2001/6/14-15 [Science/Physics, Computer/Theory] UID:21510 Activity:kinda low |
6/13 Long lived quantum entanglement of 2 macroscopic objects has been achieved: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/quant-ph/0106057 Food for thought. -- ilyas \_ Thaumaturgy scheduled for teaching at UCB in year 2011 \_ We will teleport your gonads into the icy environs of deep space! \_ Eh. Note that this has only been submitted to Nature and thus hasn't passed peer review yet. The results they claim do sound impressive, but I'm holding off on the party for time being (and I'm not nearly enough of a physicist to evaluate actual procedure used and the consequent claims' validity). -alexf \_ .5 milli seconds is longlived? not useful for engineers yet.. \_ for quantum computation, that is wuite long. If you could get that kind of lifetime for a 10,000 qubit system, you would have a real quantum computer. \_ Even 200-300 qubits at that speed should kick the crap out of the current state of classical machines. -alexf \_ 0.5 ms is long for all scientist/engineers. \_ that's not what their sexual partners think. |
2001/6/14-15 [Computer/Networking] UID:21511 Activity:high |
6/13 Does the open source business model work? \_ open source is NOT a business model dammit! There are a variety of business models that can incorporate open source, and some of them work and some of them don't. \_ have you seen an "open source" company that had reported healthy and steady profits so far? \_ if "open source" == "linux" then at least one company managed to get the model to work (hint they were acquired by sun) \_ it almost seems like the way to make open source work is to be bought out by another company. Another company I know was bought out by Cisco. \_ What company hasn't been bought out by Cisco? \_ Cisco's acquisition rate was about 1 company every two months from 1998-2000. Cisco passed on most companies and mostly only purchased winners, linux was not a winner in cisco's eyes. - cisco alum \_ You talk about Cisco as if it was a good thing. \_ Cisco is a great company with good engineering and great management and sales. The corporate culture was excellent as was the compensation package. I would say that Cisco was probably one of the best companies to work for and I wouldn't mind returning in the future (once my options vest at my current company). \_ Cobalt is a hardware company. Yes, Linux hardware companies will manage to make some money. What about the software companies? Promisses, promisses .. \_ Not all linux hardware companies make that much money. Most of cobalt's competition (also linux based) went under or are struggling (va & neteng). In any case sans sun, cobalt would probably be in the same boat as va or neteng, perhaps even worse. \_ Cygnus was around a reasonably long time weren't they? Oh wait, nevermind... \_ It works for hardware companies (Sun, SGI, IBM, Cobalt, etc.) with decent products - saves them on software development costs. \_ Sun and SGI have decent products? \_ Sun has decent products. The entire netra line and the enterpise line (450 and upto E10K) are very good and much cheaper (inital investment and lifetime cost), much more so than the equivalent from HP, IBM and Compaq. SGI used to be good, but all they've got now is BlueMountain. \_ SGI still makes decent products. They've been a disaster, financially because they didn't have a catchy slogan like "We're the Dot in dot com" crap. That, and they flirted with NT and Cray for a while \_ NT was a disaster, but now they are peddling Linux which is agruably worse for a niche vendor like SGI. SGI also has problems in the high end, since most of the clustering and massively parallel technology came with the cray acquisition which was subsequently sold to sun. SGI was floundering as early as 96 and thier failure had little to do with Sun's marketing and much more to do with a unreliable os (irix has thousands of patches and is a headache to maintain and develop software for), properitary expensive hardware and a weak/non-existant enterprise story. Unlike apple, whose price points are low enough for customers making up for a weak enterprise story, SGI's prices were way too high for most individuals and even most companies, forcing them into the niche of ultra high end graphics and scientific computing, both of which are not long term growth industries from a revenue standpoint. \_ No shit. SGI isn't in the consumer market. Of course it's too expensive for most individuals, the same way a 747 is too expensive for most individuals for Boeing to sell to. \_ You missed the point. Boeing is a market leader in an industry of 1. SGI is a market trailer in an industry of several giants and they don't have price or technology advantages in order to grow. \_ SGI's main problem is being king of a market that shouldn't exist: large-scale numa SHM. \_ sun has not "opensourced" their software in any way that is saving them money. It would save them more money if they kept all the internals secret, but actually released APIs for the currently black-box areas. |
