2001/6/16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21540 Activity:very high |
6/15 Those European bastards are getting uppity: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-2001201087,00.html \_ D00D, 7H47'5 B3K4UWZ 3UR0P34N5 R 3V1L C0MM13 L1B3R4L5. \_ I know that you are being sarcastic, but europe is pretty socialistic and state orientied. The people there tend to vote themselves onto the dole as frequently as possible and they like to limit freedoms and the abilities of oridinary people to achieve as much as thier abilities allow. \_ Nobody votes to limit their own rights. The argument that Europeans are naturally stupider than Americans won't hold up. What motivation would anyone have to vote to limit their own unalianable rights? Nothing. The only reason anyone would vote to strip common people of their rights would be if we had an oligarchy or some sort of Orwellian state where it serves the leaders to limit natural freedoms. Again, Europeans are dumber than Americans isn't a valid argument. \_ europe is fucking lame. they just suck eggs over there. bunch of stupid gay wankers \_ Couldn't have said it better myself. \_ GO TO TEXAS! \_ Bush is just helping further the stereotype that Americans are arrogant pricks. \_ Bush and Chenny have been the greatest thing to happen to American television since Pinky and the Brain. George: "Gee Dick, what are we going to do tomorrow night?" Dick: "Same thing we do every night, George. Try to take over the world!" \_ Oh yeah, just because Americans don't want to be a cash cow for the rest of the world... \_ Bush is doing a great job in my opinion. Can't wait to vote for him in 2004. \_ We *are* arrogant pricks, see. \_ We are not arrogant pricks, the rest of the world is jealous of our freedom and prosperity and they want to drag us down to thier level. \_ He's not taking a hard enough line in most cases, but, I'll vote for him again. |
2001/6/16 [Computer/HW/Drives, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21541 Activity:nil |
6/15 So I only recently learned that the Gameboy Advance is already emulated on the PC and every rom is easily available for http download. Plus, there are flash carts for playing these roms on the real thing, and all this stuff was available before the actual hardware was released. Does anyone else find this kind of disturbing? \_ You should be disturbed at your US-centrism. The hardware's been out for ages in japan, and the specs for even longer. \_ the gba was out March 21 2001 in Japan. Ages? The first emulator came out in 9/2000. Does consumer software protection these days come down to "make the program friggin huge, cuz otherwise it winds up on every kiddie's free web page, and even then it ends up in newsgroups weeks before the retail launch"? It's enough to make me feel kind of funny about my 300+ CD warez collection. Is there really no solution to it? \_ Good for us. \_ The point of a Gameboy is (duh) to play on a handheld. If you have a PC, there's little reason to play this thing. \_ Dragon Warrior 3. \_ well like I said, there are flash cart interfaces to the pc so you can play on the actual gameboy. I have my doubts about this anyway, people I've known with game boys seemed to just play them like it was a regular console, so they could play those zelda games and stuff. |
2001/6/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21542 Activity:very high |
6/15 In a controversial press release, RIAA announced that using FAT32 file system should be made illegal. Recently it has come to RIAA officials' attention that the FAT32 file system, commonly found in the PCs running MS Windows software, can be used for storing pirated mp3 files. "We were shocked when we have learned of such possibility. We are already working closely with Microsoft to create a successor to FAT32 - PHAT32, a new read-only file system." - said a RIAA spokesman today. Microsoft's Steve Baldmer confirms: "We have been considering to disable the write access for a while now. After all, our users don't need write access to install applications any more. The upcoming Windows XP release has everything that a user will need including a virtual kitchen sink." SodanNews reporters were not able to reach Sinkware Solutions officials, the makers of Virtual Kitchen Sink 2000 (tm), for a comment. \_ Don't you mean Virtual Kitchen Sink XP? Surely they wouldn't ship WinXP with an outdated VKS install... \_ Is this the CSUA version of The Onion? \_ Humble, indeed. \_ Funnies aside does anyone care to speculate how well does Relatable technology that identifies a song from its signal work? Napster is using it to fingerprint tracks. \_ When questioned about their views on NFS, an RIAA spokesman replied, "What is NFS?" After a brief explanation from SodanNews reporters, the RIAA spokesman was aghast. "Network file systems are an abomination. Clearly they were designed to violate copyright law by promoting the unauthorized distribution of music, and their use must be stopped." Steve Baldmer responded, "This only proves that Unix is evil. What do you expect from people who think software should be free? They're pirates, plain and simple." \_ And who says AI is useless! \_ Its all about subliminal channels. \_ When questioned about their views on NFS, an RIAA spokesman responded, "What is NFS?" After a brief explanation from SodanNews reporters, the RIAA spokesman was aghast. "Network file systems are an abomination. Clearly they were designed to violate copyright law by promoting the unauthorized distribution of music, and their use must be stopped." Steve Baldmer commented, "This only proves that Unix is evil. What do you expect from a bunch of hippies who think software should be free? They're pirates, plain and simple." \_ You should have seen the horror on Balmer's face when he heard about AFS! |
2001/6/16 [Recreation/Food] UID:21543 Activity:nil |
6/17 BBQ - Sunday 6.17, 3pm - food, drink & good times w/ music north courtyard on 2415 Dwight Way. Be There! |
2001/6/16 [Uncategorized] UID:21544 Activity:nil |
6/16 "A kiss is more than a mutually agreed-upon exchange of saliva, breath and germs." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8545-2001Jun15.html |
2001/6/16 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Sports] UID:21545 Activity:moderate |
6/16 Cartrain to sanjose! 8 ppl going to see Tomb Raider, 8 cars going. aww yeah. \_ you fools. I crashed it (as in saw it for free) and still it was overpriced! It SSSSSSSSSsssssucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111! \_ That's what I heard. If you want to see a decent movie try Atlantis. It was pretty good. |
2001/6/16 [Uncategorized] UID:21546 Activity:nil 55%like:21549 |
6/17 I'm looking for a decent introduction to the Gell-Mann 8-Fold Way. Any recommendations for books? |