt MySQL databases if you throw enough traffic at one. They just moved their transaction code into the stable release. Don't know if it's usable yet though. \_ Its not. Our 'database' guy is a rabid MySQL fanatic and had us use it in our project (instead of PostGres which I wanted to use). The transactions code is turning out to be the cause of a lot of our problems. We will probably switch to PostGres in the next version. \_ From what I read the corruption problems were due to real multiuser env where multiple insert and update statements clouded the water. \_ Yup, that's the problem. MySQL "forgets" to do some inserts and updates. We got about 5 daemons reading network and system state and trying to populate the db with this info and sometimes stuff doesn't show up, but the db says everything is okay. It really sucks. My application having only read rights should not be affected; but then again who cares- my master data file is still maintained on my local computer and used only by me. I do an update once and month on my local copy and publish the new tables out to the network. \_ Will MySQL ever have transactions? I thought the point of MySQL was that it wasn't a real database, just a fast data source that could understand SQL. \_ Anyone who runs something they really care about with either Access or MySQL is asking for what they'll get. They each have their uses, but so does Excel for that matter. If you want a real database, then use a real database like MS SQL Server, Slimebase, Informix, Oracle, or the like. Postgres/Ingres is about as good as its going to get for the "freeware" camp, and in fact we use it here to catalog near-earth objects and (in another application) store GPS data. Rock solid. --dim \_ No Kinney, I don't wonder. If I'm curious, I read the New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor (both available free online). Add in a dash of The Economist and a liberal paper (insert SF Guardian or Village Voice here) to balance it out, and a grain of salt to account for the ridiculous conservative bias in one and the loony liberal bias in the other and you come out pretty well informed. \_ wow. Tell your boss he is a moron and he shouldn't be making these decisions. Do what is right (PostgreSQL) and then if you get fired be GLAD that you now will get a tiny bit of money on unemployment while you dick around before getting another job which you obviously need to do anyway. ( If this database will really stay like it is now forever, then yes, mysql is great). (Also, ignore the person who said (point 3) that Oracle is faster than MySQL. That person is either a moron, or he typod). Finally, to answer another deleted question, MySQL does NOT support sub-queries. (very annoying and another reason to run Postgres). One thing Mr. point #3 is Right about is that you should never even consider running Access. (so much for "Finally") \_ No, really, Oracle is significantly faster than MySQL. - Mr. Point 3 \_ MySql is faster on simple selects. But when you run join join queries of many tables, mysql slows down significantly. \_ Does MySQL really do transactions, ACID, etc now? anyone have a URL handy? --oj \_ No, MySQL is not presently ACID compliant. That's why you can corrupt MySQL databases if you throw enough traffic at one. They just moved their transaction code into the stable release. Don't know if it's usable yet though. \_ Its not. Our 'database' guy is a rabid MySQL fanatic and had us use it in our project (instead of PostGres which I wanted to use). The transactions code is turning out to be the cause of a lot of our problems. We will probably switch to PostGres in the next version. \_ godamn i missed this one before it was purged. Pray tell it wasn't about h07 4zn ch1x? \_ D00D U N33D 2 134RN 2 5P311! 175 42N ! 4ZN! wasn't about H07 42N CH1X [ 5P3111NG C0RR3C73D ] \_ I hope it becomes standard MOTD policy that Kinneydrivel(tm) is automatically deleted. \_ I hope so too. \_ Solidarity, man. \_ Oh my god, you deleted kinney! You bastard! \_ what's the average lifetime of Kinney's drivel? \_ 3-5 minutes \_ Are you on drugs? Do you even know what the ASP model is? This is the most nonsensical discussion I've ever seen. \_ Please ignore kinney, he is something I like to call a 'blazing moron.' \_ I think "ASP" means something different to most people than what it means to you. \_ Please ignore kinney, he is something I like to call a 'blazing moron.' \_ goddamn it stop censoring kinney. Kinney you must share your wisdom with the world. Put it all on a web archive or something. \_ you guys are fast. did you write an automatic kinneydrivel filter? i actually enjoyed the last two drivels. \_ yeah, i've yet to see any at all. someone got a repository of it? \_ I guess I happened to view the motd at the right moment and then immediately deleted it. Knee-jerk reaction I guess =) \_ Hey, this was the first one that wasn't drivel. \_ wasn't the post signed by psb? and yes, it was total drivel and completely random question that didn't follow from the story. \_ i'm gonna keep putting drivel in motd.kinney even if it might be fake kinney. making fake drivel is pretty lame anyway so i'm gonna hope no one bothers. \_ Did we read the same post? The one I read was a question about transmission limits imposed on communications equip. by the FCC as it related to a new technology. It seems to be a non-drivel question. \_ I thought it was cute. Why'd you purge it? I was going to have some fun with it. |
2001/6/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:21593 Activity:nil 66%like:21602 |
6/21 "Center of the World". You love this movie. You live this movie. \_ What's it about? |
2001/6/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:21594 Activity:nil |
6/21 A good read on freedom http://www.myplanet.net/jeffhead/dadmisc/gritz.htm \_ RETURN TO THE "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" WEB SITE |
2001/6/21-22 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Industry/Startup] UID:21595 Activity:nil |
6/21 I've just found a version of emacs vc that supports ClearCase: ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/cc-vc, but it's dated 1996. Does anyone know of a newer version? Thx. -- yuen \__http://www.ultranet.com/~esler/ccase-mode |
3/15 |