2001/6/14 [Uncategorized] UID:21512 Activity:nil |
6/13 Where did http://segfault.org go? Where is that sucker when I need it? |
2001/6/14-7/20 [Computer/SW/Database, Finance/Investment] UID:21513 Activity:nil |
6/13 I am now assuming all you .commers/tech gods have more money than I- Thus I can finally be a financial consultant. 1. ENRON they have gotten a lot of bad press recently and the stock is in the tank- but fundamentally they are still sound with a very good management group. They are right now basically pulling out of low margin old school projects to instead focus the entire company onto trading and management of utilities..... This is a wise business decision and will pay of sooner or later- 2. GE 80% of their product is sold out for the next 5 years. nuf said Half their profit comes from GE Capital ( low interest rate helps them a lot ). Ie they already have huge lease agreements providing airplanes. They just refinance their loan but the lease contract is already existing and has a lifetime of 10 years.. a no brainer 10% easy 3. Level 3/ MFN This is a competitive hedge position- long level3 short mfn- given the recent tank of MFN this would not be a good entry point for this position but the position is still valid and good for at least 15% of you portfolio 4. Sybase Oracle is fucking up big time- sybase has very strong financials and a depressed valuation- you could look at SEBL but they are way to overvalued. You could turn this position into a competive hedge against SEBL 15% easy maybe more 5. Verizon I don't like what the FCC is doing to hamped Verizon but it doesn't change the fundamentals- they control the end user - nuf said 15% 6. ATT I love the cable assets of att. They are pursuing a nice road to greatly reduce debt load and shoveling off useless assets. 15% 7. CAT There is a current worldwide boom in heavy construction- CAT is the only supplier of major heavy equip. Add to this their generator business and they are golden 10% This would form a very nice portfolio assuming you have around 40K to invest- it is really tough to build a real portfolio with less you can shovel off a few lines but make sure that each investment is at least 5K. \_ Please sign your name so we can have you arrested for giving financial advice without a license. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate?WAISdocID=9451818940+0+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve |
2001/6/14-7/20 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:21514 Activity:low |
6/13 Note that sprint just cancelled ION- who the hell knew what ION was anyway???? They had all these commercials but never once showed the product or what it does. Teledesic rocks! \_ I never saw an ION commerical, but I had read about it on several ng's. I was looking forward to migrating from 1.5 DSL to ION, but I guess that's not possible now. BTW, the ION web page doesn't have any info on the cancellation, though the check for service now says that the service is unavailable in my zip code (it was available last week). Teledesic looks good, but they won't be in wide service till 2005. I considered WildBlue for a bit, but they don't seem like they are *nix friendly (PC/Mac only). That leased line is looking better all the time. |
2001/6/14 [Uncategorized] UID:21515 Activity:nil 54%like:20987 |
6/13 PARTY ANNOUNCEMENT: 2415 Dwight way apt #23, Berkeley. \_why don't you just say "fenwick, apt #23"? \_ it says that above the address on the flyer. wouldn't the address be more useful? \_ You know, one of these days I'm going to go to one of these parties and see what's really going on. \_ davebrok went to the last one, he had a good time. |
2001/6/14-15 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:21516 Activity:moderate |
6/14 Are high-tech companies required by law to hire minorities (African American or Native Americans)? If the law requires Southwest and United Airline to hire fat ugly women, why doesn't the law require IBM or Intel to hire non-Asians? Or such law is already underway? \_ the law requires that you can't reject an applicant because s/he is ugly and fat, unless someone who is not ugly or not fat also applies for the same job. In that case, the law requires that there is a reason why the ugly is not preferred or that the fat is not preferred for reasons other than for the sake that the fat is fat, and the ugly is ugly. \_ the law requires that you should read this: http://www.e-sheep.com/apocamon \_ and i thought i'd never see the word "downloadeth"... \_ holy shit that is hilarious. \_ yeah. i thought you guys would get a kick out of the 7 eyed sheep. |
2001/6/14 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:21517 Activity:high 73%like:21523 |
6/14 The most anoying misspelled word its deanitely their below: definately (definitely) .. it's (its) .. alot they're/their/there . mispelled . mac-o-sx effected/affected lose/loser (loose/looser) . micro$oft . your/you're . rediculous . pr0n . |
2001/6/14-15 [Academia/OtherSchools] UID:21518 Activity:very high |
6/14 "10 toughest colleges" http://encarta.msn.com/collegeArticles/NeverStopStudying.asp Hmm, we're not on the list. :-( \_ Kalamazoo?? Basically, in order to assess toughest colleges you probably have to distinguish between technical and non-technical. Among technical schools, I'd include MIT and Cal Tech and then add the millitary academies (real curriculum + millitary training). Among liberal arts schools, I'd probably put the schools that take seriously great books and foreign languages: St. Johns, Deep Springs and then maybe Chicago, Swarthmore. After that, you would add schools have tough majors - if you want to take them: Berkeley, Michigan, the Ivys and places like Amherst. \_ "MSN"? gee. \_ Any list headed by CalTech, I don't want to be on. -tom \_ Thus spake the wise one, whose widsom was not good enough for admission into the high temple of science and learning. \_ they smoke a lot of crack at Reed \_ they smoke pot. especially at "Ren Faire". Portland is nice tho. Rains a fuckload of a lot. Lotsa hippies and burrowood shit. \_ What's the name of the festival where they do do the most digusting thing imaginable, and then you get the cute girl next to you to do something worse, like eating mealworms out of someone's asscrack? \_ CU73 42N CH1X W0U1D ! D0 7H47! \_ That's just 23rd Ave, Portland's version of Haight-Ashbury. \_ and the Reed Campus. I was there. No, Really, I was. were you? Did you live in the mac-only dorms? Did you see your roommates make bongs from soda cans and drink microbrew peach ginger ale? Or are you a sodawanker? drink microbrew peach ginger ale? Or are you a motdwanker? \_ Yes, I've visited Reed. But I had more sense to go to Cal than to go to a school like Reed. Portland's not exactly the place to go for higher education unless you want to go to OHSU and become a doctor. Most of Portland is pretty well maintained. It's a fairly liberal city but it's nothing like Telegraph Avenue \_ I feel gritty already just by reading this! \_ what? did you really expect Berkeley to be on this list? are you kidding? \_ i'm glad berkeley is n't on this list. \_ there's a world of difference between "10 toughest colleges" and "10 colleges with students who whine the most". sure, mit and caltech are most likely on both lists. the rest look verrrrrry questionable. \_ The Coast Guard Academy is on the list. That tells you all you need to know. --dim \_ What's wrong with the Coast Guard Academy? Thx. \_ It's not exactly West Point, not that West Point is all that. For fun, find out where celebrities went: http://www.uselessknowledge.com/vmd/education.shtml --dim \_ MIT and caltech _AND_ Swarthmore. Swarthmore is a pretty tough driven place. --chris \_ Swarthmore I'll buy. Reed, KZoo (Kalamazoo), Grinnelle? Yeah, right. -dans \_ Swarthmore. Anywhere else it would have been an C- \_ I think basically these colleges run real curriculums but accept average students, who have to work at a killer pace juts to keep up. \_ Caltech and MIT have killer curriculums and admit only the best of the best and then work them to the bone. The other universities have average curriculums but accept shitty students, the kind that would find Cal hard (hint Cal is not hard). \_ well, what is our criteria of hardness? if there are some really hard classes but most people don't take them, what does this mean? if most people are L&S weenies, then what? if you do 16 units or more a semester of solid technical classes, is that "easy"? or even less, since in the end it comes down to time. is it hard because your peers are smarter than you and set high standards on the exams? is it hard because the material itself is hard to learn? \_ The material covered is much more detailed and the expected understanding of that material is much higher. For example, you could not pass MIT's equiv. of the 7 series without attending a single lecture, section and lab. At Cal it is trivial. Same for ld math. Its harder to pass a ud or grad course with zero work, but it can be done with a fraction of the work required at CalTech or MIT. The Farm is no better than Cal, and in fact its worse in some ways. (I've never seen bigger bunch of whiners and sisses in my life. I keep hearing things like, no fair, don't change the rules half way through the course, we need extensions because life is too hard when your dad make $1e6 a year, etc.) |
2001/6/14 [Uncategorized] UID:21519 Activity:nil |
6/14 http://www.totally-useless.com/bc-cam-archive |
2001/6/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:21520 Activity:nil |
6/14 Defcon schedule up: <DEAD>www.defcon.org/html/defcon-9-schedule.html<DEAD> |
2001/6/14 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics] UID:21521 Activity:nil |
6/14 Doh! http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/06/14/english.newwords/index.html |
2001/6/14-15 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:21522 Activity:moderate |
6/14 Is there a way to use procmail to send a bounce to spammers so that you are removed from their mailing list? [useful replies deleted. why? oh no reason. i just like the power.] \_ Just have a generate one of those phony MAILER-DAEMON 550 recipient unknown messages. Then have the mail sent to /dev/null. It worked for me. The rate at which I get spam has dropped 4-fold. \_ spamtrap http://www.spambouncer.org rocks. It will auto-complain. If you know the people you want to bounce, something like |
2001/6/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:21523 Activity:insanely high 73%like:21517 |
6/14 The most anoying misspelled word its deanitely their below: heresey . dumbenning . embiggens . definately (definitely) .. it's (its) .. alot they're/their/there . mispelled . mac-o-sx effected/affected loose/looser (lose/loser) . \_ What about luser? micro$oft . your/you're ... cum ................... rediculous . pr0n . grammer seperate . realize harbor center theater analcunt potatoe (Hi Al.) \_ Hi Dan! \_ Spelling potato with an "e" was probably one of the smarter things he's said. then/than . colour \_ Not a misspelled word. \_ here in the United States it is. \_ Bullshite. Don't make me kick your arse into realising how stupid you sound. \_ You are right. Colour is courrect. |
2001/6/14-15 [Recreation/Dating] UID:21524 Activity:high 66%like:20289 |
6/14 Doh! [url without comment deleted. "doh!" is not a useful comment.] \_ wtf? "doh" was a perfectly fine comment. If you looked at the URL, it's clearly obvious what it meant. For the apparently clueless: http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/06/14/english.newwords idiot. -- !original poster ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [reply without clue deleted.] \_ I'm not saying that "Doh" couldn't have been more descriptive, \_ I'm not saying that "Doh" could have been more descriptive, but it WAS sufficient. \_ it's not sufficient if it requires me to look up the fucking url to understand the comment. the whole point of the comment is to allow early rejection. get a fucking clue, james. \- in this case the humor value of the "naked doh" justified the deviation from the "verbosity protocol" --psb \_ I agree -- !psb's #1 fan \_ is that (!psb)'s #1 fan or !(psb's #1 fan) ? \_ unary prefix ! operator binds more tightly than the binary infix "'s # fan" operator. \_ i'm willing to accept the url posting in light of this new interpretation. but my argument still stands. thank you. \_ the point was, you don't need to load up the URL since it's self-descriptive. It couldn't be more descriptive if it said <DEAD>www.sex-with-yomama.net<DEAD> \_ sex-wtih-yomama is not descriptive comment either. a better comment would have been "dangers of having sex with my mom" or "my mom has had sex wtih 100 men" or "i like to have sex with my mom, here are the details." let me guess, you're the kind of guy who writes mail with subject "a question" or "need help!". right? \_ So you're that kid who's so dumb that he needs Cliff Notes for everything he reads. It's not my job to interpret things that are obvoius to most people for you. |
3/15 |